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Last active September 30, 2018 14:46
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(ql:quickload :pngload)
(defpackage "DECODE-PNG"
(:use "CL" "PNGLOAD")
(:export "PNG-TO-BYTES"
(in-package "DECODE-PNG")
(defmacro with-functions ((&rest fnames) &body body)
`(flet ,(mapcar (lambda (fname)
(if (listp fname)
(destructuring-bind (name &rest parameters) fname
`(,name ,parameters (funcall ,name ,@parameters)))
`(,fname (&rest arguments) (apply ,fname arguments))))
(declare (inline ,@(mapcar (lambda (fname) (if (listp fname) (first fname) fname)) fnames)))
(defun subrect (pref pixmap x y width height subsample bit-transform)
(with-functions (pref bit-transform)
(let* ((sh (truncate height subsample))
(sw (truncate width subsample))
(subrect (make-array (list sh sw) :element-type 'bit)))
(loop :for j :below sh
:do (loop :for i :below sw
:do (setf (aref subrect j i)
(pref pixmap
(+ y (* j subsample))
(+ x (* i subsample)))))))
(defun decode-bytes (bitmap)
:with s := (make-array (/ (reduce (function *) (array-dimensions bitmap)) 8)
:element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
:with r := -1
:for j :below (array-dimension bitmap 0)
:do (loop :for i :below (array-dimension bitmap 1) :by 8
:do (loop :for k :below 8
:for b := (aref bitmap j i)
:then (logior (ash b 1) (aref bitmap j (+ i k)))
:finally (setf (aref s (incf r)) b)))
:finally (return s)))
(defun 1-pref (pixmap x y) (aref pixmap x y))
(defun 3-pref (pixmap x y) (map-into (make-array (array-dimension pixmap 2) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
(let ((z -1))
(lambda ()
(aref pixmap x y (incf z))))))
(defun png-to-bytes (pathname)
(let ((png (load-file pathname))
(offset 2)
(bit-size 4))
(print (list :bit-depth (bit-depth png)
:color-type (color-type png)
:pixel-size (pixel-size png)
:transparency (transparency png)))
(let* ((data (data png))
(h (array-dimension data 0))
(w (array-dimension data 1)))
(multiple-value-bind (ref pixel-bit) (ecase (color-type png)
(ecase (bit-depth png)
(1 (values (function 1-pref)
(lambda (pixel) (- 1 pixel))))
(8 (values (function 1-pref)
(lambda (pixel)
(if (< 127 pixel)
(ecase (bit-depth png)
(8 (values (function 3-pref)
(lambda (pixel)
(if (< 127 (/ (+ (aref pixel 0)
(aref pixel 1)
(aref pixel 2))
(decode-bytes (subrect ref data offset offset (- w (* 2 offset)) (- h (* 2 offset)) bit-size pixel-bit))))))
(defun save-bytes (bytes pathname)
(with-open-file (out pathname :direction :output :if-does-not-exist :create :if-exists :supersede :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
(write-sequence bytes out)))
(setf *default-pathname-defaults* #P"~/src/public/gists/png-to-bytes/")
(decode-png:save-bytes (decode-png:png-to-bytes #P"data-b.png") #P"data-b.bin")
(decode-png:save-bytes (decode-png:png-to-bytes #P"data-rgba.png") #P"data-rgba.bin"))
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