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Created February 23, 2022 20:55
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File 1:
REMOVE: LegacyRecord::each(function($record) {
ADD: LegacyRecord::with('new_record')->each(function($record) {
$identity = ['legacy_id' => $record->id];
$values = $this->transformLegacyRecord($record);
REMOVE: NewRecord::updateOrCreate($identity, $values);
ADD: $new_record = $record->new_record ?? NewRecord::make($identity);
ADD: $new_record->fill($this->transformLegacyRecord($record));
ADD: $new_record->save();
File 2:
class LegacyRecord extends Model
ADD: public function new_record()
ADD: {
ADD: return $this->hasOne(NewRecord::class, 'legacy_id');
ADD: }
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