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Created September 22, 2018 11:58
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Get all SCImago Journal & Country Rank data (script version of sjrdata package)
# bibliometrics 2018-09-22
# SJR data -- load and combine all files -- GIST
# Ilya Kashnitsky,
# functions to get data ---------------------------------------------------
journal_url <- function(year) {
country_url <- function(year) {
# set last available year -------------------------------------------------
# As of today, 2018-09-22, the last data year is 2017
# TO be updated once a year
last_year <- 2017
# get and tidy the data -- journals ---------------------------------------
years_j <- 1999:last_year
df_jr <- list()
for (i in seq_along(years_j)) {
# load specific year's data
dfi <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(
)) %>% clean_names()
# fix the uniquiely named column of total docs
colnames(dfi)[9] <-
colnames(dfi)[9] %>%
str_replace("[0-9]+", "year")
# write the temp df into the list
df_jr[[i]] <- dfi
# name the df in the list
names(df_jr)[i] <- years_j[i]
df_jr <- df_jr %>% bind_rows(.id = "year")
# consider saving the data!
# save(df_jr, file = "df_jr.rda")
# get and tidy the data -- countries year-by-year -------------------------
years_c <- 1996:last_year
df_cr <- list()
for (i in seq_along(years_c)) {
tempi <- tempfile()
pathi <- paste0(tempi, ".xslx")
xlsxi <- download.file(
url = country_url(years_c[i]),
destfile = pathi, mode = "wb"
# load specific year's data
dfi <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(
read_xlsx(path = pathi, sheet = 1)
)) %>% clean_names()
# write the temp df into the list
df_cr[[i]] <- dfi
# name the df in the list
names(df_cr)[i] <- years_c[i]
df_cr <- df_cr %>% bind_rows(.id = "year")
# consider saving the data!
# save(df_cr, file = "df_cr.rda")
# get and tidy the data -- countries all years togetehr --------------------
tempi <- tempfile()
pathi <- paste0(tempi, ".xslx")
xlsxi <- download.file(
url = country_url(
destfile = pathi, mode = "wb"
paste0("df_cr_1996_", last_year),
read_xlsx(pathi) %>% clean_names()
# consider saving the data!
# save(get(paste0("df_cr_1996_", last_year)),
# file = paste0("df_cr_1996_", last_year, ".rda"))
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