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Created December 15, 2019 18:28
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
CLIPBOARD_IN_CMD=['xclip', '-o', '-sel', 'CLIPBOARD']
CLIPBOARD_OUT_CMD=['xclip', '-i', '-sel', 'CLIPBOARD']
import subprocess
p =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
lines = [
for l in p
.replace("%", "\%")
header, rest = lines[0], lines[1:]
def row_to_latex(row, wrap_math=False):
return " &\t".join([("$%s$" % cell) if wrap_math else cell for cell in row]) + " \\\\\n";
\\begin{tabular}{""" + "|".join(["c"]*len(header)) + "}\n "
converted += row_to_latex(header);
converted += " \hline\n"
for row in rest:
converted += " "+ row_to_latex(row, wrap_math=True)
converted += """ \end{tabular}
\end{table}""", input=converted.encode('utf-8'));
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