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Last active June 7, 2020 12:03
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Dragon Jousting Riddle in Ersatz
#!/usr/bin/env stack
{- stack
--resolver lts-15.15
--package ersatz
--package containers
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Main (main) where
import Data.Foldable
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Ersatz
data Team = Elves | Goblins | Treefolk
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Show, Read)
type BitMatches = M.Map (Team, Team) BitMatch
data Match = NoMatch
| Match Integer Integer
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data BitMatch = BitMatch{ matchOccurred :: Bit
, matchScored :: Bits
, matchReceived :: Bits
deriving (Show)
instance Codec BitMatch where
type Decoded BitMatch = Match
decode s BitMatch{..} = do
occurred <- decode s matchOccurred
if occurred
then Match <$> decode s matchScored <*> decode s matchReceived
else pure NoMatch
encode NoMatch = BitMatch (encode false) (encode 0) (encode 0)
encode (Match scored received) =
BitMatch (encode true) (encode scored) (encode received)
main :: IO ()
main = do
~(Satisfied, Just ms) <- solveWith anyminisat bitMatches
traverse_ print (M.toList ms)
bitMatches :: MonadSAT s m => m BitMatches
bitMatches = do
msUnique <- M.fromList
<$> traverse (\team -> (,) team <$> bitMatch) teamCombinations
let ms = msUnique `M.union` (M.fromList . fmap flipMatch . M.toList) msUnique
assert . Ersatz.and $
[ (sumBit . fmap matchOccurred . filterMatches Elves) ms >=? 1
, (sumBit . fmap matchOccurred . filterMatches Goblins) ms >=? 1
, (sumBit . fmap matchOccurred . filterMatches Treefolk) ms >=? 1
, (sumBit . fmap matchOccurred . filterMatches Elves) ms /== 1
, (sumBit . fmap matchWon . filterMatches Elves) ms /== 0
, (sumBits . fmap matchScored . filterMatches Elves) ms /== 6
, (sumBit . fmap matchOccurred . filterMatches Goblins) ms /== 2
, (sumBit . fmap matchTied . filterMatches Goblins) ms /== 1
, (sumBits . fmap matchScored . filterMatches Goblins) ms /== 0
, (sumBits . fmap matchReceived . filterMatches Goblins) ms /== 3
, (sumBit . fmap matchTied . filterMatches Treefolk) ms /== 0
, (sumBits . fmap matchScored . filterMatches Treefolk) ms /== 0
, (sumBits . fmap matchReceived . filterMatches Treefolk) ms /== 1
pure msUnique
-- Unique combinations of teams, teamA < teamB.
teamCombinations = do
teamA <- [minBound :: Team ..]
teamB <- drop 1 [teamA ..]
pure (teamA, teamB)
flipMatch ((teamA, teamB), BitMatch{..}) =
((teamB, teamA), flippedMatch)
where flippedMatch = BitMatch{ matchOccurred = matchOccurred
, matchScored = matchReceived
, matchReceived = matchScored
filterMatches team =
M.filterWithKey (\(teamA, _teamB) _match -> teamA == team)
bitMatch :: MonadSAT s m => m BitMatch
bitMatch = do
occurred <- exists
scored <- bits <$> exists @Bit4 -- Always <= 5.
received <- bits <$> exists @Bit4
assert $ choose (Ersatz.and [ scored === 0, received === 0 ])
(Ersatz.and [ scored >=? 0, received >=? 0, scored + received <=? 5 ])
pure (BitMatch occurred scored received)
matchWon, matchTied :: BitMatch -> Bit
matchWon BitMatch{..} = matchOccurred Ersatz.&& (matchScored >? matchReceived)
matchTied BitMatch{..} = matchOccurred Ersatz.&& (matchScored === matchReceived)
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