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Created December 3, 2018 18:38
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OnlineAlbumMobileApp: BlobStorageService.cs
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob;
using OnlineAlbumMobileApp.Helpers;
using OnlineAlbumMobileApp.Models;
namespace OnlineAlbumMobileApp.Services
public static class BlobStorageService
readonly static CloudStorageAccount cloudStorageAccount =
readonly static CloudBlobClient blobClient =
readonly static CloudBlobContainer blobContainer =
public static async Task<List<OnlineImage>> GetBlobList()
await blobContainer.CreateIfNotExistsAsync(BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Container, null, null);
BlobContinuationToken token = null;
List<OnlineImage> blobList = new List<OnlineImage>();
if (blobContainer != null)
var results = await blobContainer.ListBlobsSegmentedAsync(null, token);
token = results.ContinuationToken;
foreach (IListBlobItem item in results.Results)
blobList.Add(new OnlineImage()
ImageURL = item.Uri.AbsoluteUri,
FileName = item.Uri.Segments.Last()
} while (token != null);
return blobList;
public static async Task<string> UploadBlob(Stream file, string extension)
await blobContainer.CreateIfNotExistsAsync(BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Container, null, null);
if (blobContainer != null)
var fileName = $"{Guid.NewGuid()}{extension}";
var blob = blobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(fileName);
await blob.UploadFromStreamAsync(file);
return blob.Uri.AbsoluteUri;
return string.Empty;
public static async Task<bool> DeleteBlob(string fileName)
await blobContainer.CreateIfNotExistsAsync(BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Container, null, null);
if (blobContainer != null)
var blob = blobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(fileName);
return await blob.DeleteIfExistsAsync();
return false;
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