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Created November 6, 2009 06:21
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require 'rubygems'
require 'ruport'
require 'pp'
path = ARGV[0]
stats = {}
types = {
'gen' => 'Segments File: stores information about segments',
'lock' => 'Lock File: the Write lock prevents multiple IndexWriters from writing to the same file.',
'cfs' => 'Compound File: an optional "virtual" file consisting of all the other index files for systems that frequently run out of file handles.',
'fnm' => 'Fields: stores information about the fields',
'fdx' => 'Field Index: contains pointers to field data',
'fdt' => 'Field Data: the stored fields for documents',
'tis' => 'Term Infos: part of the term dictionary, stores term info',
'tii' => 'Term Info Index: the index into the Term Infos file',
'frq' => 'Frequencies: contains the list of docs which contain each term along with frequency',
'prx' => 'Positions: stores position information about where a term occurs in the index',
'nrm' => 'Norms: encodes length and boost factors for docs and fields',
'tvx' => 'Term Vector Index: stores offset into the document data file',
'tvd' => 'Term Vector Documents: contains information about each document that has term vectors',
'tvf' => 'Term Vector Fields: the field level info about term vectors',
'del' => 'Deleted Documents: info about what files are deleted'
Dir.glob(path + "*").each do |file|
type = file.split('.').last
if stats[type]
stats[type][:size] += File.size(file)
stats[type] = {:size => File.size(file)}
total = stats.values.inject(0){|t,v|t+=v[:size]}
stats = stats.collect do |file, stat|
percent = format("%.2f", ((stat[:size].to_f / total) * 100)).to_f
[file, format("%.2f", stat[:size].to_f / (1024*1024)), percent, types[file]]
end.sort{|a, b| b[-2] <=> a[-2]}
report ={
:column_names => ['filetype', 'size (MB)', '%', 'description'],
:data => stats
puts report.to_s
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