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Last active May 20, 2020 09:24
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{% comment %}
- Output images in a consistent manner, with optional Shopify filters and srcset responsiveness
- Can be used on both Shopify image objects AND raw image URLs
- Place .liquid file in your project snippet folder and call it from anywhere:
{% include 'image' img: product.featured_image %}
img - the image (Shopify image object/image URL as string) **REQUIRED**
img_alt - override img.alt text (string)
img_class - add class/es to image (string)
img_data - add data attribute/s to image (string)
img_size - Shopify img_url size parameter (string, ignored if img_respond is true)
img_crop - Shopify crop filter (string, ignored if img_respond is true)
img_respond - use srcset/sizes, when sizes available (true/false)
img_respond_widths - custom width set (string, comma-separated numerical sizes)
img_respond_sizes - flag to use srcset sizes (true/false)
{% include 'image' img: '' %}
{% include 'image' img: '', img_alt: 'yeh', img_class: 'class1 class2', img_data: 'data-image data-hero' %}
{% include 'image' img: product.featured_image, img_size: '200x200' %}
{% include 'image' img: product.featured_image, img_size: '200x200', img_crop: 'center' %}
{% include 'image' img: product.featured_image, img_respond: true %}
{% include 'image' img: product.featured_image, img_respond: true, img_respond_widths: '100,200,300' %}
{% include 'image' img: product.featured_image, img_respond: true, img_respond_sizes: false %}
- Allow img_size to work with srcset
- Allow crop to work with srcset
- Allow manual image urls for srcset
- Add picture support
Juan Mingo @shexpire
Keir Moffatt @iamkeir
{% endcomment %}
{% if img %}
{% comment %}Vars & defaults{% endcomment %}
{% assign img_alt = img_alt | default: img.alt %}
{% assign img_class = img_class | default: blank %}
{% assign img_data = img_data | default: blank %}
{% assign img_size = img_size | default: 'master' %}
{% assign img_crop = img_crop | default: false %}
{% assign img_respond = img_respond | default: false %}
{% assign img_respond_widths = img_respond_widths | default: '320,480,640,768,1024,1200,1400,3000' %}
{% assign img_respond_sizes = img_respond_sizes | default: true %}
{% comment %}Generate image src{% endcomment %}
{% capture imgSrc %}{% if img.src %}{{ img.src | img_url: img_size, crop: img_crop }}{% else %}{{ img }}{% endif %}{% endcapture %}
{% comment %}Build srcset data{% endcomment %}
{% if img_respond %}
{% assign imgRespondMode = 'max-width' %}
{% assign imgRespondWidths = img_respond_widths | split: ',' %}
{% for respondWidthStr in imgRespondWidths %}
{% assign respondWidth = respondWidthStr | plus: 0 %}
{% if img.width >= respondWidth %}
{% comment %}Build srcset{% endcomment %}
{% capture imgUrlWidth %}{% if respondWidth >= 3000 %}master{% else %}{{ respondWidth | append: 'x' }}{% endif %}{% endcapture %}
{% capture imgSrcset %}{{ imgSrcset }}{{ img.src | img_url: imgUrlWidth, crop: img_crop }} {{ respondWidth | append: 'w' }},{% endcapture %}
{% comment %}Build srcset sizes{% endcomment %}
{% if img_respond_sizes == true %}
{% if img.width == respondWidth or forloop.last %}
{% comment %}If last available size, min-width and up{% endcomment %}
{% capture imgSrcsetSizes %}{{ imgSrcsetSizes }}{{ respondWidth }}px{% endcapture %}
{% break %}
{% else %}
{% capture imgSrcsetSizes %}{{ imgSrcsetSizes }}(max-width: {{ respondWidth | append: 'px' }}) {{ respondWidth | append: 'px' }},{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% comment %}Output image{% endcomment %}
src="{{ imgSrc }}"
alt="{{ img_alt | escape }}"
class="{{ img_class }}"
{{ img_data }}
{% if imgSrcset %}srcset="{{ imgSrcset }}"{% endif %}
{% if imgSrcsetSizes %}sizes="{{ imgSrcsetSizes }}"{% endif %}
{% comment %}Reset vars for next use{% endcomment %}
{% assign img = blank %}
{% assign img_alt = blank %}
{% assign img_class = blank %}
{% assign img_data = blank %}
{% assign img_size = blank %}
{% assign img_crop = blank %}
{% assign img_respond = blank %}
{% assign img_respond_widths = blank %}
{% assign img_respond_sizes = blank %}
{% assign imgSrcset = blank %}
{% assign imgSrcsetSizes = blank %}
{% endif %}
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