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Created July 10, 2019 06:13
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Why `repr(Expr(:$, :a))` gives `":(\$(Expr(:\$, :a)))"`.
# TL; DR:
#= 1 - AST printing Rules =#
## Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) printing ##
# Summary:
# print(io, ex) defers to show_unquoted(io, ex)
# show(io, ex) defers to show_unquoted(io, QuoteNode(ex))
# show_unquoted(io, ex) does the heavy lifting
# AST printing should follow two rules:
# 1. Meta.parse(string(ex)) == ex
# 2. eval(Meta.parse(repr(ex))) == ex
#= 2 - relevant PR =#
# fix bug in nested quote and nested $ with splatting
# ================================================================ #
# Let's explore!
EXPR = Expr(:$, :a)
## 00
# => ":(\$(Expr(:\$, :a)))"
# repr(x; context=nothing) = sprint(show, x; context=context)
## 01
sprint(show, EXPR)
# => ":(\$(Expr(:\$, :a)))"
# function sprint(f::Function, args...; context=nothing, sizehint::Integer=0)
# s = IOBuffer(sizehint=sizehint)
# if context !== nothing
# f(IOContext(s, context), args...)
# else
# f(s, args...)
# end
# String(resize!(, s.size))
# end
## 02
s = IOBuffer(sizehint=0)
show(s, EXPR)
read(s, String)
# => ":(\$(Expr(:\$, :a)))"
# show(io::IO, ex::ExprNode) = show_unquoted_quote_expr(io, ex, 0, -1)
## 03
s = IOBuffer(sizehint=0)
Base.show_unquoted_quote_expr(s, EXPR, 0, -1)
read(s, String)
# => ":(\$(Expr(:\$, :a)))"
# function show_unquoted_quote_expr(io::IO, @nospecialize(value), indent::Int, prec::Int)
# if isa(value, Symbol) && !(value in quoted_syms)
# s = string(value)
# if isidentifier(s) || isoperator(value)
# print(io, ":")
# print(io, value)
# else
# print(io, "Symbol(", repr(s), ")")
# end
# else
# if isa(value,Expr) && value.head === :block
# show_block(io, "quote", value, indent)
# print(io, "end")
# else
# print(io, ":(")
# show_unquoted(io, value, indent+2, -1) # +2 for `:(`
# print(io, ")")
# end
# end
# end
## 04
io = IOBuffer(sizehint=0)
print(io, ":(")
Base.show_unquoted(io, EXPR, 0+2, -1) # +2 for `:(`
print(io, ")")
read(io, String)
# => ":(\$(Expr(:\$, :a)))"
# function show_unquoted(io::IO, ex::Expr, indent::Int, prec::Int)
# # .....
# elseif (head === :&#= || head === :$=#) && nargs == 1
# print(io, head)
# a1 = args[1]
# parens = (isa(a1,Expr) && a1.head !== :tuple) || (isa(a1,Symbol) && isoperator(a1))
# parens && print(io, "(")
# show_unquoted(io, a1)
# parens && print(io, ")")
# # .....
# Note
# > `elseif (head === :&#= || head === :$=#) && nargs == 1`
# fix bug in nested quote and nested $ with splatting
io = IOBuffer(sizehint=0)
ex = EXPR
head, args, nargs = ex.head, ex.args, length(ex.args)
print(io, head)
a1 = args[1]
parens = true
parens && print(io, "(")
Base.show_unquoted(io, a1)
parens && print(io, ")")
read(io, String)
# => "\$(a)"
# if unhandled
# print(io, "\$(Expr(")
# show(io, ex.head)
# for arg in args
# print(io, ", ")
# show(io, arg)
# end
# print(io, "))")
# end
io = IOBuffer(sizehint=0)
ex = EXPR
print(io, "\$(Expr(")
show(io, ex.head)
print(io, ", ")
show(io, args[1])
print(io, "))")
read(io, String)
# => "\$(Expr(:\$, :a))"
## 05
# "\$"
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