While making the default insertion caret pop a little wider for better accessibility, I ran into an issue where the insertion point ghosted on arrow key presses. Christian Tietze observed the same issue.
My culprit was settings an x offset for the rect inside drawInsertionPoint
. While Christian's blog code doesn't include an offset, there's otherwise no difference in our approach.
Below draws wider insertion caret with rounded corners.
class FatRoundInsertionCaretTextView: NSTextView {
var caretWidth: CGFloat = 3
var caretColor = NSColor.systemOrange
private lazy var radius = caretWidth / 2
private lazy var displayAdjustment = caretWidth - 1
open override func drawInsertionPoint(in rect: NSRect, color: NSColor, turnedOn flag: Bool) {
var rect = rect
rect.size.width = caretWidth
let path = NSBezierPath(roundedRect: rect,
xRadius: radius,
yRadius: radius)
super.drawInsertionPoint(in: rect,
color: caretColor,
turnedOn: flag)
open override func setNeedsDisplay(_ rect: NSRect, avoidAdditionalLayout flag: Bool) {
var rect = rect
rect.size.width += displayAdjustment
super.setNeedsDisplay(rect, avoidAdditionalLayout: flag)
Thank you 🙏