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Last active October 30, 2024 01:59
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  • Save infval/c69b479ff0bd590f2dd7e1975fe2fcad to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save infval/c69b479ff0bd590f2dd7e1975fe2fcad to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. download workaround (Most games + Sega Dreamcast, Books/Comics/Guides/Magazines)
// ==UserScript==
// @name EmuParadise Download Workaround
// @version 1.2.3
// @description Replaces the download button link with a working one
// @author infval (Eptun)
// @match*/*/*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
// Others:
const ipDownload = "";
const urlFirstPart = "http://" + ipDownload + "/happyUUKAm8913lJJnckLiePutyNak/";
var platform = document.URL.split("/")[3];
if (platform == "Sega_Dreamcast_ISOs") {
let downs = document.querySelectorAll("p > a[title^=Download]");
for (let i = 0; i < downs.length; i++) {
let findex = 9; // "Download X"
let lindex = downs[i].title.lastIndexOf(" ISO");
downs[i].href = urlFirstPart + "Dreamcast/" + downs[i].title.slice(findex, lindex);
// match
else if (platform == "magazine-comic-guide-scans") {
const webArchiveURL = "";
let down = document.querySelectorAll("#content > p")[0];
down.innerHTML = "Getting Download URL...";
let req = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', webArchiveURL + document.URL, false);
if (req.status == 200) {
let lindex = req.responseText.indexOf("Size: ");
let findex = req.responseText.lastIndexOf("http://", lindex);
let urlLastPart = req.responseText.slice(findex, lindex).match(/\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\/(.*)"/)[1];
urlLastPart = urlLastPart.replace(/ /g, "%20"); // encodeURI() changes #, e.g. Sonic - The Comic Issue No. 001 Scan
down.innerHTML = "<a href=" + urlFirstPart + urlLastPart + ">Download</a>";
else {
let info = document.querySelectorAll("#content > div[align=center]")[0];
let filename = info.children[0].textContent.slice(0, -5); // "X Scan"
let cat = {
"Gaming Comics @ Emuparadise": "may/Comics/",
"Gaming Magazines @ Emuparadise": "may/Mags/"
}[info.children[1].textContent] || "";
// URLs with # except The Adventures Of GamePro Issue
down.innerHTML = "Error when getting URL: " + webArchiveURL + document.URL
+ "<div>Try "
+ "<a href=" + urlFirstPart + cat + encodeURIComponent(filename) + ".cbr" + ">cbr</a> or "
+ "<a href=" + urlFirstPart + cat + encodeURIComponent(filename) + ".rar" + ">rar</a>"
+ "</div>";
else {
let id = document.URL.split("/")[5];
let downloadLink = document.getElementsByClassName("download-link")[0];
let div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = `<a target="_blank" href="/roms/get-download.php?gid=` + id
+ `&test=true" title="Download using the workaround script">Download using the workaround script</a>`;
downloadLink.insertBefore(div, downloadLink.firstChild);
Copy link

errors in line 55 and 56? causing the script to not run

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