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Last active August 19, 2024 12:48
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Example Cromwell / WDL usage at the MGI
webservice {
port = 8000
interface = = "reference"
akka {
loggers = ["akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger"]
actor {
default-dispatcher {
fork-join-executor {
# Number of threads = min(parallelism-factor * cpus, parallelism-max)
# Below are the default values set by Akka, uncomment to tune these
#parallelism-factor = 3.0
#parallelism-max = 64
dispatchers {
# A dispatcher for actors performing blocking io operations
# Prevents the whole system from being slowed down when waiting for responses from external resources for instance
io-dispatcher {
type = Dispatcher
executor = "fork-join-executor"
# Using the forkjoin defaults, this can be tuned if we wish
# A dispatcher for actors handling API operations
# Keeps the API responsive regardless of the load of workflows being run
api-dispatcher {
type = Dispatcher
executor = "fork-join-executor"
# A dispatcher for engine actors
# Because backends behaviour is unpredictable (potentially blocking, slow) the engine runs
# on its own dispatcher to prevent backends from affecting its performance.
engine-dispatcher {
type = Dispatcher
executor = "fork-join-executor"
# A dispatcher used by supported backend actors
backend-dispatcher {
type = Dispatcher
executor = "fork-join-executor"
# Note that without further configuration, all other actors run on the default dispatcher
spray.can {
server {
request-timeout = 40s
client {
request-timeout = 40s
connecting-timeout = 40s
system {
// If 'true', a SIGINT will trigger Cromwell to attempt to abort all currently running jobs before exiting
abort-jobs-on-terminate = false
// Max number of retries per job that the engine will attempt in case of a retryable failure received from the backend
max-retries = 10
// If 'true' then when Cromwell starts up, it tries to restart incomplete workflows
workflow-restart = true
// Cromwell will cap the number of running workflows at N
max-concurrent-workflows = 5000
// Cromwell will launch up to N submitted workflows at a time, regardless of how many open workflow slots exist
max-workflow-launch-count = 50
// Number of seconds between workflow launches
new-workflow-poll-rate = 20
// Since the WorkflowLogCopyRouter is initialized in code, this is the number of workers
number-of-workflow-log-copy-workers = 10
workflow-options {
// These workflow options will be encrypted when stored in the database
encrypted-fields: []
// AES-256 key to use to encrypt the values in `encrypted-fields`
// Directory where to write per workflow logs
workflow-log-dir: "cromwell-workflow-logs"
// When true, per workflow logs will be deleted after copying
workflow-log-temporary: true
// Workflow-failure-mode determines what happens to other calls when a call fails. Can be either ContinueWhilePossible or NoNewCalls.
// Can also be overridden in workflow options. Defaults to NoNewCalls. Uncomment to change:
//workflow-failure-mode: "ContinueWhilePossible"
// Optional call-caching configuration.
call-caching {
enabled = false
engine {
// This instructs the engine which filesystems are at its disposal to perform any IO operation that it might need.
// For instance, WDL variables declared at the Workflow level will be evaluated using the filesystems declared here.
// If you intend to be able to run workflows with this kind of declarations:
// workflow {
// String str = read_string("gs://bucket/my-file.txt")
// }
// You will need to provide the engine with a gcs filesystem
// Note that the default filesystem (local) is always available.
//filesystems {
// gcs {
// auth = "application-default"
// }
backend {
default = "LSF"
providers {
Local {
actor-factory = "cromwell.backend.impl.sfs.config.ConfigBackendLifecycleActorFactory"
config {
run-in-background = true
runtime-attributes = "String? docker"
submit = "/bin/bash ${script}"
submit-docker = "docker run --rm -v ${cwd}:${docker_cwd} -i ${docker} /bin/bash < ${script}"
// Root directory where Cromwell writes job results. This directory must be
// visible and writeable by the Cromwell process as well as the jobs that Cromwell
// launches.
