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Created June 14, 2017 22:07
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graphcool generated schema for demo
enum _ModelMutationType {
# Meta information about the query.
type _QueryMeta {
count: Int!
type AddToAuthorBooksPayload {
booksBook: Book
authorAuthor: Author
type Author implements Node {
books(filter: BookFilter, orderBy: BookOrderBy, skip: Int, after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int): [Book!]
createdAt: DateTime!
id: ID!
name: String!
oldId: String!
updatedAt: DateTime!
# Meta information about the query.
_booksMeta(filter: BookFilter, orderBy: BookOrderBy, skip: Int, after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int): _QueryMeta!
input AuthorbooksBook {
isbn: String!
oldId: String!
title: String!
authorIds: [ID!]
author: [AuthorbooksBookauthorAuthor!]
input AuthorbooksBookauthorAuthor {
name: String!
oldId: String!
booksIds: [ID!]
books: [AuthorbooksBookauthorAuthorbooksBook!]
input AuthorbooksBookauthorAuthorbooksBook {
isbn: String!
oldId: String!
title: String!
authorIds: [ID!]
input AuthorFilter {
AND: [AuthorFilter!]
OR: [AuthorFilter!]
createdAt: DateTime
createdAt_not: DateTime
createdAt_in: [DateTime!]
createdAt_not_in: [DateTime!]
createdAt_lt: DateTime
createdAt_lte: DateTime
createdAt_gt: DateTime
createdAt_gte: DateTime
id: ID
id_not: ID
id_in: [ID!]
id_not_in: [ID!]
id_lt: ID
id_lte: ID
id_gt: ID
id_gte: ID
id_contains: ID
id_not_contains: ID
id_starts_with: ID
id_not_starts_with: ID
id_ends_with: ID
id_not_ends_with: ID
name: String
name_not: String
name_in: [String!]
name_not_in: [String!]
name_lt: String
name_lte: String
name_gt: String
name_gte: String
name_contains: String
name_not_contains: String
name_starts_with: String
name_not_starts_with: String
name_ends_with: String
name_not_ends_with: String
oldId: String
oldId_not: String
oldId_in: [String!]
oldId_not_in: [String!]
oldId_lt: String
oldId_lte: String
oldId_gt: String
oldId_gte: String
oldId_contains: String
oldId_not_contains: String
oldId_starts_with: String
oldId_not_starts_with: String
oldId_ends_with: String
oldId_not_ends_with: String
updatedAt: DateTime
updatedAt_not: DateTime
updatedAt_in: [DateTime!]
updatedAt_not_in: [DateTime!]
updatedAt_lt: DateTime
updatedAt_lte: DateTime
updatedAt_gt: DateTime
updatedAt_gte: DateTime
books_every: BookFilter
books_some: BookFilter
books_none: BookFilter
enum AuthorOrderBy {
type AuthorPreviousValues {
createdAt: DateTime!
id: ID!
name: String!
oldId: String!
updatedAt: DateTime!
input AuthorSubscriptionFilter {
AND: [AuthorSubscriptionFilter!]
OR: [AuthorSubscriptionFilter!]
# The subscription event gets dispatched when it's listed in mutation_in
mutation_in: [_ModelMutationType!]
# The subscription event gets only dispatched when one of the updated fields names is included in this list
updatedFields_contains: String
# The subscription event gets only dispatched when all of the field names included in this list have been updated
updatedFields_contains_every: [String!]
