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Last active September 9, 2022 15:36
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Bauble: hot air balloon
(def bottom (+ -100 -50))
(defn quantize [x y]
(x * y | round / y))
(def envelope
(sphere 100
| union :r 50 (cylinder :y 25 50 | move :y -100)
| scale
:y (ss p.y bottom 100 1 0.80)
:z (ss p.y bottom (+ bottom 75) 1 0.50)
| onion 0.1
| subtract :r 1 (half-space :-y (+ bottom 7))
| radial :y 18 (fn [$ i]
(resurface $
(shade (hsv (/ p.y 100 | quantize 8) 1 1)
| rotate :x -0.75
| scale :z (mod i 2 * 2 - 1)))
| color (* c (ss occlusion 0 0.75 0 1))
| fresnel))
(def flame
(cone :-y 50 403
| union :r 10 (cone :y 31 148)
| bounded-offset 30 :threshold 10
(perlin (- (* p [0.05 0.025 0.05]) [0 (* 5 t) 0]))
| color (+ (* [1 1 0.7] (ss p.y 0 243))
(mix [1 0.25 0] [1 1 0] (- normal.y)))
| slow 0.25
| move :y -72))
(def basket
(box 50
| onion 10
| subtract :r 10
(half-space :y (+ 29 (pow (p.xz / 15) 2 | sum)))
| offset (* 0.25 (+
(cos (min (abs p.xz) * 3 + (step (sin (* 2 p.y)) 0 * pi/2)) | abs)
(sin (p.y * 1) | abs)))
| shade (hsv 0.10 0.54 0.88)
| union
(box [66 5 10] :r 5
| move [0 (+ 48 (pow (p.x / 15) 2)) 55]
| rotate :y (- tau/8)
| mirror :x :z :r 10
| rotate :y tau/8
| shade [0.4 0.05 0.1] :gloss 3 :shine 0.5
| fresnel)))
| color (+ c (* 0.1 [1 1 0]
(ss (distance p [0 bottom 0]) 0 150 1 0)
(perlin [(* 5 t) 0]))))
(flame | scale 0.1 | move :y bottom)
(basket | scale 0.2 | move :y (- bottom 40))
| move :y 75)
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