root: "cromwell-executions"
filesystems {
local {
// Cromwell makes a link to your input files within <root>/<workflow UUID>/workflow-inputs
// The following are strategies used to make those links. They are ordered. If one fails
// The next one is tried:
// hard-link: attempt to create a hard-link to the file
// copy: copy the file
// soft-link: create a symbolic link to the file
// NOTE: soft-link will be skipped for Docker jobs
localization: [
"hard-link", "soft-link", "copy"
actor-factory = "cromwell.backend.impl.sfs.config.ConfigBackendLifecycleActorFactory"
config {
runtime-attributes = """
Int cpu = 1
String? memory_gb
String? queue
String? project
String? docker_image
String? resource
String? job_group
submit = """
bsub \
-J ${job_name} \
-cwd ${cwd} \
-o ${out} \
-e ${err} \
${"-a \"docker(" + docker_image + ")\""} \
${"-P " + project} \
${"-q " + queue} \
${"-M " + memory_gb} \
${"-n " + cpu} \
${"-R \"" + resource + "\""} \
${"-g \"" + job_group + "\""} \
/bin/bash ${script}
kill = "bkill ${job_id}"
check-alive = "bjobs -noheader -o \"stat\" ${job_id} | /bin/grep 'PEND\\|RUN'"
job-id-regex = "Job <(\\d+)>.*"
services {
KeyValue {
class = ""
MetadataService {
class = ""
database {
// This specifies which database to use
config = main.mysql
main {
mysql {
driver = "slick.driver.MySQLDriver$"
db {
driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/cromwell?socket=/tmp/mysqld.sock"
user = "cromwell"
password = "test4cromwell"
connectionTimeout = 5000
task ps {
command {
runtime {
docker_image: "ubuntu:xenial"
cpu: "1"
memory_gb: "4"
queue: "research-hpc"
resource: "rusage[gtmp=10, mem=4000]"
job_group: '/myjobgroup/'
output {
File procs = stdout()
task cgrep {
String pattern
File in_file
command {
grep '${pattern}' ${in_file} | wc -l
runtime {
docker_image: "ubuntu:xenial"
cpu: "1"
memory_gb: "4"
queue: "research-hpc"
resource: "rusage[gtmp=10, mem=4000]"
job_group: '/myjobgroup/'
output {
Int count = read_int(stdout())
task wc {
File in_file
command {
cat ${in_file} | wc -l
runtime {
docker_image: "ubuntu:xenial"
cpu: "1"
memory_gb: "4"
queue: "research-hpc"
resource: "rusage[gtmp=10, mem=4000]"
job_group: '/myjobgroup/'
output {
Int count = read_int(stdout())
workflow three_step {
call ps
call cgrep {
input: in_file=ps.procs
call wc {
input: in_file=ps.procs
port = 3306
socket = /tmp/mysqld.sock
socket = /tmp/mysqld.sock
nice = 0
user = mysql
pid-file = /path/to/test-project/mysql-directory/run/mysqld/
socket = /tmp/mysqld.sock
port = 3306
basedir = /usr
datadir = /path/to/test-project/mysql-directory/lib/mysql
tmpdir = /tmp
bind-address =
key_buffer = 16M
max_allowed_packet = 16M
thread_stack = 192K
thread_cache_size = 8
myisam-recover = BACKUP
query_cache_limit = 1M
query_cache_size = 16M
log_error = /path/to/test-project/mysql-directory/log/mysql/error.log
expire_logs_days = 10
max_binlog_size = 100M
max_allowed_packet = 16M
key_buffer = 16M
!includedir /etc/mysql/conf.d/
set -e
err_report() {
echo "Error on line $1, error code:$?"
trap 'err_report $LINENO' ERR
cd $workflow_dir
# if you need to use a mysql database
# mysql_dir=$workflow_dir/mysql-directory
# mkdir -p $mysql_dir/run/mysqld
# mkdir -p $mysql_dir/lib/mysql
# mkdir -p $mysql_dir/log/mysql
# mysql_install_db --user=$USER --basedir=/usr/ --ldata=$mysql_dir/lib/mysql/
# mysqld_safe --defaults-file=/$mysql_dir/my.cnf &
# for i in `seq 1 28` ; do
# if [ ! -e "/tmp/mysqld.sock" ] ; then
# sleep $i;
# fi;
# done
# echo "create database cromwell; create user 'cromwell'@'localhost' identified by 'test4cromwell'; grant all privileges on *.* to 'cromwell'@localhost;" \
# | mysql -u root --socket=/tmp/mysqld.sock
/usr/bin/java -Dconfig.file=$workflow_dir/application.conf -jar /cromwell/cromwell.jar run $workflow_dir/example.wdl -
# If you setup a mysql database, make sure you properly shut it down
# /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root --socket /tmp/mysqld.sock shutdown
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