# The subscription event gets only dispatched when some of the field names included in this list have been updated
updatedFields_contains_some: [String!]
node: AuthorSubscriptionFilterNode
input AuthorSubscriptionFilterNode {
createdAt: DateTime
createdAt_not: DateTime
createdAt_in: [DateTime!]
createdAt_not_in: [DateTime!]
createdAt_lt: DateTime
createdAt_lte: DateTime
createdAt_gt: DateTime
createdAt_gte: DateTime
id: ID
id_not: ID
id_in: [ID!]
id_not_in: [ID!]
id_lt: ID
id_lte: ID
id_gt: ID
id_gte: ID
id_contains: ID
id_not_contains: ID
id_starts_with: ID
id_not_starts_with: ID
id_ends_with: ID
id_not_ends_with: ID
name: String
name_not: String
name_in: [String!]
name_not_in: [String!]
name_lt: String
name_lte: String
name_gt: String
name_gte: String
name_contains: String
name_not_contains: String
name_starts_with: String
name_not_starts_with: String
name_ends_with: String
name_not_ends_with: String
oldId: String
oldId_not: String
oldId_in: [String!]
oldId_not_in: [String!]
oldId_lt: String
oldId_lte: String
oldId_gt: String
oldId_gte: String
oldId_contains: String
oldId_not_contains: String
oldId_starts_with: String
oldId_not_starts_with: String
oldId_ends_with: String
oldId_not_ends_with: String
updatedAt: DateTime
updatedAt_not: DateTime
updatedAt_in: [DateTime!]
updatedAt_not_in: [DateTime!]
updatedAt_lt: DateTime
updatedAt_lte: DateTime
updatedAt_gt: DateTime
updatedAt_gte: DateTime
books_every: BookFilter
books_some: BookFilter
books_none: BookFilter
type AuthorSubscriptionPayload {
mutation: _ModelMutationType!
node: Author
updatedFields: [String!]
previousValues: AuthorPreviousValues
# The `BigDecimal` scalar type represents signed fractional values with arbitrary precision.
scalar BigDecimal
# The `BigInt` scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. BigInt can represent arbitrary big values.
scalar BigInt
type Book implements Node {
author(filter: AuthorFilter, orderBy: AuthorOrderBy, skip: Int, after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int): [Author!]
createdAt: DateTime!
id: ID!
isbn: String!
oldId: String!
title: String!
updatedAt: DateTime!
# Meta information about the query.
_authorMeta(filter: AuthorFilter, orderBy: AuthorOrderBy, skip: Int, after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int): _QueryMeta!
input BookauthorAuthor {
name: String!
oldId: String!
booksIds: [ID!]
books: [BookauthorAuthorbooksBook!]
input BookauthorAuthorbooksBook {
isbn: String!
oldId: String!
title: String!
authorIds: [ID!]
author: [BookauthorAuthorbooksBookauthorAuthor!]
input BookauthorAuthorbooksBookauthorAuthor {
name: String!
oldId: String!
booksIds: [ID!]
input BookFilter {
AND: [BookFilter!]
OR: [BookFilter!]
createdAt: DateTime
createdAt_not: DateTime
createdAt_in: [DateTime!]
createdAt_not_in: [DateTime!]
createdAt_lt: DateTime
createdAt_lte: DateTime
createdAt_gt: DateTime
createdAt_gte: DateTime
id: ID
id_not: ID
id_in: [ID!]
id_not_in: [ID!]
id_lt: ID
id_lte: ID
id_gt: ID
id_gte: ID
id_contains: ID
id_not_contains: ID
id_starts_with: ID
id_not_starts_with: ID
id_ends_with: ID
id_not_ends_with: ID
isbn: String
isbn_not: String
isbn_in: [String!]
isbn_not_in: [String!]
isbn_lt: String
isbn_lte: String
isbn_gt: String
isbn_gte: String
isbn_contains: String
isbn_not_contains: String
isbn_starts_with: String
isbn_not_starts_with: String
isbn_ends_with: String
isbn_not_ends_with: String
oldId: String
oldId_not: String
oldId_in: [String!]
oldId_not_in: [String!]
oldId_lt: String
oldId_lte: String
oldId_gt: String
oldId_gte: String
oldId_contains: String
oldId_not_contains: String
oldId_starts_with: String
oldId_not_starts_with: String
oldId_ends_with: String
oldId_not_ends_with: String
title: String
title_not: String
title_in: [String!]
title_not_in: [String!]
