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Last active November 14, 2018 17:14
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A metronome in pygame.
Show a light for every beat.
Show the BPM as text.
Use 4/4 timing. Four beats to a bar.
Press space until the BPM gets to what you want.
import time
import os
import pygame as pg
def average_bpm(times):
""" For the list of times(seconds since epoch) return
the average beats per minute.
spaces = []
previous = times[0]
for t in times[1:]:
spaces.append(t - previous)
previous = t
avg_space = sum(spaces) / len(spaces)
return 60.0 / avg_space
class Bpm:
""" Beats Per Minute.
By press()ing this, the bpm counter will change.
def __init__(self):
self.space_between_beats = 0.5
self.last_press = time.time()
""" The time since epoch of the last press.
self.bpm = 120
self.bpm_average = 120
""" The average bpm from the last 4 presses.
self.times = []
self._last_update = time.time()
self._elapsed_time = 0.0
self._last_closeness = 1.0
self.on_beat = 0
""" The time since the epoch when the last beat happened.
self.beat_num = 0
""" accumlative counter of beats.
self.finished_beat = 0
""" True for one tick, when 0.1 seconds has passed since the beat.
self.first_beat = 0
""" True if we are the first beat on a bar (out of 4).
self.started_beat = 0
""" This is true only on the tick
def press(self):
""" For when someone is trying to update the timer.
press_time = time.time()
self.space_between_beats = press_time - self.last_press
self.last_press = press_time
self.bpm = 60.0 / self.space_between_beats
if len(self.times) > 4:
self.bpm_average = average_bpm(self.times[-4:])
self.times = self.times[-4:]
self.bpm_average = self.bpm
def update(self):
the_time = time.time()
self._elapsed_time += the_time - self._last_update
self._last_update = the_time
# if _elapsed_time 'close' to bpm show light.
space_between_beats = 60.0 / self.bpm_average
since_last_beat = the_time - self.on_beat
self.finished_beat = self.on_beat and (since_last_beat > 0.1)
if self.finished_beat:
self.on_beat = 0
closeness = self._elapsed_time % space_between_beats
if closeness < self._last_closeness:
self.on_beat = the_time
self.finished_beat = 0
self.dirty = 1
self.beat_num += 1
self.started_beat = 1
self.first_beat = not (self.beat_num % 4)
self.started_beat = 0
self._last_closeness = closeness
class BpmCounter(pg.sprite.DirtySprite):
""" For showing a text representing what the Beats Per Minute is.
def __init__(self, bpm):
self.bpm = bpm
self.font = pg.font.SysFont("Arial", 24)
self.image = self.font.render(
"%s" % int(self.bpm.bpm_average), True, (255, 255, 255)
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
def press(self):
self.image = self.font.render(
"%s" % int(self.bpm.bpm_average), True, (255, 255, 255)
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.dirty = 1
def events(self, events):
for e in events:
if e.type == pg.KEYDOWN and e.key == pg.K_SPACE:
class BpmLight(pg.sprite.DirtySprite):
""" Shows a red 'light' representing each beat.
def __init__(self, bpm):
self.bpm = bpm
self.image = pg.Surface((20, 20))
self.image.fill((255, 0, 0))
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.rect.x = 50
self.rect.y = 5
def press(self):
self.image.fill((255, 0, 0))
self.elapsed_time = 0.0
def update(self):
if self.bpm.finished_beat:
self.image.fill((0, 0, 0))
self.dirty = 1
if self.bpm.started_beat:
self.image.fill((255, 0, 0))
self.dirty = 1
def main():
if pg.get_sdl_version()[0] == 2:
pg.mixer.pre_init(44100, 32, 2, 512)
screen = pg.display.set_mode((640, 480))
going = True
bpm = Bpm()
bpm_counter = BpmCounter(bpm)
bpm_light = BpmLight(bpm)
clock = pg.time.Clock()
pygame_dir = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(pg.__file__))[0]
data_dir = os.path.join(pygame_dir, "examples", "data")
sound = pg.mixer.Sound(os.path.join(data_dir, "punch.wav"))
pg.display.set_caption('press space 4 times to adjust BPM timing')
background = pg.Surface(screen.get_size())
background = background.convert()
background.fill((0, 0, 0))
allsprites = pg.sprite.LayeredDirty([bpm_counter, bpm_light])
allsprites.clear(screen, background)
while going:
events = pg.event.get()
for e in events:
if e.type == pg.QUIT or e.type == pg.KEYDOWN and e.key in [pg.K_ESCAPE, pg.K_q]:
going = False
# if bpm.started_beat and bpm.first_beat:
if bpm.started_beat:
rects = allsprites.draw(screen)
# note, we don't update the display every 240 seconds.
if rects:
# We loop quickly so timing can be more accurate with the sounds.
# print(rects)
# print(clock.get_fps())
if __name__ == '__main__':
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