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How would you go about maintaining a class with 9000 lines of code like this one?
// *****************************************************************************
// Copyright 2003-2005 by A J Marston <>
// Copyright 2006-2014 by Radicore Software Limited <>
// *****************************************************************************
class Default_Table
// member variables
var $access_count; // count of accesses since instantiation
var $allow_empty_where = false; // switch to allow an empty $where string in STD.LIST2.INC
var $allow_db_function = array(); // allow a field's value in a database insert/update to contain a function name
var $allow_scrolling = false; // used inside ADD2 pattern to allow scrolling between selected rows
var $alt_language_table; // table holding alternative language text
var $alt_language_cols; // columns holding alternative language text
var $audit_logging; // yes/no switch
var $checkPrimaryKey = false; // yes/no switch
var $child_relations = array(); // child relationship specifications (optional)
var $css_files = array(); // optional CSS file names
var $csv; // object for CSV processing
var $custom_processing_object; // name of object containing code for custom processing
var $custom_replaces_standard = false; // if set to TRUE in a custom method then the standard method must not be run
var $dbms_engine = ''; // database engine (mysql, postgresql, oracle, etc)
var $dbname; // database name as recorded in the Data Dictionary
var $dbname_server; // database name after being switched in the CONFIG.INC file
var $dbname_old; // refer to _switch_database() method
var $dbprefix = ''; // prefix (for shared servers)
var $dirname; // directory name of current script
var $dirname_dict; // directory name where '*' script is located (optional)
var $download_filename; // file to be downloaded
var $download_mode; // 'inline' or null
var $delete_count; // count of records deleted
var $insert_count; // count of records inserted
var $update_count; // count of records updated
var $unchange_count; // count of records unchanged
var $errors = array(); // array of errors
var $expanded; // list of tree nodes which have been expanded
var $fieldarray = array(); // array of row/field data
var $fieldspec = array(); // field specifications (see class constructor)
var $fields_not_for_trimming = array(); // array of field names which are not to be trimmed
var $field_access; // see setFieldAccess()
var $ignore_empty_fields = false; // YES/NO switch (see getInitialData() method)
var $initial_values; // from MNU_INITIAL_VALUES_USER/ROLE
var $initiated_from_controller = false; // source of object instantiation
var $inner_table; // used in an outer-link-inner relationship
var $instruction; // instruction to be passed to previous script
var $is_link_table = false; // used in method _sqlAssembleWhere (many-link-many relationship)
var $javascript = array(); // optional JavaScript code
var $lastpage; // last available page number in current query
var $link_item; // used in _sqlAssembleWhere() in many-to-many relationships
var $lookup_data = array(); // array of lookup data (for dropdowns, radio groups)
var $lookup_css = array(); // optional css classes for $lookup_data
var $messages = array(); // array of messages
var $nameof_end_date; // alias for 'end_date'
var $nameof_start_date; // alias for 'start_date'
var $noedit_array; // array of fields which cannot be updated
var $no_controller_msg = false; // prevent page controller from creating a message concerning this object
var $no_convert_timezone = false; // turn off all timezone conversions
var $no_csv_header = false; // turns off creation of header row in CSV output file
var $no_display_count = false; // yes/no switch to display count after multiple inserts or updates
var $no_duplicate_error = false; // if TRUE do not create an error when inserting a duplicate
var $no_foreign_data = false; // if TRUE do not call getForeignData() method
var $no_submit_on_error = false; // if TRUE drop any SUBMIT buttons after a validation error
var $numrows; // number of rows retrieved
var $outer_table; // used in an outer-link-inner relationship
var $pageno; // requested page number
var $parent_relations = array(); // parent relationship specifications (optional)
var $parent_object; // reference to parent object (if there is one in current task)
var $child_object; // reference to child object (if there is one in current task)
var $pdf; // object for PDF processing
var $pdf_filename; //
var $pdf_destination; // I=Inline (browser), D=Download (browser), F=Filename (on server), S=String
var $picker_subdir; // subdirectory for the File Picker
var $picker_filetypes = array(); // array of file types
var $primary_key = array(); // column(s) which form the primary key
var $report_structure; // report structure
var $resize_array; // used in file uploads
var $retry_on_duplicate_key; // field name to be incremented when insert fails
var $reuse_previous_select = false; // reuse previous SELECT in _dml_ReadBeforeUpdate()
var $rows_per_page = 0; // page size for multi-row forms
var $row_locks; // FALSE, SH=shared, EX=exclusive
var $row_locks_supp; // supplemental lock type
var $scrollarray; // array for internal scrolling
var $scrollindex; // index to current item in scrollarray
var $select_string; // identifies which entries have been selected
var $skip_getdata = false; // YES/NO switch
var $skip_validation = false; // YES/NO switch
var $tablename; // table name (internal)
var $transaction_level; // transaction level
var $unbuffered_query = false; // used in getData_serial()
var $unique_keys = array(); // unique key specifications (optional)
var $update_on_duplicate_key=false; // switch to 'update' if insert fails
var $upload_subdir; // subdirectory for file upoads
var $upload_filetypes = array(); // file types for uploading
var $upload_maxfilesize; // max file size for uploading
var $wf_case_id; // workflow case id
var $wf_context; // workitem context
var $wf_workitem_id; // workflow workitem id
var $wf_user_id; // update workitem with this value, not $_SESSION['logon_user_id']
var $xsl_params = array(); // optional parameters to be passed to XSL transformation
var $zone; // set by page controller - main/outer/middle/inner
// the following are used to construct SQL queries
var $default_orderby = null; // default for table, may be overridden by $sql_orderby
var $default_orderby_task = null; // default for task, may be overridden by $sql_orderby
var $sql_from;
var $sql_groupby;
var $sql_having;
var $sql_no_foreign_db = false; // if TRUE _sqlProcessJoin() method will skip tables in other databases
var $sql_orderby; // sort field
var $prev_sql_orderby; // previous sort field
var $sql_orderby_seq; // 'asc' or 'desc'
var $sql_orderby_table; // tablename qualifier for optional sort criteria
var $sql_search; // optional search criteria from a search screen (modifiable)
var $sql_search_orig; // original search criteria (unmodified)
var $sql_search_table; // tablename qualifier for optional search criteria
var $sql_select; // fields to be selected
var $sql_selection; // selection passed down from previous task
var $sql_union; // optional UNION clause
var $sql_where; // additional selection criteria
var $where; // passed from parent form
// ****************************************************************************
// class constructor
// ****************************************************************************
function Default_Table ()
// save directory name of current script
//$this->dirname = dirname(__file__);
$this->dbms_engine = ''; // to be supplied by getFieldSpec_original()
$this->dbprefix = ''; // to be supplied by getFieldSpec_original()
$this->tablename = 'default';
$this->dbname = 'default';
// call this method to get original field specifications
// (note that they may be modified at runtime)
$this->fieldspec = $this->getFieldSpec_original();
} // Default_Table
// ****************************************************************************
function array2string ($array)
// return an array of values (for a SET/ARRAY/VARRAY datatype) as a string.
// NOTE: the format of the string is dependent upon the DBMS.
$DML =& $this->_getDBMSengine($this->dbname);
if (is_string($array)) {
return $array;
} // if
$string = $DML->array2string($array);
return $string;
} // array2string
// ****************************************************************************
function cascadeDelete ($where, $parent_table=null)
// Parent record is being deleted, so remove associated records from this table.
$errors = array();
$this->delete_count = null;
// retrieve all records which match criteria in $where
$fieldarray = $this->getData_raw($where);
$errors = array_merge($errors, $this->errors);
// now delete them one at a time
$count = 0;
foreach ($fieldarray as $rowdata) {
$rowdata['rdc_no_rollup'] = true; // do not cause delete of child to update the parent in a callback
$rowdata = $this->_cm_pre_cascadeDelete($rowdata);
$rowdata = $this->deleteRecord($rowdata, $parent_table);
if (!empty($this->errors)) {
foreach ($this->errors as $error) {
$errors[] = "$this->tablename - $error";
} // foreach
} // if
} // foreach
if (count($errors) > 0) {
$this->errors = $errors;
return false;
} // if
// save count so that values may be accumulated
$this->delete_count[strtoupper($this->tablename)] = $count;
// $count rows were deleted
return $this->getLanguageText('sys0004', $count, strtoupper($this->tablename));
} // cascadeDelete
// ****************************************************************************
function cascadeNullify ($update_array, $where)
// Parent record is being deleted, so nullify foreign keys in associated records in this table.
$errors = array();
// retrieve all records which match criteria in $where
$fieldarray = $this->getData_raw($where);
$errors = array_merge($errors, $this->errors);
// now update them one at a time
foreach ($fieldarray as $rowdata) {
$rowdata = array_merge($rowdata, $update_array);
$rowdata = $this->updateRecord($rowdata);
foreach ($this->errors as $error) {
$errors[] = "$this->tablename - $error";
} // foreach
} // foreach
if (count($errors) > 0) {
$this->errors = $errors;
return false;
} // if
return true;
} // cascadeNullify
// ****************************************************************************
function changeConfig ($fieldarray)
// check to seein any configuration settings need to be changed.
$where = null;
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_changeConfig')) {
$fieldarray = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_changeConfig($where, $fieldarray);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else{
// change current table configuration (optional)
$fieldarray = $this->_cm_changeConfig($where, $fieldarray);
} // if
return $fieldarray;
} // changeConfig
// ****************************************************************************
function checkWorkflow ($where)
// check workflow system to see if this task is a pending workitem.
$this->errors = array();
if (preg_match('/^(workflow|audit)$/i', $this->dbname) OR defined('TRANSIX_NO_WORKFLOW') OR defined('RADICORE_NO_WORKFLOW')) {
// do nothing
} else {
// find out if this task/context is a workitem within a workflow instance
} // if
return $this->errors;
} // checkWorkflow
// ****************************************************************************
function clearEditableData ($fieldarray)
// initialise all editable fields in $fieldarray.
$fieldspec = $this->fieldspec;
foreach ($fieldarray as $field => $value) {
if (array_key_exists($field, $fieldspec)) {
if ($field == 'curr_or_hist') {
// reset to 'current' dates (the default)
$fieldarray[$field] = 'C';
} elseif (array_key_exists('noedit', $fieldspec[$field])) {
// field is not editable, so leave it alone
} else {
// field is editable, so remove current value
$fieldarray[$field] = NULL;
} // if
} else {
$fieldarray[$field] = NULL;
} // if
} // foreach
$this->fieldarray = $fieldarray;
return $fieldarray;
} // clearEditableData
// ****************************************************************************
function clearScrollArray ()
// initialise the internal $scrollarray.
$this->scrollarray = array();
$this->scrollindex = 0;
$this->pageno = 0;
$this->numrows = 0;
$this->lastpage = 0;
} // clearScrollArray
// ****************************************************************************
function commit ()
// commit this transaction
$errors = array();
$this->sql_union = null;
if (preg_match('/^(workflow|audit)$/i', $this->dbname) OR defined('TRANSIX_NO_WORKFLOW') OR defined('RADICORE_NO_WORKFLOW')) {
// do nothing
} else {
// if this task+context is a pending workitem then update it
$errors = $this->_examineWorkflow($this->fieldarray);
} // if
$DML =& $this->_getDBMSengine($this->dbname);
if ($errors) {
$result = $DML->rollback($this->dbname_server);
} else {
if ($result = $DML->commit($this->dbname_server)) {
// update has been committed, so remove any 'run_at_cancel' reference
if ($this->initiated_from_controller) {
if (isset($GLOBALS['script_vars']['task_id_run_at_cancel'])) {
} // if
$script_vars = updateScriptVars($GLOBALS['script_vars']);
} // if
} else {
$errors[] = $this->getLanguageText('sys0009'); // 'Commit failed'
} // if
} // if
$GLOBALS['transaction_has_started'] = FALSE;
return $errors;
} // commit
// ****************************************************************************
function convertTimeZone ($fieldarray, $fieldspec)
// convert any datetime fields from client timezone to server timezone.
if (isset($_SESSION['display_timezone_party']) AND is_True($_SESSION['display_timezone_party'])) {
if (!empty($fieldarray['party_timezone'])) {
$timezone_client = $fieldarray['party_timezone']; // timezone of data's party
} else {
$timezone_client = $_SESSION['timezone_client']; // timezone of logon user
} // if
} else {
$timezone_client = $_SESSION['timezone_client']; // timezone of logon user
} // if
if (empty($_SESSION['timezone_server']) OR empty($timezone_client)) {
return $fieldarray; // nothing to do
} // if
$dateobj =& RDCsingleton::getInstance('date_class');
foreach ($fieldspec as $field => $spec) {
if (!empty($fieldarray[$field])) {
if (preg_match('/^(datetime|timestamp)$/i', $spec['type'])) {
if (!isset($spec['noedit']) AND !isset($spec['nodisplay'])) {
$datetime = $dateobj->getInternalDateTime($fieldarray[$field], $spec);
if ($datetime === false) {
$this->errors[$field] = $dateobj->errors;
} // if
$fieldarray[$field] = convertTZ($datetime,
} // if
} elseif (preg_match('/^(date)$/i', $spec['type'])) {
if (!isset($spec['noedit']) AND !isset($spec['nodisplay'])) {
$date = $dateobj->getInternalDate($fieldarray[$field], $spec);
if ($date === false) {
$this->errors[$field] = $dateobj->errors;
} // if
$fieldarray[$field] = convertTZdate($date,
} // if
} // if
} // if
} // foreach
return $fieldarray;
} // convertTimeZone
// ****************************************************************************
function currentOrHistoric ($string, $start_date='start_date', $end_date='end_date')
// convert the string 'current/historic/future' into a date range.
// NOTE: defaults to fields named START_DATE and END_DATE, but this may be changed.
if (empty($start_date)) {
$start_date = 'start_date';
} // if
if (empty($end_date)) {
$end_date = 'end_date';
} // if
// convert search string into an indexed array
$search = where2array($string, false, false);
if (isset($search['curr_or_hist'])) {
// replace Current/Historic/Future with a range of dates
$search1 = stripOperators($search);
// check that $start_date and $end_date exist in this table
if (!array_key_exists($start_date, $this->fieldspec) OR !array_key_exists($end_date, $this->fieldspec)) {
$search1['curr_or_hist'] = 'invalid';
} else {
$today = getTimeStamp('date');
switch ($search1['curr_or_hist']) {
case 'C':
// search for records with CURRENT dates
$search[$start_date] = "<='$today 23:59:59'";
$search[$end_date] = ">='$today 00:00:00'";
case 'H':
// search for records with HISTORIC dates
$search[$end_date] = "<'$today 00:00:00'";
case 'F':
// search for records with FUTURE dates
$search[$start_date] = ">'$today 23:59:59'";
} // switch
} // if
// rebuild search string without 'curr_or_hist' flag
$string = array2where($search);
} // if
return $string;
} // currentOrHistoric
// ****************************************************************************
function customButton ($fieldarray, $button, $postarray, $row=null)
// user pressed a custom button.
if ($this->errors) {
return $this->getFieldArray(); // object has unresolved errors, so do nothing
} // if
// filter out any data which does not belong in this table
$postarray = getPostArray($postarray, $this->fieldspec);
if (!is_long(key($fieldarray))) {
$fieldarray = array($fieldarray); // ensure it is indexed by row
} // if
if ($this->rows_per_page == 1) {
// this is the only row
$row = 0;
$fieldarray = array_update_associative($fieldarray[$row], $postarray, $this->fieldspec);
$output = $this->_cm_customButton($fieldarray, $button);
} else {
// this is one of many rows
if (empty($row)) $row=1; // default
$row = $row-1; // screen rows start at #1 while database rows start at zero
if (array_key_exists($row, $fieldarray)) {
$fieldarray = array_update_indexed($fieldarray, $postarray, $this->fieldspec);
$output = $this->_cm_customButton($fieldarray[$row], $button);
} // if
} // if
if (is_long(key($output))) {
// output is indexed, so replace entire array
$this->fieldarray = $output;
} else {
// output is associative, so replace single row
if ($this->rows_per_page == 1) {
$this->fieldarray = array($row => $output);
} else {
$this->fieldarray[$row] = $output;
} // if
} // if
// see if any additional data is required or needs to be changed
$this->fieldarray = $this->getExtraData($this->fieldarray);
if (count($this->fieldarray) == 1) {
if (empty($this->fieldarray[key($this->fieldarray)])) {
$this->fieldarray = array(); // contains a single empty element, so clear it out
} // if
} // if
return $this->getFieldArray();
} // customButton
// ****************************************************************************
function deleteMultiple ($fieldarray)
// delete multiple records using data in $fieldarray.
$errors = array();
$this->no_display_count = false;
$count = 0;
if (isset($GLOBALS['batch']) AND is_True($GLOBALS['batch'])) {
// check to see if this task is a pending workitem
$errors = $this->checkWorkflow($fieldarray[0]);
if ($errors) {
return $fieldarray;
} // if
} // if
if (empty($this->errors)) {
// perform any additional custom pre-processing
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_pre_deleteMultiple')) {
$fieldarray = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_pre_deleteMultiple($fieldarray);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$fieldarray = $this->_cm_pre_deleteMultiple($fieldarray);
} // if
} // if
if (!$this->errors) {
// delete each row one by one
foreach ($fieldarray as $rownum => $row) {
$row = $this->deleteRecord($row);
if (!empty($this->errors)) {
// accumulate all errors
//$errors = array_merge($errors, $this->errors);
$errors[$rownum] = $this->errors;
} else {
$count = $count + $this->numrows;
} // if
} // foreach
if (empty($this->errors)) {
// perform any additional custom post-processing
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_post_deleteMultiple')) {
$fieldarray = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_post_deleteMultiple($fieldarray);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$fieldarray = $this->_cm_post_deleteMultiple($fieldarray);
} // if
} // if
} // if
if (is_True($this->no_display_count)) {
// do not display record count
} else {
// '$count records were deleted from $tablename'
$this->messages[] = $this->getLanguageText('sys0004', $count, strtoupper($this->tablename));
} // if
$this->errors = $errors;
$this->numrows = $count;
return $fieldarray;
} // deleteMultiple
// ****************************************************************************
function deleteRecord ($fieldarray, $parent_table=null)
// delete the record specified in $fieldarray.
// ($parent_table is only used in a cascade delete)
$this->errors = array(); // initialise
if (empty($fieldarray)) {
return $fieldarray; // nothing to delete
} // if
if (is_string($fieldarray)) {
// convert from string to array
$fieldarray = where2array($fieldarray);
} // if
// shift all field names to lower case
$fieldarray = array_change_key_case($fieldarray, CASE_LOWER);
if (!$this->skip_getdata) {
// check that full primary key (or candidate key) has been supplied
list($where, $errors) = isPkeyComplete($fieldarray, $this->getPkeyNames(), $this->unique_keys);
if (!empty($errors)) {
$this->errors = $errors;
} // if
if (empty($this->errors)) {
// obtain copy of original record from database
$where = array2where($fieldarray, $this->getPkeyNames(), $this);
$originaldata = $this->_dml_ReadBeforeUpdate($where);
if ($this->numrows == 0) {
return $fieldarray; // there is nothing to delete
} elseif ($this->numrows == 1) {
// use only 1st row in $originaldata
$originaldata = $originaldata[0];
// insert non-key values for inclusion in audit log
$fieldarray = array_merge($fieldarray, $originaldata);
if (!empty($this->unique_keys)) {
// rebuild $where from pkey in case candidate key was used
$where = array2where($fieldarray, $this->getPkeyNames(), $this);
} // if
} else {
// more than 1 record found - key is not unique
$this->errors[] = $this->getLanguageText('sys0113');
} // if
} // if
} // if
// check that this record can be deleted
$numrows = $this->numrows;
if (empty($this->errors)) {
$fieldarray = $this->validateDelete($fieldarray, $parent_table);
} // if
if (empty($this->errors)) {
// perform any custom pre-delete processing
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_pre_deleteRecord')) {
$fieldarray = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_pre_deleteRecord($fieldarray);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$fieldarray = $this->_cm_pre_deleteRecord($fieldarray);
} // if
} // if
if (empty($this->errors)) {
// delete any tables related to the specified record
} // if
$this->numrows = $numrows;
if (empty($this->errors) AND $this->numrows > 0) {
// delete the specified record
} // if
if (empty($this->errors)) {
// perform any custom post-delete processing
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_post_deleteRecord')) {
$fieldarray = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_post_deleteRecord($fieldarray);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$fieldarray = $this->_cm_post_deleteRecord($fieldarray);
} // if
} // if
return $fieldarray;
} // deleteRecord
// ****************************************************************************
function deleteRelations ($fieldarray)
// delete any child records whch are linked to the current record.
$this->errors = array();
if (empty($this->child_relations)) {
} // if
// process contents of $child_relations array
foreach ($this->child_relations as $reldata) {
$tblchild = $reldata['child'];
switch (strtoupper($reldata['type'])) {
case 'NULLIFY':
case 'NUL':
// set foreign key(s) to null
$where = NULL;
$update_array = array();
foreach ($reldata['fields'] as $fldparent => $fldchild) {
//if (strlen($fldchild) < 1) {
// // 'Name of child field missing in relationship with $tblchild'
// $this->errors[] = $this->getLanguageText('sys0110', strtoupper($tblchild));
// break;
//} // if
if (!empty($fldchild)) {
if (empty($where)) {
$where = "$fldchild='" .addslashes($fieldarray[$fldparent]) ."'";
} else {
$where .= " AND $fldchild='" .addslashes($fieldarray[$fldparent]) ."'";
} // if
} // if
$update_array[$fldchild] = NULL;
} // foreach
if (empty($where)) {
// 'Name of child field missing in relationship with $tblchild'
$this->errors[] = $this->getLanguageText('sys0110', strtoupper($tblchild));
} else {
// instantiate an object for this table
if (array_key_exists('subsys_dir', $reldata)) {
// get path to current subsystem directory
$dir = dirname($this->dirname);
// switch to other subsystem directory
$dir = dirname($dir) .'/' .$reldata['subsys_dir'] .'/';
} else {
$dir = NULL;
} // if
if (!class_exists($tblchild)) {
require_once $dir ."classes/$";
} // if
$childobject = new $tblchild;
if (!empty($this->dbname_old) AND $this->dbname_old == $childobject->dbname) {
// name of parent database has been switched, so switch the child name as well
$childobject->dbname_old = $childobject->dbname;
$childobject->dbname = $this->dbname;
} // if
$childobject->audit_logging = $this->audit_logging;
$childobject->sql_no_foreign_db = $this->sql_no_foreign_db;
// now use this object to delete child records
if (!$childobject->cascadeNullify($update_array, $where)) {
$this->errors = array_merge($childobject->getErrors(), $this->errors);
} // if
} // if
case 'DELETE';
case 'DEL':
case 'CASCADE':
case 'CAS':
// delete all related rows
$where = NULL;
foreach ($reldata['fields'] as $fldparent => $fldchild) {
//if (strlen($fldchild) < 1) {
// // 'Name of child field missing in relationship with $tblchild'
// $this->errors[] = $this->getLanguageText('sys0110', strtoupper($tblchild));
// break;
//} // if
if (!empty($fldchild)) {
if (empty($where)) {
$where = "$fldchild='" .addslashes($fieldarray[$fldparent]) ."'";
} else {
$where .= " AND $fldchild='" .addslashes($fieldarray[$fldparent]) ."'";
} // if
} // if
} // foreach
if (empty($where)) {
// 'Name of child field missing in relationship with $tblchild'
$this->errors[] = $this->getLanguageText('sys0110', strtoupper($tblchild));
} else {
// instantiate an object for this table
if (array_key_exists('subsys_dir', $reldata)) {
// get path to current subsystem directory
$dir = dirname($this->dirname);
// switch to other subsystem directory
$dir = dirname($dir) .'/' .$reldata['subsys_dir'] .'/';
} else {
$dir = NULL;
} // if
if (!class_exists($tblchild)) {
require_once $dir ."classes/$";
} // if
$childobject = new $tblchild;
if (!empty($this->dbname_old) AND $this->dbname_old == $childobject->dbname) {
// name of parent database has been switched, so switch the child name as well
$childobject->dbname_old = $childobject->dbname;
$childobject->dbname = $this->dbname;
} // if
$childobject->audit_logging = $this->audit_logging;
$childobject->sql_no_foreign_db = $this->sql_no_foreign_db;
// check for 'order by' clause
if (isset($reldata['orderby'])) {
$childobject->default_orderby = $reldata['orderby'];
} // if
// now use this object to delete child records
if (!$msg = $childobject->cascadeDelete($where, $this->tablename)) {
$this->errors = array_merge($childobject->getErrors(), $this->errors);
} else {
if (!empty($childobject->delete_count) AND is_array($childobject->delete_count)) {
foreach ($childobject->delete_count as $table => $count) {
if (isset($this->delete_count[$table])) {
$this->delete_count[$table] += $count;
} else {
$this->delete_count[$table] = $count;
} // if
} // foreach
} // if
} // if
} // if
case 'RES':
case 'IGN':
// do nothing
case 'DEX':
case 'NUX':
// do nothing as it will be handled by a foreign key constraint
// 'Unknown relation type: $type'
$this->errors[] = $this->getLanguageText('sys0010', $reldata['type']);
} // switch
} // foreach
} // deleteRelations
// ****************************************************************************
function deleteScrollItem ($index)
// delete the specified item from $scrollarray, then return the details of the
// next available item.
if ($index > count($this->scrollarray)) {
// index is too high, so do not delete
$index = count($this->scrollarray);
} elseif ($index < 1) {
// index is too low, so do not delete
$index = 1;
} else {
// index is valid, so remove indicated item
// resequence the array after removing this item
$array[0] = 'dummy';
foreach ($this->scrollarray as $entry) {
$array[] = $entry;
} // foreach
$this->scrollarray = $array;
if ($index > count($this->scrollarray)) {
// index is too high, so do not delete
$index = count($this->scrollarray);
} // if
} // if
// replace $where with details from the next available entry in scrollarray
if (is_array($this->scrollarray[$index])) {
$where = array2where($this->scrollarray[$index]);
} else {
$where = $this->scrollarray[$index];
} // if
// set values to be used by scrolling logic
$this->scrollindex = $index;
$this->pageno = $index;
$this->lastpage = count($this->scrollarray);
return $where;
} // deletetScrollItem
// ****************************************************************************
function deleteSelection ($selection)
// delete/update a selection of records in one operation.
$this->errors = array();
if (empty($selection)) {
// 'Nothing has been selected yet.'
$this->errors[] = scriptPrevious($this->getLanguageText('sys0081'));
} // if
// call custom method for specific processing
$msg = $this->_cm_deleteSelection($selection);
return $msg;
} // deleteSelection
// ****************************************************************************
function eraseRecord ($fieldarray)
// delete the record, and ALL its children, specified in $fieldarray.
$this->errors = array();
if (is_string($fieldarray)) {
// convert from string to array
$fieldarray = where2array($fieldarray, false, false);
} // if
// strip any operators from the value portion of the array
$fieldarray = stripOperators($fieldarray);
// check that full primary key has been supplied
list($where, $errors) = isPkeyComplete($fieldarray, $this->getPkeyNames());
if (!empty($errors)) {
$this->errors = $errors;
} // if
if (empty($this->errors)) {
// get field specifications for this database table
$fieldspec = $this->fieldspec;
// remove any non-database fields from input array
foreach ($fieldarray as $field => $fieldvalue) {
// check that $field exists in $fieldspec array
if (!array_key_exists($field, $fieldspec)) {
// it does not (like the SUBMIT button, for example), so remove it
unset ($fieldarray[$field]);
} // if
} // foreach
} // if
// perform any custom pre-erase processing
if (empty($this->errors)) {
$fieldarray = $this->_cm_pre_eraseRecord($fieldarray);
} // if
// delete any tables related to the specified record
if (empty($this->errors)) {
} // if
// delete the specified record
if (empty($this->errors)) {
} // if
// perform any custom post-delete processing
if (empty($this->errors)) {
$fieldarray = $this->_cm_post_eraseRecord($fieldarray);
} // if
return $fieldarray;
} // eraseRecord
// ****************************************************************************
function eraseRelations ($fieldarray)
// erase any child records whch are linked to the current record.
// this is done by treating every relationship type as CASCADE DELETE
$this->errors = array();
if (empty($this->child_relations) OR empty($fieldarray)) {
} // if
// process contents of $child_relations array
foreach ($this->child_relations as $reldata) {
$tblchild = $reldata['child'];
if (array_key_exists('subsys_dir', $reldata)) {
// do not erase from a database in another subsystem
} else {
switch (strtoupper($reldata['type'])) {
case 'DEX':
case 'NUX':
// do nothing as it will be handled by a foreign key constraint
case 'IGN':
// ignore this relationship
case 'NULLIFY':
case 'NUL':
// set foreign key(s) to null
$where = NULL;
$update_array = array();
foreach ($reldata['fields'] as $fldparent => $fldchild) {
if (strlen($fldchild) < 1) {
// 'Name of child field missing in relationship with $tblchild'
$this->errors[] = $this->getLanguageText('sys0110', strtoupper($tblchild));
} // if
if (empty($where)) {
$where = "$fldchild='" .addslashes($fieldarray[$fldparent]) ."'";
} else {
$where .= " AND $fldchild='" .addslashes($fieldarray[$fldparent]) ."'";
} // if
$update_array[$fldchild] = NULL;
} // foreach
// instantiate an object for this table
if (array_key_exists('subsys_dir', $reldata)) {
// get path to current subsystem directory
$dir = dirname($this->dirname);
// switch to other subsystem directory
$dir = dirname($dir) .'/' .$reldata['subsys_dir'] .'/';
} else {
$dir = NULL;
} // if
if (!class_exists($tblchild)) {
require_once $dir ."classes/$";
} // if
$childobject = new $tblchild;
// now use this object to delete child records
if (!$childobject->cascadeNullify($update_array, $where)) {
$this->errors = array_merge($childobject->getErrors(), $this->errors);
} // if
case 'DELETE':
case 'DEL':
case 'CASCADE':
case 'CAS':
case 'RES':
// erase all related rows
$where = NULL;
foreach ($reldata['fields'] as $fldparent => $fldchild) {
if (strlen($fldchild) < 1) {
// 'Name of child field missing in relationship with $tblchild'
$this->errors[] = $this->getLanguageText('sys0110', strtoupper($tblchild));
} // if
if (empty($where)) {
$where = "$fldchild='" .addslashes($fieldarray[$fldparent]) ."'";
} else {
$where .= " AND $fldchild='" .addslashes($fieldarray[$fldparent]) ."'";
} // if
} // foreach
// instantiate an object for this table
if (array_key_exists('subsys_dir', $reldata)) {
// get path to current subsystem directory
$dir = dirname($this->dirname);
// switch to other subsystem directory
$dir = dirname($dir) .'/' .$reldata['subsys_dir'] .'/';
} else {
$dir = NULL;
} // if
if (!class_exists($tblchild)) {
require_once $dir ."classes/$";
} // if
$childobject = new $tblchild;
// check for 'order by' clause
if (isset($reldata['orderby'])) {
$childobject->default_orderby = $reldata['orderby'];
} // if
// pass down the current audit logging switch
$childobject->audit_logging = $this->audit_logging;
$childdata = $childobject->getData_raw($where);
foreach ($childdata as $childrow) {
// now use this object to delete each child record one at a time
if ($childobject->getErrors()) {
$this->errors = array_merge($childobject->getErrors(), $this->errors);
} // if
} // foreach
// 'Unknown relation type: $type'
$this->errors[] = $this->getLanguageText('sys0010', $reldata['type']);
} // switch
} // if
} // foreach
if (count($this->errors) > 0) {
return false;
} // if
return true;
} // eraseRelations
// ****************************************************************************
function executeQuery ($query)
// execute one or more pre-defined queries.
