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Last active April 29, 2016 20:23
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internal server tests:
internal/hello: [Failed]
ERROR: connect: does not exist (Connection refused)
internal/index: [Failed]
ERROR: connect: does not exist (Connection refused)
internal/: [Failed]
ERROR: connect: does not exist (Connection refused)
internal/splicepage: [Failed]
ERROR: connect: does not exist (Connection refused)
internal/routeWithSplice: [Failed]
ERROR: connect: does not exist (Connection refused)
internal/routeWithConfig: [Failed]
ERROR: connect: does not exist (Connection refused)
internal/foo/foopage: [Failed]
ERROR: connect: does not exist (Connection refused)
internal/foo/fooConfig: [Failed]
ERROR: connect: does not exist (Connection refused)
internal/foo/fooRootUrl: [Failed]
ERROR: connect: does not exist (Connection refused)
internal/barconfig: [Failed]
ERROR: connect: does not exist (Connection refused)
internal/bazpage: [Failed]
ERROR: connect: does not exist (Connection refused)
internal/bazpage2: [Failed]
ERROR: connect: does not exist (Connection refused)
internal/bazpage3: [Failed]
ERROR: connect: does not exist (Connection refused)
internal/bazpage4: [Failed]
ERROR: connect: does not exist (Connection refused)
internal/barrooturl: [Failed]
ERROR: connect: does not exist (Connection refused)
internal/bazbadpage: [Failed]
ERROR: connect: does not exist (Connection refused)
internal/foo/fooSnapletName: [Failed]
ERROR: connect: does not exist (Connection refused)
internal/foo/fooFilePath: [Failed]
ERROR: connect: does not exist (Connection refused)
internal/embed/heist/embeddedpage: [Failed]
ERROR: connect: does not exist (Connection refused)
internal/embed/aoeuhtns: [Failed]
ERROR: connect: does not exist (Connection refused)
internal/embed/heist/onemoredir/extra: [Failed]
ERROR: connect: does not exist (Connection refused)
internal/foo/handlerConfig: [Failed]
ERROR: connect: does not exist (Connection refused)
internal/bar/handlerConfig: [Failed]
ERROR: connect: does not exist (Connection refused)
internal/bazpage5: [Failed]
ERROR: connect: does not exist (Connection refused)
internal/bazconfig: [Failed]
ERROR: connect: does not exist (Connection refused)
internal/sessionDemo: [Failed]
ERROR: connect: does not exist (Connection refused)
internal/reload-test: [Failed]
ERROR: connect: does not exist (Connection refused)
lensed/fmap: [OK]
lensed/applicative: [OK]
lens/MonadState: [OK]
lensed/fmap: [OK]
lensed/applicative: [OK]
lens/MonadState: [OK]
RST/execRST: [OK, passed 100 tests]
RST/execRST: [OK, passed 100 tests]
RST/fail: [OK]
RST/Alternative: [OK]
initializer tests: [OK]
buildPath generates no double slashes: [OK]
createUser tests:
User JSON datafile not found. Creating a new one.
createUser good params: [OK]
User JSON datafile not found. Creating a new one.
createUser with config file settings: [OK]
User JSON datafile not found. Creating a new one.
createUser good updatedAt: [OK]
User JSON datafile not found. Creating a new one.
createUser with role: [OK]
createUser empty username: [OK]
createUser duplicate user: [OK]
username exists: [OK]
successful loginByUsername: [OK]
loginByUsername encrypted pwd: [OK]
loginByUsername invalid user: [OK]
loginByUsername invalid user: [OK]
loginByRememberToken no token: [OK]
loginByRememberToken token: [OK]
logout no user logged in.: [OK]
logout user logged in.: [OK]
currentUser unsuccesful call: [OK]
successful currentUser call: [OK]
isLoggedIn, no user logged: [OK]
isLoggedIn, user logged: [OK]
saveUser null username: [OK]
saveUser good update params: [OK]
successful markAuthFail call: [OK]
successful markAuthSuccess call: [OK]
checkPasswordAndLogin OK: [OK]
checkPasswordAndLogin KO: [OK]
authenticatePassword OK: [OK]
authenticatePassword no pwd: [OK]
authenticatePassword wrong pwd: [OK]
registerUser OK: [OK]
registerUser no user given: [OK]
registerUser no pwd given: [OK]
requireUser good handler exec: [OK]
requireUser bad handler exec: [OK]
User JSON datafile not found. Creating a new one.
Render new user page: [OK]
User JSON datafile not found. Creating a new one.
New user login render: [OK]
User JSON datafile not found. Creating a new one.
New user suspend render: [OK]
User JSON datafile not found. Creating a new one.
