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LG im-coder-lg

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This is a checkmate in 14 moves (chess)

So, I wasn't free for the last week and now I am, so I hopped onto and played against the Aron bot which is 700-rated.

I hoped to make a Queen's Gambit but made Nf3 so I pushed c3 and it was a Queen's Gambit Declined: Chigorin, Janowski Variation, 4...Nf6 5.e4.

Well, here we go.

<iframe width=600 height=371 src="" frameborder=0>lichess</iframe>
im-coder-lg /
Last active September 7, 2021 09:07

Hey people!

This was done with StackEdit. On my phone. Isn't that cool? I have a new markdown editor. Accessible from anywhere. Cool 😎 Yup, written with StackEdit. See you later!

Written with StackEdit.

im-coder-lg /
Last active September 6, 2021 08:30
Install Node JS LTS/Latest via a simple shell script.

About this gist

Ladies and gentlemen, this is a work in progress.

Only for Linux. Mainly Debian-based distros. I'm sorry. I will add support for RPM and DNF-based distros soon. Open issues here

im-coder-lg / gist:8b3e7994cf874e34179f76563f9046cc
Last active September 3, 2021 03:36 — forked from dsci/gist:1347672
Delete commits from repository. Upgraded version
read -p "Git Commit SHA hashcode:" $commit
# First, check out the commit you wish to go back to (get sha-1 from git log)
git reset --hard $commit
# Then do a forced update.
git push origin +$commit^:develop
im-coder-lg /
Last active November 27, 2023 14:57
Allows GAUDC permission to personal results if you do this.


  1. Go to the Actions Console.
  2. Go to your GAUDC project
  3. Go to the Develop Section.
  4. Hit the hamburger button on the left side of the Develop screen and go to Account Linking.
  5. Now, enable Account linking by switching the toggle.
  6. Choose yes for Account Creation.
im-coder-lg /
Created August 14, 2021 12:36
Shell Script Practice 1

Practicing Shell Scripts

So, a few days/weeks ago, I made a shell script automator. To improve that, I am making practice in shell scripts.

The entire code was tested live on code-server(thanks to @cdr for making that) on Ubuntu 20.04.02, which is Focal Fossa LTS.

It is basically some practice on If commands and some new command for input named read.

In the next few weeks, I will be practising Shell Scripts and improve the automator as well as this file. Till then, disappears

echo "Hi. I am your GAUDC program installation automator." && echo "This code is open-source as a GitHub Gist, and I am LG, the maker of this script." && echo Feel free to comment on any issues. # --> Beginning Message
echo "Now, make sure you installed Git and NodeJS because you need to clone and build GAUDC. I will make a temporary directory and give you the path at the end." # --> Next message
echo "Have you installed Git and NodeJS? Because, the script needs it."
echo "If you have it, respond with 'yes' as it is. If not, respond with 'no' as it is."
im-coder-lg / Google-Assistant-Unofficial-Desktop-Client-Builder-For-Windows.bat
Last active September 3, 2021 14:30
Used for building GAUDC for Windows. If you don't know about GAUDC, go to , you can use it too. Shell Script Variant released in beta!
echo "Get Git and Node JS." && echo "If you didn't, the batch file will fail." && git clone && cd Google-Assistant-Unofficial-Desktop-Client && npm install && npm run dist && echo "built." && echo "open this directory in Explorer," && echo "go to `dist` and then go to `win-unpacked`." && echo "Then, run Google Assistant.exe." && echo "Path to the dist folder is" && cd dist\win-unpacked && cd