title_lt: String
title_lte: String
title_gt: String
title_gte: String
title_contains: String
title_not_contains: String
title_starts_with: String
title_not_starts_with: String
title_ends_with: String
title_not_ends_with: String
updatedAt: DateTime
updatedAt_not: DateTime
updatedAt_in: [DateTime!]
updatedAt_not_in: [DateTime!]
updatedAt_lt: DateTime
updatedAt_lte: DateTime
updatedAt_gt: DateTime
updatedAt_gte: DateTime
author_every: AuthorFilter
author_some: AuthorFilter
author_none: AuthorFilter
enum BookOrderBy {
type BookPreviousValues {
createdAt: DateTime!
id: ID!
isbn: String!
oldId: String!
title: String!
updatedAt: DateTime!
input BookSubscriptionFilter {
AND: [BookSubscriptionFilter!]
OR: [BookSubscriptionFilter!]
# The subscription event gets dispatched when it's listed in mutation_in
mutation_in: [_ModelMutationType!]
# The subscription event gets only dispatched when one of the updated fields names is included in this list
updatedFields_contains: String
# The subscription event gets only dispatched when all of the field names included in this list have been updated
updatedFields_contains_every: [String!]
# The subscription event gets only dispatched when some of the field names included in this list have been updated
updatedFields_contains_some: [String!]
node: BookSubscriptionFilterNode
input BookSubscriptionFilterNode {
createdAt: DateTime
createdAt_not: DateTime
createdAt_in: [DateTime!]
createdAt_not_in: [DateTime!]
createdAt_lt: DateTime
createdAt_lte: DateTime
createdAt_gt: DateTime
createdAt_gte: DateTime
id: ID
id_not: ID
id_in: [ID!]
id_not_in: [ID!]
id_lt: ID
id_lte: ID
id_gt: ID
id_gte: ID
id_contains: ID
id_not_contains: ID
id_starts_with: ID
id_not_starts_with: ID
id_ends_with: ID
id_not_ends_with: ID
isbn: String
isbn_not: String
isbn_in: [String!]
isbn_not_in: [String!]
isbn_lt: String
isbn_lte: String
isbn_gt: String
isbn_gte: String
isbn_contains: String
isbn_not_contains: String
isbn_starts_with: String
isbn_not_starts_with: String
isbn_ends_with: String
isbn_not_ends_with: String
oldId: String
oldId_not: String
oldId_in: [String!]
oldId_not_in: [String!]
oldId_lt: String
oldId_lte: String
oldId_gt: String
oldId_gte: String
oldId_contains: String
oldId_not_contains: String
oldId_starts_with: String
oldId_not_starts_with: String
oldId_ends_with: String
oldId_not_ends_with: String
title: String
title_not: String
title_in: [String!]
title_not_in: [String!]
title_lt: String
title_lte: String
title_gt: String
title_gte: String
title_contains: String
title_not_contains: String
title_starts_with: String
title_not_starts_with: String
title_ends_with: String
title_not_ends_with: String
updatedAt: DateTime
updatedAt_not: DateTime
updatedAt_in: [DateTime!]
updatedAt_not_in: [DateTime!]
updatedAt_lt: DateTime
updatedAt_lte: DateTime
updatedAt_gt: DateTime
updatedAt_gte: DateTime
author_every: AuthorFilter
author_some: AuthorFilter
author_none: AuthorFilter
type BookSubscriptionPayload {
mutation: _ModelMutationType!
node: Book
updatedFields: [String!]
previousValues: BookPreviousValues
input CreateAuthor {
name: String!
oldId: String!
booksIds: [ID!]
books: [AuthorbooksBook!]
input CreateBook {
isbn: String!
oldId: String!
title: String!
authorIds: [ID!]
author: [BookauthorAuthor!]
input CreateFile {
name: String!
scalar DateTime
type File implements Node {
contentType: String!
createdAt: DateTime!
id: ID!
name: String!
secret: String!
size: Int!
updatedAt: DateTime!
url: String!
input FileFilter {
AND: [FileFilter!]