// $query may be a string (single query) or an array (multiple queries).
$DML =& $this->_getDBMSengine($this->dbname);
if (is_array($query)) {
$temp = $query;
$temp = array_map("trim", $temp);
} else {
$query = trim($query);
// split string into an array of individual queries
$pattern = "/
( # start group
[^';]+ # match as much as possible which doesn't include ' or ;
| # or
'[^']*' # a single quoted string
)* # end group, repeated
preg_match_all($pattern, $query, $regs);
$temp = $regs[0];
} // if
$query_array = array();
foreach ($temp as $entry) {
// ensure each entry ends with ';'
$entry = trim($entry);
if (!empty($entry)) {
if (substr($entry, -1, 1) != ';') {
$entry .= ';';
} // if
$query_array[] = $entry;
} // if
} // foreach
$result = $DML->multiQuery($this->dbname_server, $this->tablename, $query_array);
return $result;
} // executeQuery
// ****************************************************************************
function fetchRow ($resource)
// Fetch the next row from a resource created in the getData_serial() method.
$this->errors = array();
if ($this->skip_getdata) {
if (empty($this->fieldarray)) {
$row = false;
} else {
$row = array_shift($this->fieldarray);
$row = $this->_cm_post_fetchRow($row);
} // if
return $row;
} // if
$DML =& $this->_getDBMSengine($this->dbname);
$row = $DML->fetchRow($this->dbname_server, $resource);
if ($row) {
// perform any custom post-retrieve processing
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_post_fetchRow')) {
$row = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_post_fetchRow($row);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
if ($row) {
$row = $this->_cm_post_fetchRow($row);
} // if
} // if
if (empty($row)) {
// this row has been cancelled, so read another one
$row = $this->fetchRow($resource);
} // if
} // if
return $row;
} // fetchRow
// ****************************************************************************
function fetchRowChild ($row)
// See if there is are any child records associated with the current row.
// (for example, a node in a tree structure may have child nodes)
// Any child rows are returned one at a time.
// Note that each child row may also have its own children.
$this->errors = array();
if (empty($row)) return FALSE;
$keys = array();
// get names of SENIOR and JUNIOR keys
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_getNodeKeys')) {
$keys = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_getNodeKeys($keys);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
if ($row) {
$keys = $this->_cm_getNodeKeys($keys);
} // if
} // if
$snr_id = $keys['snr_id'];
$jnr_id = $keys['jnr_id'];
$resources =& $this->resource_array;
if (!is_array($resources)) {
$resources = array();
} // if
if (empty($resources)) {
// create a new resource
$where = "$snr_id='{$row[$jnr_id]}'";
$resource = $this->getData_serial($where);
} else {
$resource = array_pop($resources);
} // if
$resources[] =& $resource;
$row = $this->fetchRow($resource); // read a single row
if (empty($row)) {
$null = array_pop($resources); // this resource has been exhausted
while (!empty($resources)) {
$resource = array_pop($resources);
$row = $this->fetchRow($resource); // read a single row
if (!empty($row)) {
$resources[] =& $resource; // resource not exhausted yet, so put it back
// create a new resource for possible children
$where = "$snr_id='{$row[$jnr_id]}'";
$child_resource = $this->getData_serial($where);
$resources[] = $child_resource;
} // if
} // while
} else {
$where = "$snr_id='{$row[$jnr_id]}'";
$child_resource = $this->getData_serial($where);
$resources[] = $child_resource;
} // if
if (!empty($row) AND !empty($row['level'])) {
$row['level'] = count($resources);
} // if
return $row;
} // fetchRowChild
// ****************************************************************************
function filePickerSelect ($selection)
// Deal with selection from a filepicker screen.
$selection = $this->_cm_filePickerSelect($selection);
return $selection;
} // filePickerSelect
// ****************************************************************************
function fileUpload ($input_name, $temp_file)
// Specify file name to be used for the upload.
$this->errors = array();
$fieldarray = where2array($this->where);
$output_name = $this->_cm_fileUpload($input_name, $temp_file, $fieldarray);
return $this->upload_subdir .'/' .$output_name;
} // fileUpload
// ****************************************************************************
function formatData ($fieldarray, &$css_array)
// format values retrieved from the database before they are shown to the user.
// (such as changing dates from 'CCYY-MM-DD' to 'dd Mmm CCYY'
// NOTE: $css_array is passed BY REFERENCE as it may be altered.
if (empty($fieldarray)) return $fieldarray;
$dateobj =& RDCsingleton::getInstance('date_class');
if (!empty($fieldarray['party_timezone'])) {
if (!isset($_SESSION['display_timezone_party']) OR $_SESSION['display_timezone_party'] === false) {
$this->messages[] = getLanguageText('sys0238'); // "DateTimes shown in User's timezone"
} else {
$this->messages[] = getLanguageText('sys0239'); // "DateTimes shown in Party's timezone"
} // if
} // if
foreach ($fieldarray as $fieldname => $fieldvalue) {
// only deal with fields defined in $fieldspec
if (isset($this->fieldspec[$fieldname])) {
// get specifications for current field
$fieldspec = $this->fieldspec[$fieldname];
if (!isset($fieldspec['type'])) {
$fieldspec['type'] = 'string'; // set default type
} // if
if ($GLOBALS['mode'] == 'search') {
if (preg_match('/^(is not null|is null)$/i', trim($fieldvalue), $regs )) {
$fieldvalue = strtoupper($regs[0]);
$fieldspec['type'] = 'string';
$operator = '';
} elseif (preg_match("/^(<>|<=|<|>=|>|!=|=)/", $fieldvalue, $regs )) {
$operator = $regs[0];
// strip operator from front of string
$fieldvalue = substr($fieldvalue, strlen($operator));
if (substr($fieldvalue, 0, 1) == "'") {
// remove leading quote
$fieldvalue = substr($fieldvalue, 1);
} // if
if (substr($fieldvalue, -1) == "'") {
// remove trailing quote
$fieldvalue = substr($fieldvalue, 0, -1);
} // if
} else {
$operator = '=';
} // if
} else {
$operator = '=';
} // if
switch (strtolower($fieldspec['type'])) {
case 'string':
if (isset($fieldspec['control']) AND $fieldspec['control'] == 'multidrop') {
list($operator, $value, $delimiter) = extractOperatorValue($fieldvalue);
if (trim($operator) == 'IN') {
// turn this string into an array
$value = trim($value, '()');
$array = explode(',', $value);
foreach ($array as $key => $entry) {
if (substr($entry, 0, 1) == "'") {
// remove leading quote
$entry = substr($entry, 1);
} // if
if (substr($entry, -1, 1) == "'") {
// remove leading quote
$entry = substr($entry, 0, strlen($entry)-1);
} // if
$array[$key] = $entry;
} // foreach
$fieldvalue = $array;
$operator = '=';
} // if
} // if
case 'set':
case 'array':
if (!is_array($fieldvalue)) {
// convert string into an array
if (strlen($fieldvalue) > 0) {
// note: postgresql uses '{}' to enclose the array
$fieldvalue = explode(',', trim($fieldvalue, '{}'));
} else {
$fieldvalue = array();
} // if
} // if
case 'boolean':
if (is_bool($fieldvalue) or strlen($fieldvalue) > 0) {
$boolean = $this->getLanguageArray('boolean');
// set boolean fields to either TRUE or FALSE
if (is_True($fieldvalue)) {
if (isset($fieldspec['true'])) {
$fieldvalue = $fieldspec['true'];
} elseif (isset($boolean['true'])) {
$fieldvalue = $boolean['true'];
} // if
} else {
if (isset($fieldspec['false'])) {
$fieldvalue = $fieldspec['false'];
} elseif (isset($boolean['false'])) {
$fieldvalue = $boolean['false'];
} // if
} // if
} else {
// value has not defined yet
if ($GLOBALS['mode'] != 'search') {
if (isset($fieldspec['default'])) {
// default value has been defined, so use it
$fieldvalue = $fieldspec['default'];
} // if
} else {
// leave as undefined
} // if
} // if
case 'date':
if (isset($fieldspec['infinityisnull']) and substr($fieldvalue, 0, 10) == '9999-12-31') {
// this date is shown to the user as empty
$fieldvalue = '';
} else {
if ($GLOBALS['mode'] == 'search' and strpos($fieldvalue, '%')) {
// this is already in LIKE format for a search screen. so leave it alone
// (apart from removing trailing '%' which will be replaced later)
$fieldvalue = rtrim($fieldvalue, '%');
} elseif (!empty($fieldvalue)) {
if ($this->no_convert_timezone === FALSE AND isset($_SESSION['timezone_server'])) {
$date = $dateobj->getInternalDate($fieldvalue);
if ($date === false) {
$this->errors[$fieldname] = $dateobj->errors;
return $fieldarray;
} // if
if (isset($_SESSION['display_timezone_party']) AND is_True($_SESSION['display_timezone_party'])) {
if (!empty($fieldarray['party_timezone'])) {
$timezone_client = $fieldarray['party_timezone']; // timezone of data's party
} else {
$timezone_client = $_SESSION['timezone_client']; // timezone of logon user
} // if
} else {
$timezone_client = $_SESSION['timezone_client']; // timezone of logon user
} // if
$fieldvalue = convertTZdate($date, '12:00:00', $_SESSION['timezone_server'], $timezone_client);
} // if
// convert date from internal to external format
if ($date = $dateobj->getExternalDate($fieldvalue, $_SESSION['date_format_output'])) {
$fieldvalue = $date;
} else {
// date cannot be converted, so leave as is
} // if
} // if
} // if
case 'datetime':
case 'timestamp':
if (isset($fieldspec['infinityisnull']) and substr($fieldvalue, 0, 10) == '9999-12-31') {
// this date is shown to the user as empty
$fieldvalue = '';
} else {
if (!empty($fieldvalue)) {
if ($this->no_convert_timezone === FALSE AND isset($_SESSION['timezone_server'])) {
$datetime = $dateobj->getInternalDateTime($fieldvalue, $fieldspec);
if ($datetime === false) {
$this->errors[$fieldname] = $dateobj->errors;
return $fieldarray;
} // if
if (isset($_SESSION['display_timezone_party']) AND is_True($_SESSION['display_timezone_party'])) {
if (!empty($fieldarray['party_timezone'])) {
$timezone_client = $fieldarray['party_timezone']; // timezone of data's party
} else {
$timezone_client = $_SESSION['timezone_client']; // timezone of logon user
} // if
} else {
$timezone_client = $_SESSION['timezone_client']; // timezone of logon user
} // if
$fieldvalue = convertTZ($datetime, $_SESSION['timezone_server'], $timezone_client);
} // if
// look for a time portion (ends with '99:99' or '99:99:99')
if (preg_match('/([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}){1}(:[0-9]{2})?$/', $fieldvalue, $regs)) {
$time = $regs[0];
$date = substr($fieldvalue, 0, -strlen($time));
} else {
$date = $fieldvalue;
$time = null;
} // if
// convert date from internal to external format
if ($date = $dateobj->getExternalDate($date, $_SESSION['date_format_output'])) {
$fieldvalue = trim($date) .' ' .substr(trim($time), 0, 8);
} else {
// date cannot be converted, so leave as is
} // if
} // if
} // if
case 'time':
if (isset($fieldspec['size']) and $fieldspec['size'] == 5) {
// exclude the seconds portion of the time
$fieldvalue = substr($fieldarray[$fieldname], 0, 5);
} // if
case 'integer':
if ($fieldvalue == 0 AND isset($fieldspec['blank_when_zero'])) {
if ($operator == '=') {
$fieldvalue = ''; // value is zero, so display blank
} // if
} // if
case 'double':
case 'float':
case 'real':
if (!empty($fieldvalue)) {
if (is_numeric($fieldvalue)) {
$float = sprintf('%F', $fieldvalue);
$float = rtrim($float,'0'); // remove trailing zeroes after decimal point
$float = rtrim($float,'.'); // remove decimal point if it is the last character
if (strlen($float) > 18) {
$fieldvalue = (double)$fieldvalue; // number is too long, so display in scientific notation
} else {
$fieldvalue = $float; // display as decimal number
} // if
} // if
} // if
case 'decimal':
case 'numeric':
if (isset($fieldspec['scale'])) {
$decimal_places = $fieldspec['scale'];
} else {
$decimal_places = 0;
} // if
if ($fieldvalue == 0 AND isset($fieldspec['blank_when_zero'])) {
if ($operator == '=') {
$fieldvalue = ''; // value is zero, so display blank
} // if
} else {
// remove any thousands separators
// this screws up -> $fieldvalue = number_unformat($fieldvalue);
// format number according to current locale settings
$strip_trailing_zero =& $fieldspec['strip_trailing_zero'];
$fieldvalue = formatNumber($fieldvalue, $decimal_places, $strip_trailing_zero);
} // if
} // switch
if (preg_match('/^(csv|pdf)/i', strtolower($GLOBALS['mode']))) {
if (isset($fieldspec['optionlist'])) {
if (empty($fieldvalue)) {
$fieldvalue = null;
} else {
// convert value into corresponding entry(s) from optionlist
if (isset($this->lookup_data[$fieldspec['optionlist']])) {
$lookup = $this->lookup_data[$fieldspec['optionlist']];
if (!empty($lookup)) {
if (is_array($fieldvalue)) {
// convert array into a comma separated string
$string = '';
foreach ($fieldvalue as $key) {
$string .= $lookup[$key] .',';
} // foreach
$fieldvalue = rtrim($string, ',');
} else {
if (array_key_exists($fieldvalue, $lookup)) {
$fieldvalue = $lookup[$fieldvalue];
} // if
} // if
} // if
} // if
} // if
} elseif (isset($fieldspec['foreign_field'])) {
if (isset($fieldarray[$fieldspec['foreign_field']])) {
$fieldvalue = $fieldarray[$fieldspec['foreign_field']];
} // if
} // if
} // if
if (isset($fieldspec['password'])) {
if (isset($fieldspec['hash'])) {
if (preg_match('/(sha1|md5)/i', $fieldspec['hash'])) {
// for this hash type do not output anything
$fieldvalue = '';
} // if
} // if
} // if
// put changed value back into array
if ($GLOBALS['mode'] == 'search' AND $operator != '=') {
$fieldarray[$fieldname] = $operator.$fieldvalue;
} else {
$fieldarray[$fieldname] = $fieldvalue;
} // if
} else {
// not in $this->fieldspec, so cannot be formatted
$fieldarray[$fieldname] = $fieldvalue;
} // if
} // foreach
// perform any custom formatting
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_formatData')) {
$fieldarray = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_formatData($fieldarray, $css_array);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$fieldarray = $this->_cm_formatData($fieldarray, $css_array);
} // if
return $fieldarray;
} // formatData
// ****************************************************************************
function free_result ($resource)
// free a resource created by getData_serial()
$result = $this->_dml_free_result($resource);
return $result;
} // free_result
// ****************************************************************************
function &getChildData ()
// return $fieldarray from the child object (if there is one).
// NOTE: output is passed by reference.
if (!is_object($this->child_object)) {
return FALSE;
} elseif (!method_exists($this->child_object, 'getFieldArray')) {
return FALSE;
} // if
$child_data =& $this->child_object->getFieldArray();
return $child_data;
} // getChildData
// ****************************************************************************
function getClassName ()
// return the name of this class, but without any numeric suffix.
// Example: table 'mnu_tran' may have subtypes (aliases) of 'mnu_tran_s01'
// and 'mnu_tran_jnr'. These will return the following:
// 'mnu_task' -> 'mnu_task'
// 'mnu_task_s01' -> 'mnu_task'
// 'mnu_task_jnr' -> 'mnu_task_jnr'
$tablename = removeTableSuffix(get_class($this));
return strtolower($tablename);
} // getClassName
// ****************************************************************************
function getColumnNames ($where=null)
// obtain list of column names which will be output with this SQL statement.
// (this is used in '')
$this->rows_per_page = 1;
$this->fieldspec = $this->getFieldSpec_original();
$fieldarray = array();
$fieldspec = array();
$this->lookup_data['selected'] = $this->getLanguageArray('selected');;
$data = $this->getData($where);
if (empty($data)) return $data;
$fieldarray = $data[0];
// initial value for each column is 'selected'
foreach ($fieldarray as $fieldname => &$fieldvalue) {
$fieldvalue = 'Y';
} // foreach
// modify list of column names and their default values
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_getColumnNames')) {
$fieldarray = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_getColumnNames($fieldarray);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->errors) return;
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$fieldarray = $this->_cm_getColumnNames($fieldarray);
if ($this->errors) return;
} // if
foreach ($fieldarray as $fieldname => &$fieldvalue) {
// each field has a 'Yes/No' dropdown with an initial value
if (is_True($fieldvalue)) {
$fieldvalue = 'Y';
} else {
$fieldvalue = 'N';
} // if
$fieldspec[$fieldname] = array('type' => 'string',
'control' => 'dropdown',
'optionlist' => 'selected');
// add this column to the screen structure
$GLOBALS['screen_structure']['main']['fields'][] = array($fieldname => $fieldname, 'colspan' => 3);
} // foreach
// add controls for LIMIT and OFFSET
$fieldspec['rdc_limit'] = array('type' => 'integer', 'minvalue' => 0, 'maxvalue' => 4294967295, 'required' => 'y');
$fieldspec['rdc_offset'] = array('type' => 'integer', 'minvalue' => 0, 'maxvalue' => 4294967295, 'required' => 'y');
$fieldarray['rdc_limit'] = 1000;
$fieldarray['rdc_offset'] = 0;
// append fields for LIMIT and OFFSET
$col_count = count($GLOBALS['screen_structure']['main']['fields'])+1;
$GLOBALS['screen_structure']['main']['fields'][$col_count][] = array('label' => 'rdc_limit',);
$GLOBALS['screen_structure']['main']['fields'][$col_count][] = array('field' => 'rdc_limit');
$GLOBALS['screen_structure']['main']['fields'][$col_count][] = array('label' => 'rdc_offset');
$GLOBALS['screen_structure']['main']['fields'][$col_count][] = array('field' => 'rdc_offset');
$this->rows_per_page = 0; // allow multiple rows to be returned on the next call to getData()
$this->fieldspec = $fieldspec;
$this->fieldarray = $fieldarray;
return $fieldarray;
} // getColumnNames
// ****************************************************************************
function getCount ($where=null)
// get count of records that satisfy selection criteria in $where.
if (strlen(trim($where)) > 0) {
$count = $this->_dml_getCount($where);
return $count;
} else {
return 0;
} // if
} // getCount
// ****************************************************************************
function getData ($where=null)
// get data from this table using optional 'where' criteria.
// this is formatted before being displayed to the user.
$this->errors = array(); // initialise
$data_raw = array();
// if (!empty($this->sql_where)) {
// // remove anything in $this->sql_where which is duplicated in $where
// $this->sql_where = filterWhere1Where2($where, $this->sql_where, $this->tablename);
// } // if
$this->where = $where; // save
if (is_null($this->pageno)) {
$this->pageno = 1; //default
} // if
// convert $where from string to an associative array
$where_array = where2array($where, $this->pageno);
if (!empty($where_array['rdc_table_name'])) {
$where_array = convert_parent_id_to_child_id($where_array, $this->tablename, $this->parent_relations);
$where = array2where($where_array);
} // if
// make this data available if passed down by parent object
if (empty($this->fieldarray)) {
$fieldarray = array();
} else {
if (is_string(key($this->fieldarray))) {
$fieldarray = $this->fieldarray;
} else {
$fieldarray = array_shift($this->fieldarray);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->initiated_from_controller) {
// replace with original unmodified version
$this->sql_search = $this->sql_search_orig;
} // if
// perform any custom pre-retrieve processing
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_pre_getData')) {
$where = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_pre_getData($where, $where_array, $fieldarray);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->errors) return;
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$where = $this->_cm_pre_getData($where, $where_array, $fieldarray);
if ($this->errors) return;
} // if
if ($this->where != $where) {
// $where has been modified, so update $where_array
$this->where = $where;
$where_array = where2array($where, $this->pageno);
} // if
if ($this->checkPrimaryKey AND !$this->allow_empty_where) {
// check that full primary key (or candidate key) has been supplied
list($where1, $errors1) = isPkeyComplete($where_array, $this->getPkeyNames(), $this->unique_keys, $this);
if (!empty($errors1)) {
$this->errors = $errors1;
} // if
$this->checkPrimaryKey = false;
} // if
if ($this->skip_getdata) {
// use data already loaded in
if (is_int(key($this->fieldarray))) {
// already indexed by row
$data_raw = $this->fieldarray;
} else {
if (empty($this->fieldarray)) {
$data_raw = array();
} else {
// associative array, so make it row zero
$data_raw[0] = $this->fieldarray;
} // if
} // if
$this->numrows = count($data_raw);
if (empty($this->scrollarray)) {
// set record/page counts from contents of $this->fieldarray
if ($this->numrows == 0) {
$this->lastpage = 0;
$this->pageno = 0;
} else {
if ($this->rows_per_page > 0) {
$this->lastpage = ceil($this->numrows/$this->rows_per_page);
} else {
$this->lastpage = $this->numrows;
} // if
if ($this->pageno < 1) {
$this->pageno = 1;
} elseif ($this->pageno > $this->lastpage) {
$this->pageno = $this->lastpage;
} // if
} // if
} // if
} else {
// assemble the $where string from its component parts
$where_str = $this->_sqlAssembleWhere($where, $where_array);
// get the data from the database
$data_raw = $this->_dml_getData($where_str);
} // if
if (!empty($this->select_string)) {
$data_raw = $this->setSelectedRows($this->select_string, $data_raw);
} // if
if ($this->initiated_from_controller) {
if (isset($GLOBALS['script_vars']['task_id_run_at_end'])) {
if ($this->rows_per_page > 1
OR ($this->rows_per_page = 1 AND $this->numrows > 1)) {
// too many rows selected, so turn this option off
} else {
// set context for this option
$GLOBALS['script_vars']['task_id_run_at_end_context'] = $where;
} // if
} // if
} // if
if ($GLOBALS['mode'] != 'insert') {
// clear 'nodisplay' option which may have been by previous iteration
foreach ($this->fieldspec as $field => $spec) {
if (array_key_exists('autoinsert', $spec) or array_key_exists('autoupdate', $spec)) {
} // if
} // foreach
} // if
// $entry = getEntryPoint($this);
// if (strtolower($entry) == 'getdata') {
if (isset($this->instruction)) {
$data_raw = $this->_processInstruction($data_raw);
} // if
// perform any custom post-retrieve processing
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_post_getData')) {
$data_raw = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_post_getData($data_raw, $where);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$data_raw = $this->_cm_post_getData($data_raw, $where);
} // if
$this->where = $where;
// } // if
$this->fieldarray = $data_raw;
return $this->fieldarray;
} // getData
// ****************************************************************************
function getData_raw ($where=null)
// get data from this table using optional 'where' criteria.
// this is returned raw (as read from the database with any formatting).
$this->errors = array();
// convert $where from string to an associative array
$where_array = where2array($where);
if (isset($this->fieldspec['rdcaccount_id'])) {
// this table is split by account, so account_id must be supplied in WHERE string
if (!isset($where_array['rdcaccount_id'])) {
$account_id =& $_SESSION['rdcaccount_id'];
if (empty($account_id) AND preg_match('/(mnu_user|mnu_account)/i', $this->tablename)) {
// no account id supplied, so read everything on these tables only
} else {
if (empty($account_id) OR $account_id == 1) {
$account_id_string = "$this->tablename.rdcaccount_id='1'";
} else {
$account_id_string = "$this->tablename.rdcaccount_id IN ('1', '$account_id')";
} // if
if (empty($this->sql_where)) {
$this->sql_where = $account_id_string;
} else {
if (substr_count($this->sql_where, $account_id_string) == 0) {
$this->sql_where .= " AND $account_id_string";
} // if
} // if
} // if
} // if
} // if
if (!empty($this->sql_where)) {
if (preg_match('/^(OR )/i', $this->sql_where)) {
// begins with 'OR ', so do not append using ' AND '
$where .= ' '.$this->sql_where;
} else {
if (empty($where)) {
$where = $this->sql_where;
} else {
$where = "$where AND $this->sql_where";
} // if
} // if
} // if
if (!empty($this->sql_search)) {
// turn 'current/historic/future' into a range of dates
$this->sql_search = $this->currentOrHistoric($this->sql_search, $this->nameof_start_date, $this->nameof_end_date);
if (!empty($this->sql_search)) {
if (empty($where)) {
$where = $this->sql_search;
} else {
$where = "$where AND $this->sql_search";
} // if
} // if
} // if
// if (!empty($this->sql_from)) {
// $alias_array = extractAliasNames($this->sql_select);
// // anything in WHERE which has an alias name will be moved to HAVING
// $having_array = where2array($this->sql_having, false, false);
// $where = qualifyWhere($where, $this->tablename, $this->fieldspec, $this->sql_from, $this->sql_search_table, $alias_array, $having_array);
// } // if
$data_raw = $this->_dml_getData($where, TRUE);
return $data_raw;
} // getData_raw
// ****************************************************************************
function getData_serial ($where=null, $rdc_limit=null, $rdc_offset=null, $unbuffered=false)
// get data from this table using optional 'where' criteria.
// this does not return the records one page at a time but allows a serial
// read via the fetchRow() method of all records for processing in another way,
// such as exporting to CSV.
$this->errors = array(); // initialise
$this->where = $where; // save
// convert $where from string to an associative array
$where_array = where2array($where, $this->pageno);
if ($this->initiated_from_controller AND !empty($this->sql_search_orig)) {
// replace with original unmodified version
$this->sql_search = $this->sql_search_orig;
} // if
// perform any custom pre-retrieve processing
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_pre_getData')) {
$where = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_pre_getData($where, $where_array, $this->fieldarray);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->errors) return;
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$where = $this->_cm_pre_getData($where, $where_array);
if ($this->errors) return;
} // if
if ($this->where != $where) {
// $where has been modified, so update $where_array
$this->where = $where;
$where_array = where2array($where, $this->pageno);
} // if
if ($this->checkPrimaryKey) {
// check that full primary key (or candidate key) has been supplied
list($where1, $errors1) = isPkeyComplete($where_array, $this->getPkeyNames(), $this->unique_keys);
if (!empty($errors1)) {
$this->errors = $errors1;
} // if
$this->checkPrimaryKey = false;
} // if
if ($this->skip_getdata) {
// do not populate $this->fieldarray from the database
if (is_int(key($this->fieldarray))) {
// already indexed by row
$data_raw = $this->fieldarray;
} else {
// associative array, so make it row zero
$data_raw[0] = $this->fieldarray;
} // if
$this->fieldarray = $data_raw;
$this->numrows = count($data_raw);
$resource = null;
} else {
// assemble the $where string from its component parts
$where_str = $this->_sqlAssembleWhere($where, $where_array);
// get the result from the database
$resource = $this->_dml_getData_serial($where_str, $rdc_limit, $rdc_offset, $this->unbuffered_query);
} // if
// Note: individual records are obtained using the fetchRow() method
return $resource;
} // getData_serial
// ****************************************************************************
function getDBname ()
// return the database name for this table.
return strtolower($this->dbname);
} // getDBname
// ****************************************************************************
function getEnum ($fieldname)
// get the contents of an ENUM field and return it as an array.
$array = $this->_dml_getEnum($fieldname);
return $array;
} // getEnum
// ****************************************************************************
function getErrors ()
// return array of error messages
$errors = $this->errors;
$this->errors = array();
if (!is_array($errors)) {
// convert string into an array
$errors = (array)$errors;
} // if
return $errors;
} // getErrors
// ****************************************************************************
function getExpanded ()
// get array of tree nodes which have been expanded
$expanded = $this->expanded;
$this->expanded = array();
return $expanded;
} // getExpanded
// ****************************************************************************
function getExtraData ($input, $where=null)
// get additional data for this table, such as lookup lists.
//$this->errors = array();
// $input may be an array or a string
if (empty($input)) {
$fieldarray[0] = array();
$key = 0;
$where = null;
} elseif (is_string($input)) {
// convert from string to associative array
$fieldarray[0] = where2array($input);
$key = 0;
$where = $input;
} else {
reset($input); // fix for version 4.4.1
if (is_string(key($input))) {
// associative array, so set it to row zero
$fieldarray[0] = $input;
$key = 0;
} else {
// indexed by row, so use it as-is
$fieldarray = $input;
$key = key($input);
} // if
// convert first row in $fieldarray to a string
//$where = array2where($fieldarray[$key]);
} // if
if (is_True($this->no_foreign_data)) {
// skip this next bit
} else {
// retrieve data from foreign (parent) tables for each row
foreach ($fieldarray as $rownum => $rowdata) {
$fieldarray[$rownum] = $this->getForeignData($rowdata);
} // foreach
} // if
// perform custom processing (such as obtaining lookup lists) on FIRST record only
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_getExtraData')) {
$fieldarray[$key] = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_getExtraData($where, $fieldarray[$key]);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$fieldarray[$key] = $this->_cm_getExtraData($where, $fieldarray[$key]);
} // if
$fieldarray[$key] = array_change_key_case($fieldarray[$key], CASE_LOWER);
// change current table configuration (optional)
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_changeConfig')) {
$fieldarray[$key] = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_changeConfig($where, $fieldarray[$key]);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else{
// change current table configuration (optional)
$fieldarray[$key] = $this->_cm_changeConfig($where, $fieldarray[$key]);
} // if
$pattern_id = getPatternId();
if (preg_match('/MULTI4/i', $pattern_id) AND !empty($this->initial_values)) {
foreach ($fieldarray as $rownum => $rowdata) {
// insert any initial values obtained from MNU_INITIAL_VALUE_ROLE/USER table
foreach ($this->initial_values as $key1 => $value1) {
if (empty($rowdata[$key1])) {
// current value is empty, so overwrite with initial value
$rowdata[$key1] = $value1;
} // if
} // foreach
$fieldarray[$rownum] = $rowdata;
} // foreach
} // if
// store updated $fieldarray within this object
$this->fieldarray = $fieldarray;
return $this->getFieldArray();
} // getExtraData
// ****************************************************************************
function getFieldArray ()
// return array of data that currently resides within this object
// (usually stuff which was retrieved from the database).
if (empty($this->fieldarray)) {
return array();
} // if
if ($this->rows_per_page == 1) {
// return an associative array (one row only)
if (is_long(key($this->fieldarray))) {
return $this->fieldarray[0]; // convert indexed to associative
} else {
return $this->fieldarray;
} // if
} else {
// return an indexed array (one or more rows)
if (is_long(key($this->fieldarray))) {
return $this->fieldarray;
} else {
return array($this->fieldarray); // convert associative to indexed
} // if
} // if
} // getFieldArray
// ****************************************************************************
function getFieldSpec ()
// return array of field specifications (which may be adjusted by $this->field_access).
if (!empty($this->field_access)) {
// include specified access_type in $fieldspec array
foreach ($this->field_access as $field_id => $access_type) {
if (array_key_exists($field_id, $this->fieldspec)) {
$this->fieldspec[$field_id][$access_type] = 'y';
} // if
} // foreach
} // if
return $this->fieldspec;
} // getFieldSpec
// ****************************************************************************
function getFieldSpec_original ()
// set the specifications for this database table.
if (empty($this->fieldspec)) {
// first time only - look for changes in engine, prefix or database name
list($dbname, $this->dbprefix, $this->dbms_engine) = findDBConfig($this->dbname);
$this->dbname_server = $this->dbprefix.$dbname;
} // if
if (is_bool($this->audit_logging) OR !empty($this->audit_logging)) {
$save_audit_logging = $this->audit_logging;
} else {
$save_audit_logging = null;
} // if
$fieldspec = array();
$this->primary_key = array();
$this->unique_keys = array();
$this->child_relations = array();
$this->parent_relations = array();
$this->audit_logging = FALSE;
$this->default_orderby = '';
$this->alt_language_table = '';
$this->alt_language_cols = '';
$this->nameof_start_date = '';
$this->nameof_end_date = '';
$tablename = $this->getTableName();
if ($tablename != 'default') {
// include table specifications generated by Data Dictionary
if (!empty($this->dirname_dict)) {
require ($this->dirname_dict .'/' .$tablename .'');
} else {
require ($this->dirname .'/' .$tablename .'');
} // if
if (is_bool($save_audit_logging) OR !empty($save_audit_logging)) {
$this->audit_logging = $save_audit_logging;
} // if
} // if
if (!empty($_SESSION['date_format_output'])) {
$dateobj =& RDCsingleton::getInstance('date_class');
foreach ($fieldspec as $field => $spec) {
if (preg_match('/date/i', $spec['type'], $regs)) {
$date_length = $dateobj->getDateLength($_SESSION['date_format_output'], $spec['type']);
$fieldspec[$field]['size'] = $date_length;
} // if
} // foreach
} // if
if (defined('TRANSIX_NO_AUDIT') OR defined('NO_AUDIT_LOGGING')) {
$this->audit_logging = false;
} // if
//if (empty($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if ($this->dbname != 'default') {
} // if
return $fieldspec;
} // getFieldSpec_original
// ****************************************************************************
function getForeignData ($fieldarray)
// Retrieve data from foreign (parent) database tables.
