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Last active November 10, 2015 17:11
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yada wrapper to do "proper" return content negotiation for POST apis that return maps
(ns yadawrapper
[clj-time.core :refer [now]]
[clj-time.coerce :refer [to-date]]))
(defrecord ApiPostWrapperResource [domain-function result]
(resource-properties [_]
{:representations [{:media-type #{"application/edn"
:charset #{"UTF-8"}}]
:allowed-methods #{:post}})
(resource-properties [_ _] {:last-modified (to-date (now))})
(POST [this ctx]
(-> ctx
(get-in [:parameters :body])
(#(assoc this :result %))))
(interpret-post-result [_ ctx]
(letfn [(yada-format-body-1 [ctx] "Copied from yada.methods/GetMethod"
(let [representation (get-in ctx [:response :representation])]
;; representation could be nil, for example, resource could be a
(update-in ctx [:response :body] yada.body/to-body representation)))
(yada-format-body-2 [ctx] "Copied from yada.methods/GetMethod"
(let [content-length (yada.body/content-length (get-in ctx [:response :body]))]
(cond-> ctx content-length (assoc-in [:response :content-length] content-length))))]
(-> (assoc-in ctx [:response :body] result)
; usage:
; (defn domain-hello [{name :name}] {:hello name :success true})
; (yada (->ApiPostWrapperResource domain-hello {}) {:parameters {:post {:body {:name String}}}})
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It's probably not 100% correct and I'm not entirely sure what happens when something goes wrong but I'm very early into this development.

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