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Last active May 10, 2023 14:15
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Custom NSTextView Insertion Point

Custom NSTextView Insertion Point

While making the default insertion caret pop a little wider for better accessibility, I ran into an issue where the insertion point ghosted on arrow key presses. Christian Tietze observed the same issue.

My culprit was settings an x offset for the rect inside drawInsertionPoint. While Christian's blog code doesn't include an offset, there's otherwise no difference in our approach.

Below draws wider insertion caret with rounded corners.

class FatRoundInsertionCaretTextView: NSTextView {

    var caretWidth: CGFloat = 3
    var caretColor = NSColor.systemOrange
    private lazy var radius = caretWidth / 2
    private lazy var displayAdjustment = caretWidth - 1

        open override func drawInsertionPoint(in rect: NSRect, color: NSColor, turnedOn flag: Bool) {
            var rect = rect
            rect.size.width = caretWidth

            let path = NSBezierPath(roundedRect: rect,
                                    xRadius: radius,
                                    yRadius: radius)

            super.drawInsertionPoint(in: rect,
                                     color: caretColor,
                                     turnedOn: flag)

        open override func setNeedsDisplay(_ rect: NSRect, avoidAdditionalLayout flag: Bool) {
            var rect = rect
            rect.size.width += displayAdjustment
            super.setNeedsDisplay(rect, avoidAdditionalLayout: flag)
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vsameer commented May 10, 2023

Thank you 🙏

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