// (parent tables are identified in $this->parent_relations)
if (empty($fieldarray)) {
return $fieldarray;
} // if
// perform custom processing before standard processing
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_getForeignData')) {
$fieldarray = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_getForeignData($fieldarray);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$fieldarray = $this->_cm_getForeignData($fieldarray);
} // if
$fieldarray = array_change_key_case($fieldarray, CASE_LOWER);
foreach ($this->parent_relations as $reldata) {
if (isset($reldata['parent_field'])) {
// may be more than one parent_field, so turn it into an array of separate field names
list($parent_fields, $alias_array) = extractFieldNamesIndexed($reldata['parent_field']);
$ix = 0; // set to first entry
if (!empty($fieldarray[$parent_fields[$ix]])) {
// parent field is already there, so do nothing
} else {
// construct WHERE clause to read from parent table
$where_array = array();
foreach ($reldata['fields'] as $fldchild => $fldparent) {
if (strlen($fldchild) < 1) {
// 'Name of child field missing in relationship with $tblchild'
$this->errors[] = $this->getLanguageText('sys0110', strtoupper($tblchild));
} // if
if (!isset($fieldarray[$fldchild]) or strlen($fieldarray[$fldchild]) == 0) {
// foreign key field is missing, so stop further processing
$where_array = array();
} // if
if (preg_match('/^(IS NULL|IS NOT NULL)$/i', trim($fieldarray[$fldchild]))) {
if ($GLOBALS['mode'] != 'search') {
// does not contain a proper value, so do not attempt to read
$fieldarray[$fldchild] = null;
} // if
$where_array = array();
} // if
$where_array[$fldparent] = $fieldarray[$fldchild];
} // foreach
if (empty($where_array)) {
// $where is empty, so set foreign field(s) to empty
foreach ($parent_fields as $ix => $parent_field) {
if (!isset($this->fieldspec[$parent_field])) {
// field is not is current $fieldspec array, so it can be initialised
$fieldarray[$parent_field] = null;
} // if
} // foreach
} else {
$where = array2where($where_array, false, false, true);
$tblparent = $reldata['parent'];
// instantiate an object for this table
if (array_key_exists('subsys_dir', $reldata)) {
$save_cwd = getcwd();
// switch to other directory so that any includes() within the class
// are relative to that directory and not the current directory
$dir = dirname($this->dirname); // path to current subsystem directory
$dir = dirname($dir) .'/' .$reldata['subsys_dir'] .'/'; // switch to other subsystem directory
} else {
$save_cwd = NULL;
} // if
if (!class_exists($tblparent)) {
require_once "classes/$";
} // end
$parentobj = new $tblparent;
$parentobj->sql_select = $reldata['parent_field'];
$parent_data = $parentobj->getData($where);
if (!empty($parent_data)) {
// copy specified parent field(s) into $fieldarray
foreach ($parent_fields as $ix => $parent_field) {
if (empty($fieldarray[$parent_field])) {
// field is currently empty, so replace it with parent value
if (array_key_exists($parent_field, $parent_data[0])) {
$fieldarray[$parent_field] = $parent_data[0][$parent_field];
} else {
// original name not found, so look for an alias
list($original, $alias) = getFieldAlias3($alias_array[$ix]);
if ($original != $alias) {
$fieldarray[$parent_field] = $parent_data[0][$original];
} // if
} // if
} // if
} // foreach
} else {
if ($GLOBALS['mode'] == 'search') {
// key may be incomplete, so leave it alone
} else {
// not found, so set foreign key(s) to empty
//foreach ($reldata['fields'] as $fldchild => $fldparent) {
// if (in_array($fldchild, $this->primary_key)) {
// // part of primary key, so leave it alone
// } else {
// // not part of primary key, so empty it
// $fieldarray[$fldchild] = null;
// } // f
//} // foreach
} // if
} // if
if (!empty($save_cwd)) {
// switch back to the original working directory
} // if
} // if
} // if
} // if
} // foreach
return $fieldarray;
} // getForeignData
// ****************************************************************************
function getInitialData ($where)
// get initial data for new records in this table.
$this->errors = array();
$this->numrows = 0;
if (!empty($where)) {
if (is_array($where)) {
$fieldarray = $where;
} else {
// convert 'where' string to an associative array
$fieldarray = where2array($where);
foreach ($fieldarray as $fieldname => $fieldvalue) {
if (!is_string($fieldname)) {
// this is a numeric index, not a valid field name, so remove it
} else {
if (preg_match('/^(IS NULL|IS NOT NULL|NOT IN|IN[ ]?\()/i', trim($fieldvalue))) {
// not a valid value, so remove it
} elseif (array_key_exists($fieldname, $this->fieldspec)) {
if (!empty($fieldvalue)) {
// do not allow any items in $where criteria to be changed
$this->fieldspec[$fieldname]['noedit'] = 'y';
} // if
} // if
} // if
} // foreach
} // if
} else {
$fieldarray = array();
} // if
if (!empty($this->initial_values)) {
// insert any initial values obtained from MNU_INITIAL_VALUE_ROLE/USER table
foreach ($this->initial_values as $key => $value) {
if (empty($fieldarray[$key])) {
// current value is empty, so overwrite with initial value
$fieldarray[$key] = $value;
} // if
} // foreach
} // if
if (is_True($this->allow_scrolling)) {
$save_pageno = $this->pageno;
$save_lastpage = $this->lastpage;
} // if
// perform any custom processing (optional)
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_getInitialData')) {
$fieldarray = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_getInitialData($fieldarray);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->errors) return $fieldarray;
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$fieldarray = $this->_cm_getInitialData($fieldarray);
} // if
if ($this->errors) return $fieldarray;
if (is_True($this->allow_scrolling)) {
$this->pageno = $save_pageno;
$this->lastpage = $save_lastpage;
} // if
$fieldarray = array_change_key_case($fieldarray, CASE_LOWER);
if (isset($this->fieldspec['rdcaccount_id'])) {
if (empty($_SESSION['rdcaccount_id'])) {
if (preg_match('/(mnu_user|mnu_account)/i', $this->tablename)) {
// do nothing on this table
} else {
// use the 'sharing' id
$fieldarray['rdcaccount_id'] = 1;
} // if
} else {
if (isset($fieldarray['rdcaccount_id']) AND $fieldarray['rdcaccount_id'] != $_SESSION['rdcaccount_id']) {
// "User's account (X) is not compatible with record's account (Y)";
$this->errors['rdcaccount_id'] = getLanguageText('sys0232', $_SESSION['rdcaccount_id'], $fieldarray['rdcaccount_id']);
return $fieldarray;
} else {
// always use this user's account_id
$fieldarray['rdcaccount_id'] = $_SESSION['rdcaccount_id'];
} // if
} // if
} // if
// do not display autoinsert/autoupdate fields on input screens
foreach ($this->fieldspec as $field => $spec) {
if (array_key_exists('auto_increment', $spec) OR array_key_exists('autoinsert', $spec) OR array_key_exists('autoupdate', $spec)) {
$this->fieldspec[$field]['nodisplay'] = 'y';
} // if
} // foreach
reset($fieldarray); // fix to enable key($fieldarray) to work
if (!empty($fieldarray) and !is_string(key($fieldarray))) {
// this has multiple rows, so ignore
} else {
// shift all field names to lower case
$fieldarray = array_change_key_case($fieldarray, CASE_LOWER);
if (is_True($this->ignore_empty_fields)) {
// do not insert any missing fields
$this->ignore_empty_fields = false;
} else {
// insert values for any missing fields
foreach ($this->fieldspec as $fieldname => $spec) {
if (isset($spec['nondb'])) {
// this is a non-database field, so ignore it
} else {
if (!isset($fieldarray[$fieldname]) OR strlen($fieldarray[$fieldname]) < 1) {
if (isset($spec['default']) AND strlen($spec['default']) > 0 AND !preg_match('/(date|time|datetime)/i', $spec['type'])) {
if (array_key_exists('auto_increment', $spec) OR array_key_exists('autoinsert', $spec) OR array_key_exists('autoupdate', $spec) OR $fieldname == 'rdcaccount_id') {
// value will be inserted later
$fieldarray[$fieldname] = NULL;
} else {
// default value exists, so load it
$fieldarray[$fieldname] = $spec['default'];
} // if
} else {
// load an empty value so the field will appear in the XML output
$fieldarray[$fieldname] = NULL;
} // if
} // if
} // if
} // foreach
} // if
} // if
$this->fieldarray = $fieldarray;
return $fieldarray;
} // getInitialData
// ****************************************************************************
function getInitialDataMultiple ($where)
// get initial data for new records in this table.
// this is called before insertMultiple(), so there is no user dialog.
$this->errors = array();
$this->numrows = 0;
if (!empty($where)) {
if (is_array($where)) {
$fieldarray = $where;
} else {
// convert 'where' string to an array which is indexed by row number
$array1 = splitWhereByRow($where);
// convert 'where' for each row into an associative array
foreach ($array1 as $rownum => $rowdata) {
$fieldarray[] = where2array($rowdata);
} // foreach
} // if
} else {
$fieldarray = array();
} // if
// perform any custom processing (optional)
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_getInitialDataMultiple')) {
$fieldarray = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_getInitialDataMultiple($fieldarray);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->errors) return $fieldarray;
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
// perform any custom processing (optional)
$fieldarray = $this->_cm_getInitialDataMultiple($fieldarray);
} // if
if ($this->errors) return $fieldarray;
$fieldarray = array_change_key_case($fieldarray, CASE_LOWER);
$this->fieldarray = $fieldarray;
return $fieldarray;
} // getInitialDataMultiple
// ****************************************************************************
function getInstruction ()
// return an optional instruction to the previous script.
return $this->instruction;
} // getInstruction
// ****************************************************************************
function getLanguageArray ($id)
// get named array from the language file.
$classdir = $GLOBALS['classdir']; // save
$cwd = getcwd();
if (!empty($this->dirname) AND $cwd != dirname($this->dirname)) {
// switch to correct directory for retrieving message text
$GLOBALS['classdir'] = dirname($this->dirname);
} // if
// call the function in the standard library
$string = getLanguageArray ($id);
$GLOBALS['classdir'] = $classdir; // restore
return $string;
} // getLanguageArray
// ****************************************************************************
function getLanguageEntries ($rows, $parent_data, $fieldlist)
// ensure that $rows contains an entry for each supported language on MNU_LANGUAGE.
if (!empty($rows)) {
return $rows; // some records already there, so do nothing
} // if
// convert $fieldlist from string to array
$fieldlist = explode(',', $fieldlist);
// edit data passed down from parent record
foreach ($parent_data as $fieldname => $fieldvalue) {
// remove unwanted columns
if (!array_key_exists($fieldname, $this->fieldspec)) {
// field does not exist in this table, so remove it
} elseif (array_key_exists('pkey', $this->fieldspec[$fieldname])) {
// leave the primary key
} elseif ($this->fieldspec[$fieldname]['type'] != 'string') {
// not a string field, so remove it
} elseif (array_key_exists('autoinsert', $this->fieldspec[$fieldname])) {
} elseif (array_key_exists('autoupdate', $this->fieldspec[$fieldname])) {
} // if
} // foreach
$where = array2where($parent_data, $this->getPkeyNames(), $this);
// obtain list of supported languages
$language_array = $_SESSION['supported_languages'];
if (!empty($_SESSION['default_language'])) {
// remove default language as this is not an alternative
} // if
// eliminate languages which already have an entry on this table
foreach ($rows as $rownum => $rowdata) {
if (array_key_exists($rowdata['language_id'], $language_array)) {
} // if
} // foreach
// create entries for languages which are missing
foreach ($language_array as $language_id => $language_code) {
$fieldarray = $parent_data;
$fieldarray['language_id'] = $language_id;
//$new_data[] = $fieldarray;
$newdata = $this->insertOrUpdate($fieldarray);
if ($this->errors) {
$result = $this->rollback();
return false;
} // if
$rows[] = $newdata;
} // foreach
return $rows;
} // getLanguageEntries
// ****************************************************************************
function getLanguageText ($id, $arg1=null, $arg2=null, $arg3=null, $arg4=null, $arg5=null)
// get text from the language file and include up to 5 arguments.
$classdir = $GLOBALS['classdir']; // save
$cwd = getcwd();
if (!empty($this->dirname) AND $cwd != dirname($this->dirname)) {
// switch to correct directory for retrieving message text
$GLOBALS['classdir'] = dirname($this->dirname);
} // if
// call the function in the standard library
$string = getLanguageText ($id, $arg1, $arg2, $arg3, $arg4, $arg5);
$GLOBALS['classdir'] = $classdir; // restore
return $string;
} // getLanguageText
// ****************************************************************************
function getLastIndex ()
// return the last index number for $this->scrollArray.
return count($this->scrollarray);
} // getLastIndex
// ****************************************************************************
function getLastPage ()
// return the last page number for retrieved rows.
return (int)$this->lastpage;
} // getLastPage
// ****************************************************************************
function getLookupData ()
// get data to be used in lookups (dropdowns, radio buttons, etc).
// this is populated in getExtraData().
if (!empty($this->lookup_data)) {
$data = $this->lookup_data;
} else {
$data = array();
} // if
if (!empty($this->lookup_css)) {
$css = $this->lookup_css;
} else {
$css = array();
} // if
return array($data, $css);
} // getLookupData
// ****************************************************************************
function getMessages ()
// return any messages which are not errors.
$messages = (array)$this->messages;
$this->messages = array();
return $messages;
} // getMessages
// ****************************************************************************
function getNodeData ($expanded, $where=null)
// retrieve requested tree structure from the database.
// $expanded may be a list of nodes which are to be expanded, or the word
// 'ALL' to sigify that all possible nodes should be expanded.
// $where identifies the start point of a tree structure
if (empty($where)) {
$wherearray = null;
} else {
// turn $where string into an associative array
$wherearray = where2array($where);
} // if
if (isset($this->instruction)) {
// save this until AFTER the call to _cm_getNodeData
$instruction = $this->instruction;
} // if
if (empty($expanded)) {
$expanded = array();
} // if
$rows_per_page = $this->rows_per_page; // save
$pageno = empty($this->pageno) ? 1 : $this->pageno;
// pass control to custom method
$fieldarray = $this->_cm_getNodeData($expanded, $where, $wherearray);
$this->rows_per_page = $rows_per_page; // restore
$this->lastpage = ceil($this->numrows/$this->rows_per_page);
if ($pageno > $this->lastpage) {
$this->pageno = $this->lastpage;
} else {
$this->pageno = $pageno;
} // if
if (isset($instruction)) {
// process an instructions from a child script
$this->instruction = $instruction;
$fieldarray = $this->_processInstruction($fieldarray);
} // if
$this->fieldarray = $fieldarray;
$this->where = $where; // save this for any child forms
return $fieldarray;
} // getNodeData
// ****************************************************************************
function getNumRows ()
// return the number of rows retrived for the current page.
return (int)$this->numrows;
} // getNumRows
// ****************************************************************************
function getOrderBy ()
// return current sort order (to be used in sql SELECT statement).
// allow sort order to be customised
$orderby = $this->_cm_getOrderBy($this->sql_orderby);
if (empty($orderby)) {
$orderby = $this->default_orderby_task;
} // if
if (empty($orderby)) {
$orderby = $this->default_orderby;
} // if
if (empty($orderby)) {
$this->sql_orderby_seq = null;
} else {
if (!empty($this->sql_from)) {
$orderby = qualifyOrderby($orderby, $this->tablename, $this->fieldspec, $this->sql_select, $this->sql_from);
} // if
$this->sql_orderby_seq = $this->getOrderBySeq($orderby, $this->sql_orderby_seq);
} // if
return $orderby;
} // getOrderBy
// ****************************************************************************
function getOrderBySeq (&$orderby=null, $orderby_seq=null)
// return sort sequence ('asc' or 'desc').
// NOTE: $orderby is passed by reference as it may be modified
if (empty($orderby)) {
$orderby_seq = null;
} else {
// find out if any sort sequence has been specified on any first field
$array = explode(',', $orderby);
// look for any trailing 'asc' or 'desc'
$pattern = '/( asc| ascending| desc| descending)$/i';
$found = false;
foreach ($array as $sortfield) {
if (preg_match($pattern, $sortfield, $regs)) {
$found = true;
if (count($array) == 1) {
// only one field, so remove sequence from fieldname
$orderby = substr($orderby, 0, -strlen($regs[0]));
$orderby_seq = trim($regs[0]);
} else {
// more than one field, so remove separate sequence
$orderby_seq = null;
} // if
} // if
} // foreach
if ($found == false AND empty($orderby_seq)) {
$orderby_seq = 'asc';
} // if
} // if
return $orderby_seq;
} // getOrderBySeq
// ****************************************************************************
function getPageNo ()
// get current page number to be retrieved for a multi-page display.
if (is_null($this->pageno)) {
if ($this->lastpage > 0) {
$this->pageno = 1; // default to first page
} // if
} // if
return (int)$this->pageno;
} // getPageNo
// ****************************************************************************
function &getParentData ()
// return $fieldarray from the parent object.
// NOTE: output is passed by reference.
if (!is_object($this->parent_object)) {
return FALSE;
} elseif (!method_exists($this->parent_object, 'getFieldArray')) {
return FALSE;
} // if
$parent_data = $this->parent_object->getFieldArray();
return $parent_data;
} // getParentData
// ****************************************************************************
function getPkeyArray ($fieldarray=null, $next_task=null)
// return the list of primary key values for the last selection of data
// which was retrieved from this table (or the passed array).
// get name(s) of field(s) which form the primary key
$pkeynames = $this->getPkeyNames();
if (!empty($next_task) AND !preg_match('/^(audit)/i', $next_task['task_id'])) {
// obtain any custom adjustments to this array
$task_id = $next_task['task_id'];
$pattern_id = $next_task['pattern_id'];
$pkeynames = $this->_cm_getPkeyNames($pkeynames, $task_id, $pattern_id);
if (empty($pkeynames)) {
// "Primary key has not been defined for table 'x'"
$this->errors[] = getLanguageText('sys0198', $this->tablename);
return false;
} // if
} // if
if (empty($fieldarray)) {
$fieldarray = $this->fieldarray;
} // if
reset($fieldarray); // fix for version 4.4.1
if (!is_array($fieldarray[key($fieldarray)])) {
// array is one level deep - convert to 2 levels
$fieldarray = array($fieldarray);
} // if
$pkeyarray = array();
$rowcount = 0;
// step through each row
foreach ($fieldarray as $row) {
// note that $rowcount starts at 1, not 0
foreach ($pkeynames as $fieldname) {
if (array_key_exists($fieldname, $row)) {
// add 'name=value' to array
$pkeyarray[$rowcount][$fieldname] =& $row[$fieldname];
} // if
if ($fieldname == 'id') {
// include name of this table so that 'id' can be translated in the child
$pkeyarray[$rowcount]['rdc_table_name'] = get_class($this);
} // if
} // foreach
} // foreach
return $pkeyarray;
} // getPkeyArray
// ****************************************************************************
function getPkeyNames ()
// return the list of primary key fields in this table.
if (!empty($this->primary_key)) {
$array = $this->primary_key;
} else {
// get names from contents of $this->fieldspec
$array = array();
foreach ($this->fieldspec as $field => $spec) {
// look for keyword 'pkey' in field specifications
if (isset($spec['pkey'])) {
$array[] = $field;
} // if
} // foreach
} // if
return $array;
} // getPkeyNames
// ****************************************************************************
function getPkeyNamesAdjusted ()
// return the (adjusted) list of primary key fields in this table.
// get array of original names
$pkey_names = $this->getPkeyNames();
// allow this array to be adjusted
$task_id = $_SESSION['pages'][getSelf()]['task_id'];
$pattern_id = getPatternId();
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_getPkeyNames')) {
$pkey_names = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_getPkeyNames($pkey_names, $task_id, $pattern_id);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$pkey_names = $this->_cm_getPkeyNames($pkey_names, $task_id, $pattern_id);
} // if
return $pkey_names;
} // getPkeyNamesAdjusted
// ****************************************************************************
function getScrollIndex ()
// return current index which points to $scrollarray.
return $this->scrollindex;
} // getScrollIndex
// ****************************************************************************
function getScrollItem (&$index)
// pick out the primary key of the selected item from scrollarray and return
// it in $where so that the script can use it in the next getData() method.
// NOTE: $index is passed BY REFERENCE as it may be updated.
if ($index > count($this->scrollarray)) {
// index is too high, so reduce it
$index = count($this->scrollarray);
} // if
if (count($this->scrollarray) > 1) {
if (!function_exists('findJump')) {
require_once '';
} // if
// find out if this entry is between a pair of jump points
$index = findJump($index, $this->scrollindex);
} // if
// replace $where with details from the selected entry in scrollarray
if (is_array($this->scrollarray[$index])) {
// ensure $where contains nothing but primary key fields
$where = array2where($this->scrollarray[$index], $this->getPkeyNames());
} else {
$where = $this->scrollarray[$index];
} // if
// set values to be used by scrolling logic
$this->scrollindex = $index;
$this->pageno = $index;
$this->lastpage = count($this->scrollarray);
return $where;
} // getScrollItem
// ****************************************************************************
function getScrollSize ()
// return size of current $scrollarray.
return count($this->scrollarray);
} // getScrollSize
// ****************************************************************************
function getSearch ()
// return current selection criteria.
$search = mergeWhere($this->sql_where, $this->sql_search_orig);
return $search;
} // getSearch
// ****************************************************************************
function getTableName ()
// return the name of this table.
return strtolower($this->tablename);
} // getTableName
// ****************************************************************************
function getValRep ($item, $where=null, $orderby=null)
// get Value/Representation list from this table.
$item = strtolower($item);
// call custom method to obtain data as an associative array.
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_getValRep')) {
$array = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_getValRep($item, $where, $orderby);
} // if
} // if
if (empty($array)) {
$array = $this->_cm_getValRep($item, $where, $orderby);
} // if
return $array;
} // getValRep
// ****************************************************************************
function getWhere ($next_task)
// return current selection criteria (may have been amended) before it is
// passed to the next task.
$where = mergeWhere($this->where, $this->sql_where);
$array1 = splitWhereByRow($where);
if (count($array1) > 1 AND $this->rows_per_page == 1) {
// multiple rows selected, but only one row displayed, so ...
// reduce WHERE to current row only
$where = array2where($this->fieldarray, $this->getPkeyNamesAdjusted());
} // if
if (!empty($where)) {
$pkeynames = $this->getPkeyNames();
if (count($pkeynames) == 1) {
if ($pkeynames[0] == 'id') {
$where .= " AND rdc_table_name='".get_class($this)."'";
} // if
} // if
} // if
if (!empty($next_task) AND !preg_match('/^(audit)/i', $next_task['task_id'])) {
// obtain any custom adjustments to this string
$task_id = $next_task['task_id'];
$pattern_id = $next_task['pattern_id'];
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_getWhere')) {
$where = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_getWhere($where, $task_id, $pattern_id);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$where = $this->_cm_getWhere($where, $task_id, $pattern_id);
} // if
} // if
return $where;
} // getWhere
// ****************************************************************************
function initialise ($where=null, &$selection=null, $search=null)
// perform any initialisation for the current task.
// Note that $selection is PASSED BY REFERENCE as it may be updated.
$this->pageno = null;
$this->where = null;
$pattern_id = getPatternId();
if (isset($GLOBALS['settings'])) {
if (is_string($GLOBALS['settings'])) {
parse_str($GLOBALS['settings'], $GLOBALS['settings']);
} // if
if (array_key_exists('allow_empty_where', $GLOBALS['settings'])) {
$this->allow_empty_where = TRUE;
} // if
} // if
// if (empty($this->custom_processing_object)) {
// } // if
if (preg_match('/^(mnu_initial_value_)/i', $this->tablename)) {
// do not look for initial values for the initial values tables
} else {
if ($this->initiated_from_controller) {
// obtain any initial values from MNU_INITIAL_VALUE_ROLE/USER table
$this->initial_values = $this->_getInitialValues();
if (preg_match('/^(list|output)/i', $pattern_id)) {
$this->sql_where = $this->_getInitialWhere($this->sql_where);
} // if
} // if
} // if
if (preg_match('/^(add|upd2)/i', $pattern_id)) {
// do not swap $selection with $where
} else {
if (empty($where) AND !empty($selection)) {
// $where is empty, so use $selection instead
$where = $selection;
$selection = null;
} // if
} // if
if (!empty($this->sql_where)) {
// extra WHERE provided in component script
if (empty($where)) {
$where = $this->sql_where;
} else {
//$where .= ' AND ' .$this->sql_where;
$where = mergeWhere($where, $this->sql_where);
} // if
//$this->sql_where = null;
} // if
$where2 = $where; // save for comparison
// perform any custom initialisation (optional)
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_initialise')) {
$where2 = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_initialise($where2, $selection, $search);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->errors) return $where2;
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$where2 = $this->_cm_initialise($where2, $selection, $search);
} // if
if ($this->errors) return $where2;
if ($where2 != $where) {
// this was changed in _cm_initialise(), so use the new version
$where = $where2;
} else {
if (preg_match('/^(add|upd2)/i', $pattern_id)) {
// do not swap $selection with $where
} else {
if (!empty($selection)) {
// $selection takes precedence over $where
$where = $selection;
$selection = null;
} // if
} // if
} // if
// convert $where string to an array
$fieldarray = where2array($where, false, false);
if (isset($this->fieldspec['rdcaccount_id'])) {
// is this field editable or non-editable?
if (isset($_SESSION['rdcaccount_id']) AND $_SESSION['rdcaccount_id'] > 1) {
$this->fieldspec['rdcaccount_id']['noedit'] = 'y';
} else{
if ($this->tablename == 'mnu_user') {
} else {
$this->fieldspec['rdcaccount_id']['noedit'] = 'y';
} // if
} // if
if (count($fieldarray) == 1) {
$fieldarray = unqualifyFieldArray($fieldarray);
if (isset($fieldarray['rdcaccount_id'])) {
// 'rdcaccount_id' is the only value, so can we remove it?
if ($this->tablename == 'mnu_account') {
// this is allowed on this table
} else {
$where = null;
$fieldarray = array();
} // if
} // if
} // if
} // if
if (!empty($this->alt_language_table)) {
if ($GLOBALS['mode'] == 'update') {
if ($_SESSION['user_language'] != $_SESSION['default_language']) {
if (!empty($this->alt_language_cols)) {
$screen_fields = getFieldsInScreen($GLOBALS['screen_structure'], $this->zone);
// cannot update text in base table which was obtained from alternative language table
$fieldnames = explode(', ', $this->alt_language_cols);
$display_message = false;
foreach ($fieldnames as $fieldname) {
$this->fieldspec[$fieldname]['noedit'] = 'y';
$this->noedit_array[$fieldname] = true;
if (in_array($fieldname, $screen_fields)) {
$display_message = true;
} // if
} // foreach
if ($display_message == true) {
$this->messages[] = $this->getLanguageText('sys0180');
} // if
} // if
} // if
} // if
} // if
$fieldarray2 = $fieldarray; // save for later comparison
// change current table configuration (optional)
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_changeConfig')) {
$fieldarray2 = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_changeConfig($where, $fieldarray2);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$fieldarray2 = $this->_cm_changeConfig($where, $fieldarray2);
} // if
if ($fieldarray2 != $fieldarray) {
$where = array2where($fieldarray2, $this->fieldspec);
} // if
if (!empty($this->where)) {
// replace with string saved in _cm_initialise()
$where = $this->where;
} else {
if (!empty($where)) {
// remove any fields which do not exist in current table to avoid an SQL error
$extra = array();
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_filterWhere')) {
$extra = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_filterWhere($extra);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$extra = $this->_cm_filterWhere($extra);
} // if
$where = filterWhere($where, $this->fieldspec, $this->tablename, $extra, $this);
} // if
} // if
$this->where = $where;
if ($this->initiated_from_controller == true AND $GLOBALS['mode'] == 'search') {
// rebuild array to include '=' and 'LIKE' operators
$fieldarray = where2array($where, false, false);
// do not allow any $where criteria to be changed
foreach ($fieldarray as $fieldname => $fieldvalue) {
if (is_integer($fieldname)) {
// this is an index to a string such as 'EXISTS (...)', so delete it
} elseif (!empty($fieldvalue)) {
if (preg_match('/^(LIKE )/i', ltrim($fieldvalue))) {
// ignore values starting with 'LIKE ' as they come from previous search
} elseif (preg_match('/^(IS NULL|IS NOT NULL|NOT IN|IN[ ]?\(|NOT LIKE)/i', trim($fieldvalue))) {
// not a valid value, so remove it
} else {
if (array_key_exists('control', $this->fieldspec[$fieldname])) {
// if 'control' is set then only operators of '=' are allowed
if (preg_match('/^=/', trim($fieldvalue))) {
$fieldarray[$fieldname] = stripOperators($fieldvalue);
$this->fieldspec[$fieldname]['noedit'] = 'y';
} else {
} // if
} elseif (preg_match('/^=/', trim($fieldvalue))) {
$fieldarray[$fieldname] = stripOperators($fieldvalue);
$this->fieldspec[$fieldname]['noedit'] = 'y';
} else {
$this->fieldspec[$fieldname]['noedit'] = 'y';
if (preg_match('/^(null)$/i', $fieldvalue)) {
// replace 'null' (the string) with NULL (the value)
$fieldarray[$fieldname] = null;
} // if
} // if
} // if
} // if
} // foreach
foreach ($this->fieldspec as $fieldname => $fieldspec) {
// do not display any fields marked with 'nosearch'
if (isset($fieldspec['nosearch'])) {
$this->fieldspec[$fieldname]['nodisplay'] = 'y';
} // if
// remove 'required' property to make all fields optional
if (isset($fieldspec['required'])) {
} // if
} // foreach
// look for start_date and end_date in $fieldspec
if (!empty($this->nameof_start_date)) {
$start_date = $this->nameof_start_date;
} else {
$start_date = 'start_date';
} // if
if (!empty($this->nameof_end_date)) {
$end_date = $this->nameof_end_date;
} else {
$end_date = 'end_date';
} // if
if (isset($this->fieldspec[$start_date]) AND isset($this->fieldspec[$end_date])) {
} // if
if (!empty($this->sql_search_table)) {
$search_table = $this->sql_search_table;
} else {
$search_table = $this->tablename;
} // if
if (is_array($_SESSION['search']) AND isset($_SESSION['search'][$search_table])) {
// retrieve previous search criteria and copy into this screen
$previous = $_SESSION['search'][$search_table];
// convert from string to associative array
$previous = where2array($previous, false, false);
// remove any field that does not belong in this table
foreach ($previous as $field => $value) {
list($operator, $value, $delimiter) = extractOperatorValue($value);
$value = stripslashes($value);
if (!array_key_exists($field, $this->fieldspec)) {
// this field doesn't exist in current table, so remove the value
} else {
if (strlen($value) > 1 AND substr_count($value, '%') == 1) {
// remove trailing '%'
$value = rtrim($value, '%');
} // if
} // if
// if field is aready in $fieldarray do NOT overwrite it
if (array_key_exists($field, $fieldarray)) {
} else {
if (preg_match('/(=|LIKE)/i', $operator)) {
$previous[$field] = $value;
} elseif (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z]+/', $operator)) {
// operator is alphabetic, so insert a space between it and the value
$previous[$field] = $operator.' '.$value;
} else {
$previous[$field] = $operator.$value;
} // if
} // if
} // foreach
// merge data into a single array
$fieldarray = array_merge($previous, $fieldarray);
} // if
if (isset($this->fieldspec['curr_or_hist'])) {
if (empty($fieldarray['curr_or_hist'])) {
// field is defined but no value is available, so set it to the default
$fieldarray['curr_or_hist'] = 'C';
} // if
} // if
// save, then convert back into string
$this->fieldarray = $fieldarray;
$where = array2where($fieldarray);
} // if
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_setJavaScript')) {
$this->javascript = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_setJavaScript($this->javascript);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$this->javascript = $this->_cm_setJavaScript($this->javascript);
} // if
if (isset($GLOBALS['mode']) AND preg_match('/(search|list|read)/i', $GLOBALS['mode'])) {
// ignore this next bit
} else {
if ($this->initiated_from_controller) {
if (preg_match('/^(workflow|audit)$/i', $this->dbname) OR defined('TRANSIX_NO_WORKFLOW') OR defined('RADICORE_NO_WORKFLOW')) {
// do nothing
} else {
if (is_string($where) AND !empty($where)) {
// find out if this task/context is a workitem within a workflow instance
} // if
} // if
} // if
} // if
return $where;
} // initialise
// ****************************************************************************
function initialiseFileDownload ($where)
// perform any initialisation for the file download operation.
if ($this->skip_getdata) {
// do not read database, use $where string instead
if (!empty($where)) {
$fieldarray = where2array($where);
$this->numrows = 1;
} // if
} else {
$fieldarray = $this->getData_raw($where);
if ($this->numrows < 1) {
$this->errors[] = $this->getLanguageText('sys0085'); // 'Nothing retrieved from the database.'
return false;
} // if
// change from indexed to associative for first row
$fieldarray = $fieldarray[0];
} // if
$this->download_filename = 'download_filename';
$this->download_mode = ''; // 'inline' will disable option to save
// call customisable method in the subclass.
