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Last active December 23, 2017 15:23
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dalao-Painter in Haskell
module Main where
import Graphics.UI.WX
import Graphics.UI.WXCore
-- constants: radius of the ball, and the maximal x and y coordinates
maxX, maxY :: Int
maxY = 600
maxX = 800
allowed_types = [("Bitmaps(*.bmp)",["*.bmp"]),("Any file(*.*)",["*.*"])]
save_type = [("Any file(*.*)",["*.*"])]
p_size = sz 700 510
f_size = sz 800 600
p_pos = pt 0 0
b_size = sz 25 25
b1_pos = pt 700 0
b2_pos = pt 730 0
b3_pos = pt 760 0
b4_pos = pt 700 30
b5_pos = pt 730 30
b6_pos = pt 760 30
b_rect_pos = pt 700 100
b_circle_pos = pt 730 100
--the main function
main :: IO ()
main = start ballsFrame
ballsFrame :: IO ()
= do
buf <- pixelBufferCreate (p_size)
pixelBufferInit buf (rgb 255 255 255)
img <- imageCreateFromPixelBuffer buf
vimg <- varCreate img
-- bitmaps can be downloaded from
f <- frameFixed [text := "dalao-Painter", clientSize := f_size]
b1 <- bitmapButton f [position := b1_pos, clientSize := b_size, picture := "bitmaps/blue.bmp"]
b2 <- bitmapButton f [position := b2_pos, clientSize := b_size, picture := "bitmaps/red.bmp"]
b3 <- bitmapButton f [position := b3_pos, clientSize := b_size, picture := "bitmaps/yellow.bmp"]
b4 <- bitmapButton f [position := b4_pos, clientSize := b_size, picture := "bitmaps/green.bmp"]
b5 <- bitmapButton f [position := b5_pos, clientSize := b_size, picture := "bitmaps/black.bmp"]
b6 <- bitmapButton f [position := b6_pos, clientSize := b_size, picture := "bitmaps/white.bmp"]
b_rect <- bitmapButton f [position := b_rect_pos, clientSize := b_size, picture := "bitmaps/rect.bmp"]
b_circle <- bitmapButton f [position := b_circle_pos, clientSize := b_size, picture := "bitmaps/circle.bmp"]
-- create menu
file <- menuPane [text := "&File"]
_open <- menuItem file [text := "&Open\tCtrl+O", help := "Open an existing image", on command := readImg f vimg]
_save <- menuItem file [text := "&Save\tCtrl+S", help := "Save image to an file", on command := saveImg f vimg]
_quit <- menuQuit file [help := "Quit the dalao-Painter", on command := close f]
-- create Help menu
hlp <- menuHelp []
about <- menuAbout hlp [help := "About dalao-Painter"]
-- create statusbar field
status <- statusField [text := "Welcome to dalao-Painter!"]
p <- panel f [clientSize := p_size, position := p_pos]
set p [on drag := (addPoint vimg p)
,on paint := onPaint vimg]
set f [statusBar := [status],
menuBar := [file,hlp],
on (menu about) := infoDialog f "About dalao-Painter" "This is dalao-Painter demo by Qin, Gu, Chi and Xu. for Haskell course."
-- 不用动这个函数,这个函数负责把一个var image画在窗口中
onPaint::Var (Image a) -> DC b -> Rect -> IO ()
onPaint img dc viewArea
= do
img_data <- varGet img
drawImage dc img_data (pt 0 0) []
-- 示例函数:点式笔刷 调用drawPointOnImage来实现 之后发送绘制事件给panel
addPoint :: Var (Image a) -> Panel () -> Point -> IO ()
addPoint img p pt
= do drawPointOnImage img pt (rgb 255 0 0)
repaint p
drawPointOnImage::Var (Image a) -> Point -> Color -> IO ()
drawPointOnImage img pt color
= do
img_data <- varGet img
withPixelBuffer img_data (setPixels (getBrush pt 3) color)
setPixels::[Point] -> Color -> PixelBuffer -> IO ()
setPixels pts color buf
= do mapM_ (setPixel buf color) pts
setPixel::PixelBuffer -> Color -> Point ->IO ()
setPixel buf color pt
= pixelBufferSetPixel buf pt color
getBrush::Point -> Int -> [Point]
getBrush p r = [(pt ((pointX p)+i) ((pointY p)+j)) | i <- [0..r], j <- [0..r]]
readImg :: Frame a -> Var (Image ()) -> IO ()
readImg f vImg =
mfilePath <- fileOpenDialog f True True "Open image" allowed_types "" ""
case mfilePath of
Nothing -> do putStr "Nothing to read"
Just filePath -> do
putStr filePath
putStr "Should be rewritten."
saveImg :: Frame a -> Var (Image ()) -> IO ()
saveImg f vImg =
mfilePath <- fileSaveDialog f True True "Save image" save_type "" "output.bmp"
case mfilePath of
Nothing -> do putStr "Nothing to save"
Just filePath -> do
putStr filePath
putStr "Should be rewritten."
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