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Last active June 17, 2024 18:47
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  • Save inoas/8b5efdddafbb23d2a3afc97621e25003 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save inoas/8b5efdddafbb23d2a3afc97621e25003 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Zed settings
// For information on how to configure Zed, see the Zed
// documentation:
// To see all of Zed's default settings without changing your
// custom settings, run the `open default settings` command
// from the command palette or from `Zed` application menu.
"buffer_font_family": "Liga Hack",
"buffer_font_size": 15,
"buffer_line_height": {
"custom": 1.45
"copilot": {
"disabled_globs": [".env"]
"enable_language_server": true,
"experimental.theme_overrides": {
"editor.active_wrap_guide": "#00ff00",
"editor.background": "#101214",
"editor.foreground": "#dedcdc",
"editor.wrap_guide": "#191919",
"syntax": {
"comment": {
"color": "#83f500c1",
"fontStyle": "italic"
"punctuation.delimiter": {
"color": "#ffaff3c1"
// "error": {
// "color": "#d73837ff",
// "font_style": "oblique",
// "font_weight": 700
// },
// "hint": {
// "color": "#576cdbff",
// "font_style": "italic",
// "font_weight": 700
// },
// "info": {
// "color": "#36a165ff",
// "font_style": "oblique",
// "font_weight": 700
// },
// "warning": {
// "color": "#ae9414ff",
// "font_style": "italic",
// "font_weight": 700
// }
"git": {
"inline_blame": {
"min_column": 80
"hour_format": "hour24",
"languages": {
"Elixir": {
"format_on_save": {
"external": {
"arguments": ["format", "--stdin-filename", "{buffer_path}", "-"],
"command": "mix"
"JavaScript": {
"code_actions_on_format": {
"source.fixAll.eslint": true
"JSON": {
"prettier": {
"allowed": true,
"parser": "json"
"preferred_line_length": 80,
"show_copilot_suggestions": true,
"show_whitespaces": "selection",
"show_wrap_guides": true,
"tab_size": 2,
"tabs": {
"git_status": true
"terminal": {
"dock": "bottom",
"font_family": "MesloLGS NF",
"line_height": "standard"
"theme": "VScode Dark Plus",
"ui_font_size": 17,
"wrap_guides": [80, 100, 120],
"line_indicator_format": "long",
// "tab_bar": {
// "show_nav_history_buttons": false
// }
"restore_on_startup": "last_workspace"
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