$fieldarray = $this->_cm_initialiseFileDownload($fieldarray);
if (!empty($this->errors)) {
return FALSE;
} // if
if (!isset($fieldarray['ignore_errors'])) {
if (!file_exists($this->download_filename) ) {
// 'file does not exist'
$this->errors[] = $this->getLanguageText('sys0057', $this->download_filename);
} // if
} // if
return $fieldarray;
} // initialiseFileDownload
// ****************************************************************************
function initialiseFilePicker ($where, $search=null)
// perform any initialisation for the filepicker operation.
$fieldarray = where2array($where);
if (empty($this->picker_subdir)) {
$this->picker_subdir = 'picker';
} // if
$this->picker_filetypes = array();
$this->where = $where;
$this->fieldarray = $fieldarray;
// call customisable method in the subclass.
$fieldarray = $this->_cm_initialiseFilePicker($fieldarray, $search);
if (!empty($this->errors)) {
return FALSE;
} // if
if (is_array($fieldarray)) {
$this->fieldarray = $fieldarray;
} // if
if (!isset($fieldarray['ignore_errors'])) {
if (!is_dir($this->picker_subdir) ) {
if (!is_dir(dirname($this->picker_subdir)) ) {
// 'source directory does not exist'
$this->errors[] = $this->getLanguageText('sys0059', $this->picker_subdir);
} // if
} // if
} // if
// turn array of file types into a string
$string = '';
foreach ($this->picker_filetypes as $filetype) {
if (empty($string)) {
$string = "(\." .$filetype;
} else {
$string .= "|\." .$filetype;
} // if
} // foreach
if (empty($string)) {
// default is any file extension
$string = '^([^\.])' // begins with anything but '.'
. '.*' // any number of characters
. '(\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+)$'; // ends with '.<anything>'
} else {
$string .= ')$';
} // f
$this->picker_filetypes = $string;
} // initialiseFilePicker
// ****************************************************************************
function initialiseFileUpload ($where)
// perform any initialisation for the file upload operation.
$fieldarray = where2array($where);
$this->upload_subdir = 'uploadedfiles';
$this->upload_filetypes = array('image/gif');
$this->upload_maxfilesize = 1000000;
// call customisable method in the subclass.
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_initialiseFileUpload')) {
$fieldarray = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_initialiseFileUpload($fieldarray);
$this->resize_array = $this->custom_processing_object->resize_array;
$this->upload_subdir = $this->custom_processing_object->upload_subdir;
$this->upload_filetypes = $this->custom_processing_object->upload_filetypes;
$this->upload_maxfilesize = $this->custom_processing_object->upload_maxfilesize;
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$fieldarray = $this->_cm_initialiseFileUpload($fieldarray);
} // if
if (!empty($this->errors)) {
return FALSE;
} // if
$this->where = array2where($fieldarray);
if (!is_dir($this->upload_subdir) ) {
// 'destination directory does not exist'
$this->errors[] = $this->getLanguageText('sys0123', $this->upload_subdir);
} // if
return $this->where;
} // initialiseFileUpload
// ****************************************************************************
function insertMultiple ($fieldarray)
// insert multiple records using data in $fieldarray.
$this->errors = array();
$errors = array();
$this->no_display_count = false;
$count = 0;
reset($fieldarray); // fix for version 4.4.1
if (is_string(key($fieldarray))) {
// array is NOT indexed by row, so adjust it
$fieldarray = array($fieldarray);
} // if
// turn off feature in getInitialData() method
$this->ignore_empty_fields = true;
if (empty($this->errors)) {
// perform any additional custom pre-processing
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_pre_insertMultiple')) {
$fieldarray = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_pre_insertMultiple($fieldarray);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$fieldarray = $this->_cm_pre_insertMultiple($fieldarray);
} // if
} // if
if (!$this->errors) {
// insert each row one by one
foreach ($fieldarray as $rownum => $data) {
if (!empty($data)) {
$this->numrows = 0;
$fieldarray[$rownum] = $this->insertRecord($fieldarray[$rownum]);
if (!empty($this->errors)) {
// keep $errors separate for each row
$errors[$rownum] = $this->errors;
} else {
$count = $count + $this->numrows;
// if ($GLOBALS['mode'] == 'batch') {
// if ($count % 100 == 0) {
// echo "<p>$count records written</p>\n";
// } // if
// } // if
} // if
} // if
} // foreach
$this->errors = $errors;
$this->numrows = $count;
if (is_True($this->no_display_count)) {
// do not display record count
} else {
// 'X records were inserted into tablename'
$this->messages[] = $this->getLanguageText('sys0005', $count, strtoupper($this->tablename));
} // if
if (empty($this->errors)) {
// perform any additional custom post-processing
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_post_insertMultiple')) {
$fieldarray = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_post_insertMultiple($fieldarray);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$fieldarray = $this->_cm_post_insertMultiple($fieldarray);
} // if
} // if
// reset $this->fieldarray which was set to a single row by insertRecord()
$this->fieldarray = $fieldarray;
} // if
$this->ignore_empty_fields = false;
return $fieldarray;
} // insertMultiple
// ****************************************************************************
function insertOrUpdate ($fieldarray)
// this will insert or update a group of records.
$this->errors = array();
$errors = array();
reset($fieldarray); // fix for version 4.4.1
if (is_string(key($fieldarray))) {
// array is NOT indexed by row, so adjust it
$fieldarray = array($fieldarray);
$is_assoc = true; // this is an associative array (single row)
} else {
$is_assoc = false;
} // if
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_pre_insertOrUpdate')) {
$fieldarray = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_pre_insertOrUpdate($fieldarray);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$fieldarray = $this->_cm_pre_insertOrUpdate($fieldarray);
} // if
if ($this->errors) {
return $fieldarray;
} // if
// get array of fieldnames in the primary key
$pkeynames = $this->getPkeyNames();
$insert_count = 0;
$update_count = 0;
$unchange_count = 0;
foreach ($fieldarray as $rownum => $rowdata) {
// check if entire primary key (or candidate key) has been supplied
list($where, $errors) = isPkeyComplete($rowdata, $pkeynames, $this->unique_keys);
if (empty($where)) {
// not complete, so cannot perform lookup, record must be inserted
$count = 0;
$errors = array();
} else {
// find out if this record currently exists or not
$count = $this->getCount($where);
} // if
if ($count == 0) {
// record does not exist, so create it
$this->no_duplicate_error = true; // don't error if this is a duplicate
$rowdata = $this->insertRecord($rowdata);
if ($this->numrows > 0) {
} // if
} else {
// record already exists, so update it
$rowdata = $this->updateRecord($rowdata);
if ($this->numrows > 0) {
} else {
} // if
} // if
$this->no_duplicate_error = false;
if ($this->errors) {
if ($is_assoc) {
$errors = $this->errors;
} else {
$errors[$rownum] = $this->errors;
} // if
} // if
$fieldarray[$rownum] = $rowdata;
} // foreach
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_post_insertOrUpdate')) {
$fieldarray = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_post_insertOrUpdate($fieldarray, $insert_count, $update_count);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$fieldarray = $this->_cm_post_insertOrUpdate($fieldarray, $insert_count, $update_count);
} // if
if (is_True($this->no_display_count)) {
// do not display record count
} else {
// "X records inserted, X records updated in <tablename>"
$this->messages = $this->getLanguageText('sys0098', $insert_count, $update_count, strtoupper($this->tablename));
} // if
$this->insert_count = $insert_count;
$this->update_count = $update_count;
$this->unchange_count = $unchange_count;
$this->errors = $errors;
if ($is_assoc) {
return $fieldarray[0]; // return an associative array
} else {
return $fieldarray; // return an indexed array
} // if
} // insertOrUpdate
// ****************************************************************************
function insertRecord ($fieldarray)
// insert a record using contents of $fieldarray.
$this->errors = array(); // initialise
$this->numrows = 0;
if (!empty($fieldarray)) {
reset($fieldarray); // fix for version 4.4.1
if (!is_string(key($fieldarray))) {
// input is indexed by row, so extract data for 1st row only
$fieldarray = $fieldarray[key($fieldarray)];
} // if
} // if
// shift all field names to lower case
$fieldarray = array_change_key_case($fieldarray, CASE_LOWER);
// do not allow auto-insert/auto-update fields to be pasted into an insert screen
foreach ($this->fieldspec as $field => $spec) {
if (array_key_exists('autoinsert', $spec) or array_key_exists('autoupdate', $spec)) {
} // if
} // foreach
if (!empty($this->initial_values)) {
// insert any initial values obtained from MNU_INITIAL_VALUE_ROLE/USER table
foreach ($this->initial_values as $key => $value) {
if (empty($fieldarray[$key])) {
// current value is empty, so overwrite with initial value
$fieldarray[$key] = $value;
} // if
} // foreach
} // if
//if ($this->initiated_from_controller) {
// deal with numbers in foreign formats
//$fieldarray = $this->unFormatNumber($fieldarray); // (NOTE: this is now done in array_update_associative() function)
// deal with datetime in different timezones
//$fieldarray = $this->convertTimeZone($fieldarray); // NOTE: now done AFTER _cm_pre_insertRecord() method
//} // if
// redo any custom initialisation
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_getInitialData')) {
$fieldarray = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_getInitialData($fieldarray);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$fieldarray = $this->_cm_getInitialData($fieldarray);
} // if
$fieldarray = array_change_key_case($fieldarray, CASE_LOWER);
if (empty($this->errors)) {
// perform any custom pre-insert processing
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_pre_insertRecord')) {
$fieldarray = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_pre_insertRecord($fieldarray);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$fieldarray = $this->_cm_pre_insertRecord($fieldarray);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->initiated_from_controller === TRUE AND $this->no_convert_timezone === FALSE) {
if (!empty($fieldarray) AND !empty($GLOBALS['screen_structure'])) {
// deal with datetimes from screen input which may be in different timezone
$fieldarray = $this->convertTimeZone($fieldarray, $this->fieldspec);
} // if
} // if
$fieldarray = array_change_key_case($fieldarray, CASE_LOWER);
$insertarray = $fieldarray; // copy to temporary area
if (empty($this->errors) AND is_array($insertarray) AND !empty($insertarray)) {
// perform standard declarative checks on input array
// NOTE: this produces another array with data formatted for the database
$insertarray = $this->_validateInsert($insertarray);
// replace any fields which may have been modified during the validation process
$insertarray = array_merge($fieldarray, $insertarray);
} // if
if (empty($this->errors)) {
if ($this->skip_validation OR isset($insertarray['rdc_skip_validation'])) {
// do not perform any custom validation
} elseif (is_array($insertarray) AND !empty($insertarray)) {
// perform any custom pre-insert validation (1)
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_commonValidation')) {
$insertarray = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_commonValidation($insertarray, $insertarray);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$insertarray = $this->_cm_commonValidation($insertarray, $insertarray);
} // if
if (empty($this->errors)) {
// perform any custom pre-insert validation (2)
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_validateInsert')) {
$insertarray = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_validateInsert($insertarray);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$insertarray = $this->_cm_validateInsert($insertarray);
} // if
} // if
} // if
} // if
if (is_array($insertarray) AND !empty($insertarray)) {
$insertarray = array_change_key_case($insertarray, CASE_LOWER);
} // if
if (empty($this->errors)) {
if (is_array($insertarray) AND !empty($insertarray)) {
// perform any last minute adjustments
foreach ($this->fieldspec as $field => $spec) {
if (array_key_exists($field, $insertarray)) {
if (array_key_exists('autoinsert', $spec) OR array_key_exists('autoupdate', $spec)) {
// remove any autoinsert or autoupdate fields
} // if
if (!empty($insertarray[$field])) {
if (preg_match('/(decimal|numeric|float|real|double)/i', $spec['type'])) {
// remove thousands separator and ensure decimal point is '.'
$insertarray[$field] = number_unformat($insertarray[$field], '.', ',');
if (array_key_exists('scale', $spec)) {
// round to the correct number of decimal places
$insertarray[$field] = number_format($insertarray[$field], $spec['scale'], '.', '');
} // if
} // if
} // if
} // if
} // foreach
// perform standard insert using validated data
$inserted = $this->_dml_insertRecord($insertarray);
// replace any non-database fields not included in the insert
$insertarray = array_merge($insertarray, $inserted);
} // if
} // if
// merge temporary area with original input
if (is_array($insertarray) AND !empty($insertarray)) {
$fieldarray = array_merge($fieldarray, $insertarray);
} // if
//if (empty($this->errors) AND is_array($insertarray) AND !empty($insertarray)) {
if (empty($this->errors)) {
// perform any custom post-insert processing
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_post_insertRecord')) {
$fieldarray = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_post_insertRecord($fieldarray);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$fieldarray = $this->_cm_post_insertRecord($fieldarray);
} // if
$fieldarray = array_change_key_case($fieldarray, CASE_LOWER);
// if ($this->numrows > 0 AND !empty($this->alt_language_table) AND $_SESSION['logon_user_id'] != 'INTERNET') {
// // ensure that default entries exist for all supported languages
// $dbobject =& RDCsingleton::getInstance($this->alt_language_table);
// $data = array();
// $data = $dbobject->getLanguageEntries($data, $fieldarray, $this->alt_language_cols);
// if ($dbobject->errors) {
// //$this->errors = array_merge($this->errors, $dbobject->errors);
// $this->errors[$dbobject->getClassName()] = $dbobject->errors;
// } // if
// unset($dbobject);
// } // if
} // if
// turn this flag off
$this->skip_validation = FALSE;
// store updated $fieldarray within this object
$this->fieldarray = $fieldarray;
return $fieldarray;
} // insertRecord
// ****************************************************************************
function multiQuery ($query)
// process one or more SQL queries in one go.
// $query may be a string (single query) or an array (multiple queries).
$result = $this->executeQuery($query);
return $result;
} // multiQuery
// ****************************************************************************
function popupCall (&$popupname, $where, &$script_vars, $fieldarray, &$settings)
// processing before a popup form is called.
// NOTE: $popupname is passed BY REFERENCE as it may be altered.
// NOTE: $script_vars is passed BY REFERENCE as it may be altered.
// clear any previous selection
$script_vars['selection'] = NULL;
// the default is to select only one entry
$settings_array['select_one'] = true;
if (!empty($where)) {
$where_array = where2array($where);
foreach ($where_array as $where_field => $where_value) {
if (!isset($fieldarray[$where_field]) OR empty($fieldarray[$where_field])) {
$fieldarray[$where_field] = $where_value;
} // if
} // foreach
} // if
// allow $where and $settings to be altered
$popupname = strtolower($popupname);
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
// call method which is specific to current project
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_popupCall')) {
$where = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_popupCall($popupname, $where, $fieldarray, $settings_array);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
// call standard method
$where = $this->_cm_popupCall($popupname, $where, $fieldarray, $settings_array);
} // if
//$script_vars['where'] = $where; // do NOT update this value
$settings = '';
// convert $settings array into a string
foreach ($settings_array as $key => $value) {
if (is_bool($value)) {
if ($value === true) {
$value = 'TRUE';
} else {
$value = 'FALSE';
} // if
} // if
if (empty($settings)) {
$settings = "$key=$value";
} else {
$settings .= "&$key=$value";
} // if
} // foreach
return $where;
} // popupCall
// ****************************************************************************
function popupReturn ($fieldarray, $return_from, $selection, $popup_offset=null)
// process a selection returned from a popup screen.
// $fieldarray contains the record data when the popup button was pressed.
// $return_from identifies which popup screen was called.
// $selection contains a string identifying what was selected in that popup screen.
$this->errors = array();
$return_from = strtolower($return_from);
reset($fieldarray); // fix for version 4.4.1
if (!empty($fieldarray) and !is_string(key($fieldarray))) {
if (is_null($popup_offset)) {
// extract first row
$single_row = $fieldarray[key($fieldarray)];
$popup_offset = key($fieldarray)+1;
} else {
// extract specified row
$single_row = $fieldarray[$popup_offset-1];
} // if
} else {
// not indexed by row, so use entire array
$single_row = $fieldarray;
} // if
if (substr_count($selection, '=') == 0) {
$found = false;
// selection is not in format 'key=value', so it must be from a filepicker
foreach ($this->fieldspec as $field => $spec) {
if (isset($spec['task_id'])) {
if ($spec['task_id'] == $return_from) {
$found = true;
// now empty the description field obtained from the foreign table
$single_row[$field] = $selection;
} // if
} // if
} // foreach
if ($found) {
// deal with any processing after a value has been returned
$select_array[$field] = $selection;
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_popupReturn')) {
// call method which is specific to current project
$single_row = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_popupReturn($single_row, $return_from, $select_array);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
// call standard method
$single_row = $this->_cm_popupReturn($single_row, $return_from, $select_array);
} // if
// store updated $fieldarray within this object
$this->fieldarray = $single_row;
} // if
return $single_row;
} // if
// convert selection string into an associative array
$select_array = where2array($selection);
// find entry in $fieldspec which uses this popup form
$found = false;
foreach ($this->fieldspec as $field => $spec) {
if (isset($spec['task_id'])) {
if ($spec['task_id'] == $return_from) {
$found = true;
if (isset($spec['foreign_field'])) {
// remove the description field obtained from the foreign table
} // if
// deal with any processing after a value has been returned
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_popupReturn')) {
// call method which is specific to current project
$single_row = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_popupReturn($single_row, $return_from, $select_array);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
// call standard method
$single_row = $this->_cm_popupReturn($single_row, $return_from, $select_array);
} // if
// look for any differences between the fieldname(s) returned by the popup
// and the fieldname(s) used in this table
foreach ($this->parent_relations as $parent) {
if (array_key_exists($field, $parent['fields'])) {
foreach ($parent['fields'] as $fld_child => $fld_parent) {
if ($fld_child != $fld_parent) {
if (isset($select_array[$fld_parent])) {
// convert the parent field name to the child field name
$select_array[$fld_child] = $select_array[$fld_parent];
} // if
} // if
} // foreach
} // if
} // foreach
// merge $selection with $fieldarray
$single_row = array_merge($single_row, $select_array);
} // if
} // if
} // foreach
if ($found) {
if ($GLOBALS['mode'] == 'insert') {
// redo any custom initialisation
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_getInitialData')) {
$single_row = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_getInitialData($single_row);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$single_row = $this->_cm_getInitialData($single_row);
} // if
} // if
$single_row = array_change_key_case($single_row, CASE_LOWER);
// retrieve data from foreign (parent) tables
$single_row = $this->getForeignData($single_row);
if ($GLOBALS['mode'] != 'search') {
// perform any post-popup processing
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_post_popupReturn')) {
$single_row = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_post_popupReturn($single_row, $return_from, $select_array);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$single_row = $this->_cm_post_popupReturn($single_row, $return_from, $select_array);
} // if
} // if
} // if
$single_row = array_change_key_case($single_row, CASE_LOWER);
if (!empty($fieldarray) and !is_string(key($fieldarray))) {
// insert sigle row into array
$fieldarray[$popup_offset-1] = $single_row;
} else {
// not inexed by row, so replace entire array
$fieldarray = $single_row;
} // if
// see if any additional data is required or needs to be changed
$fieldarray = $this->getExtraData($fieldarray);
// store updated $fieldarray within this object
$this->fieldarray = $fieldarray;
return $fieldarray;
} // popupReturn
// ****************************************************************************
function post_fileUpload ($filename, $filesize)
// perform processing after a file has been uploaded.
$this->errors = array();
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_post_fileUpload')) {
$this->custom_processing_object->resize_array = $this->resize_array;
$this->custom_processing_object->upload_subdir = $this->upload_subdir;
$this->custom_processing_object->upload_filetypes = $this->upload_filetypes;
$this->custom_processing_object->upload_maxfilesize = $this->upload_maxfilesize;
$filename = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_post_fileUpload($filename, $filesize);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$filename = $this->_cm_post_fileUpload($filename, $filesize);
} // if
return $filename;
} // post_fileUpload
// ****************************************************************************
function post_search ($search, $selection)
// perform final processing before $search is returned to the calling program
$this->errors = array();
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_post_search')) {
$search = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_post_search($search, $selection);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$search = $this->_cm_post_search($search, $selection);
} // if
return $search;
} // post_search
// ****************************************************************************
function reInitialise ($fieldarray, $where)
// re-initialise $fieldarray after previous insert
// nullify all fields identified in $fieldspec
foreach ($this->fieldspec as $fieldname => $spec) {
$fieldarray[$fieldname] = NULL;
} // foreach
$this->fieldarray = $fieldarray;
return $fieldarray;
} // reInitialise
// ****************************************************************************
function reset ($where=null, $keep_orderby=false)
// reset all screen settings before starting afresh.
if (!is_True($keep_orderby)) {
} // if
$this->fieldarray = array();
$null = $this->initialise($where);
return $where;
} // reset
// ****************************************************************************
function restart ($return_from, $return_action, $return_string=null)
// script is being restarted after running a child form, so check for further action.
$pattern_id = getPatternId();
$zone = $this->zone;
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_restart')) {
$this->custom_processing_object->_cm_restart($pattern_id, $zone, $return_from, $return_action, $return_string);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$this->_cm_restart($pattern_id, $zone, $return_from, $return_action, $return_string);
} // if
} // restart
// ****************************************************************************
function rollback ()
// rollback this transaction due to some sort of error.
// remove entries created by this task
$DML =& $this->_getDBMSengine($this->dbname);
$result = $DML->rollback($this->dbname_server);
$GLOBALS['transaction_has_started'] = FALSE;
return $result;
} // rollback
// ****************************************************************************
function scriptNext ($task_id, $where=null, $selection=null, $task_array=array())
// suspend the current task before juming to a new task.
if ($GLOBALS['transaction_has_started'] == TRUE) {
$errors = $this->commit();
if ($errors) {
return false;
} // if
} // if
scriptNext($task_id, $where, $selection, $task_array);
} // scriptNext
// ****************************************************************************
function scriptPrevious ($errors=null, $messages=NULL, $action=NULL, $instruction=NULL)
// go back to the previous script in the current hierarchy.
if ($GLOBALS['transaction_has_started'] == TRUE) {
$errors = $this->commit();
if ($errors) {
return false;
} // if
} // if
scriptPevious($errors, $messages, $action, $instruction);
} // scriptPrevious
// ****************************************************************************
function selectDB ($dbname)
// select a different database via the current connection.
$DML =& $this->_getDBMSengine($this->dbname);
$result = $DML->selectDB($dbname);
return $result;
} // selectDB
// ****************************************************************************
function setAction ($action)
// process the designated action within the current object.
$this->errors = array();
switch (strtolower($action)){
case 'selectall':
foreach ($this->fieldarray as $row => $data) {
if (!empty($data)) {
$this->fieldarray[$row]['selected'] = true;
} // if
} // foreach
case 'unselectall':
foreach ($this->fieldarray as $row => $data) {
if (!empty($data)) {
$this->fieldarray[$row]['selected'] = false;
} // if
} // foreach
$this->errors[] = $this->getLanguageText('sys0012'); // 'setAction: 2nd parameter is unknown action'
} // switch
return $this->fieldarray;
} // setAction
// ****************************************************************************
function setChildData ($data)
// return $fieldarray from the parent object.
if (!is_object($this->child_object)) {
return FALSE;
} elseif (!method_exists($this->child_object, 'setFieldArray')) {
return FALSE;
} // if
return true;
} // setChildData
// ****************************************************************************
function setChildObject (&$childOBJ)
// insert a reference to this object's child in the current task.
if (is_object($childOBJ)) {
$this->child_object =& $childOBJ;
} // if
} // setChildObject
// ****************************************************************************
function setCurrentOrHistoric ()
// this table contains fields START_DATE and END_DATE, so insert into search
// screen a dropdown list to select 'current', 'historic' or 'all' dates.
// create array of options and and put into LOOKUP_DATA
//$array['C'] = 'Current';
//$array['H'] = 'Historic';
//$array['F'] = 'Future';
$array = $this->getLanguageArray('curr_or_hist');
$this->lookup_data['curr_or_hist'] = $array;
// insert field into $fieldspec
$this->fieldspec['curr_or_hist'] = array('type' => 'string',
'control' => 'dropdown',
'optionlist' => 'curr_or_hist');
} // setCurrentOrHistoric
// ****************************************************************************
function setDefaultOrderBy ($sql_orderby='')
// this allows a default sort order to be specified (see getData)
// only set if non-null value is given
if (!empty($sql_orderby)) {
$this->default_orderby_task = trim(strtolower($sql_orderby));
$this->sql_orderby_seq = $this->getOrderBySeq($sql_orderby);
} // if
} // setDefaultOrderBy
// ****************************************************************************
function setFieldAccess ()
// get contents of ROLE_TASKFIELD for this role/task.
// this identifies if access to certain fields should be turned off.
$this->errors = array();
$array = array();
// MNU_ROLE_TASKFIELD contains a list of fields for the current task
// which may have the default ACCESS_TYPE altered for the current role.
// first we must obtain the user's current role setting
$dbrole =& RDCsingleton::getInstance('mnu_role');
$dbrole_data = $dbrole->getRole($_SESSION['logon_user_id']);
if ($dbrole->errors) {
$this->errors = $dbrole->errors;
return FALSE;
} // if
$role_id = $dbrole_data['role_id'];
$role_list = $dbrole_data['role_list'];
$global_access = $dbrole_data['global_access'];
// If the security class has GLOBAL_ACCESS = 'y' there are no restrictions.
if (is_True($global_access)) return $array;
$dbobject =& RDCsingleton::getInstance('mnu_role_taskfield');
$dbobject->sql_select = 'role_id,task_id,field_id,access_type';
$dbobject->sql_from = 'mnu_role_taskfield ';
$dbobject->sql_where = "mnu_role_taskfield.role_id IN($role_list)";
$dbobject->sql_orderby = '';
$PHP_SELF = getSelf(); // reduce PHP_SELF to '/dir/file.php'
$where = "task_id='" .$_SESSION['pages'][$PHP_SELF]['task_id'] ."'";
$accessarray = $dbobject->getData_raw($where);
$this->errors = $dbobject->getErrors();
// $accessarray contains a separate row for each field which must now be
// reduced to an associative array of 'field_id=access_type'
$array = array();
foreach ($accessarray as $row => $rowdata) {
$fieldname = strtolower($rowdata['field_id']);
$fieldvalue = strtolower($rowdata['access_type']);
// set access type for the field
switch ($fieldvalue) {
case 'ned':
$array[$fieldname] = 'noedit';
case 'ndi':
$array[$fieldname] = 'nodisplay';
// ignore if access_type='full' (no restrictions)
} // switch
} // foreach
$this->field_access = $array;
return $array;
} // setFieldAccess
// ****************************************************************************
function setFieldArray ($fieldarray, $reset_pageno=true)
// this allows the current data array to be set or replaced.
if (empty($fieldarray)) {
$this->fieldarray = array();
} else {
reset($fieldarray); // fix for version 4.4.1
if (!is_string(key($fieldarray))) {
// input is indexed by row, so use it 'as is'
$this->fieldarray = $fieldarray;
} else {
// input is not indexed by row, so make it row zero
$this->fieldarray = array($fieldarray);
} // if
} // if
$this->numrows = count($this->fieldarray);
if ($this->numrows == 0) {
if ($reset_pageno === true) {
$this->pageno = 0;
$this->lastpage = 0;
} // if
} // if
return $this->fieldarray;
} // setFieldArray
// ****************************************************************************
function setInstruction ($instruction)
// load an optional instruction from the previous script.