OR: [FileFilter!]
contentType: String
contentType_not: String
contentType_in: [String!]
contentType_not_in: [String!]
contentType_lt: String
contentType_lte: String
contentType_gt: String
contentType_gte: String
contentType_contains: String
contentType_not_contains: String
contentType_starts_with: String
contentType_not_starts_with: String
contentType_ends_with: String
contentType_not_ends_with: String
createdAt: DateTime
createdAt_not: DateTime
createdAt_in: [DateTime!]
createdAt_not_in: [DateTime!]
createdAt_lt: DateTime
createdAt_lte: DateTime
createdAt_gt: DateTime
createdAt_gte: DateTime
id: ID
id_not: ID
id_in: [ID!]
id_not_in: [ID!]
id_lt: ID
id_lte: ID
id_gt: ID
id_gte: ID
id_contains: ID
id_not_contains: ID
id_starts_with: ID
id_not_starts_with: ID
id_ends_with: ID
id_not_ends_with: ID
name: String
name_not: String
name_in: [String!]
name_not_in: [String!]
name_lt: String
name_lte: String
name_gt: String
name_gte: String
name_contains: String
name_not_contains: String
name_starts_with: String
name_not_starts_with: String
name_ends_with: String
name_not_ends_with: String
secret: String
secret_not: String
secret_in: [String!]
secret_not_in: [String!]
secret_lt: String
secret_lte: String
secret_gt: String
secret_gte: String
secret_contains: String
secret_not_contains: String
secret_starts_with: String
secret_not_starts_with: String
secret_ends_with: String
secret_not_ends_with: String
size: Int
size_not: Int
size_in: [Int!]
size_not_in: [Int!]
size_lt: Int
size_lte: Int
size_gt: Int
size_gte: Int
updatedAt: DateTime
updatedAt_not: DateTime
updatedAt_in: [DateTime!]
updatedAt_not_in: [DateTime!]
updatedAt_lt: DateTime
updatedAt_lte: DateTime
updatedAt_gt: DateTime
updatedAt_gte: DateTime
url: String
url_not: String
url_in: [String!]
url_not_in: [String!]
url_lt: String
url_lte: String
url_gt: String
url_gte: String
url_contains: String
url_not_contains: String
url_starts_with: String
url_not_starts_with: String
url_ends_with: String
url_not_ends_with: String
enum FileOrderBy {
type FilePreviousValues {
contentType: String!
createdAt: DateTime!
id: ID!
name: String!
secret: String!
size: Int!
updatedAt: DateTime!
url: String!
input FileSubscriptionFilter {
AND: [FileSubscriptionFilter!]
OR: [FileSubscriptionFilter!]
# The subscription event gets dispatched when it's listed in mutation_in
mutation_in: [_ModelMutationType!]
# The subscription event gets only dispatched when one of the updated fields names is included in this list
updatedFields_contains: String
# The subscription event gets only dispatched when all of the field names included in this list have been updated
updatedFields_contains_every: [String!]
# The subscription event gets only dispatched when some of the field names included in this list have been updated
updatedFields_contains_some: [String!]
node: FileSubscriptionFilterNode
input FileSubscriptionFilterNode {
contentType: String
contentType_not: String
contentType_in: [String!]
contentType_not_in: [String!]
contentType_lt: String
contentType_lte: String
contentType_gt: String
contentType_gte: String
contentType_contains: String
contentType_not_contains: String
contentType_starts_with: String
contentType_not_starts_with: String
contentType_ends_with: String
contentType_not_ends_with: String
createdAt: DateTime
createdAt_not: DateTime
createdAt_in: [DateTime!]
createdAt_not_in: [DateTime!]
createdAt_lt: DateTime
createdAt_lte: DateTime
createdAt_gt: DateTime
createdAt_gte: DateTime
id: ID
id_not: ID
id_in: [ID!]
id_not_in: [ID!]
