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odoo11 Server Setup Install
Follow scripts to install odoo 11 on Ubuntu 18.04
Nginx setup for redirect
SSL setup with Lets Encrypt
# do the following commands manually
# Update server, and install odoo
#install odoo 11 requirements
#ignore sudo apt install git python3-pip build-essential wget python3-dev python3-venv python3-wheel libxslt-dev libzip-dev libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev python3-setuptools node-less -y
#ignore wget
#ignore sudo apt install ./wkhtmltox_0.12.1.3-1~bionic_amd64.deb -y
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
# source go to
sudo wget
# Line OE_USER="odoo" is your odoo folder name leave as it is
# Line OE_SUPERADMIN="admin" is the master password for this Odoo installation (admin). Change admin to your new strong password
sudo chmod +x
sudo ./
# odoo will install on port 8069; odoo version 12 community edition
# If you're installing multiple domain:
## Go to your DNS, and point A record to your seriver IP
## Access your odoo: domain:8069 and create your domain
# This script is to setup server, install nginx and setup, install Lets Encrypt
# It will have lets encrypt ssl, www to non www redirect, odoo port 8069 to port 80
# Make sure you make a STRONG PASSWORD for Master Password for your databases
# go to cd /etc and type ls and see if you can see your odoo conf file, this script has /etc/odoo-server.conf, yours can be different
# if your odoo conf file is different, rename it in the script variables ODOOCFOLDER and ODOOCFILE
# run these commands below with root user, you can disable root user after you're done
# nano
# Copy everything in this script and paste it in, save file and exit
# chmod +x
# ./
# (when script is running, press enter to continue, put your important email for ssl renewal notices, 2 for redirect to non www)
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
echo -e "\n---- Update odoo conf file for mutliple database ----"
# echo "db_host = False" >> $ODOOCFILE
# echo "db_port = False" >> $ODOOCFILE
# echo "db_user = odoo" >> $ODOOCFILE
echo "dbfilter = %d" >> $ODOOCFILE
# sudo sed -i 's/dbfilter = /dbfilter = ^%h\$/g' $ODOOCFILE
sudo service odoo-server restart
echo -e "\n---- apt-get update and upgrade ----"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
echo -e "\n---- Install nginx, and set up ----"
sudo apt install nginx -y
echo -e "\n---- Setting up basic firewall Nginx Full and OpenSSH ----"
sudo ufw enable
sudo ufw allow 'Nginx Full'
sudo ufw allow 'OpenSSH'
echo -e "\n---- Setting up nginx conf default file as templaet for your future domain name ----"
cd /etc/nginx/sites-available
sudo sed -i '$ d' default
sudo sed -i '$ d' default
sudo sed -i '$ d' default
sudo sed -i 's|# First attempt to serve request as file, then|proxy_pass http://localhost:8069;|g' default
sudo sed -i 's|# as directory, then fall back to displaying a 404.|proxy_http_version 1.1;|g' default
sudo sed -i 's|try_files $uri $uri/ =404;|proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;|g' default
sudo sed -i "/proxy_set_header Upgrade \$http_upgrade;/a proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';" default
sudo sed -i "/proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';/a proxy_set_header Host \$host;" default
sudo sed -i "/proxy_set_header Host \$host;/a proxy_cache_bypass \$http_upgrade;" default
echo -e "\n---- Removing default_server in default nginx file----"
cd /etc/nginx/sites-available
sudo sed -i 's/listen 80 default_server;/listen 80;/g' default
sudo sed -i "s|listen \[::\]:80 default_server;|listen \[::\]:80;|g" default
echo -e "\n---- Installing Lets Encrypt only ----"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common -y
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
sudo apt-get update
apt install python-certbot-nginx -y
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common python-software-properties
apt-get install python-certbot-nginx -y
sudo nginx -t
systemctl reload nginx.service
echo -e "\n---- EVERYTHING COMPLETED!!! ----"
echo -e "\n---- Gooooood Luck to you!!! ----"
# This script is to setup 1 New Domain Redirect using Nginx
# Change (lowercase)
# nano
# Copy everything in this script and paste it in, save file and exit
# chmod +x
# ./
echo -e "\n---- Rename default nginx file to your domain name and delete enabled default file ----"
cd /etc/nginx/sites-available
sudo cp default $DOMAIN1
echo -e "\n---- Setting up redirect www to non www and fixing up server name----"
echo -e "\n---- Doing on domain1 ----"
cd /etc/nginx/sites-available
echo "server {" >> $DOMAIN1
echo "listen 80;" >> $DOMAIN1
echo "server_name www.$DOMAIN1;" >> $DOMAIN1
echo "return 301 \$scheme://$DOMAIN1\$request_uri;" >> $DOMAIN1
echo "}" >> $DOMAIN1
sed -i "/server_name _;/c\server_name $DOMAIN1;" $DOMAIN1
sudo service nginx restart
echo -e "\n---- Enable the domains ngix file from available to enable ----"
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/$DOMAIN1 /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/$DOMAIN1
nginx -t
sudo service nginx restart
echo -e "\n---- EVERYTHING COMPLETED!!! ----"
echo -e "\n---- will push www to non www; ----"
echo -e "\n---- use default website port 80, so no need to put port number 8069 at the end for odoo ----"
echo -e "\n---- Gooooood Luck to you!!! ----"
# Copy this script with below instructions
# Change (lowercase)
# nano
# Copy everything in this script and paste it in, save file and exit
# chmod +x
# ./
echo -e "\n---- Setting up SSL on domain1 ----"
certbot --nginx -d $DOMAIN1
sudo nginx -t
systemctl reload nginx.service
echo -e "\n---- EVERYTHING COMPLETED!!! ----"
echo -e "\n---- SSL Setup completed for your new domain name ----"
echo -e "\n---- Gooooood Luck to you!!! ----"
# If you get the following errors, solutions available:
Error: when creating a database in odoo, this error comes up:
Database creation error: new encoding (UTF8) is incompatible with the encoding of the template database (SQL_ASCII) HINT: Use the same encoding as in the template database, or use template0 as template.
# just go to your server, and type the following commands, do line by line.
sudo -u postgres psql postgres
update pg_database set datallowconn = TRUE where datname = 'template0';
\c template0
update pg_database set datistemplate = FALSE where datname = 'template1';
drop database template1;
create database template1 with template = template0 encoding = 'UTF8';
update pg_database set datistemplate = TRUE where datname = 'template1';
\c template1
update pg_database set datallowconn = FALSE where datname = 'template0';
(press Ctrl-D to quit from psql)
### End of solution ###
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