$this->instruction = $instruction;
// process any instruction to expand a tree node
if (array_key_exists('expand', $instruction)) {
$this->expanded[$instruction['expand']] = true;
} // if
} // setInstruction
// ****************************************************************************
function setLookupData ($input=null)
// fetch any lookup data and load into member variable.
// $input may be an array or a string
if (is_array($input)) {
reset($input); // fix for version 4.4.1
if (!empty($input) and !is_string(key($input))) {
// indexed by row, so use only row zero
$fieldarray = $input[key($input)];
} else {
$fieldarray = $input;
} // if
// convert into string after removing non-Pkey fields
$where = array2where($fieldarray, $this->getPkeyNames());
} else {
if (!empty($input)) {
// convert from string to an associative array
$fieldarray = where2array($input, false, false);
// convert back into string after removing non-Pkey fields
$where = array2where($fieldarray, $this->getPkeyNames());
} else {
$fieldarray = array();
$where = null;
} // if
} // if
// change current table configuration (optional)
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_changeConfig')) {
$fieldarray = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_changeConfig($where, $fieldarray);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$fieldarray = $this->_cm_changeConfig($where, $fieldarray);
} // if
// see if any additional data is required or needs to be changed
$fieldarray = $this->_cm_getExtraData($where, $fieldarray);
return $fieldarray;
} // setLookupData
// ****************************************************************************
function setOrderBy ($sql_orderby, $sql_orderby_seq=null, $toggle=true)
// this allows a sort order to be changed by the user (see getData)
$this->sql_orderby = trim(strtolower($sql_orderby));
if (empty($this->sql_orderby)) {
$this->sql_orderby_seq = NULL;
$this->prev_sql_orderby = NULL;
} // if
// reduce orderby from 'table.column, table.column, ...' to a single column name
$test_orderby = reduceOrderBy($sql_orderby);
$this->prev_sql_orderby = reduceOrderBy($this->prev_sql_orderby);
if ($test_orderby != $this->prev_sql_orderby) {
// column name has changed, so reset sequence to 'ASC'
$this->sql_orderby_seq = 'asc';
} else {
// toggle 'orderby_seq' between 'asc' and 'desc'
if (empty($this->sql_orderby_seq) OR $toggle === false) {
$this->sql_orderby_seq = $sql_orderby_seq;
} elseif (empty($sql_orderby_seq) OR $sql_orderby_seq == 'asc') {
$this->sql_orderby_seq = 'desc';
} else {
$this->sql_orderby_seq = 'asc';
} // if
} // if
} // setOrderBy
// ****************************************************************************
function setOrderBySeq ($sql_orderby_seq)
// this allows a sort sequence ('asc' or 'desc') to be set (see getData)
$this->sql_orderby_seq = trim($sql_orderby_seq);
} // setOrderBySeq
// ****************************************************************************
function setPageNo ($pageno=null)
// this allows a particular page number to be selected (see getData)
if (empty($pageno)) {
$this->pageno = 1;
} else {
$this->pageno = abs((int)$pageno);
} // if
// a new page has been selected, so clear what was selected on the previous page
$this->select_string = null;
} // setPageNo
// ****************************************************************************
function setParentData ($data)
// return $fieldarray from the parent object.
if (!is_object($this->parent_object)) {
return FALSE;
} elseif (!method_exists($this->parent_object, 'setFieldArray')) {
return FALSE;
} // if
return true;
} // setParentData
// ****************************************************************************
function setParentObject (&$parentOBJ)
// insert a reference to this object's parent in the current task.
if (is_object($parentOBJ)) {
$this->parent_object =& $parentOBJ;
} // if
} // setParentObject
// ****************************************************************************
function setRowsPerPage ($rows_per_page)
// this allows the default value to be changed
$this->rows_per_page = abs((int)$rows_per_page);
} // setRowsPerPage
// ****************************************************************************
function setScrollArray ($where)
// construct an array of primary keys using the contents of $where
// convert $where (string) into an array of 'name=value' pairs
$wherearray = where2array($where);
// call custom method to construct $this->scrollarray
$array = $this->_cm_setScrollArray($where, $wherearray);
//$array = array_unique($array); // remove duplicates
// shift entries so that they start at position 1 not 0
array_unshift($array, 'dummy');
// save this array for use during this object's life
$this->scrollarray = $array;
if ($this->pageno < 1) {
$this->pageno = 1;
} // if
// replace $where with details from 1st entry in scrollarray
if (is_array($this->scrollarray[$this->pageno])) {
$where = array2where($this->scrollarray[$this->pageno]);
} else {
$where = $this->scrollarray[$this->pageno];
} // if
// set initial values to be used by scrolling logic
$this->scrollindex = $this->pageno;
$this->numrows = count($this->scrollarray);
$this->lastpage = count($this->scrollarray);
return $where;
} // setScrollArray
// ****************************************************************************
function setScrollIndex ($index='1')
// this allows a particular index number to be selected (see getData)
$this->scrollindex = abs((int)$index);
} // setScrollIndex
// ****************************************************************************
function setSelectedRows ($select_string, $rows)
// mark any rows as 'selected' if pkey exists in select string
$select_array = splitWhereByRow($select_string);
foreach ($select_array as $index => $string) {
$array1 = where2array($string); // convert string to array
$select_array[$index] = $array1; // replace string with array
} // foreach
// now compare each row of data with $select_array
foreach ($rows as $rownum => $rowdata) {
if (empty($select_array)) {
break; // no entries left, so exit
} // if
foreach ($select_array as $select_row => $select_array2) {
$found = false;
foreach ($select_array2 as $select_name => $select_value) {
if (!array_key_exists($select_name, $rowdata)) {
// this must be a dummy field, so ignore it
} else {
if ($rowdata[$select_name] == $select_value) {
$found = true;
} else {
$found = false;
} // if
} // if
} // foreach
if ($found == true) {
// data matches selection, so mark this row as 'selected'
$rows[$rownum]['selected'] = true;
} // if
} // foreach
} // foreach
return $rows;
} // setSelectedRows
// ****************************************************************************
function setSqlSearch ($sql_search=null, $save=false)
// set additional criteria to be used in sql select
$this->sql_search = $sql_search;
$this->sql_search_orig = $sql_search;
// this causes following variables to be reset
$this->pageno = 1;
$this->sql_having = null;
// new selection criteria has been entered, so clear what was selected previously
$this->select_string = null;
if (!empty($sql_search) AND $save == true) {
// save this so that it appears in the search screen
if (!empty($this->sql_search_table)) {
$_SESSION['search'][$this->sql_search_table] = $sql_search;
} else {
$_SESSION['search'][$this->tablename] = $sql_search;
} // if
} // if
} // setSqlSearch
// ****************************************************************************
function setSqlGroupBy ($sql_groupby=null)
// set additional criteria to be used in sql select
$this->sql_groupby = trim($sql_groupby);
} // setSqlSearch
// ****************************************************************************
function setSqlWhere ($sql_where)
// set additional criteria to be used with sql where
if (empty($this->sql_where)) {
$this->sql_where = $sql_where;
} else {
$this->sql_where .= ' AND ' .$sql_where;
} // if
} // setSqlWhere
// ****************************************************************************
// function setSelectArray ($selection)
// // set optional selection criteria to be used in sql select
// {
// if (is_array($selection)) {
// // use only 1st element of this array
// $this->selectarray = $selection[key($selection)];
// } else {
// // convert string to an associative array
// $this->selectarray = where2array($selection);
// } // if
// } // setSelectArray
// ****************************************************************************
function sqlSelectDefault ()
// set components of the sql SELECT statement to their default values using
// the contents of $this->parent_relations.
$save_sql_no_foreign_db = $this->sql_no_foreign_db;
$this->sql_no_foreign_db = $save_sql_no_foreign_db;
$this->sql_from = $this->_sqlForeignJoin($this->sql_select, $this->sql_from, $this->parent_relations);
$this->access_count = 1;
} // sqlSelectDefault
// ****************************************************************************
function sqlSelectInit ()
// initialise all variables used to construct the sql SELECT statement.
$this->sql_select = null;
$this->sql_from = null;
$this->sql_where = null;
$this->sql_union = null;
$this->sql_groupby = null;
$this->sql_orderby = null;
$this->sql_orderby_seq = null;
$this->sql_having = null;
$this->sql_search = null;
$this->sql_search_orig = null;
$this->sql_search_table = null;
$this->pageno = null;
//$this->rows_per_page = null;
$this->access_count = null;
//$this->sql_no_foreign_db = false;
} // sqlSelectInit
// ****************************************************************************
function startTransaction ()
// start a new transaction, to be terminated by either COMMIT or ROLLBACK.
$DML =& $this->_getDBMSengine($this->dbname);
$GLOBALS['lock_tables'] = FALSE; // set default, may be changed
$GLOBALS['lock_rows'] = FALSE; // set default, may be changed
$this->transaction_level = null; // set default, may be changed
// get optional locks from current object
$lock_array = $this->_cm_getDatabaseLock();
$new_array = array();
if ($GLOBALS['lock_tables'] == TRUE) {
if (empty($lock_array)) {
$lock_array['WRITE'][] = $this->tablename;
} // if
foreach ($lock_array as $row => $data) {
// if no READ/WRITE lock is specified, default to WRITE
if (!preg_match('/^(READ|WRITE)$/i', $row, $regs)) {
$lock_array['WRITE'][] = $data; // insert new entry
unset($lock_array[$row]); // delete old entry
} // if
} // foreach
// set up array of standard locks
$std_lock['WRITE']['audit'][] = 'audit_ssn';
$std_lock['WRITE']['audit'][] = 'audit_trn';
$std_lock['WRITE']['audit'][] = 'audit_tbl';
$std_lock['WRITE']['audit'][] = 'audit_fld';
$std_lock['READ'] ['menu'][] = 'mnu_role';
$std_lock['READ'] ['menu'][] = 'mnu_task';
$std_lock['READ'] ['menu'][] = 'mnu_initial_value_role';
$std_lock['READ'] ['menu'][] = 'mnu_initial_value_user';
$std_lock['READ'] ['workflow'][] = 'wf_workflow';
$std_lock['READ'] ['workflow'][] = 'wf_place';
$std_lock['READ'] ['workflow'][] = 'wf_transition';
$std_lock['READ'] ['workflow'][] = 'wf_arc';
$std_lock['WRITE']['workflow'][] = 'wf_case';
$std_lock['WRITE']['workflow'][] = 'wf_token';
$std_lock['WRITE']['workflow'][] = 'wf_workitem';
// compare $lock_array with $std_locks looking for duplicates
// NOTE: a WRITE lock will replace a READ lock
foreach ($lock_array as $mode => $mode_array) {
foreach ($mode_array as $row => $tablename) {
if (strpos($tablename, '.')) {
// split into $dbname and $tablename
list($dbname, $tablename) = explode('.', $tablename);
} else {
$dbname = $this->dbname;
} // if
if ($mode == 'WRITE') {
if (array_key_exists($dbname, $std_lock['READ'])) {
if (in_array($tablename, $std_lock['READ'][$dbname])) {
// remove any entry for the same table in the READ array
$stdrow = array_search($tablename, $std_lock['READ'][$dbname]);
//} else {
// unset($lock_array[$mode][$row]);
} // if
} elseif (array_key_exists($dbname, $std_lock['WRITE'])) {
if (in_array($tablename, $std_lock['WRITE'][$dbname])) {
// remove any entry for the same table in the READ array
$stdrow = array_search($tablename, $std_lock['WRITE'][$dbname]);
} // if
} // if
} else { // $mode == 'READ'
if (array_key_exists($dbname, $std_lock['READ'])) {
if (in_array($tablename, $std_lock['READ'][$dbname])) {
// remove any entry for the same table in the READ array
$stdrow = array_search($tablename, $std_lock['READ'][$dbname]);
} // if
} elseif (array_key_exists($dbname, $std_lock['WRITE'])) {
if (in_array($tablename, $std_lock['WRITE'][$dbname])) {
// remove any entry for the same table in the READ array
} // if
} // if
} // if
} // foreach
} // foreach
$switch_dbnames = array();
// transfer $lock_array to $new_array
foreach ($lock_array as $mode => $mode_array) {
foreach ($mode_array as $row => $tablename) {
if (strpos($tablename, '.')) {
// split into $dbname and $tablename
list($dbname, $tablename) = explode('.', $tablename);
if (!array_key_exists($dbname, $switch_dbnames)) {
// does not exist yet, so create it now
$switch_dbnames[$dbname] = findDBName($dbname, $this->dbname);
} // if
// replace dictionary name with server name
$server_dbname = $switch_dbnames[$dbname];
$new_array[$mode][] = $server_dbname.$tablename;
} else {
$new_array[$mode][] = $tablename;
} // if
} // foreach
} // foreach
// transfer $std_lock to $new_array
foreach ($std_lock as $mode => $mode_array) {
foreach ($mode_array as $std_dbname => $std_table_array) {
foreach ($std_table_array as $std_tablename) {
if ($std_dbname == $this->dbname) {
$new_array[$mode][] = $std_tablename;
} else {
if (!array_key_exists($std_dbname, $switch_dbnames)) {
// does not exist yet, so create it now
$switch_dbnames[$std_dbname] = findDBName($std_dbname, $this->dbname);
} // if
// replace dictionary name with server name
$server_dbname = $switch_dbnames[$std_dbname];
$new_array[$mode][] = $server_dbname.$std_tablename;
} // if
} // foreach
} // foreach
} // foreach
} // if
$DML->transaction_level = $this->transaction_level;
$DML->table_locks = $new_array;
$DML->row_locks = $this->row_locks; // EX=Exclusive, SH=shared
$DML->row_locks_supp = $this->row_locks_supp; // DBMS-specific
$result = $DML->startTransaction($this->dbname_server);
$GLOBALS['transaction_has_started'] = TRUE;
return $result;
} // startTransaction
// ****************************************************************************
function unFormatData ($fieldarray)
// remove any formatting before data is given to the database.
// (such as changing dates from 'dd Mmm CCYY' to 'CCYY-MM-DD')
$dateobj =& RDCsingleton::getInstance('date_class');
foreach ($fieldarray as $fieldname => $fieldvalue) {
// only deal with fields defined in $fieldspec
if (isset($this->fieldspec[$fieldname])) {
// get specifications for current field
$fieldspec = $this->fieldspec[$fieldname];
if (!isset($fieldspec['type'])) {
$fieldspec['type'] = 'string'; // set default type
} // if
$operators = "/^(<>|<=|<|>=|>|!=|=|LIKE |IS NOT |IS |IN |BETWEEN )/i";
// does $fieldvalue start with a valid operator?
if (!preg_match($operators, ltrim($fieldvalue), $regs)) {
// no, so value can be (un)formatted
switch (strtolower($fieldspec['type'])) {
case 'string':
case 'boolean':
case 'date':
if (empty($fieldvalue)) {
if (isset($fieldspec['infinityisnull'])) {
if ($GLOBALS['mode'] == 'search') {
// do not modify this field in a search screen
} else {
// empty date is shown in the database as infinity
$fieldarray[$fieldname] = '9999-12-31';
} // if
} // if
} else {
// convert date from external to internal format
if ($internaldate = $dateobj->getInternalDate($fieldvalue)) {
// value is a valid date
$fieldarray[$fieldname] = $internaldate;
} // if
} // if
case 'datetime':
if (!empty($fieldvalue)) {
// convert date from external to internal format
if ($internaldate = $dateobj->getInternalDateTime($fieldvalue)) {
// value is a valid date
$fieldarray[$fieldname] = $internaldate;
} // if
} // if
case 'time':
case 'float':
case 'double':
case 'real':
} // switch
} // if
} // if
} // foreach
// perform any custom unformatting
$fieldarray = $this->_cm_unFormatData($fieldarray);
return $fieldarray;
} // unFormatData
// ****************************************************************************
function unFormatNumber ($fieldarray)
// remove any foreign formatting on numbers.
// if ($_SESSION['user_language'] == $_SESSION['default_language']) {
// return $fieldarray; // nothing to do
// } // if
foreach ($this->fieldspec as $field => $spec) {
if (!empty($fieldarray[$field])) {
if (preg_match('/(decimal|numeric|float|real|double|integer)/i', $spec['type'])) {
$fieldarray[$field] = number_unformat($fieldarray[$field]);
} // if
} // if
} // foreach
return $fieldarray;
} // unFormatNumber
// ****************************************************************************
function updateFieldArray ($fieldarray, $postarray)
// update fieldarray with data POSTed via javascript submit() function.
// NOTE: the output is passed by reference.
if ($this->errors) {
return $this->getFieldArray(); // object has unresolved errors, so do nothing
} // if
// filter out any data which does not belong in this table
$postarray = getPostArray($postarray, $this->fieldspec);
if (is_long(key($fieldarray))) {
$fieldarray_key = key($fieldarray); // does index start at 0 or 1?
} else {
$fieldarray_key = 0;
} // if
// each item in post array may have different values for different rows,
// so construct an array which is indexed by row number, not field name
$rows = array();
foreach ($postarray as $postname => $postvalue) {
if (is_array($postvalue)) {
foreach ($postvalue as $rownum => $value) {
if ($fieldarray_key == 0) {
$rownum = $rownum -1; // post array starts at 1, fieldarray starts at 0
} // if
$rows[$rownum][$postname] = $value;
} // foreach
} else {
// not linked with a particular row, so default to first row
$rows[$fieldarray_key][$postname] = $postvalue;
} // if
} // foreach
if (empty($rows)) {
return $this->getFieldArray(); // nothing to update in this object
} // if
if (!is_long(key($fieldarray))) {
$fieldarray = array($fieldarray);
} // if
$fieldarray_out = $fieldarray;
// deal with the changes on each row, one at a time
foreach ($rows as $rownum => $postdata) {
if (array_key_exists($rownum, $fieldarray)) {
// perform any custom pre-update processing
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_updateFieldArray')) {
$fieldarray_out[$rownum] = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_updateFieldArray($fieldarray[$rownum], $postdata, $rownum);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$fieldarray_out[$rownum] = $this->_cm_updateFieldArray($fieldarray[$rownum], $postdata, $rownum);
} // if
if (!empty($this->errors)) {
return $this->getFieldArray();
} // if
// check to see if anything has been changed
$changes = getChanges($fieldarray_out[$rownum], $fieldarray[$rownum]);
if (!empty($changes)) {
// values have been changed internally, so remove from $postarray so they don't get overwritten
foreach ($changes as $name => $value) {
if (is_array($postarray[$name])) {
} else {
} // if
} // foreach
} // if
} // if
} // foreach
if ($this->rows_per_page == 1) {
$fieldarray = array_update_associative($fieldarray_out[$fieldarray_key], $postarray, $this->fieldspec);
} else {
$fieldarray = array_update_indexed($fieldarray_out, $postarray, $this->fieldspec);
} // if
// see if any additional data is required or needs to be changed
$fieldarray = $this->getExtraData($fieldarray);
$this->fieldarray = $fieldarray;
return $this->getFieldArray();
} // updateFieldArray
// ****************************************************************************
function updateLinkData ($fieldarray, $postarray)
// $fieldarray is an array of field data (usually just primary keys).
// $postarray is an array of entries which have been selected.
// For each entry where SELECTED=TRUE make sure a database entry exists.
// For each entry where SELECTED=FALSE make sure a database entry does not exist.
$this->errors = array();
// perform any custom pre-update processing
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_pre_updateLinkData')) {
$fieldarray = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_pre_updateLinkData($fieldarray, $postarray);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$fieldarray = $this->_cm_pre_updateLinkData($fieldarray, $postarray);
} // if
if (!empty($this->errors)) return $fieldarray;
// transfer values from $postarray to $fieldarray
// each fieldname in $postarray contains an array of values
foreach ($postarray as $fieldname => $valuearray) {
if ($fieldname != 'select') {
if (is_array($valuearray)) {
// copy row value from $postarray to $fieldarray for current $fieldname
foreach ($valuearray as $row => $value) {
// $fieldarray starts at 0, $postarray starts at 1
$fieldarray[$row-1][$fieldname] = $postarray[$fieldname][$row];
} // foreach
} // if
} // if
} // foreach
if (!empty($this->errors)) {
return $fieldarray;
} // if
$errors = array();
$default_orderby = $this->default_orderby; // save
$save_sql_select = $this->sql_select;
$save_sql_from = $this->sql_from;
$save_sql_search = $this->sql_search;
// get array of fieldnames in the primary key
$pkeynames = $this->getPkeyNames();
foreach ($fieldarray as $rownum => $rowdata) {
// construct 'where' clause from primary key
$where = array2where($rowdata, $pkeynames);
// find out if this record currently exists or not
$count = $this->getCount($where);
// perform action depending on value in $select array
if (isset($postarray['select'][$rownum+1])) {
$fieldarray[$rownum]['selected'] = 'T';
// row is marked for insert/update
if ($count == 0) {
// record does not exist, so create it
$rowdata = $this->insertRecord($rowdata);
} else {
// record already exists, so update it
$rowdata = $this->updateRecord($rowdata);
} // if
} else {
$fieldarray[$rownum]['selected'] = '';
// row is marked for deletion
if ($count > 0) {
$where = array2where($rowdata, $this->getPkeyNames());
$olddata = $this->_dml_ReadBeforeUpdate($where);
$rowdata = $this->deleteRecord($olddata[0]);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->errors) {
$errors[$rownum] = $this->errors;
} // if
} // foreach
$this->default_orderby = $default_orderby; // restore
$this->sql_select = $save_sql_select;
$this->sql_from = $save_sql_from;
$this->sql_search_orig = $save_sql_search;
// perform any custom post-update processing
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_post_updateLinkData')) {
$fieldarray = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_post_updateLinkData($fieldarray, $postarray);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$fieldarray = $this->_cm_post_updateLinkData($fieldarray, $postarray);
} // if
if (!empty($this->errors)) {
$errors = array_merge($errors, $this->errors);
return $fieldarray;
} // if
$this->errors = $errors;
$this->fieldarray = $fieldarray;
return $fieldarray;
} // updateLinkData
// ****************************************************************************
function updateMultiple ($fieldarray, $postarray=array())
// update multiple records using original data in $fieldarray
// and changed data in $postarray.
$this->errors = array();
$this->numrows = 0;
$this->no_display_count = false;
$count = 0;
// transfer values from $postarray to $fieldarray
// each fieldname in $postarray is an array of values
foreach ($postarray as $fieldname => $valuearray) {
if (is_array($valuearray)) {
// copy row value from $postarray to $fieldarray for current $fieldname
foreach ($valuearray as $row => $value) {
// $fieldarray starts at 0, $postarray starts at 1
$fieldarray[$row-1][$fieldname] = $postarray[$fieldname][$row];
} // foreach
} // if
} // foreach
// perform any custom validation/processing before update
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_pre_updateMultiple')) {
$fieldarray = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_pre_updateMultiple($fieldarray);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$fieldarray = $this->_cm_pre_updateMultiple($fieldarray);
} // if
if (empty($this->errors)) {
// create a separate array indexed by row number
$errors = array();
// now update each row in the database
foreach ($fieldarray as $row => $data) {
$fieldarray[$row] = $this->updateRecord($data);
if (!empty($this->errors)) {
// keep $errors separate for each row
$errors[$row] = $this->errors;
} else {
$count = $count + $this->numrows;
} // if
} // foreach
// overwrite proper variables
$this->errors = $errors;
$this->numrows = $count;
} // if
if (is_True($this->no_display_count)) {
// do not display record count
} else {
// '$count records were updated in $tablename'
$this->messages[] = $this->getLanguageText('sys0006', $count, strtoupper($this->tablename));
} // if
//if (empty($this->errors)) {
// perform any custom validation/processing after update
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_post_updateMultiple')) {
$fieldarray = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_post_updateMultiple($fieldarray);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$fieldarray = $this->_cm_post_updateMultiple($fieldarray);
} // if
//} // if
// store updated $fieldarray within this object
$this->fieldarray = $fieldarray;
return $fieldarray;
} // updateMultiple
// ****************************************************************************
function updateRecord ($fieldarray)
// update a record using the contents of $fieldarray.
if (empty($fieldarray)) return $fieldarray;
$this->errors = array();
if (!is_string(key($fieldarray))) {
// input is indexed by row, so extract data for 1st row only
$fieldarray = $fieldarray[key($fieldarray)];
} // if
// shift all field names to lower case
$fieldarray = array_change_key_case($fieldarray, CASE_LOWER);
//if ($this->initiated_from_controller) {
// deal with numbers in foreign formats
//$fieldarray = $this->unFormatNumber($fieldarray); // (NOTE: this is now done in array_update_associative() function)
// deal with datetime in different timezones
//$fieldarray = $this->convertTimeZone($fieldarray); // (NOTE: this is now done after the _cm_pre_updateRecord() method)
//} // if
if (isset($this->fieldspec['rdcaccount_id'])) {
if (empty($_SESSION['rdcaccount_id'])) {
if (preg_match('/(mnu_user|mnu_account)/i', $this->tablename)) {
// do nothing on this table
} else {
// use the 'sharing' id
$fieldarray['rdcaccount_id'] = 1;
} // if
} else {
if ($fieldarray['rdcaccount_id'] != $_SESSION['rdcaccount_id']) {
// not allowed to update a shared record
$this->errors['rdcaccount_id'] = $this->getLanguageText('sys0189');
} // if
// not allowed to change the record's account
$fieldarray['rdcaccount_id'] = $_SESSION['rdcaccount_id'];
} // if
} // if
$updatearray = $fieldarray; // copy to temporary area
if (empty($this->errors)) {
// perform any custom pre-update processing
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_pre_updateRecord')) {
$updatearray = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_pre_updateRecord($updatearray);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$updatearray = $this->_cm_pre_updateRecord($updatearray);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->initiated_from_controller === TRUE AND $this->no_convert_timezone === FALSE) {
if (!empty($updatearray) AND !empty($GLOBALS['screen_structure'])) {
// deal with datetimes from screen input which may be in different timezone
$updatearray = $this->convertTimeZone($updatearray, $this->fieldspec);
} // if
} // if
$updatearray = array_change_key_case($updatearray, CASE_LOWER);
if (empty($this->errors) AND !empty($updatearray)) {
// perform standard declarative checks on input data
$updatearray = $this->_validateUpdate($updatearray);
// replace any fields which may have been removed during the validation process
$updatearray = array_merge($fieldarray, $updatearray);
} // if
$originaldata = array();
if (empty($this->errors) AND !empty($updatearray)) {
// build 'where' string using values for primary key
$pkey_names = $this->getPkeyNames();
if (array_key_exists('rdcversion', $this->fieldspec) AND array_key_exists('rdcversion', $updatearray)) {
// add this field to the WHERE clause for this lookup
$pkey_names[] = 'rdcversion';
} // if
$where = array2where($updatearray, $pkey_names, $this);
if (!empty($where)) {
// obtain copy of original record from database
// (this may reuse previous SELECT statement which contains a JOIN)
$originaldata = $this->_dml_ReadBeforeUpdate($where, $this->reuse_previous_select);
} else {
$this->numrows = 0;
} // if
$this->reuse_previous_select = false;
if ($this->numrows <> 1) {
// 'Could not locate original $tablename record for updating ($where)'
$this->errors[] = $this->getLanguageText('sys0007', strtoupper($this->tablename), $where);
} else {
// use only 1st row in $originaldata
$originaldata = $originaldata[key($originaldata)];
// insert any missing values into updatearray before further validation
$updatearray = array_merge($originaldata, $updatearray);
} // if
} // if
if (empty($this->errors) AND is_array($updatearray) AND !empty($updatearray)) {
if ($this->skip_validation) {
// do not perform any custom validation
} else {
// perform any custom pre-update validation (1)
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_commonValidation')) {
$updatearray = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_commonValidation($updatearray, $originaldata);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$updatearray = $this->_cm_commonValidation($updatearray, $originaldata);
} // if
if (empty($this->errors)) {
// perform any custom pre-update validation (2)
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_validateUpdate')) {
$updatearray = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_validateUpdate($updatearray, $originaldata);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$updatearray = $this->_cm_validateUpdate($updatearray, $originaldata);
} // if
} // if
$updatearray = array_change_key_case($updatearray, CASE_LOWER);
} // if
} // if
if (empty($this->errors)) {
// everything OK so far, so update the database
if (is_array($updatearray) AND !empty($updatearray)) {
// perform any last-minute adjustments
foreach ($this->fieldspec as $field => $spec) {
if (array_key_exists($field, $updatearray)) {
if (array_key_exists('autoinsert', $spec) OR array_key_exists('autoupdate', $spec)) {
// remove any autoinsert or autoupdate fields
//} elseif (array_key_exists('noedit', $spec) OR array_key_exists('nodisplay', $spec)) {
// // remove any non-editable fields
// unset($updatearray[$field]);
} // if
if (!empty($updatearray[$field])) {
if (is_array($this->allow_db_function) AND in_array($field, $this->allow_db_function)) {
// this is a function call, not a value, so leave it alone
} else {
if (preg_match('/(decimal|numeric|float|real|double)/i', $spec['type'])) {
// remove thousands separator and ensure decimal point is '.'
$updatearray[$field] = number_unformat($updatearray[$field], '.', ',');
if (preg_match("/^$field"."[+-][1-9]+/i", $updatearray[$field])) {
// assume value is in format 'field+1', so let it through
} elseif (array_key_exists('scale', $spec)) {
// round to the correct number of decimal places
$updatearray[$field] = number_format($updatearray[$field], $spec['scale'], '.', '');
} // if
} // if
} // if
} // if
} // if
} // foreach
// find out how many fields have changed
$changes = getChanges($updatearray, $originaldata);
} else {
$changes = array();
} // if
if (empty($changes)) {
$this->numrows = 0;
} else {
// pass both the updated and the original data for processing
$changes = $this->_dml_updateRecord($updatearray, $originaldata);
// merge actual updates with proposed updates
$updatearray = array_merge($updatearray, $changes);
} // if
} // if
$fieldarray = array_merge($originaldata, $fieldarray);
if (is_array($updatearray) AND !empty($updatearray)) {
// merge temporary area with original changes
$fieldarray = array_merge($fieldarray, $updatearray);
} // if
if (empty($this->errors)) {
// perform any custom post-update processing
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_post_updateRecord')) {
$fieldarray = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_post_updateRecord($fieldarray, $originaldata);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$fieldarray = $this->_cm_post_updateRecord($fieldarray, $originaldata);
} // if
} // if
$fieldarray = array_change_key_case($fieldarray, CASE_LOWER);
// turn this flag off
$this->skip_validation = FALSE;
// store updated $fieldarray within this object
$this->fieldarray = $fieldarray;
return $fieldarray;
} // updateRecord
// ****************************************************************************
function updateSelection ($selection, $replace)
// update a selection of records in a single operation.
