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Created February 2, 2017 15:10
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Add an extra filter nav to filter ideas by category or only get unrated ideas (Needs the WP Idea Stream WordPress plugin)
* For more infos about how to use the wp-idea-stream-custom.php file
* @see
// Exit if accessed directly
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
* Add some inline style and script.
* In a regular plugin or theme, using wp_enque_style() & wp_enqueue_script()
* would be a lot better!
function xwara_extra_enqueue_scripts() {
// Only enqueue inline script and inline style id viewing an Idea loop
if ( ! wp_idea_stream_is_idea_archive() && ! wp_idea_stream_is_category() && ! wp_idea_stream_is_tag() ) {
// Inline style
wp_add_inline_style( 'wp-idea-stream-style', '
#xwara-extra-filters {
margin: 1.5em 0;
background-color: #f1f1f1;
padding: 0.5em;
overflow: hidden;
display: table;
width: 100%;
border: solid 1px #ccc;
#xwara-extra-filters label,
#xwara-extra-filters .submit {
width: auto;
display: table-cell;
' );
// Get term links.
$term_links = array();
if ( wp_idea_stream_ideas_has_terms() ) {
$idea_terms = wp_idea_stream_get_idea_var( 'edit_form_terms' );
foreach ( $idea_terms as $idea_term ) {
$term_links[ $idea_term->term_id ] = esc_url_raw( wp_idea_stream_get_category_url( $idea_term ) );
if ( ! empty( $term_links ) ) {
// As we will use jQuery, make sure it is enqueue
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' );
wp_add_inline_script( 'jquery-migrate', sprintf( '
var WPideaTerms = %1$s;
var WPformAction = \'%2$s\';
jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) {
// Replace term IDs by term links.
$.each( $( \'#select_idea_category option\' ), function( i, o ) {
if ( WPideaTerms[ $( o ).val() ] ) {
$( o ).prop( \'value\', WPideaTerms[ $( o ).val() ] );
} );
$( \'#xwara-extra-filters\' ).on( \'submit\', function( f ) {
if ( \'-1\' !== $( \'#select_idea_category\' ).val() ) {
$( f.currentTarget ).prop( \'action\', $( \'#select_idea_category\' ).val() );
} else {
$( f.currentTarget ).prop( \'action\', WPformAction );
$( \'#select_idea_category\' ).prop( \'disabled\', true );
return f;
} );
} );
', wp_json_encode( $term_links ), esc_url_raw( wp_idea_stream_get_root_url() ) ) );
add_action( 'wp_idea_stream_enqueue_scripts', 'xwara_extra_enqueue_scripts', 20 );
* Add an extra filter nav after the main one.
* Another option for a theme could be to override the
* /templates/archive.php within its folder
* eg: nameoftheme/wp-idea-stream/archive.php
* @return string HTML Output.
function xwara_extra_filtering_bar() {
$dropdown_args = array(
'show_option_none' => __( 'Select Category' ),
'taxonomy' => wp_idea_stream_get_category(),
'id' => 'select_idea_category',
'name' => 'select_idea_category',
// If viewing a category archive, set the selected dropdown value.
if ( wp_idea_stream_is_category() ) {
$dropdown_args['selected'] = wp_idea_stream_get_current_term()->term_id;
// Output the extra filter nav.
<form id="xwara-extra-filters" class="nav-form" action="" method="get">
<label for="select_idea_category">
<?php esc_html_e( 'Filter by:', 'custom-text-domain' ); ?>
<?php wp_dropdown_categories( $dropdown_args ); ?>
<label for="unrated_ideas">
<input type="checkbox" name="unrated_ideas" id="unrated_ideas" value="1" <?php checked( ! empty( $_GET['unrated_ideas'] ) ); ?>>
<?php esc_html_e( 'Only show unrated ideas', 'custom-text-domain' ); ?>
<div class="submit">
<input type="submit" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Filter', 'custom-text-domain' ); ?>">
add_action( 'wp_idea_stream_after_archive_main_nav', 'xwara_extra_filtering_bar' );
* Edit the main query arguments to only fetch
* unrated ideas if needed.
* @param WP_Query $q The WordPress main Query object.
function xwara_parse_query( WP_Query $q ) {
if ( ! wp_idea_stream_is_idea_archive() && ! wp_idea_stream_is_category() && ! wp_idea_stream_is_tag() ) {
if ( empty( $_GET['unrated_ideas'] ) ) {
$orderby = $q->get( 'orderby' );
if ( 'rates_count' === $orderby ) {
$q->set( 'orderby', 'date' );
$q->set( 'meta_query', array(
'key' => '_ideastream_average_rate',
'compare' => 'NOT EXISTS'
) );
add_action( 'parse_query', 'xwara_parse_query', 10 );
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