id_lt: ID
id_lte: ID
id_gt: ID
id_gte: ID
id_contains: ID
id_not_contains: ID
id_starts_with: ID
id_not_starts_with: ID
id_ends_with: ID
id_not_ends_with: ID
name: String
name_not: String
name_in: [String!]
name_not_in: [String!]
name_lt: String
name_lte: String
name_gt: String
name_gte: String
name_contains: String
name_not_contains: String
name_starts_with: String
name_not_starts_with: String
name_ends_with: String
name_not_ends_with: String
secret: String
secret_not: String
secret_in: [String!]
secret_not_in: [String!]
secret_lt: String
secret_lte: String
secret_gt: String
secret_gte: String
secret_contains: String
secret_not_contains: String
secret_starts_with: String
secret_not_starts_with: String
secret_ends_with: String
secret_not_ends_with: String
size: Int
size_not: Int
size_in: [Int!]
size_not_in: [Int!]
size_lt: Int
size_lte: Int
size_gt: Int
size_gte: Int
updatedAt: DateTime
updatedAt_not: DateTime
updatedAt_in: [DateTime!]
updatedAt_not_in: [DateTime!]
updatedAt_lt: DateTime
updatedAt_lte: DateTime
updatedAt_gt: DateTime
updatedAt_gte: DateTime
url: String
url_not: String
url_in: [String!]
url_not_in: [String!]
url_lt: String
url_lte: String
url_gt: String
url_gte: String
url_contains: String
url_not_contains: String
url_starts_with: String
url_not_starts_with: String
url_ends_with: String
url_not_ends_with: String
type FileSubscriptionPayload {
mutation: _ModelMutationType!
node: File
updatedFields: [String!]
previousValues: FilePreviousValues
# The `Long` scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values.
# Long can represent values between -(2^63) and 2^63 - 1.
scalar Long
type Mutation {
createAuthor(name: String!, oldId: String!, booksIds: [ID!], books: [AuthorbooksBook!]): Author
createBook(isbn: String!, oldId: String!, title: String!, authorIds: [ID!], author: [BookauthorAuthor!]): Book
createFile(name: String!): File
updateAuthor(id: ID!, name: String, oldId: String, booksIds: [ID!], books: [AuthorbooksBook!]): Author
updateBook(id: ID!, isbn: String, oldId: String, title: String, authorIds: [ID!], author: [BookauthorAuthor!]): Book
updateFile(id: ID!, name: String): File
updateUser(id: ID!): User
updateOrCreateAuthor(update: UpdateAuthor!, create: CreateAuthor!): Author
updateOrCreateBook(update: UpdateBook!, create: CreateBook!): Book
updateOrCreateFile(update: UpdateFile!, create: CreateFile!): File
updateOrCreateUser(update: UpdateUser!): User
deleteAuthor(id: ID!): Author
deleteBook(id: ID!): Book
deleteFile(id: ID!): File
deleteUser(id: ID!): User
addToAuthorBooks(authorAuthorId: ID!, booksBookId: ID!): AddToAuthorBooksPayload
removeFromAuthorBooks(authorAuthorId: ID!, booksBookId: ID!): RemoveFromAuthorBooksPayload
createUser: User
# An object with an ID
interface Node {
# The id of the object.
id: ID!
type Query {
allAuthors(filter: AuthorFilter, orderBy: AuthorOrderBy, skip: Int, after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int): [Author!]!
allBooks(filter: BookFilter, orderBy: BookOrderBy, skip: Int, after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int): [Book!]!
allFiles(filter: FileFilter, orderBy: FileOrderBy, skip: Int, after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int): [File!]!
allUsers(filter: UserFilter, orderBy: UserOrderBy, skip: Int, after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int): [User!]!
_allAuthorsMeta(filter: AuthorFilter, orderBy: AuthorOrderBy, skip: Int, after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int): _QueryMeta!
_allBooksMeta(filter: BookFilter, orderBy: BookOrderBy, skip: Int, after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int): _QueryMeta!
_allFilesMeta(filter: FileFilter, orderBy: FileOrderBy, skip: Int, after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int): _QueryMeta!