$this->errors = array();
if (is_long(key($selection))) {
$selection = $selection[key($selection)];
} // if
//$replace = trim($replace, ' ()');
// perform any custom pre-processing
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_pre_updateSelection')) {
$selection = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_pre_updateSelection($selection, $replace);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$selection = $this->_cm_pre_updateSelection($selection, $replace);
} // if
if (empty($this->errors)) {
// call custom method for specific processing
$msg = $this->_cm_updateSelection($selection, $replace);
} // if
// perform any custom post-processing
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_post_updateSelection')) {
$selection = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_post_updateSelection($selection, $replace);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$selection = $this->_cm_post_updateSelection($selection, $replace);
} // if
return $msg;
} // updateSelection
// ****************************************************************************
function validateDelete ($fieldarray, $parent_table=null)
// verify that the specified record can be deleted.
// ($parent_table is only used in a cascade delete)
$this->errors = array();
if ($this->skip_validation) {
// skip any validation
return $fieldarray;
} // if
if (is_string($fieldarray)) {
$fieldarray = where2array($fieldarray);
} else{
reset($fieldarray); // fix for version 4.4.1
if (!is_string(key($fieldarray))) {
// indexed by row, so use row zero only
$fieldarray = $fieldarray[key($fieldarray)];
} // if
} // if
if (isset($this->fieldspec['rdcaccount_id'])) {
if (!empty($_SESSION['rdcaccount_id'])) {
if ($fieldarray['rdcaccount_id'] != $_SESSION['rdcaccount_id']) {
// not allowed to delete a shared record
$this->errors['rdcaccount_id'] = $this->getLanguageText('sys0188');
} // if
} // if
} // if
// invoke custom method(s) (may be empty)
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_validateDelete')) {
$this->custom_processing_object->_cm_validateDelete($fieldarray, $parent_table);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$this->_cm_validateDelete($fieldarray, $parent_table);
} // if
if (!empty($this->errors)) return $fieldarray;
if (!empty($GLOBALS['settings'])) {
// check settings for any special restrictions
foreach ($GLOBALS['settings'] as $setting_field => $setting_value) {
$setting_field = strtolower($setting_field);
$setting_value = strtolower($setting_value);
if ($setting_value == '$logon_user_id') {
if (array_key_exists($setting_field, $fieldarray)) {
if ($fieldarray[$setting_field] != $_SESSION['logon_user_id']) {
// "This record can only be deleted by its owner/creator"
$this->errors[] = $this->getLanguageText('sys0115');
return $fieldarray;
} // if
} // if
} // if
} // foreach
} // if
if (empty($parent_table)) {
$parent_table = $this->tablename;
} // if
// all relationship data is held in a class variable
foreach ($this->child_relations as $reldata) {
$tblchild = $reldata['child'];
switch(strtoupper($reldata['type'])) {
case 'RES':
// delete is not allowed if relationship is 'restricted'
$where = NULL;
foreach ($reldata['fields'] as $fldparent => $fldchild) {
//if (strlen($fldchild) < 1) {
// $this->errors[] = $this->getLanguageText('sys0110', strtoupper($tblchild)); // 'Name of child field missing in relationship with $tblchild';
// break;
//} // if
if (!empty($fldchild)) {
if (empty($where)) {
$where = "$fldchild='" .addslashes($fieldarray[$fldparent]) ."'";
} else {
$where .= ' AND ' ."$fldchild='" .addslashes($fieldarray[$fldparent]) ."'";
} // if
} // if
} // foreach
if (empty($where)) {
$this->errors[] = $this->getLanguageText('sys0110', strtoupper($tblchild)); // 'Name of child field missing in relationship with $tblchild';
} else {
$where = $this->_dml_adjustWhere($where); // replace escape character if different
// instantiate an object for this table
if (array_key_exists('subsys_dir', $reldata)) {
// get path to current subsystem directory
$dir = dirname($this->dirname);
// switch to other subsystem directory
$dir = dirname($dir) .'/' .$reldata['subsys_dir'] .'/';
} else {
$dir = NULL;
} // if
if (!class_exists($tblchild)) {
require_once $dir ."classes/$";
} // if
$childobject = new $tblchild;
if (!empty($this->dbname_old) AND $this->dbname_old == $childobject->dbname) {
// name of parent database has been switched, so switch the child name as well
$childobject->dbname_old = $childobject->dbname;
$childobject->dbname = $this->dbname;
} // if
$count = $childobject->getCount($where);
if ($count <> 0) {
// 'Cannot delete - record still linked to $tblchild table'
$this->errors[] = $this->getLanguageText('sys0008', strtoupper($tblchild));
} // if
} // if
case 'DELETE':
case 'DEL':
case 'CASCADE':
case 'CAS':
// check children of this child
$where = NULL;
foreach ($reldata['fields'] as $fldparent => $fldchild) {
//if (strlen($fldchild) < 1) {
// // 'Name of child field missing in relationship with $tblchild';
// $this->errors[] = $this->getLanguageText('sys0110', strtoupper($tblchild));
// break;
//} // if
if (!empty($fldchild)) {
if (empty($where)) {
$where = "$fldchild='" .addslashes($fieldarray[$fldparent]) ."'";
} else {
$where .= ' AND ' ."$fldchild='" .addslashes($fieldarray[$fldparent]) ."'";
} // if
} //if
} // foreach
if (empty($where)) {
$this->errors[] = $this->getLanguageText('sys0110', strtoupper($tblchild)); // 'Name of child field missing in relationship with $tblchild';
} else {
$where = $this->_dml_adjustWhere($where); // replace escape character if different
// instantiate an object for this table
if (array_key_exists('subsys_dir', $reldata)) {
// get path to current subsystem directory
$dir = dirname($this->dirname);
// switch to other subsystem directory
$dir = dirname($dir) .'/' .$reldata['subsys_dir'] .'/';
} else {
$dir = NULL;
} // if
if (!class_exists($tblchild)) {
require_once $dir ."classes/$";
} // if
$childobject = new $tblchild;
if (!empty($this->dbname_old) AND $this->dbname_old == $childobject->dbname) {
// name of parent database has been switched, so switch the child name as well
$childobject->dbname_old = $childobject->dbname;
$childobject->dbname = $this->dbname;
} // if
if (array_key_exists('orderby', $reldata)) {
} // if
$childarray = $childobject->getdata($where);
foreach ($childarray as $child) {
$pkey = $childobject->getPkeyArray($child);
$result = $childobject->validateDelete($pkey, $parent_table);
$errors = $childobject->getErrors();
if (!empty($errors)) {
$this->errors[$childobject->getClassName()] = $errors;
} // if
} // foreach
} // if
case 'NULLIFY':
case 'NUL':
case 'IGN':
//do nothing
case 'DEX':
case 'NUX':
// do nothing as it will be handled by a foreign key constraint
// 'Unknown relation type: $type'
$this->errors[] = $this->getLanguageText('sys0010', $reldata['type']);
} // switch
} // foreach
// remove any duplicate error messages
$this->errors = array_unique($this->errors);
return $fieldarray;
} // validateDelete
// ****************************************************************************
function validateSearch ($fieldarray)
// validate search screen input before it is passed back to the previous form.
$this->errors = array();
foreach ($this->fieldspec as $field => $spec) {
if (isset($spec['required'])) {
$fieldarray[$field] = trim($fieldarray[$field]);
if (empty($fieldarray[$field])) {
// '$field cannot be blank'
$this->errors[$field] = $this->getLanguageText('sys0020', $field);
} // if
} // if
} // foreach
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_validateSearch')) {
$fieldarray = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_validateSearch($fieldarray);
} // if
} // if
if ($this->custom_replaces_standard) {
$this->custom_replaces_standard = false;
} else {
$fieldarray = $this->_cm_validateSearch($fieldarray);
} // if
return $fieldarray;
} // validateSearch
// ****************************************************************************
function validateUpdate ($fieldarray)
// verify that the specified record can be updated.
if (is_string($fieldarray)) {
$fieldarray = where2array($fieldarray);
} else{
reset($fieldarray); // fix for version 4.4.1
if (!is_string(key($fieldarray))) {
// indexed by row, so use row zero only
$fieldarray = $fieldarray[key($fieldarray)];
} // if
} // if
// check settings for any special restrictions
foreach ($GLOBALS['settings'] as $setting_field => $setting_value) {
$setting_field = strtolower($setting_field);
$setting_value = strtolower($setting_value);
if ($setting_value == '$logon_user_id') {
if (array_key_exists($setting_field, $fieldarray)) {
if ($fieldarray[$setting_field] != $_SESSION['logon_user_id']) {
// "This record can only be updated by its owner/creator"
$this->errors[] = $this->getLanguageText('sys0116');
return false;
} // if
} // if
} // if
} // foreach
return true;
} // validateUpdate
// ****************************************************************************
// methods beginning with '_cm_' are designed to be customised as required
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_changeConfig ($where, $fieldarray)
// Change the table configuration for the duration of this instance.
// $where = a string in SQL 'where' format.
// $fieldarray = the contents of $where as an array.
// customisable code goes here
return $fieldarray;
} // _cm_changeConfig
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_commonValidation ($fieldarray, $originaldata)
// perform validation that is common to INSERT and UPDATE.
// customisable code goes here
return $fieldarray;
} // _cm_commonValidation
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_customButton ($fieldarray, $button)
// user pressed a custom buttom.
// custom code goes here
return $fieldarray;
} // _cm_customButton
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_deleteSelection ($selection)
// delete/update a selection of records in a single operation.
// remove this line after your customisation
//trigger_error($this->getLanguageText('sys0035', get_class($this)), E_USER_ERROR); // "DELETESELECTION method has not been defined in class"
// delete selected records.
$from = null; // used in multi-table delete
$using = null; // used in multi-table delete
$limit = null; // maximum number of rows to process
$count = $this->_dml_deleteSelection($selection, $from, $using, $limit);
// update selected records
//$count = $this->_dml_updateSelection ($selection, $replace, $limit);
// $count rows were deleted
return $this->getLanguageText('sys0004', $count, strtoupper($this->tablename));
} // _cm_deleteSelection
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_filePickerSelect ($selection)
// Deal with selection from a filepicker screen.
// custom code goes here
return $selection;
} // _cm_filePickerSelect
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_fileUpload ($input_name, $temp_file, $wherearray)
// Specify file name to be used for the upload.
// $input_name = file name supplied by client
// $temp_file = copy of file in temp directory
// $wherearray = contents of original $where string
// $output_name = file name to be used on server
// default name for destination file is same as input name
$output_name = $input_name;
return $output_name;
} // _cm_fileUpload
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_filterWhere ($array=null)
// identify field names which are NOT to be filtered out of a $where string.
// custom code goes here
//$array[] = 'whatever';
return $array;
} // _cm_filterWhere
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_formatData ($fieldarray, &$css_array)
// perform custom formatting before values are shown to the user.
// Note: $css_array is passed BY REFERENCE as it may be modified.
// customisable code goes here
return $fieldarray;
} // _cm_formatData
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_getColumnNames ($fieldarray)
// modify data to be used by ''.
// custom code goes here
return $fieldarray;
} // _cm_getColumnNames
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_getDatabaseLock ()
// return array of database tables to be locked in current transaction.
$GLOBALS['lock_tables'] = FALSE; // TRUE/FALSE
$GLOBALS['lock_rows'] = FALSE; // FALSE, SR (share), EX (exclusive)
// the format of each $lock_array entry is one of the following:
// $lock_array[] = 'tablename' (within current database)
// $lock_array[] = 'dbname.tablename' (within another database)
// $lock_array['READ'][] = '...' (for a READ lock)
// $lock_array['WRITE'][] = '...' (for a WRITE lock)
switch ($GLOBALS['mode']){
case 'insert':
$lock_array[] = $this->tablename;
case 'update':
$lock_array[] = $this->tablename;
case 'delete':
$lock_array[] = $this->tablename;
$lock_array = array();
} // switch
return $lock_array;
} // _cm_getDatabaseLock
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_getExtraData ($where, $fieldarray)
// Perform custom processing for the getExtraData method.
// $where = a string in SQL 'where' format.
// $fieldarray = the contents of $where as an array.
// customisable code goes here
return $fieldarray;
} // _cm_getExtraData
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_getForeignData ($fieldarray)
// Retrieve data from foreign (parent) tables.
// customisable code goes here
return $fieldarray;
} // _cm_getForeignData
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_getInitialData ($fieldarray)
// Perform custom processing prior to insertRecord().
// $fieldarray contains data from the initial $where clause.
// customisable code goes here
return $fieldarray;
} // _cm_getInitialData
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_getInitialDataMultiple ($fieldarray)
// Perform custom processing prior to insertMultiple.
// $fieldarray contains data from the initial $where clause,
// or current data from the outer object (if one exists).
// customisable code goes here
return $fieldarray;
} // _cm_getInitialDataMultiple
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_getNodeData ($expanded, $where, $where_array = null)
// retrieve requested node data from the database.
// $expanded may be a list of nodes to be expanded, or 'ALL' nodes.
// $where may contain specific selection criteria as a string.
// $wherearray is $where but converted into an array.
$this->sql_select = 'x_tree_node.node_id, x_tree_node.node_desc, x_tree_level.tree_level_seq, COUNT(child.node_id) AS child_count';
$this->sql_from = 'x_tree_node '
. 'LEFT JOIN x_tree_level ON (x_tree_level.tree_type_id=x_tree_node.tree_type_id AND x_tree_level.tree_level_id=x_tree_node.tree_level_id) '
. 'LEFT JOIN x_tree_node AS child ON (x_tree_node.node_id=child.node_id_snr) ';
$this->sql_where = '';
$this->sql_groupby = 'x_tree_node.node_id, x_tree_node.node_desc, x_tree_node.tree_level_id, x_tree_level.tree_level_seq';
$this->sql_having = '';
$this->sql_orderby = 'x_tree_node.tree_level_id, x_tree_node.node_id';
if (!empty($this->alt_language_table)) {
if ($_SESSION['user_language'] != $_SESSION['default_language']) {
// link to table which provides text in an alternative language
$pkey_array = array();
foreach ($this->primary_key as $fieldname) {
$pkey_array[$fieldname] = $fieldname;
} // foreach
$new_relation = array('parent' => $this->alt_language_table,
'parent_field' => $this->alt_language_cols,
'fields' => $pkey_array);
$new_relation['this'] = 'x_tree_node';
$this->sql_select = $this->_sqlSelectAlternateLanguage($this->sql_select, $new_relation);
} // if
} // if
if (array_key_exists('tree_type_id', $where_array)) {
// look for root nodes within this tree_type
$where_array['tree_level_seq'] = 1;
$where = array2where($where_array);
} // if
$data_raw = $this->getData($where);
// there is no pagination after level 1
$this->rows_per_page = 0;
$this->pageno = 1;
foreach ($data_raw as $row => $rowdata) {
// append data for current node to output array
$fieldarray[] = $rowdata;
$node_id = $rowdata['node_id'];
if ($rowdata['child_count'] > 0) {
// child nodes exist, but do we expand them?
if ($expanded == 'ALL' or array_key_exists($node_id, $expanded)) {
// tell system this row has been expanded
$fieldarray[count($fieldarray)-1]['expanded'] = 'y';
// this replaces 'ALL' with a list of actual nodes
$this->expanded[$node_id] = true;
// get the child nodes belonging to this parent node
$childdata = $this->getNodeData($expanded, "node_id_snr='$node_id'");
// add in child data after the parent
$fieldarray = array_merge($fieldarray, $childdata);
} else {
} // if
} // if
} // foreach
return $fieldarray;
} // _cm_getNodeData
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_getNodeKeys ($keys)
// identify the field names for the SENIOR to JUNIOR relationship
$keys['snr_id'] = 'snr_id';
$keys['jnr_id'] = 'jnr_id';
return $keys;
} // _cm_getNodeKeys
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_getOrderBy ($orderby)
// Adjust name of orderby item before it is used in an sql SELECT statement.
// customisable code goes here
return $orderby;
} // _cm_getOrderBy
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_getPkeyNames ($pkey_array, $task_id, $pattern_id)
// return the list of primary key fields in this table before the selection string
// is constructed and passed to another form.
// $pkey_array contains the current list of primary key fields.
// $task_id identifies the task to which the primary key(s) will be passed.
// $pattern_id identifies the task's pattern.
//$pkey_array[] = 'whatever'; // append to array
//$pkey_array = array('whatever'); // replace array
return $pkey_array;
} // _cm_getPkeyNames
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_getValRep ($item=null, $where=null, $orderby=null)
// get Value/Representation list as an associative array.
$array = array();
// if ($item == 'item1_id') {
// // get data from the database
// $this->sql_select = 'item1_id, item1_desc';
// $this->sql_orderby = 'item1_desc';
// $this->sql_ordery_seq = 'asc';
// $data = $this->getData($where);
// // convert each row into 'id=desc' in the output array
// foreach ($data as $row => $rowdata) {
// $rowvalues = array_values($rowdata);
// $array[$rowvalues[0]] = $rowvalues[1];
// } // foreach
// return $array;
// } // if
// if ($item == 'item2') {
// $array = $this->getLanguageArray('item2');
// return $array;
// } // if
return $array;
} // _cm_getValRep
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_getWhere ($where, $task_id, $pattern_id)
// allow WHERE string to be customised before being passed to next task.
// custom code goes here
return $where;
} // _cm_getWhere
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_initialise ($where, &$selection, $search)
// perform any initialisation for the current task.
// NOTE: $selection is passed by reference as it may be amended.
// NOTE: $search is only available for OUTPUT tasks.
// customisable code goes here
// $pattern_id = getPatternId();
// if (preg_match('/^(add)/i', $pattern_id)) {
// // ignore contents of selection
// $selection = null;
// } else {
// if (!empty($selection)) {
// $where = $selection;
// $selection = null;
// } // if
// } // if
return $where;
} // _cm_initialise
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_initialiseFileDownload ($fieldarray)
// perform any initialisation for the file download operation.
//$this->download_filename = $fieldarray['download_filename'];
//$this->download_mode = 'inline'; // disable option to save
return $fieldarray;
} // _cm_initialiseFileDownload
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_initialiseFilePicker ($fieldarray, $search)
// perform any initialisation before displaying the File Picker screen.
// identify the subdirectory which contains the files
$this->picker_subdir = 'filepickersubdirectory';
// identify the file types that may be picked
$this->picker_filetypes = array(); // default is ANY file extension
$this->picker_filetypes = array('txt', 'bmp', 'doc');
return $fieldarray;
} // _cm_initialiseFilePicker
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_initialiseFileUpload ($fieldarray)
// perform any initialisation before displaying the File Upload screen.
$this->upload_subdir = 'uploadedfiles';
//$this->upload_filetypes = array('image/x-png', 'image/gif');
$this->upload_filetypes = 'image'; // for any type of image
$this->upload_maxfilesize = 100;
return $fieldarray;
} // _cm_initialiseFileUpload
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_ListView_header ($fieldarray)
// insert data into $fieldarray before title is printed in List View
// customisable code goes here
return $fieldarray;
} // _cm_ListView_header
// ****************************************************************************
// function _cm_ListView_pre_print ($prev_row, $curr_row)
// // allow extra rows to be created in List View
// {
// $rows = array();
// // this is deprecated - use _cm_ListView_print_before() and _cm_ListView_print_after() instead
// return $rows;
// } // _cm_ListView_pre_print
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_ListView_print_before ($prev_row, $curr_row)
// allow extra rows to be created in List View
$output = array();
// customisable code goes here
return $output;
} // _cm_ListView_print_before
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_ListView_print_after ($curr_row, $next_row)
// allow extra rows to be created in List View
$output = array();
// customisable code goes here
return $output;
} // _cm_ListView_print_after
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_ListView_total ()
// pass back any data to be printed on last line of PDF report (list view).
$array = array();
// customisable code goes here
return $array;
} // _cm_ListView_total
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_output_multi ($name, $fieldarray)
// get extra data to pass to PDF class.
$outarray = array();
switch ($name) {
case 'multi1':
// return a non-empty array to print an empty line
$outarray[] = array('dummy' => '');
case 'multi2':
// return a non-empty array to print an empty line
$outarray[] = array('dummy' => '');
case 'multi3':
// return a non-empty array to print an empty line
$outarray[] = array('dummy' => '');
case 'multi4':
// return a non-empty array to print an empty line
$outarray[] = array('dummy' => '');
case 'multi5':
// return a non-empty array to print an empty line
$outarray[] = array('dummy' => '');
case 'multi6':
// return a non-empty array to print an empty line
$outarray[] = array('dummy' => '');
case 'multi7':
// return a non-empty array to print an empty line
$outarray[] = array('dummy' => '');
case 'multi8':
// return a non-empty array to print an empty line
$outarray[] = array('dummy' => '');
case 'multi9':
// return a non-empty array to print an empty line
$outarray[] = array('dummy' => '');
// return a non-empty array to print an empty line
$outarray[] = array('dummy' => '');
} // switch
if ($outarray) {
return $outarray;
} else {
return false;
} // if
} // _cm_output_multi
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_popupCall (&$popupname, $where, $fieldarray, &$settings)
// if a popup button has been pressed the contents of $where may need to
// be altered before the popup screen is called.
// NOTE: $settings is passed BY REFERENCE as it may be altered as well.
// NOTE: $popupname is passed BY REFERENCE as it may be altered as well.
// clear out the contents of $where
//$where = '';
// allow only one entry to be selected (the default)
$settings['select_one'] = true;
// allow more than one entry to be selected
//$settings['select_one'] = false;
// allow a single result to be selected without user intervention
//$settings['choose_single_row'] = true;
//if ($popupname == 'foo(bar)') {
// // replace $where for this popup
// $where = "$where";
//} else {
// $where = '';
//} // if
return $where;
} // _cm_popupCall
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_popupReturn ($fieldarray, $return_from, &$select_array)
// process a selection returned from a popup screen.
// $fieldarray contains the record data when the popup button was pressed.
// $return_from identifies which popup screen was called.
// $select_array contains an array of item(s) selected in that popup screen.
// NOTE: $select_array is passed BY REFERENCE so that it can be modified.
//if ($return_from == '???(popup)') {
// // change field name from 'foo_id' to 'bar_id'
// $select_array['bar_id'] = $select_array['foo_id'];
// unset($select_array['foo_id']);
//} // if
return $fieldarray;
} // _cm_popupReturn
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_post_deleteMultiple ($rows)
// perform custom processing after multiple database records have been deleted.
// customisable code goes here
return $rows;
} // _cm_post_deleteMultiple
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_post_deleteRecord ($fieldarray)
// perform custom processing after database record has been deleted.
// customisable code goes here
return $fieldarray;
} // _cm_post_deleteRecord
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_post_eraseRecord ($fieldarray)
// perform custom processing after database record has been erased.
// customisable code goes here
return $fieldarray;
} // _cm_post_eraseRecord
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_post_fetchRow ($fieldarray)
// perform custom processing after a call to fetchRow().
// customisable code goes here
return $fieldarray;
} // _cm_post_fetchRow
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_post_fileUpload ($filename, $filesize)
// perform processing after a file has been uploaded.
// custom processing goes here
} // _cm_post_fileUpload
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_post_getData ($rows, &$where)
// perform custom processing after database record(s) are retrieved.
// NOTE: $where is passed BY REFERENCE so that it may be modified.
// customisable code goes here
return $rows;
} // _cm_post_getData
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_post_insertMultiple ($rows)
// perform custom processing after multiple database records are inserted.
// customisable code goes here
return $rows;
} // _cm_post_insertMultiple
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_post_insertOrUpdate ($fieldarray, $insert_count, $update_count)
// perform custom processing at end of insertOrUpdate() method.
// customisable code goes here
return $fieldarray;
} // _cm_post_insertOrUpdate
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_post_insertRecord ($fieldarray)
// perform custom processing after database record has been inserted.
// customisable code goes here
return $fieldarray;
} // _cm_post_insertRecord
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_post_lastRow ()
// perform custom processing after last record has been read.
$fieldarray = array();
// customisable code goes here
return $fieldarray;
} // _cm_post_fetchRow
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_post_output ($string, $filename)
// perform any processing required after the output operation
// customisable code goes here
return $string;
} // _cm_post_output
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_post_popupReturn ($fieldarray, $return_from, $select_array)
// perform any post-popup processing.
// customisable code goes here
return $fieldarray;
} // _cm_post_popupReturn
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_post_search ($search, $selection)
// perform any post-search processing.
// customisable code goes here
return $search;
} // _cm_post_search
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_post_updateLinkdata ($rows, $postarray)
// perform custom processing after multiple database records have been updated.
// customisable code goes here
return $rows;
} // _cm_post_updateLinkData
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_post_updateMultiple ($rows)
// perform custom processing after multiple database records have been updated.
// customisable code goes here
return $rows;
} // _cm_post_updateMultiple
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_post_updateRecord ($fieldarray, $old_data)
// perform custom processing after database record is updated.
// customisable code goes here
return $fieldarray;
} // _cm_post_updateRecord
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_post_updateSelection ($selection, $replace)
// allow changes to be made after _cm_updateSelection method has been called.
// custom code goes here
return $selection;
} // _cm_post_updateSelection
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_pre_cascadeDelete ($fieldarray)
// perform custom processing before database record is deleted as part of a
// cascade delete.
// customisable code goes here
return $fieldarray;
} // _cm_pre_cascadeDelete
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_pre_deleteMultiple ($rows)
// perform custom processing before multiple database records are deleted.
// if anything is placed in $this->errors the delete will be terminated.
// customisable code goes here
return $rows;
} // _cm_pre_deleteMultiple
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_pre_deleteRecord ($fieldarray)
// perform custom processing before database record is deleted.
// if anything is placed in $this->errors the deletion will be terminated.
// customisable code goes here
return $fieldarray;
} // _cm_pre_deleteRecord
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_pre_eraseRecord ($fieldarray)
// perform custom processing before database record is erased.
// if anything is placed in $this->errors the erasure will be terminated.
// customisable code goes here
return $fieldarray;
} // _cm_pre_eraseRecord
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_pre_getData ($where, $where_array, $fieldarray=null)
// perform custom processing before database record(s) are retrieved.
// (WHERE is supplied in two formats - string and array)
// $fieldarray may contain full details of the current record in the parent
// class, not just its primary key.
// customisable code goes here
// if (empty($this->sql_from)) {
// // construct default SELECT and FROM clauses using parent relations
// $this->sql_from = null;
// $this->sql_groupby = null;
// $this->sql_having = null;
// $this->sql_union = null;
// $this->sql_from = $this->_sqlForeignJoin($this->sql_select, $this->sql_from, $this->parent_relations);
// } // if
return $where;
} // _cm_pre_getData
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_pre_insertMultiple ($rows)
// perform custom processing before multiple database records are inserted.
// if anything is placed in $this->errors the insert will be terminated.
// customisable code goes here
return $rows;
} // _cm_pre_insertMultiple
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_pre_insertOrUpdate ($rows)
// perform custom processing at start of insertOrUpdate() method.
// if anything is placed in $this->errors the operation will be terminated.
// customisable code goes here
return $rows;
} // _cm_pre_insertOrUpdate
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_pre_insertRecord ($fieldarray)
// perform custom processing before database record is inserted.
// if anything is placed in $this->errors the insert will be terminated.
// customisable code goes here
return $fieldarray;
} // _cm_pre_insertRecord
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_pre_output ($filename)
// perform any processing required before the output operation.
// $filename is only available if the output is being sent to a disk file.
// customisable code goes here
return $filename;
} // _cm_pre_output
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_pre_updateLinkdata ($rows, &$postarray)
// $rows is an array of field data (multiple rows).
// $postarray is an array of entries which have been selected.
// NOTE: $postarray is passed BY REFERENCE so that it may be modified.
// NOTE: $rows starts at 0, $select starts at 1.
// if anything is placed in $this->errors the update will be terminated.
// customisable code goes here
return $rows;
} // _cm_pre_updateLinkData
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_pre_updateMultiple ($rows)
// perform custom processing before multiple database records are updated.
// customisable code goes here
return $rows;
} // _cm_pre_updateMultiple
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_pre_updateRecord ($fieldarray)
// perform custom processing before database record is updated.
// errors are added to $this->errors.
//$this->row_locks = 'SH'; // shared
//$this->row_locks = 'EX'; // exclusive
//$this->row_locks_supp = '?' // DBMS-specific
// reuse existing SELECT statement in _dml_ReadBeforeUpdate() method
//$this->reuse_previous_select = true;
return $fieldarray;
} // _cm_pre_updateRecord
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_pre_updateSelection ($selection, $replace)
// allow changes to be made before _cm_updateSelection method is called.
// custom code goes here
return $selection;
} // _cm_pre_updateSelection
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_reset ($where)
// perform custom processing after RESET button is pressed.
// customisable code goes here
} // _cm_reset
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_restart ($pattern_id, $zone, $return_from, $return_action, $return_string)
// script is being restarted after running a child form, so check for further action.
// customisable code goes here
} // _cm_restart
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_setJavaScript ($javascript)
// insert any javascript to be included in the <HEAD> or <BODY> elements.
// customisable code goes here
//$javascript['head'][]['file'] = '...';
//$javascript['head'][]['code'] = '...';
//$javascript['body']['onload'] = '...';
//$javascript['body']['onunload'] = '...';
//$javascript['tbody']['onload'] = '...';
//$javascript['tbody']['onunload'] = '...';
//$javascript['script']['whatever'] = '...';
return $javascript;
} // _cm_setJavaScript
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_setScrollArray ($where, $where_array)
// construct an array of primary keys to scroll through
$array = array();
$array = splitWhereByRow($where); // default - replace with custom code
return $array;
} // _cm_setScrollArray
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_unFormatData ($fieldarray)
// remove custom formatting before values are passed to the database.
// customisable code goes here
return $fieldarray;
} // _cm_unFormatData
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_updateFieldarray ($fieldarray, $postarray, $rownum)
// allow object to deal with any changes POSTed from the form.
// $fieldarray contains current data from one row.
// $postarray contains any changes made in the form for this row.
// $rownum identifies which row is being processed
// customisable code goes here
return $fieldarray;
} // _cm_updateFieldarray
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_updateSelection ($selection, $replace)
// update multiple rows in a single operation.
if ($this->dbname == 'default' AND $this->tablename == 'default') {
// possibly called from custom processing object, so do nothing
} // if
if (!is_string($selection) OR empty($replace)) {
// this combination is not valid
} else {
// this is the default code, which may be replaced if necessary
$count = $this->_dml_updateSelection($selection, $replace);
// '$count records were updated in $tablename'
return $this->getLanguageText('sys0006', $count, strtoupper($this->tablename));
} // if
} // _cm_updateSelection
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_validateDelete ($rowdata, $parent_table)
// verify that the selected record can be deleted.
// ($parent_table is only used in a cascade delete)
// if anything is placed in $this->errors the delete will be terminated.
// customisable code goes here
} // _cm_validateDelete
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_validateInsert ($rowdata)
// perform custom validation before an insert.
// if anything is placed in $this->errors the insert will be terminated.
// customisable code goes here
return $rowdata;
} // _cm_validateInsert
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_validateSearch ($fieldarray)
// perform custom validation on data entered via a search screen.
// put any errors into $this->errors.
// customisable code goes here
return $fieldarray;
} // _cm_validateSearch
// ****************************************************************************
function _cm_validateUpdate ($fieldarray, $originaldata)
// perform custom validation before update.
// if anything is placed in $this->errors the update will be terminated.
// customisable code goes here
return $fieldarray;
} // _cm_validateUpdate
// ****************************************************************************
// methods beginning with '_ddl_' are for calling the Database Access object
// (for commands using the Data Definition Language)
// ****************************************************************************
function _ddl_getColumnSpecs ()
// obtain column specifications.
