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Last active July 4, 2023 22:21
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Repairing DWO installation

WARNING: The Standard Operating Procedure requires cluster admin persmissions.

  1. Delete the devworkspace-controller namespace which contains the failing pod (Not needed if namespace does not exist)

  2. Update DevWorkspace and DevWorkspaceTemplate CRDs by setting the conversion strategy to None:


    strategy: None # note .spec.conversion.webhook is removed here


NOTE: DevWorkspaceOperatorConfig and DevWorkspaceRouting CRDs have the conversion strategy set to None by default

  1. Remove the DevWorkspace Operator subscription
oc delete sub devworkspace-operator
  1. Remove the DevWorkspace Operator CSVs
❯ oc get csv | grep devworkspace
devworkspace-operator.v0.15.1                    DevWorkspace Operator   0.15.1            devworkspace-operator.v0.15.0                    Replacing
devworkspace-operator.v0.15.2                    DevWorkspace Operator   0.15.2            devworkspace-operator.v0.15.1                    Pending
oc delete csv devworkspace-operator.v0.15.1
oc delete csv devworkspace-operator.v0.15.2
  1. Re-create DevWorkspace Operator subscription
cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
kind: Subscription
  name: devworkspace-operator
  namespace: openshift-operators
  channel: fast
  name: devworkspace-operator
  source: redhat-operators
  sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
  installPlanApproval: Manual
  startingCSV: devworkspace-operator.v0.15.2
  1. Approve the manual install and ensure it succeeds


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