_allUsersMeta(filter: UserFilter, orderBy: UserOrderBy, skip: Int, after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int): _QueryMeta!
Author(id: ID): Author
Book(id: ID): Book
File(id: ID, secret: String, url: String): File
User(id: ID): User
user: User
# Fetches an object given its ID
# The ID of an object
id: ID!
): Node
type RemoveFromAuthorBooksPayload {
booksBook: Book
authorAuthor: Author
type Subscription {
Author(filter: AuthorSubscriptionFilter): AuthorSubscriptionPayload
Book(filter: BookSubscriptionFilter): BookSubscriptionPayload
File(filter: FileSubscriptionFilter): FileSubscriptionPayload
User(filter: UserSubscriptionFilter): UserSubscriptionPayload
input UpdateAuthor {
id: ID!
name: String
oldId: String
booksIds: [ID!]
books: [AuthorbooksBook!]
input UpdateBook {
id: ID!
isbn: String
oldId: String
title: String
authorIds: [ID!]
author: [BookauthorAuthor!]
input UpdateFile {
id: ID!
name: String
input UpdateUser {
id: ID!
type User implements Node {
createdAt: DateTime!
id: ID!
updatedAt: DateTime!
input UserFilter {
AND: [UserFilter!]
OR: [UserFilter!]
createdAt: DateTime
createdAt_not: DateTime
createdAt_in: [DateTime!]
createdAt_not_in: [DateTime!]
createdAt_lt: DateTime
createdAt_lte: DateTime
createdAt_gt: DateTime
createdAt_gte: DateTime
id: ID
id_not: ID
id_in: [ID!]
id_not_in: [ID!]
id_lt: ID
id_lte: ID
id_gt: ID
id_gte: ID
id_contains: ID
id_not_contains: ID
id_starts_with: ID
id_not_starts_with: ID
id_ends_with: ID
id_not_ends_with: ID
updatedAt: DateTime
updatedAt_not: DateTime
updatedAt_in: [DateTime!]
updatedAt_not_in: [DateTime!]
updatedAt_lt: DateTime
updatedAt_lte: DateTime
updatedAt_gt: DateTime
updatedAt_gte: DateTime
enum UserOrderBy {
type UserPreviousValues {
createdAt: DateTime!
id: ID!
updatedAt: DateTime!
input UserSubscriptionFilter {
AND: [UserSubscriptionFilter!]
OR: [UserSubscriptionFilter!]
# The subscription event gets dispatched when it's listed in mutation_in
mutation_in: [_ModelMutationType!]
# The subscription event gets only dispatched when one of the updated fields names is included in this list
updatedFields_contains: String
# The subscription event gets only dispatched when all of the field names included in this list have been updated
updatedFields_contains_every: [String!]
# The subscription event gets only dispatched when some of the field names included in this list have been updated
updatedFields_contains_some: [String!]
node: UserSubscriptionFilterNode
input UserSubscriptionFilterNode {
createdAt: DateTime
createdAt_not: DateTime
createdAt_in: [DateTime!]
createdAt_not_in: [DateTime!]
createdAt_lt: DateTime
createdAt_lte: DateTime
createdAt_gt: DateTime
createdAt_gte: DateTime
id: ID
id_not: ID
id_in: [ID!]
id_not_in: [ID!]
id_lt: ID
id_lte: ID
id_gt: ID
id_gte: ID
id_contains: ID
id_not_contains: ID
id_starts_with: ID
id_not_starts_with: ID
id_ends_with: ID
id_not_ends_with: ID
updatedAt: DateTime
updatedAt_not: DateTime
updatedAt_in: [DateTime!]
updatedAt_not_in: [DateTime!]
updatedAt_lt: DateTime
updatedAt_lte: DateTime
updatedAt_gt: DateTime
updatedAt_gte: DateTime
type UserSubscriptionPayload {
mutation: _ModelMutationType!
node: User
updatedFields: [String!]
previousValues: UserPreviousValues
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