$DDL =& $this->_getDBMSengine($this->dbname);
$array = $DDL->ddl_getColumnSpecs();
return $array;
} // _ddl_getColumnSpecs
// ****************************************************************************
function _ddl_showColumns($dbname, $tablename)
// obtain a list of column names for the selected database table.
$DDL =& $this->_getDBMSengine($dbname);
$array = $DDL->ddl_showColumns($DDL->dbname, $tablename);
return $array;
} // _ddl_showColumns
// ****************************************************************************
function _ddl_showCreateTable ($dbname, $tablename)
// obtain a list of column names for the selected database table.
$DDL =& $this->_getDBMSengine($dbname);
$array = $DDL->ddl_showCreateTable($DDL->dbname, $tablename);
return $array;
} // _ddl_showCreateTable
// ****************************************************************************
function _ddl_showDatabases ($dbprefix)
// obtain a list of existing database names.
$DDL =& $this->_getDBMSengine($this->dbname);
$array = $DDL->ddl_showDatabases($dbprefix);
return $array;
} // _ddl_showDatabases
// ****************************************************************************
function _ddl_showTables ($dbname)
// obtain a list of table names for the selected database.
$DDL =& $this->_getDBMSengine($dbname);
$array = $DDL->ddl_showTables($DDL->dbname);
return $array;
} // _ddl_showTables
// ****************************************************************************
function _ddl_showTableKeys ($dbname, $tablename)
// obtain a list of existing database names.
$DDL =& $this->_getDBMSengine($dbname);
$array = $DDL->ddl_showTableKeys($DDL->dbname, $tablename);
return $array;
} // _ddl_showTableKeys
// ****************************************************************************
// methods beginning with '_dml_' are for calling the Database Access object
// (for commands using the Data Manipulation Language)
// ****************************************************************************
function _dml_deleteRecord ($fieldarray)
// delete the record whose primary key is contained within $fieldarray.
if (empty($fieldarray)) {
return; // nothing to delete
} // if
$DML =& $this->_getDBMSengine($this->dbname);
$DML->fieldspec = $this->fieldspec;
$DML->audit_logging = $this->audit_logging;
$DML->primary_key = $this->getPkeyNames();
// remove any non-database fields from input array
foreach ($fieldarray as $field => $fieldvalue) {
// check that $field exists in $fieldspec array
if (!array_key_exists($field, $DML->fieldspec)) {
// it does not (like the SUBMIT button, for example), so remove it
} // if
} // foreach
$DML->deleteRecord($this->dbname_server, $this->tablename, $fieldarray);
$this->errors = array_merge($DML->getErrors(), $this->errors);
$this->numrows = $DML->getNumRows();
} // _dml_deleteRecord
// ****************************************************************************
function _dml_adjustWhere ($string_in)
// the DBMS may require different escape characters, so adjust as necessary.
$DML =& $this->_getDBMSengine($this->dbname);
if (method_exists($DML, 'adjustWhere')) {
$string_out = $DML->adjustWhere($string_in);
} else {
$string_out = $string_in;
} // if
return $string_out;
} // _dml_adjustWhere
// ****************************************************************************
function _dml_deleteSelection ($selection, $from=null, $using=null, $limit=0)
// delete a selection of records in a single operation.
$DML =& $this->_getDBMSengine($this->dbname);
$DML->fieldspec = $this->fieldspec;
$DML->audit_logging = $this->audit_logging;
if (!$this->audit_logging OR defined('TRANSIX_NO_AUDIT') OR defined('NO_AUDIT_LOGGING')) {
// no audit logging, so delete everything in one operation
$count = $DML->deleteSelection($this->dbname_server, $this->tablename, $selection, $from, $using);
$this->errors = array_merge($DML->getErrors(), $this->errors);
} else {
$rows_per_page = $this->rows_per_page; // save
// audit logging is ON, so fetch everything and delete one row at a time
$resource = $this->_dml_getData_serial($selection);
$this->setRowsPerPage($rows_per_page); // restore
$count = $this->numrows;
$errors = array();
while ($row = $this->fetchRow($resource)) {
$errors = array_merge($this->getErrors(), $errors);
} // while
$this->errors = $errors;
} // if
$this->numrows = $count;
return $count;
} // _dml_deleteSelection
// ****************************************************************************
function _dml_free_result ($resource)
// Get count of recors which match criteria in $where.
$DML =& $this->_getDBMSengine($this->dbname);
$result = $DML->free_result($this->dbname_server, $resource);
return $result;
} // _dml_free_result
// ****************************************************************************
function _dml_getCount ($where)
// Get count of recors which match criteria in $where.
$DML =& $this->_getDBMSengine($this->dbname);
$count = $DML->getCount($this->dbname_server, $this->tablename, $where);
if (is_null($count)) {
$count = 0;
} // if
$this->errors = array_merge($DML->getErrors(), $this->errors);
return $count;
} // _dml_getCount
// ****************************************************************************
function _dml_getData ($where, $raw=false)
// Get data from the specified database table.
// Results may be affected by $where and $pageno.
$DML =& $this->_getDBMSengine($this->dbname);
$DML->fieldspec = $this->fieldspec;
$DML->pageno = $this->pageno;
$DML->rows_per_page = $this->rows_per_page;
$DML->sql_select = $this->sql_select;
$DML->sql_from = $this->sql_from;
$DML->sql_groupby = $this->sql_groupby;
$DML->sql_having = $this->sql_having;
if (!empty($this->sql_union)) {
if (substr(trim($this->sql_union), 0, 1) != '(') {
// this string must be enclosed in '(' and ')'
$this->sql_union = '('.trim($this->sql_union).')';
} // if
$DML->sql_union = $this->sql_union;
} // if
$DML->sql_orderby = $this->getOrderBy();
$DML->sql_orderby_seq = $this->sql_orderby_seq;
if (!empty($DML->sql_orderby) AND $raw === true) {
$DML->sql_orderby = validateSortItem2 ($DML->sql_orderby, $DML->sql_select, $DML->fieldspec);
} // if
$this->prev_sql_orderby = $DML->sql_orderby;
$array = $DML->getData($this->dbname_server, $this->tablename, $where);
$this->errors = array_merge($DML->getErrors(), $this->errors);
$this->numrows = $DML->getNumRows();
$this->pageno = $DML->getPageNo();
$this->lastpage = $DML->getLastPage();
$this->sql_union = null;
return $array;
} // _dml_getData
// ****************************************************************************
function _dml_getData_serial ($where=null, $rdc_limit=null, $rdc_offset=null, $unbuffered_query=false)
// Issue an SQL query and return result, not an array of data.
// Individual rows will be returned using the fetchRow() method.
$this->errors = array();
$DML =& $this->_getDBMSengine($this->dbname, $unbuffered_query);
$DML->fieldspec = $this->fieldspec;
$DML->pageno = $this->pageno;
$DML->rows_per_page = $this->rows_per_page;
$DML->sql_select = $this->sql_select;
$DML->sql_from = $this->sql_from;
$DML->sql_groupby = $this->sql_groupby;
$DML->sql_having = $this->sql_having;
if (!empty($this->sql_union)) {
if (substr(trim($this->sql_union), 0, 1) != '(') {
// this string must be enclosed in '(' and ')'
$this->sql_union = '('.trim($this->sql_union).')';
} // if
$DML->sql_union = $this->sql_union;
} // if
$DML->sql_orderby = $this->getOrderBy();
$DML->sql_orderby_seq = $this->sql_orderby_seq;
$result = $DML->getData_serial($this->dbname_server, $this->tablename, $where, $rdc_limit, $rdc_offset);
$this->numrows = $DML->getNumRows();
return $result;
} // _dml_getData_serial
// ****************************************************************************
function _dml_getEnum ($item)
// Get the details of an ENUM item from the database.
$DML =& $this->_getDBMSengine($this->dbname);
$array = $DML->getEnum($this->dbname_server, $this->tablename, $item);
$this->errors = array_merge($DML->getErrors(), $this->errors);
return $array;
} // _dml_getEnum
// ****************************************************************************
function _dml_insertRecord ($fieldarray)
// insert a record using the contents of $fieldarray.
$DML =& $this->_getDBMSengine($this->dbname);
// use ORIGINAL, not CURRENT specifications for this database table
$DML->fieldspec = $this->getFieldSpec_original();
// include other important variables
$DML->primary_key = $this->getPkeyNames();
$DML->unique_keys = $this->unique_keys;
$DML->audit_logging = $this->audit_logging;
$DML->no_duplicate_error = $this->no_duplicate_error;
$DML->retry_on_duplicate_key = $this->retry_on_duplicate_key;
$DML->update_on_duplicate_key = $this->update_on_duplicate_key;
$DML->allow_db_function = $this->allow_db_function;
// remove any non-database fields from input array
foreach ($fieldarray as $field => $fieldvalue) {
// check that $field exists in $fieldspec array
if (!array_key_exists($field, $DML->fieldspec)) {
// it does not (like the SUBMIT button, for example), so remove it
unset ($fieldarray[$field]);
} // if
} // foreach
$array = $DML->insertRecord($this->dbname_server, $this->tablename, $fieldarray);
$this->errors = array_merge($this->errors, $DML->getErrors());
if (method_exists($DML, 'getMessages')) {
$this->messages = array_merge($this->messages, $DML->getMessages());
} // if
$this->numrows = $DML->numrows;
if ($this->numrows > 0) {
$this->insert_count = $this->numrows;
} else {
$this->unchanged_count = 1;
} // if
$this->query = $DML->query; // save this in case trigger_error() is called
$this->retry_on_duplicate_key = false;
$this->update_on_duplicate_key = false;
$this->allow_db_function = array();
return $array;
} // _dml_insertRecord
// ****************************************************************************
function _dml_multiQuery ($query)
// perform one or more SQL queries in a single step. (DEPRECATED)
$result = $this->executeQuery($query);
return $result;
} // _dml_multiQuery
// ****************************************************************************
function _dml_ReadBeforeUpdate ($where, $reuse_previous_select=false)
// Read a single record just before it is updated.
// The primary key should be supplied in $where.
$DML =& $this->_getDBMSengine($this->dbname);
$DML->fieldspec = $this->fieldspec;
$DML->pageno = 1;
$DML->rows_per_page = 0;
if (is_True($reuse_previous_select)) {
if (empty($this->sql_select)) {
// has not been constructed yet, so do it now
$where_array = where2array($where);
$where = $this->_cm_pre_getData ($where, $where_array, $this->fieldarray);
} // if
$having_array = array();
$where = qualifyWhere($where, $this->tablename, $this->fieldspec, $this->sql_from, null, null, $having_array);
// use previous SELECT statement
$DML->sql_select = $this->sql_select;
if (!empty($DML->sql_select)) {
// ensure this selects ALL fields from the primary table
if (!preg_match('/' .$this->tablename .'\.\*/', $DML->sql_select)) {
$DML->sql_select = $this->tablename .'.*, ' .$DML->sql_select;
} // if
} // if
$DML->sql_from = $this->sql_from;
$DML->sql_groupby = $this->sql_groupby;
$DML->sql_having = $this->sql_having;
$DML->sql_orderby = $this->getOrderBy();
$DML->sql_orderby_seq = $this->sql_orderby_seq;
} else {
// construct default SELECT statement
$DML->sql_select = NULL;
$DML->sql_from = NULL;
$DML->sql_groupby = NULL;
$DML->sql_having = NULL;
$DML->sql_orderby = NULL;
$DML->sql_orderby_seq = NULL;
} // if
$DML->setRowLocks('EX'); // lock this row (exclusive)
$array = $DML->getData($this->dbname_server, $this->tablename, $where);
$this->errors = array_merge($DML->getErrors(), $this->errors);
$this->numrows = $DML->getNumRows();
return $array;
} // _dml_ReadBeforeUpdate
// ****************************************************************************
function _dml_updateRecord ($fieldarray, $oldarray, $where=null)
// update the record contained in $fieldarray.
$DML =& $this->_getDBMSengine($this->dbname);
// use ORIGINAL, not CURRENT specifications for this database table
$DML->fieldspec = $this->getFieldSpec_original();
$DML->primary_key = $this->getPkeyNames();
$DML->unique_keys = $this->unique_keys;
$DML->audit_logging = $this->audit_logging;
$DML->allow_db_function = $this->allow_db_function;
// remove any non-database fields from input array
foreach ($fieldarray as $field => $fieldvalue) {
// check that $field exists in $fieldspec array
if (!array_key_exists($field, $DML->fieldspec)) {
// it does not (like the SUBMIT button, for example), so remove it
} elseif (isset($DML->fieldspec[$field]['noedit']) OR isset($DML->fieldspec[$field]['nodisplay'])) {
// this field is not editable, so do not update it
} elseif (is_array($this->noedit_array) AND array_key_exists($field, $this->noedit_array)) {
// this field is not editable, so do not update it
} // if
} // foreach
$array = $DML->updateRecord($this->dbname_server, $this->tablename, $fieldarray, $oldarray, $where);
$this->errors = array_merge($this->errors, $DML->getErrors());
if (method_exists($DML, 'getMessages')) {
$this->messages = array_merge($this->messages, $DML->getMessages());
} // if
$this->numrows = $DML->getNumRows();
$this->query = $DML->query; // save this in case trigger_error() is called
$this->allow_db_function = array();
return $array;
} // _dml_updateRecord
// ****************************************************************************
function _dml_updateSelection ($selection, $replace, $limit=0)
// update a selection of records in a single operation.
$DML =& $this->_getDBMSengine($this->dbname);
$DML->fieldspec = $this->fieldspec;
$DML->audit_logging = $this->audit_logging;
$DML->allow_db_function = $this->allow_db_function;
if (!$this->audit_logging) {
// no audit logging, so update everything in one operation
$count = $DML->updateSelection($this->dbname_server, $this->tablename, $replace, $selection);
$this->errors = array_merge($this->errors, $DML->getErrors());
if (method_exists($DML, 'getMessages')) {
$this->messages = array_merge($this->messages, $DML->getMessages());
} // if
} else {
$rows_per_page = $this->rows_per_page; // save
// audit logging is ON, so fetch everything and update one row at a time
$resource = $this->_dml_getData_serial($selection);
$this->setRowsPerPage($rows_per_page); // restore
$count = 0;
while ($row = $this->fetchRow($resource)) {
$update = where2array($replace);
$update = array_merge($row, $update);
// construct primary key for original record as this may be changed in this update
$where = array2where($row, $this->getPkeyNames());
$this->_dml_updateRecord($update, $row, $where);
if ($this->errors) {
} // if
$count += $this->numrows;
} // while
} // if
$this->numrows = $count;
return $count;
} // _dml_updateSelection
// ****************************************************************************
function _examineWorkflow ($input)
// a task has just completed, so ...
// find out if this task/context starts a new workflow instance (case),
// or is a workitem within an existing workflow instance.
$this->errors = array();
if (is_array($input)) {
// context is the primary key of the current record
$context = array2where($input, $this->getPkeyNames(), false, true);
$fieldarray = $input;
} else {
$context = $input;
$fieldarray = where2array($context);
} // if
$wf_case_id = $this->wf_case_id;
$wf_workitem_id = $this->wf_workitem_id;
if (!empty($this->wf_context)) {
// replace current context with saved workitem context
$context = $this->wf_context;
} // if
if (empty($context)) {
return $this->errors;
} // if
// interface with the workflow engine
$workflow =& RDCsingleton::getInstance('workflow_engine');
// look to see if this task is a workitem within an existing workflow case
if (isset($wf_case_id) and isset($wf_workitem_id)) {
// yes it is, so mark it as finished
$workflow->finishWorkItem($wf_case_id, $wf_workitem_id, $context, $fieldarray);
if ($workflow->errors) {
$this->errors = array_merge($this->errors, $workflow->getErrors());
return $this->errors;
} // if
} // if
// look to see if this task requires the starting of a new workflow case
$wf_case_id = $workflow->startWorkflowCase($GLOBALS['task_id'], $context);
if ($workflow->errors) {
$this->errors = array_merge($this->errors, $workflow->getErrors());
return $this->errors;
} // if
return $this->errors;
} // _examineWorkflow
// ****************************************************************************
function _examineWorkflowInstance ($where)
// a task has just started, so ...
// look to see if this task/context is a workitem within a workflow instance,
// and if it is then set the appropriate variables (for use in finishWorkItem())
if (empty($where)) {
return; // no context yet, so ignore
} // if
$this->errors = array();
// look for a workitem that matches this task_id and context
$dbworkitem =& RDCsingleton::getInstance('wf_workitem');
$context = addslashes(trim($where, ' ()'));
//$workitem_where = "task_id='{$GLOBALS['task_id']}' AND context='$context'";
// use 'LIKE' as the passed context may have been trimmed
$workitem_where = "task_id='{$GLOBALS['task_id']}' AND context LIKE '$context%'";
// if (isset($GLOBALS['batch']) AND is_True($GLOBALS['batch'])) {
// $workitem_where .= " AND workitem_status='IP'"; // 'in progress'
// } else {
// $workitem_where .= " AND workitem_status='EN'"; // 'enabled'
// } // if
$workitem_where .= " AND workitem_status IN ('EN','IP')"; // 'in progress' or 'enabled'
$workitem_data = $dbworkitem->getData($workitem_where);
if ($dbworkitem->errors) {
$this->errors = array_merge($this->errors, $dbworkitem->getErrors());
} // if
// if nothing found exit now
if ($dbworkitem->numrows == 0) {
} // if
// use only first item
reset($workitem_data); // fix for version 4.4.1
$workitem_data = $workitem_data[key($workitem_data)];
if (isset($GLOBALS['batch']) AND is_True($GLOBALS['batch'] OR $workitem_data['workitem_status'] == 'IP')) {
// ignore next check
} else {
// check that workitem has been assigned to one of this user's roles
$role_list = explode(',', $_SESSION['role_list']);
//if ($workitem_data['role_id'] != $_SESSION['role_id']) {
if (!in_array("'{$workitem_data['role_id']}'", $role_list)) {
$result = $dbworkitem->rollback();
$workitem_data['user_id'] = null;
$workitem_data = $dbworkitem->updateRecord($workitem_data);
if ($dbworkitem->errors) {
$result = $dbworkitem->rollback();
} else {
$result = $dbworkitem->commit();
} // if
//scriptPrevious("This task has been assigned to role " .$workitem_data['role_id']);
$batch_errors = scriptPrevious($this->getLanguageText('sys0014', $workitem_data['role_id']));
return $batch_errors;
} // if
if (empty($workitem_data['user_id'])) {
// no user assigned to this workitem, so assign to this user
if (!empty($this->wf_user_id)) {
$workitem_data['user_id'] = $this->wf_user_id; // use specified value
} else {
$workitem_data['user_id'] = $_SESSION['logon_user_id'];
} // if
$workitem_data = $dbworkitem->updateRecord($workitem_data);
if ($dbworkitem->errors) {
$this->errors = array_merge($this->errors, $dbworkitem->getErrors());
} // if
} else {
// check that workitem has been assigned to this user
if ($workitem_data['user_id'] != $_SESSION['logon_user_id']) {
//scriptPrevious("This task has been assigned to user " .$workitem_data['user_id']);
$batch_errors = scriptPrevious($this->getLanguageText('sys0015', $workitem_data['user_id']));
return $batch_errors;
} // if
} // if
} // if
// workitem exists, so store details
$this->wf_case_id = $workitem_data['case_id'];
$this->wf_workitem_id = $workitem_data['workitem_id'];
if ($workitem_data['context'] != stripslashes($context)) {
// current primary key does not match workitem context, so ...
// workitem context must be saved and carried forward
$this->wf_context = $workitem_data['context'];
} else {
$this->wf_context = null;
} // if
} // _examineWorkflowInstance
// ****************************************************************************
function _extract_custom_fields ($rowdata)
// look for $rowdata['custom_fields']['field'] = array('name' => 'x', 'value' => 'y')
// and extract entries to $rowdata['x'] => 'y'
// this will make it easier to process any extra fields in subsequent code.
if (isset($rowdata['custom_fields']) AND isset($rowdata['custom_fields']['field'])) {
if (is_string(key($rowdata['custom_fields']['field']))) {
// only one entry, so set it to undex zero
$array[] = $rowdata['custom_fields']['field'];
$rowdata['custom_fields']['field'] = $array;
} // if
foreach ($rowdata['custom_fields']['field'] as $index => $data) {
if (is_array($data)) {
if (array_key_exists('name', $data) AND array_key_exists('value', $data)) {
$rowdata[$data['name']] = $data['value'];
} // if
} // if
} // foreach
} // if
unset($rowdata['custom_fields']); // values have been extracted, so this is now redundant
return $rowdata;
} // _extract_custom_fields
// ****************************************************************************
function _getCustomProcessingObject ()
// look for an optional file containing code for custom processing.
// this exists in the 'custom-processing' directory with a 'cp_' prefix.
if (empty($GLOBALS['project_code'])) {
return; // identity of subfolder not defined, so exit
} // if
$dirname = dirname($this->dirname) ."/classes/custom-processing/{$GLOBALS['project_code']}/";
$fname = $dirname .'cp_' .get_class($this) .'';
if (file_exists($fname)) {
// ** this code causes a hang in PHP 4 **
//$class_name = "custom-processing/{$GLOBALS['project_code']}/cp_" .get_class($this);
//$this->custom_processing_object =& RDCsingleton::getInstance($class_name);
// include reference to calling object in the custom object
//$this->custom_processing_object->calling_object =& $this;
// **
$class_name = 'cp_' .get_class($this);
if (!class_exists($class_name)) {
} // if
if (class_exists($class_name)) {
$cpo = new $class_name;
// make object variables available in custom object
$cpo->dirname =& $this->dirname;
$cpo->dirname_dict =& $this->dirname;
$cpo->dbname =& $this->dbname;
$cpo->dbname_server =& $this->dbname_server;
$cpo->tablename =& $this->tablename;
$cpo->fieldspec =& $this->fieldspec;
$cpo->primary_key =& $this->primary_key;
$cpo->unique_keys =& $this->unique_keys;
$cpo->child_relations =& $this->child_relations;
$cpo->parent_relations =& $this->parent_relations;
$cpo->audit_logging =& $this->audit_logging;
$cpo->default_orderby =& $this->default_orderby;
$cpo->alt_language_table =& $this->alt_language_table;
$cpo->alt_language_cols =& $this->alt_language_cols;
$cpo->nameof_start_date =& $this->nameof_start_date;
$cpo->nameof_end_date =& $this->nameof_end_date;
$cpo->sql_from =& $this->sql_from;
$cpo->sql_groupby =& $this->sql_groupby;
$cpo->sql_having =& $this->sql_having;
$cpo->sql_no_foreign_db =& $this->sql_no_foreign_db;
$cpo->sql_orderby =& $this->sql_orderby;
$cpo->sql_orderby_seq =& $this->sql_orderby_seq;
$cpo->sql_orderby_table =& $this->sql_orderby_table;
$cpo->sql_search =& $this->sql_search;
$cpo->sql_search_orig =& $this->sql_search_orig;
$cpo->sql_search_table =& $this->sql_search_table;
$cpo->sql_select =& $this->sql_select;
$cpo->sql_where =& $this->sql_where;
$cpo->sql_union =& $this->sql_union;
$cpo->initial_values =& $this->initial_values;
$cpo->lookup_data =& $this->lookup_data;
$cpo->rows_per_page =& $this->rows_per_page;
$cpo->pageno =& $this->pageno;
$cpo->numrows =& $this->numrows;
$cpo->initiated_from_controller =& $this->initiated_from_controller;
$cpo->skip_getdata =& $this->skip_getdata;
$cpo->errors =& $this->errors;
$cpo->messages =& $this->messages;
$cpo->custom_replaces_standard =& $this->custom_replaces_standard;
$cpo->zone =& $this->zone;
$cpo->no_display_count =& $this->no_display_count;
$cpo->unbuffered_query =& $this->unbuffered_query;
$cpo->xsl_params =& $this->xsl_params;
$cpo->wf_case_id =& $this->wf_case_id;
$cpo->wf_workitem_id =& $this->wf_workitem_id;
$cpo->wf_context =& $this->wf_context;
$cpo->wf_user_id =& $this->wf_user_id;
// include reference to calling object in the custom object
$cpo->calling_object =& $this;
$this->custom_processing_object =& $cpo;
} // if
} // if
} // _getCustomProcessingObject
// ****************************************************************************
function &_getDBMSengine ($dbname=null, $unbuffered_query=false)
// obtain the object that deals with the database engine for this table.
$engine = null;
// check if database name has been changed in the config file
list($dbname2, $dbprefix, $dbms_engine) = findDBConfig($dbname);
$dbname3 = $dbprefix.$dbname2;
$args = array('dbname' => $dbname3);
if (!isset($GLOBALS['servers'])) {
// single server option
if (isset($GLOBALS['dbms'])) {
$engine =& $GLOBALS['dbms'];
} // if
if (isset($GLOBALS['dbhost'])) {
$args['dbhost'] =& $GLOBALS['dbhost'];
} // if
if (isset($GLOBALS['dbusername'])) {
$args['dbusername'] =& $GLOBALS['dbusername'];
} // if
if (isset($GLOBALS['dbuserpass'])) {
$args['dbuserpass'] =& $GLOBALS['dbuserpass'];
} // if
if (isset($GLOBALS['dbport'])) {
$args['dbport'] =& $GLOBALS['dbport'];
} // if
if (isset($GLOBALS['dbsocket'])) {
$args['dbsocket'] =& $GLOBALS['dbsocket'];
} // if
if (isset($GLOBALS['ssl_key'])) {
$args['ssl_key'] =& $GLOBALS['ssl_key'];
} // if
if (isset($GLOBALS['ssl_cert'])) {
$args['ssl_cert'] =& $GLOBALS['ssl_cert'];
} // if
if (isset($GLOBALS['ssl_ca'])) {
$args['ssl_ca'] =& $GLOBALS['ssl_ca'];
} // if
if (isset($GLOBALS['ssl_capath'])) {
$args['ssl_capath'] =& $GLOBALS['ssl_capath'];
} // if
if (isset($GLOBALS['ssl_cipher'])) {
$args['ssl_cipher'] =& $GLOBALS['ssl_cipher'];
} // if
// these are options for non-MySQL databases
if (isset($GLOBALS['PGSQL_dbname'])) {
$args['PGSQL_dbname'] =& $GLOBALS['PGSQL_dbname'];
} // if
if (isset($GLOBALS['SQLSRV_schema'])) {
$args['SQLSRV_schema'] =& $GLOBALS['SQLSRV_schema'];
} // if
if (isset($GLOBALS['serverName'])) {
$args['serverName'] =& $GLOBALS['serverName'];
} // if
if (isset($GLOBALS['connectionInfo'])) {
$args['connectionInfo'] =& $GLOBALS['connectionInfo'];
} // if
} else {
// multi-server option
// find out which server deals with this dbname
foreach ($GLOBALS['servers'] as $servernum => $server) {
if (empty($server['dbnames'])) {
// DBNAMES entry missing
trigger_error($this->getLanguageText('sys0170', 'DBNAMES'), E_USER_ERROR);
} else {
$dbname_array = explode(',', $server['dbnames']);
$dbname_array = array_map('trim', $dbname_array);
} // if
if ($server['dbnames'] == '*' OR in_array($dbname, $dbname_array)) {
if (!isset($server['dbengine'])) {
trigger_error($this->getLanguageText('sys0170', 'DBENGINE'), E_USER_ERROR);
} else {
$engine = $server['dbengine'];
} // if
if (!isset($server['dbhost'])) {
trigger_error($this->getLanguageText('sys0170', 'DBHOST'), E_USER_ERROR);
} else {
$args['dbhost'] = $server['dbhost'];
} // if
if (!isset($server['dbusername'])) {
trigger_error($this->getLanguageText('sys0170', 'DBUSERNAME'), E_USER_ERROR);
} else {
$args['dbusername'] = $server['dbusername'];
} // if
if (!isset($server['dbuserpass'])) {
trigger_error($this->getLanguageText('sys0170', 'DBUSERPASS'), E_USER_ERROR);
} else {
$args['dbuserpass'] = $server['dbuserpass'];
} // if
if (!empty($server['dbport'])) {
$args['dbport'] = $server['dbport'];
} // if
if (!empty($server['dbsocket'])) {
$args['dbsocket'] = $server['dbsocket'];
} // if
if (!empty($server['ssl_key'])) {
$args['ssl_key'] = $server['ssl_key'];
} // if
if (!empty($server['ssl_cert'])) {
$args['ssl_cert'] = $server['ssl_cert'];
} // if
if (!empty($server['ssl_ca'])) {
$args['ssl_ca'] = $server['ssl_ca'];
} // if
if (!empty($server['ssl_capath'])) {
$args['ssl_capath'] = $server['ssl_capath'];
} // if
if (!empty($server['ssl_cipher'])) {
$args['ssl_cipher'] = $server['ssl_cipher'];
} // if
// these are options for non-MySQL databases
if (isset($server['PGSQL_dbname'])) {
$args['PGSQL_dbname'] =& $server['PGSQL_dbname'];
} // if
if (isset($server['SQLSRV_schema'])) {
$args['SQLSRV_schema'] =& $server['SQLSRV_schema'];
} // if
if (isset($server['serverName'])) {
$args['serverName'] =& $server['serverName'];
} // if
if (isset($server['connectionInfo'])) {
$args['connectionInfo'] =& $server['connectionInfo'];
} // if
break; // so stop here
} // if
} // foreach
if (empty($engine)) {
// "entry missing for database 'X'"
trigger_error($this->getLanguageText('sys0171', $dbname), E_USER_ERROR);
} // if
} // if
if (empty($engine)) {
trigger_error("No value has been supplied for DBMS engine", E_USER_ERROR);
} // if
if (!class_exists($engine)) {
// load class definition for this database engine
if ($engine == 'mysql') {
if (extension_loaded('mysqli')) {
// use 'improved' mysql functions
require_once "";
} else {
// use standard mysql functions
require_once "";
} // if
} elseif ($engine == 'oracle') {
if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0.0', '<')) {
// use old api's
require_once "";
} else {
// use new api's
require_once "";
} // if
} else {
require_once "dml.$";
} // if
} // if
if (isset($servernum)) {
$DML =& RDCsingleton::getInstance('server__' .$servernum .'__' .$engine, $args, true, $unbuffered_query);
} else {
$DML =& RDCsingleton::getInstance($engine, $args, true, $unbuffered_query);
} // if
$DML->dbname = $args['dbname']; // save selected database name in this server instance
return $DML;
} // _getDBMSengine
// ****************************************************************************
function _getInitialValues ($task_id=null)
// look for any initial values on the MNU_INITIAL_VALUE_USER table.
// if none are found take a look on the MNU_INITIAL_VALUE_ROLE table.