cRender new user page: [OK]
Auth type tests:
Password serialization: [OK]
Fill in [] roles: [OK]
Fail deserialization: [OK]
AuthFailure show instances: [OK, passed 100 tests]
Encrypt agrees with password: [OK, passed 100 tests]
Reject clear encrypted pw check: [OK]
Test Role Show instance: [OK]
Test Role Read instance: [OK]
Test Role Ord instance: [OK]
Test PW Show instance: [OK]
Test PW Read instance: [OK]
Test PW Ord instance: [OK]
Test AuthFailure Eq instance: [OK]
Test AuthFailure Show instance: [OK]
Test AuthFailure Ord instance: [OK]
Test UserId Show instance: [OK]
Test UserId Read instance: [OK]
Test AuthUser Show instance: [OK]
Test AuthUser Eq instance: [OK]
runHandler simple: [OK]
runHandler' simple: [OK]
evalHandler simple: [OK]
evalHandler' simple: [OK]
evalHandler failing simple: [OK]
getSnaplet failing: [OK]
readRequestBody doesn't hang: [OK]
Load templates: [OK]
Templates ["_foopage"] ["barpage","extraTemplates"] ["bazconfig"] ["bazpage"] ["userpage"] ["splicepage"] ["page"] ["index"] ["session"] ["foopage","foo"] ["foopage"]
Splices: "loggedInUser" "ifLoggedIn" "appconfig" "ifLoggedOut" "foosplice" "appsplice" "fooconfig" "cache"
Compiled splices: "loggedInUser" "ifLoggedIn" "ifLoggedOut" "userSplice" "cache"
Get Heist state: [OK]
Handler with heist state: [OK]
gRender a template: [OK]
cRender a template: [OK]
Render a template: [OK]
gRenderAs a small template: [OK]
cRenderAs a template: [OK]
renderAs a template: [OK]
gServe existing template: [OK]
cServe templates: [OK]
serve templates: [OK]
gHeistServe underscore template: [OK]
gHeistServe missing template: [OK]
gHeistServeSingle template: [OK]
cHeistServeSingle template: [OK]
heistServeSingle template: [OK]
gHeistServeSingle underscored template: [OK]
gHeistServeSingle missing template: [OK]
Choose compiled mode: [OK]
Choose interpreted mode: [OK]
Render with splices: [OK]
Recognize withSplices: [OK]
Recognize heistLocal: [OK]
cRender with compiled module: [OK]
cRenderAs compiled module: [OK]
cHeistServe a template: [OK]
cHeistServeSingle a template: [OK]
Snaplet Config:
Monoid left identity: [OK, passed 100 tests]
Monoid right identity: [OK, passed 100 tests]
Monoid associativity: [OK, passed 100 tests]
Verify Typeable instance: [OK]
RST/execRST: [OK, passed 100 tests]
RST/execRST: [OK, passed 100 tests]
RST/fail: [OK]
RST/Alternative: [OK]
lensed/fmap: [OK]
lensed/applicative: [OK]
lens/MonadState: [OK]
lensed/fmap: [OK]
lensed/applicative: [OK]
lens/MonadState: [OK]
Properties Test Cases Total
Passed 10 107 117
Failed 0 27 27
Total 10 134 144
waiting for termination mvar
Blackbox: starting NormalTest server
Blackbox: starting ProxyTest server
address/getNameInfo-fails: [OK]
address/getAddress-unix-socket: [OK]
address/getAddress-can: [OK]
address/getAddress-IPv6: [OK]
address/getSockAddr: [OK]
address/trivials: [OK]
cleanup/basic: [OK]
cleanup/trivials: [OK]
cleanup/allocException: [OK]
parser/show: [OK]
parser/parseCookie: [OK]
parser/chunkedTransferEncoding: [OK, passed 1000 tests]
parser/chunkedTransferEncoding/DoS: [OK]
parser/shortParse: [OK]
parser/partial: [OK]
parser/error: [OK]
parser/formEncoded: [OK]
parser/trivials: [OK]
parser/methods: [OK]
parser/simpleParse: [OK]
parser/simpleParseErrors: [OK]
parser/writeChunked: [OK]
sendfile/sendHeaders: [OK]
sendfile/sendHeaders/crash: [OK]
sendfile/sendfile-impl: [OK]
sendfile/sendFile/crash: [OK]
sendfile/sendfile-zero: [OK]
sendfile/trivials: [OK]
session/pong: [OK]
session/pong1_0: [OK]
session/dateHeaderDeleted: [OK]
session/serverHeader: [OK]
session/badParses/1: [OK]
session/badParses/2: [OK]
session/badParses/3: [OK]
session/eof: [OK]
session/expect100: [OK]
session/noHost: [OK]
session/noHost1_0: [OK]
session/chunkedRequest: [OK]
session/queryParams: [OK]
session/postParams: [OK]
session/postParamsReplacementBody: [OK]
session/cookie: [OK]
session/setCookie: [OK]
session/userException: [OK]
session/userBodyException: [OK]
session/testEscape: [OK]
session/postWithoutLength: [OK]
session/weirdMissingSlash: [OK]
session/onlyQueryString: [OK]
session/connectionClose: [OK]
session/userTerminate: [OK]
session/sendFile: [OK]
session/basicAcceptLoop: [OK]
session/trivials: [OK]
session/tls-stubs: [OK]
socket/closedOnListenException: [OK]
socket/acceptAndInitialize: [OK]
socket/unixSocketBind: [OK]
timeout/oneTimeout: [OK]
timeout/slowToDie: [OK]
timeout/oneTimeoutAfterInactivity: [OK]
timeout/cancel: [OK]
timeout/tickle: [OK]
blackbox/pong: [OK]
blackbox/echo: [OK, passed 300 tests]
blackbox/rot13: [OK, passed 300 tests]
blackbox/slowloris: [OK]
blackbox/testBlockingRead: [OK]
blackbox/testBigResponse: [OK]
blackbox/testPartial: [OK]
blackbox/upload: [OK, passed 300 tests]
blackbox/timeout/tickle: [OK]
blackbox/hasDateHdr: [OK]
blackbox/server-header: [OK]
blackbox/fileserve: [OK]
blackbox/testTimelyRedirect: [OK]
blackbox/chunkedHead: [OK]
blackbox/haProxy: [OK]
blackbox/haProxyLocal: [OK]
blackbox/haProxyFileServe: [OK]
Properties Test Cases Total
Passed 4 78 82
Failed 0 0 0
Total 4 78 82
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