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Created June 13, 2022 20:02
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<form x-data="{ name: '', age: null, coppa: false }">
<h1 x-text="$wizard.title"></h1>
<div x-wizard:step>
This step can be completed without doing anything. It's
just informational.
x-wizard:step="age > 0"
x-wizard:title="Enter Your Age"
Your Age: <input x-model.number="age" name="age" />
x-wizard:step="coppa === true"
x-wizard:title="Get Parent Consent"
x-wizard:if="age < 13"
<input type="checkbox" x-model="coppa" name="coppa" />
I have my parent's consent to register
<div x-wizard:step="'' !== name">
Your Name: <input x-model="name" name="name" />
<button x-show="$wizard.canGoForward" @click="$wizard.forward()">
<button x-show="$wizard.isComplete" type="submit">
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