$fieldarray = array();
if (preg_match('/^(workflow|audit)$/i', $this->dbname)) {
// ignore this code for those databases
return $fieldarray;
} // if
$user_id = $_SESSION['logon_user_id'];
$role_id = $_SESSION['role_id'];
$role_list =& $_SESSION['role_list'];
if (empty($role_list)) {
$role_list = "'$role_id'";
} // if
if (empty($task_id)) {
if (!empty($GLOBALS['initial_values_task_id'])) {
$task_id = $GLOBALS['initial_values_task_id'];
} else {
$task_id = $GLOBALS['task_id'];
} // if
} // if
// look for ROLE data
$dbobject =& RDCsingleton::getInstance('mnu_initial_value_role');
$dbobject->sql_select = 'field_id, initial_value, is_noedit';
//$role_data = $dbobject->getData_raw("role_id='$role_id' AND task_id='$task_id'");
$role_data = $dbobject->getData_raw("role_id IN ($role_list) AND task_id='$task_id'");
foreach ($role_data as $rownum => $rowdata) {
// change into an array which is keyed by field_id
$field_id = strtolower($rowdata['field_id']);
$init_data[$field_id]['initial_value'] = $rowdata['initial_value'];
$init_data[$field_id]['is_noedit'] = $rowdata['is_noedit'];
} // foreach
// overwrite with USER data
$dbobject =& RDCsingleton::getInstance('mnu_initial_value_user');
$dbobject->sql_select = 'field_id, initial_value, is_noedit';
$user_data = $dbobject->getData_raw("user_id='$user_id' AND task_id='$task_id'");
foreach ($user_data as $rownum => $rowdata) {
// change into an array which is keyed by field_id
$field_id = strtolower($rowdata['field_id']);
$init_data[$field_id]['initial_value'] = $rowdata['initial_value'];
$init_data[$field_id]['is_noedit'] = $rowdata['is_noedit'];
} // foreach
if (!empty($init_data)) {
// copy any values into this task's data area
foreach ($init_data as $field_id => $field_data) {
$fieldarray[$field_id] = $field_data['initial_value'];
if (is_True($field_data['is_noedit'])) {
if (array_key_exists($field_id, $this->fieldspec)) {
// this field cannot be modified by the user
$this->fieldspec[$field_id]['noedit'] = 'y';
} // if
} // if
} // foreach
} // if
return $fieldarray;
} // _getInitialValues
// ****************************************************************************
function _getInitialWhere ($where)
// merge $this->initial_values with $where.
$fieldarray = where2array($where, false, false);
if (!empty($this->initial_values)) {
foreach ($this->initial_values as $key => $value) {
if (empty($fieldarray[$key])) {
// current value is empty, so overwrite with initial value
$fieldarray[$key] = $value;
} // if
} // foreach
} // if
$where = array2where($fieldarray);
return $where;
} // _getInitialWhere
// ****************************************************************************
function _processInstruction ($fieldarray)
// process instructions contained within $this->instruction
// (as returned by a child script)
// look for a 'select' instruction
if (array_key_exists('select', $this->instruction)) {
// extract the key/value pair which has been selected
foreach ($this->instruction['select'] as $selectkey => $selectvalue) {
// find the row with the same key
foreach ($fieldarray as $row => $rowdata) {
if ($rowdata[$selectkey] == $selectvalue) {
// mark this row as selected
$fieldarray[$row]['selected'] = 'T';
} // if
} // foreach
} // foreach
// instruction has been processed, so remove it
} // if
// if there are no more instructions left then clear this array
if (empty($this->instruction)) {
} // if
return $fieldarray;
} // _processInstruction
// ****************************************************************************
function _qualify_dbname ($target_db, $this_db)
// find out if the target database needs to be qualified - if it has been switched
// (refer to _switch_databases() method) to the source database then it does not.
// check if the name has been prefixed or switched in the config file.
// list($target_db_new, $target_dbprefix, $target_dbms_engine) = findDBConfig($target_db);
// $target_db_new = $target_dbprefix.$target_db_new;
// list($this_db_new, $this_dbprefix, $this_dbms_engine) = findDBConfig($this_db);
// $this_db_new = $this_dbprefix.$this_db_new;
// if ($target_db_new == $this_db_new) {
// // target dbname is the same, so does not need to be specified
// $output = '';
// } else {
// // target dbname needs to be specified and enclosed in double quotes
// $output = '"'.$target_db_new.'".';
// } // if
$output = findDBName($target_db, $this_db);
return $output;
} // _qualify_dbname
// ****************************************************************************
function _sqlAssembleWhere ($where, $where_array)
// assemble the $where clause from its component parts.
// ($where = string, $where_array = array)
if (is_True($this->is_link_table)) {
// this is for an outer-link-inner relationship
$where = $this->_sqlAssembleWhereLink($where, $where_array);
} else {
if (isset($this->fieldspec['rdcaccount_id'])) {
// this table is split by account, so account_id must be supplied in WHERE string
if (empty($where_array['rdcaccount_id'])) {
if (!empty($_SESSION['rdcaccount_id'])) {
$account_id = $_SESSION['rdcaccount_id'];
} else {
$account_id = null;
} // if
if (empty($account_id) AND preg_match('/(mnu_user|mnu_account)/', $this->tablename)) {
// no account id supplied, so read everything on these tables only
} else {
if (empty($account_id) OR $account_id == 1) {
$account_id_string = "$this->tablename.rdcaccount_id='1'";
} else {
$account_id_string = "$this->tablename.rdcaccount_id IN ('1', '$account_id')";
} // if
if (empty($this->sql_search)) {
$this->sql_search = $account_id_string;
} else {
if (substr_count($this->sql_search, $account_id_string) == 0) {
$this->sql_search .= " AND $account_id_string";
} // if
} // if
} // if
} // if
} // if
} // if
if ($this->checkPrimaryKey or empty($this->sql_from) or ($this->sql_from == $this->tablename)) {
// check that 'where' clause does not contain any fields that
// are not in this table, otherwise it will cause an error
$extra = array();
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_filterWhere')) {
$extra = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_filterWhere($extra);
} // if
} // if
$extra = $this->_cm_filterWhere($extra);
$where = filterWhere($where, $this->fieldspec, $this->tablename, $extra);
} // if
if (empty($this->sql_from)) {
// obtain fields from foreign tables via a JOIN, if necessary
$this->sql_from = $this->_sqlForeignJoin($this->sql_select, $this->sql_from, $this->parent_relations);
} // if
// remove any duplicated field names from the select string
$this->sql_select = removeDuplicateFromSelect($this->sql_select);
if (!empty($this->sql_search)) {
// turn 'current/historic/future' into a range of dates
$this->sql_search = $this->currentOrHistoric($this->sql_search, $this->nameof_start_date, $this->nameof_end_date);
// check that 'search' clause does not contain any fields that
// are not in this table, otherwise it will cause an error
if (empty($this->sql_from) OR $this->sql_from == $this->tablename) {
$extra = array();
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, '_cm_filterWhere')) {
$extra = $this->custom_processing_object->_cm_filterWhere($extra);
} // if
} // if
$extra = $this->_cm_filterWhere($extra);
$this->sql_search = filterWhere($this->sql_search, $this->fieldspec, $this->tablename, $extra);
} // if
// remove anything in $this->sql_search which is duplicated in $where
$this->sql_search = filterWhere1Where2($where, $this->sql_search, $this->tablename);
} // if
// extract entries from $sql_select which are in format 'expression AS alias'
$alias_array = extractAliasNames($this->sql_select);
// anything in WHERE which has an alias name will be moved to HAVING
$having_array = where2array($this->sql_having, false, false);
if (empty($this->sql_from)) {
$this->sql_from = $this->tablename;
} // if
// qualify each column name to avoid possible conflicts with other tables
$where = qualifyWhere($where, $this->tablename, $this->fieldspec, $this->sql_from, null, $alias_array, $having_array);
if (!empty($this->sql_where)) {
if (preg_match('/^(AND |OR )/i', $this->sql_where)) {
// begins with 'AND ' or 'OR ', so do not filter or qualify the contents
$where .= ' '.$this->sql_where;
} else {
// temporarily remove anything in $this->sql_where which is duplicated in $where
$sql_where = qualifyWhere($this->sql_where, $this->tablename, $this->fieldspec, $this->sql_from, null, $alias_array, $having_array);
$sql_where = filterWhere1Where2($where, $sql_where, $this->tablename);
if (!empty($sql_where)) {
// append optional 'sql_where' criteria to $where
if (!empty($where)) {
$where = mergeWhere($where, $sql_where);
} else {
$where = $sql_where;
} // if
} // if
} // if
} // if
if (!empty($this->sql_search)) {
$search_array = where2array($this->sql_search, false, false);
if (!empty($this->link_item)) {
if (isset($search_array['selected'])) {
// replace 'selected' with correct column name, testing for T/Y and F/N
$search_array['selected'] = stripOperators($search_array['selected']);
if (is_True($search_array['selected'])) {
$search_array[$this->link_item] = 'IS NOT NULL';
} else {
$search_array[$this->link_item] = 'IS NULL';
} // if
// ensure that 'selected' column is not specified in search criteria
$this->sql_search = array2where($search_array);
} // if
} // if
if (!empty($this->sql_search)) {
// qualify each column name to avoid conflict with other tables
$this->sql_search = qualifyWhere($this->sql_search, $this->tablename, $this->fieldspec, $this->sql_from, $this->sql_search_table, $alias_array, $having_array);
// merge $where with optional search criteria
if (strlen(trim($this->sql_search)) > 0) {
if (empty($where)) {
$where = $this->sql_search;
} else {
$where = "($where) AND $this->sql_search";
} // if
} // if
} // if
} // if
// array may have been modified, so convert back into a string
$this->sql_having = array2where($having_array);
if (!empty($this->sql_from)) {
// qualify $default_orderby using one of two possible table names
if (isset($this->sql_orderby_table)) {
$orderby_table = $this->sql_orderby_table;
} else {
$orderby_table = $this->tablename;
} // if
if ($orderby_table != $this->tablename) {
if (file_exists("classes/$")) {
require_once "classes/$";
$dbobject = new $orderby_table;
$fieldspec = $dbobject->fieldspec;
} else {
// look for 'original AS alias' in sql_from string
$alias_tablename = getTableAlias1($orderby_table, $this->sql_from);
if ($alias_tablename) {
require_once "classes/$";
$dbobject = new $alias_tablename;
$fieldspec = $dbobject->fieldspec;
} else {
$fieldspec = array();
} // if
} // if
} else {
$fieldspec = $this->fieldspec;
} // if
if (empty($this->sql_orderby)) {
$this->sql_orderby = $this->default_orderby_task;
} // if
if (empty($this->sql_orderby)) {
$this->sql_orderby = $this->default_orderby;
} // if
if (!empty($this->sql_orderby)) {
if (is_True($this->is_link_table)) {
$this->sql_orderby = requalifyOrderby($this->sql_orderby, $this->sql_select, $this->tablename, $this->inner_table, $this->parent_relations);
} else {
$this->sql_orderby = qualifyOrderby($this->sql_orderby, $orderby_table, $fieldspec, $this->sql_select, $this->sql_from);
} // if
} // if
} // if
return $where;
} // _sqlAssembleWhere
// ****************************************************************************
function _sqlAssembleWhereLink ($where, $where_array)
// in a many-link-many relationship this will assemble the SQL commands for
// the middle (link) table.
if (isset($this->link_item)) {
// this has already been processed, so don't do it again
return $where;
} // if
reset($where_array); // fix for version 4.4.1
if (!is_string(key($where_array))) {
$where_array = indexed2assoc($where_array);
} // if
// step through $parent_relations until the OUTER entity is found
foreach ($this->parent_relations as $reldata) {
if ($reldata['parent'] == $this->outer_table) {
$outer_table = $reldata['parent'];
$outer_alias = '';
} else if (isset($reldata['alias']) and $reldata['alias'] == $this->outer_table) {
$outer_table = $reldata['parent'];
$outer_alias = $reldata['alias'];
} // if
} // foreach
// identify felds which join the OUTER table to the LINK table
foreach ($reldata['fields'] as $fldchild => $fldparent) {
$outer_key[] = $outer_table .'.' .$fldparent;
$ix = count($outer_key) -1;
if ($fldchild == $fldparent) {
$outer_key_as[] = $outer_key[$ix];
} else {
$outer_key_as[] = $outer_key[$ix] .' AS ' .$fldchild;
} // if
$outer_link[] = $outer_key[$ix] .'=' .$this->tablename .'.' .$fldchild;
} // foreach
if (!isset($this->inner_table)) {
// if OUTER table is defined, then INNER must be as well
trigger_error($this->getLanguageText('sys0011'), E_USER_ERROR); // 'Definition of INNER_TABLE is missing'
} // if
if (empty($this->sql_search_table)) {
$this->sql_search_table = $this->inner_table;
} // if
$this->sql_orderby_table = $this->inner_table;
// step through $parent_relations until the INNER entity is found
foreach ($this->parent_relations as $reldata) {
if ($reldata['parent'] == $this->inner_table) {
$inner_table = $reldata['parent'];
$inner_alias = '';
} elseif (isset($reldata['alias']) and $reldata['alias'] == $this->inner_table) {
$inner_table = $reldata['parent'];
$inner_alias = $reldata['alias'];
} // if
} // foreach
// identify felds which join the INNER table to the LINK table
foreach ($reldata['fields'] as $fldchild => $fldparent) {
if (empty($inner_alias)) {
$inner_key[] = $inner_table .'.' .$fldparent;
} else {
$inner_key[] = $inner_alias .'.' .$fldparent;
} // if
$ix = count($inner_key) -1;
if ($fldchild == $fldparent) {
$inner_key_as[] = $inner_key[$ix];
} else {
$inner_key_as[] = $inner_key[$ix] .' AS ' .$fldchild;
} // if
$inner_link[] = $inner_key[$ix] .'=' .$this->tablename .'.' .$fldchild;
} // foreach
$this->link_item = $this->tablename .'.' .$fldchild;
// assemble the sql SELECT clause
if (strlen($this->sql_select) > 0) {
$sql_select = $this->sql_select .', ';
} else {
$sql_select = '';
} // if
foreach ($outer_key_as as $field) {
$sql_select .= $field .', ';
} // foreach
foreach ($inner_key_as as $field) {
$sql_select .= $field .', ';
} // foreach
$sql_select = rtrim($sql_select, ', '); // remove trailing comma
// include field from parent entity, if defined
if (isset($reldata['parent_field'])) {
if (substr_count($reldata['parent_field'], '(') > 0) {
// field contains 'function(...)', so do not qualify it with table name
$sql_select .= ', ' .$reldata['parent_field'];
} else {
// fieldname to be qualified with either table or alias name
if (isset($reldata['alias'])) {
$sql_select .= ', ' .$reldata['alias'] .'.' .$reldata['parent_field'];
} else {
$sql_select .= ', ' .$reldata['parent'] .'.' .$reldata['parent_field'];
} // if
} // if
} // if
$sql_select .= ", CASE WHEN $this->link_item IS NULL THEN 'F' ELSE 'T' END AS selected";
// assemble the sql FROM clause
$sql_from = $outer_table .' CROSS JOIN ';
if (empty($inner_alias)) {
$sql_from .= $inner_table;
} else {
$sql_from .= $inner_table .' AS ' .$inner_alias;
} // if
// find out if the inner table contains the 'account_id' column
$dbobject =& RDCsingleton::getInstance($inner_table, null, false);
if (isset($dbobject->fieldspec['rdcaccount_id'])) {
if (empty($inner_alias)) {
$account_id_string = $inner_table;
} else {
$account_id_string = $inner_alias;
} // if
$account_id =& $_SESSION['rdcaccount_id'];
if (empty($account_id)) {
$account_id_string .= ".rdcaccount_id='1'";
} else {
$account_id_string .= ".rdcaccount_id IN ('1', '$account_id')";
} // if
$sql_from .= " ON ($account_id_string)";
} // if
$sql_from .= ' LEFT JOIN ' .$this->tablename .' ON (';
foreach ($outer_link as $link) {
$sql_from .= $link .' AND ';
} // foreach
foreach ($inner_link as $link) {
$sql_from .= $link .' AND ';
} // foreach
// remove last 5 characters (' AND ')
$sql_from = substr($sql_from, 0, strlen($sql_from) - 5);
$sql_from .= ') ';
if (!empty($reldata['alt_language_table'])) {
$party_language = str_replace('_', '-', strtolower($GLOBALS['party_language']));
if ($party_language != $_SESSION['default_language']) {
// link to table which provides text in an alternative language
$pkey_array = $reldata['fields'];
$new_relation = array('parent' => $reldata['alt_language_table'],
'parent_field' => $reldata['alt_language_cols'],
'fields' => $pkey_array);
$new_relation['this'] = $inner_table;
$sql_select = $this->_sqlSelectAlternateLanguage($sql_select, $new_relation);
} // if
} // if
$this->sql_select = $sql_select;
$this->sql_from = $sql_from .' ' .$this->sql_from;
return $where;
} // _sqlAssembleWhereLink
// ****************************************************************************
function _sqlForeignJoin (&$select, $from, $parent_relations)
// if there are parent relations then construct a JOIN.
// Note that $select is passed by reference as it may be amended.
if (empty($parent_relations) AND empty($this->alt_language_table)) {
if (empty($select)) {
$select = $this->tablename .'.*';
} // if
if (empty($from)) {
$from = $this->tablename;
} // if
return $from;
} // if
if (empty($select)) {
if (empty($this->alt_language_table)) {
$select = $this->tablename .'.*';
} else {
// insert 'table.field' into SELECT for every field in this table
foreach ($this->fieldspec as $fieldname => $fieldspec) {
if (array_key_exists('nondb', $fieldspec)) {
// this is a non-database field, so ignore it
} else {
if (empty($select)) {
$select = $this->tablename .'.' .$fieldname;
} else {
$select .= ', ' .$this->tablename .'.' .$fieldname;
} // if
} // if
} // foreach
} // if
} else {
$select = qualifySelect($select, $this->tablename, $this->fieldspec);
} // if
if (empty($from)) {
$from = $this->tablename;
} // if
$alt_language_relations = array();
if (!empty($this->alt_language_table)) {
$party_language = str_replace('_', '-', strtolower($GLOBALS['party_language']));
if ($party_language != $_SESSION['default_language']) {
// add in a new relation for the alternative language table
$pkey_array = array();
foreach ($this->primary_key as $fieldname) {
$pkey_array[$fieldname] = $fieldname;
} // foreach
$temp_relation = array('parent' => $this->alt_language_table,
'parent_field' => $this->alt_language_cols,
'fields' => $pkey_array);
$temp_relation['this'] = $this->tablename;
$alt_language_relations[] = $temp_relation;
} // if
} // if
foreach ($parent_relations as $reldata) {
if (!isset($reldata['parent_field'])) {
// parent_field is not defined, so ignore this entry
} else {
$reldata['this'] = $this->tablename;
$from = $this->_sqlProcessJoin ($select, $from, $reldata, $alt_language_relations);
} // if
} // foreach
foreach ($alt_language_relations as $reldata) {
$select = $this->_sqlSelectAlternateLanguage($select, $reldata);
} // foreach
return $from;
} // _sqlForeignJoin
// ****************************************************************************
function _sqlProcessJoin (&$select, $from, $reldata, &$new_relations)
// construct a JOIN using relationship details in $reldata.
// Note that $select is passed by reference as it may be amended.
// Note that $new_relations is passed by reference as it may be amended.
$parent_table = $reldata['parent'];
$parent_field = $reldata['parent_field'];
// does this belong to another database/schema?
if (isset($reldata['dbname'])) {
if (is_True($this->sql_no_foreign_db)) {
// do NOT join to tables in different database
return $from;
} // if
} // if
// does this table have an alias?
if (isset($reldata['alias'])) {
$parent_alias = $reldata['alias'];
} else {
$parent_alias = '';
} // if
// obtain $fieldspec array for relevant table ($this or another)
if ($parent_table != $reldata['this']) {
// instantiate an object for this table
if (array_key_exists('subsys_dir', $reldata)) {
// get path to current subsystem directory
$dir = dirname($this->dirname);
// switch to other subsystem directory
$dir = dirname($dir) .'/' .$reldata['subsys_dir'] .'/';
} else {
$dir = NULL;
} // if
if (!class_exists($parent_table)) {
require_once $dir ."classes/$";
} // if
$parentObj = new $parent_table;
if (isset($reldata['dbname'])) {
// find out if this database name has been altered in the config file
$dbname = findDBName($parentObj->dbname, $this->dbname);
} else {
$dbname = '';
} // if
$fieldspec = $parentObj->fieldspec;
$primary_key = $parentObj->primary_key;
if (empty($reldata['alt_language_cols']) AND !empty($parentObj->alt_language_cols)) {
$reldata['alt_language_table'] = $parentObj->alt_language_table;
$reldata['alt_language_cols'] = $parentObj->alt_language_cols;
} // if
} else {
$dbname = '';
$fieldspec = $this->fieldspec;
$primary_key = $this->primary_key;
} // if
if (!empty($reldata['alt_language_cols'])) {
// find out if any column names have an alias
$parent_array = extractFieldNamesAssoc($parent_field);
$alt_array = extractFieldNamesAssoc($reldata['alt_language_cols']);
$alt_cols = '';
foreach ($parent_array as $field_alias => $fieldname) {
if (array_key_exists($fieldname, $alt_array)) {
if ($field_alias != $fieldname) {
$string = $fieldname .' AS ' .$field_alias;
} else {
$string = $fieldname;
} // if
if (empty($alt_cols)) {
$alt_cols = $string;
} else {
$alt_cols .= ', ' .$string;
} // if
} // if
} // foreach
$reldata['alt_language_cols'] = $alt_cols;
} // if
// get list of alias names used in current SELECT list
$select_aliases = extractAliasNames($select);
if (!empty($select_aliases)) {
// find out if any new field has an alias name
$parent_field_array = extractSelectList($parent_field);
foreach ($parent_field_array as $key => $field) {
list($fld_orig, $fld_alias) = getFieldAlias3($field);
if ($fld_orig != $fld_alias) {
while (array_key_exists($fld_alias, $select_aliases)) {
// this alias name is already used, so append an 'x' to make it unique
$fld_alias .= 'x';
} // while
$field = $fld_orig .' AS ' .$fld_alias;
$parent_field_array[$key] = $field;
} // if
} // foreach
$parent_field = implode(', ', $parent_field_array);
} // if
// put parent field(s) from foreign table into SELECT area
if (!empty($parent_alias)) {
$parent_field = qualifySelect($parent_field, $parent_alias, $fieldspec);
} else {
$parent_field = qualifySelect($parent_field, $parent_table, $fieldspec);
} // if
$select .= ', ' .$parent_field;
// build JOIN using supplied field names
if (!empty($parent_alias)) {
$from .= ' LEFT JOIN ' .$dbname .$reldata['parent'] .' AS ' .$parent_alias .' ON (';
} else {
$from .= ' LEFT JOIN ' .$dbname .$reldata['parent'] .' ON (';
} // if
foreach ($reldata['fields'] as $fldchild => $fldparent) {
//if (strlen($fldchild) < 1) {
// // 'Name of child field missing in relationship with $parent_table'
// trigger_error($this->getLanguageText('sys0110', strtoupper($parent_table)), E_USER_ERROR);
//} // if
if (strlen($fldparent) < 1) {
// 'Name of parent field missing in relationship with $parent_table'
trigger_error($this->getLanguageText('sys0112', strtoupper($parent_table)), E_USER_ERROR);
} // if
if (!empty($fldchild)) {
if (!empty($parent_alias)) {
$from .= $parent_alias .'.' .$fldparent .'=' .$reldata['this'] .'.' .$fldchild .' AND ';
} else {
$from .= $parent_table .'.' .$fldparent .'=' .$reldata['this'] .'.' .$fldchild .' AND ';
} // if
} // if
} // foreach
// remove last 5 characters (' AND ')
$from = substr($from, 0, strlen($from) - 5);
$from .= ')';
if (!empty($reldata['alt_language_table'])) {
$party_language = str_replace('_', '-', strtolower($GLOBALS['party_language']));
if ($party_language != $_SESSION['default_language']) {
// add in a new relation for the alternative language table
$pkey_array = array();
foreach ($primary_key as $fieldname) {
$pkey_array[$fieldname] = $fieldname;
} // foreach
$temp_relation = array('parent' => $reldata['alt_language_table'],
'parent_field' => $reldata['alt_language_cols'],
'fields' => $pkey_array);
if (isset($reldata['alias'])) {
$temp_relation['this'] = $reldata['alias'];
} else {
$temp_relation['this'] = $reldata['parent'];
} // if
if (isset($reldata['dbname'])) {
$temp_relation['dbname'] = $reldata['dbname'];
} // if
$new_relations[] = $temp_relation;
} // if
} // if
return $from;
} // _sqlProcessJoin
// ****************************************************************************
function _sqlSelectAlternateLanguage ($sql_select, $reldata, $subquery=false)
// insert SELECT clause to obtain text from an alternative language table,
// (or the orginal text if alternative text is not found).
// if $subquery=true it means $fldchild was obtained from a subquery and need
// not be qualified with a table name.
// convert underscore to hyphen for database lookup
$party_language = str_replace('_', '-', strtolower($GLOBALS['party_language']));
list($this_table_orig, $this_table_alias) = getTableAlias3($reldata['this']);
if (empty($this_table_alias)) {
$this_table_orig = $reldata['this'];
$this_table_alias = $this_table_orig;
} // if
// extract all elements within current SELECT clause into an associative array
$select_array = extractSelectList($sql_select);
// look for names which have an alias
$select_alias = extractFieldNamesAssoc($select_array);
// create an array of field names (and possible alias names) which are to be added
$field_array = extractFieldNamesAssoc($reldata['parent_field']);
// each field requires a separate sub-select
foreach ($field_array as $field_alias => $field_name) {
if ($field_alias == $field_name) {
// check for alias name in $sql_select
$test = array_search($field_name, $select_alias);
if (empty($test)) {
// try using with a qualified name
$test = array_search("$this_table_alias.$field_name", $select_alias);
if ($test == $select_alias[$test]) {
// this is not a different value, so it is not an alias
$test = null;
} // if
} // if
if (!empty($test)) {
$field_alias = $test;
} // if
} // if
// remove any previous element which uses this name
if ($this_table_orig == $this_table_alias) {
$select_array = removeDuplicateNameFromSelect($select_array, $field_alias);
} elseif ($field_name != $field_alias) {
$select_array = removeDuplicateNameFromSelect($select_array, $field_alias);
} else {
$select_array = removeDuplicateNameFromSelect($select_array, "$this_table_alias.$field_alias");
} // if
// build new element for SELECT clause
$string = "\nCOALESCE((SELECT $field_name FROM ";
if (isset($reldata['dbname'])) {
$dbname = findDBName($reldata['dbname']);
} else {
$dbname = '';
} // if
$string .= $dbname.$reldata['parent']." WHERE ";
foreach ($reldata['fields'] as $fldchild => $fldparent) {
if ($subquery == true) {
// field obtained from a subquery, so do not qualify it
$string .= "{$reldata['parent']}.$fldparent=$fldchild AND ";
} elseif (strpos($fldchild, '.') === false) {
// qualify $fldchild with this tablename
$string .= "{$reldata['parent']}.$fldparent=$this_table_alias.$fldchild AND ";
} else {
// $fldchild is already qualified, so use it 'as is'
$string .= "{$reldata['parent']}.$fldparent=$fldchild AND ";
} // if
} // foreach
$string .= "{$reldata['parent']}.language_id='$party_language'";
if ($subquery == true) {
$string .= "), (SELECT $field_name FROM ";
if (isset($reldata['dbname'])) {
// find out if this database name has been altered in the config file
$dbname = findDBName($reldata['dbname'], $this->dbname);
} else {
$dbname = '';
} // if
$string .= $dbname."$this_table_orig WHERE ";
foreach ($reldata['fields'] as $fldchild => $fldparent) {
$string .= "$this_table_orig.$fldparent=$fldchild AND ";
} // foreach
// remove final ' AND '
$string = substr($string, 0, -5);
$string .= ")";
} else {
$string .= "), $this_table_alias.$field_name";
} // if
$string .= ") AS $field_alias";
// append to current SELECT clause
$select_array[] = $string;
} // foreach
// convert array back into a string
$sql_select = implode(', ', $select_array);
return $sql_select;
} // _sqlSelectAlternateLanguage
// ****************************************************************************
function _switch_database ($tablename, $dbname)
// create an instance of a table class and switch the database name.
// $dbname will be different from the one inside the table class.
if (!class_exists($tablename)) {
} // if
$dbobject = new $tablename();
$dbname_old = $dbobject->dbname;
// use this function just in case the name has been switched in the config file.
list($dbobject->dbname, $dbprefix, $dbms_engine) = findDBConfig($dbname);
// save the original dbname in case we have to delete child relations
$dbobject->dbname_old = $dbname_old;
return $dbobject;
} // _switch_database
// ****************************************************************************
function _validateInsert ($fieldarray)
// validate contents of $fieldarray prior to an INSERT
$validationobj =& RDCsingleton::getInstance('validation_class');
$array = $validationobj->validateInsert($fieldarray, $this->fieldspec, $this);
$this->errors = $validationobj->getErrors();
return $array;
} // _validateInsert
// ****************************************************************************
function _validateUpdate ($fieldarray)
// validate contents of $fieldarray prior to an UPDATE
$validationobj =& RDCsingleton::getInstance('validation_class');
$array = $validationobj->validateUpdate($fieldarray, $this->fieldspec, $this);
$this->errors = $validationobj->getErrors();
return $array;
} // _validateUpdate
// ****************************************************************************
function __call ($method, $arguments)
// magic method to satisfy method names which are not defined in a standard object,
// but which may be defined in a custom object.
if (is_object($this->custom_processing_object)) {
if (method_exists($this->custom_processing_object, $method)) {
$result = $this->custom_processing_object->$method($arguments[0]);
} else {
trigger_error("Method '$method' does not exist in custom object", E_USER_ERROR);
} // if
} else {
trigger_error("Method '$method' does not exist in standard object", E_USER_ERROR);
} // if
return $result;
} // __call
// ****************************************************************************
function __sleep ()
// perform object clean-up before serialization
// this causes an endless loop
// if (is_object(($this->custom_processing_object))) {
// $this->custom_processing_object_serial = serialize($this->custom_processing_object);
// unset($this->custom_processing_object);
// } // if
// get associative array of class variables
$object_vars = get_object_vars($this);
// remove/clear unwanted variables
$object_vars['errors'] = array();
$object_vars['messages'] = array();
$pattern_id = getPatternId();
if (preg_match('/^(UPD|ADD|MULTI|SRCH|LINK)/i', $pattern_id)) {
// do NOT shrink $this->fieldarray
} else {
// get list of primary key fields
$pkey_array = $this->getPkeyNames();
$pkey_array = $this->_cm_getPkeyNames($pkey_array, null, null);
if (is_string(key($this->fieldarray))) {
$this->fieldarray = array($this->fieldarray);
$array_is_associative = true;
} // if
foreach ($this->fieldarray as $rownum => &$rowdata) {
// remove all non-key fields from the stored data
$smalldata = array();
foreach ($pkey_array as $fieldname) {
if (array_key_exists($fieldname, $rowdata)) {
$smalldata[$fieldname] = $rowdata[$fieldname];
} // if
} // foreach
$rowdata = $smalldata;
} // foreach
if (isset($array_is_associative)) {
$this->fieldarray = $this->fieldarray[0];
} // if
} // if
// convert to indexed array
$object_vars = array_keys($object_vars);
return $object_vars;
} // __sleep
// ****************************************************************************
function __wakeup ()
// perform object initialisation after unserialization
// look for custom processing object
} // __wakeup
// ****************************************************************************
} // end class
// ****************************************************************************
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