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Created July 25, 2016 00:00
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import random
import numpy as np
#from cvxpy import *
def p(M):
"""Method to pretty print our matrix. """
for i in range(len(M)):
print(' '.join([str(num) for num in M[i]]))
def generate_M(N=3, max_touches=2):
"""Generate a solvable matrix. """
M = [[0]*N for _ in range(N)] # Our matrix.
# NOTE: Some touches can be rewritten as a set of other touches (if the game board length is odd).
# Example: in the case of a 3x3 game board, touching the lights
# in the first and second diagram produces equivalent game states.
# 0 x 0
# 0 x 0
# x 0 0
# and
# 0 0 0
# 0 0 0
# 0 0 x
# are equivalent (x represents the square that you touch).
# This means that, although unlikely, we can accidentally make a solvable matrix
# (when the game board lenght is odd) that needs fewer touches than we anticipate.
touches = set() # Unique touches applied to our matrix.
for _ in range(max_touches):
i, j = random.randint(0, N-1), random.randint(0, N-1) # Pick a square at random.
while (i, j) in touches: # Make sure the touch hasn't been applied before.
i, j = random.randint(0, N-1), random.randint(0, N-1)
touches.add((i, j))
touch(M, i, j)
return M
def touch(M, i, j):
# Flip the values on the horizontal and the vertical.
for a in range(len(M)):
M[i][a] = 1 - M[i][a]
for b in range(len(M)):
M[b][j] = 1 - M[b][j]
M[i][j] = 1 - M[i][j]
def make_A(n=2):
eye = np.identity(n)
ones = np.ones(n**2).reshape((n,n))
# Ones matrix along the diagonal and identities everywhere else.
A = [[eye if i !=j else ones for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)]
return np.bmat(A) # Puts together blocks of matrices.
def _find_row_with_1_in_column(A, pivot_row, pivot_column):
for row in range(pivot_row, len(A)):
if A[row, pivot_column] == 1:
return row
return -1
# Quick unit test.
A = make_A(2)
assert _find_row_with_1_in_column(A, 0, 0) == 0
assert _find_row_with_1_in_column(A, 2, 1) == 3
def solve_Ax_eq_b_mod_p(A0, b0, p=2):
"""Solves Ax=b mod p using Gaussian elimination.
Gaussian elimination does swaps of rows and adds one row to another.
We augment A with b and perform all operations that were done on A on b also. """
A = A0.copy()
b = b0.copy()
N = len(A)
pivot = (0, 0) # Start at top-left corner.
while pivot != (N, N):
pivot_row, pivot_column = pivot
# We want to find the row where we have a 1 in this column and swap this columns.
# So if pivot is (1, 1) and the matrix is
# 1 1 1
# 0 0 0
# 0 1 0.
# We want to swap rows 1 and 2:
# 1 1 1
# 0 1 0
# 0 0 0.
row_with_1_in_column = _find_row_with_1_in_column(A, pivot_row, pivot_column)
if row_with_1_in_column != pivot_row:
# The following swapping DOES NOT work without copy.
A[pivot_row], A[row_with_1_in_column] = A[row_with_1_in_column], A[pivot_row].copy()
# Augmented operation on b.
b[pivot_row], b[row_with_1_in_column] = b[row_with_1_in_column], b[pivot_row].copy()
# Now we can use this 1 in this column to cancel out everything above and below (mod p).
# Go from top to bottom (except this row) and add the inverse of current row.
for row in range(N):
if row != pivot_row and A[row, pivot_column] == 1:
A[row] = (A[row] - A[pivot_row]) % p
# Augmented operation on b.
b[row] = (b[row] - b[pivot_row]) % p
# Move pivot down the diagonal.
pivot = pivot_row + 1, pivot_column + 1
if (np.isclose( % p, b0)).all():
# At this point, if A is invertible, then A becomes the identity matrix and
# so b becomes the solution mod p. The solution is unique.
if not N & 1: # If N is even...
return A, b
# Otherwise we might have gotten lucky and x is in the span of the rows of A.
# What remains is to find the solution with the least-norm (since these are not unique).
# TODO: Here is where we need to return the least-norm solution.
# Right now b is a solution, but not guaranteed to be the least-norm solution.
return A, b
# An attempt to solve the problem using the library cvxpy (doesn't work right now).
x = Variable(len(b0))
objective = Minimize(sum(x))
constraints = [A0 * x == b0, x >= 0, x <= 1]
prob = Problem(objective, constraints)
result = prob.solve()
print('status: %s' % prob.status)
print('result: %f' % result)
return A, x.value
# Because we are explicitly constructing solvable cases,
# for the time being, we shouldn't hit this else statement (or something is wrong).
raise AssertionError('Encountered an unsolvable case. ')
def answer(M):
n = len(M)
A = make_A(n)
b = np.array(M).transpose().reshape(n**2)
A1, x = solve_Ax_eq_b_mod_p(A, b)
return A1, sum(x)
if __name__ == '__main__':
for _ in range(5):
N = 6 # Length of the side of the matrix.
num_touches = 4
M = generate_M(N, num_touches)
_, x = answer(M)
print('Required %i touches. ' % x)
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