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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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Erica's code challenge
// For
// MARK: Generic collections
import Foundation
import Swift
infix operator ➜ { associativity left }
func ➜(source: [String], f: (String) -> ()) -> () {
for element in source {
func ➜<T, U>(source: [T], f: (T) -> U?) -> [U] {
var results: [U] = []
for element in source {
if let result = f(element) {
return results
func ➜<T, U>(source: [T], f: (T) -> (() -> U?)) -> [U] {
return source ➜ { f($0) }
// This is incomplete! We just test the syntax.
extension NSURL {
func fetchJSON() -> JSON? {
return JSON()
class JSON {
func arrayValue(key:String) -> [JSON] {
return []
func stringValue(key:String) -> String? {
return ""
func intValue(key:String) -> Int? {
return 0
func usingFirst<T>(extractor: JSON -> (() -> T?)) -> (JSON -> T?) {
return { json in
if let result = json.arrayValue("results").first {
return extractor(result)()
return nil;
// MARK: Specific models
struct Price {
let name: String
let formattedPrice: String
struct Rating {
let name: String
let stars: Int?
private extension JSON {
func extractPrice() -> Price? {
if let name = stringValue("trackName"),
price = stringValue("formattedPrice")
return Price(name: name, formattedPrice: price)
return nil;
func extractRating() -> Rating? {
if let name = stringValue("trackName") {
// Rating keys vary by content type
return Rating(name: name, stars: intValue("averageUserRating")
?? intValue("trackContentRating") )
return nil
// MARK: Query URL
func FetchQueryURL(string: String) -> NSURL? {
return NSURL(string: string)
// MARK: Main functions
func ShowPrices(productURLStrings: [String]) {
println("Today's prices")
➜ FetchQueryURL
➜ usingFirst(JSON.extractPrice)
➜ { "\($ \($0.formattedPrice)" }
➜ println
func CheckRatings(productURLStrings: [String]) {
println("Checking ratings")
// productURLStrings
// ➜ FetchQueryURL
// ➜ NSURL.fetchJSON
// ➜ usingFirst(JSON.extractRating)
// ➜ { "\($ \($0.starDescription)" }
// ➜ println
➜ FetchQueryURL
➜ usingFirst(JSON.extractRating)
// More complex blocks than { "\($ \($0.starDescription)" } can be supplied.
// Although for some reason Xcode is not able to infer this closure's type.
➜ { (rating: Rating) -> String? in
var desc = "ratings not available"
map(rating.stars) { desc = "\($0) stars" }
return + " " + desc
➜ println
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