An Ionic thumbnail list without using the list directive, but just plain jane HTML/CSS and Angular ng-repeat.
Forked from Ionic's Pen Thumbnail List: 1.0.0-beta.9.
A Pen by vinay pandya on CodePen.
An Ionic thumbnail list without using the list directive, but just plain jane HTML/CSS and Angular ng-repeat.
Forked from Ionic's Pen Thumbnail List: 1.0.0-beta.9.
A Pen by vinay pandya on CodePen.
var alexa = require('alexa-traffic-rank'),//including alexa traffic rank node js module to get data from | |
mongoose = require('mongoose'); // including mongoose node js module to connect MongoDB | |
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/test'); // this url should be your mongoDB url | |
var db = mongoose.connection, // Database connection object | |
schema = mongoose.Schema({}, {collection: 'AlexaDailyTracks', strict: false, versionKey: false}); // Defining MongoDB Schema | |
// this code run if you fail to connect database | |
db.on('error', function(error) { |
ffmpeg -i rtsp://${SOURCE} -vcodec copy -f mpegts -\ | |
| ffmpeg -i pipe:0 -crf 10 -b:v 2M -c:v libvpx -g 25 http://${TARGET} |
ffmpeg -i rtsp://${SOURCE} -vcodec copy -f flv\ | |
-acodec libmp3lame -ar 44100 -threads 6 -qscale 3 -b:a 712000 -bufsize 512k\ | |
rtmp://${KEY} |
<div *tdLoading="'overlayStarSyntax'; mode:'indeterminate'; type:'circular'; strategy:'overlay'; color:'accent'"> | |
<div layout="column" layout-fill> | |
<md-toolbar color="primary" class="md-whiteframe-z1"> | |
<span>Login</span> | |
</md-toolbar> | |
<div class="md-content" layout-padding flex> | |
<div layout-gt-xs="row" layout-align-gt-xs="center start" class="margin"> | |
<div flex-gt-xs="50"> |
// Main cron's logic here which will return array of messages | |
// and it will tell, how i am returning partially/full success result from this function | |
const accountInformationSyncer = ({ logger, utils, userUtils, interactiveBrokers }) => async () => { | |
const messages = []; // Array of result | |
const unexpectedErrors = []; // array of unexpectedErrors | |
function logInfo(msg) { | |
const m = `Account information sync: ${msg}`; | |; // this will log to console/file | |
messages.push(m); // this will push message in array |