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Last active January 18, 2017 16:27
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Class ADInfrastructure{
#Default Constructor
$this.Forest = $frs
$this.Domain = $dom
$this.Sites = $sit
$this.Sitelinks = $stl
$this.Subnets = $sub
$this.DomainControllers = $dcs
$MessageData = "Get current Active Directory configuration"
$this.ActionHistory += Write-Information -MessageData $MessageData 6>&1 -Tags 'Get','CurrentConfig','AD' | Select-Object *
$this.Forest = $(Get-ADForest)
$this.Domain = $(Get-ADDomain)
$this.DomainControllers = $(Get-ADDomainController -Filter *)
$this.Sites = $(Get-ADReplicationSite -Filter *)
$this.Subnets = $(Get-ADReplicationSubnet -Filter *)
$this.Sitelinks = $(Get-ADReplicationSiteLink -Filter *)
if(Test-Path "$($this.exportFolder)\ADSnapshot-$($This.snapshotDate).xml"){
$this.ADSnapshot = Import-Clixml "$($this.exportFolder)\ADSnapshot-$($This.snapshotDate).xml"
$MessageData = "Imported ADSnapshot from $($this.SnapshotDate)"
$this.ActionHistory += Write-Information -MessageData $MessageData 6>&1 -Tags 'Get','ADSnapshot','Found' | Select-Object *
$MessageData = "ADSnapshot from $($this.SnapshotDate) not found"
Write-Warning -Message $MessageData
$this.ActionHistory += Write-Information -MessageData $MessageData 6>&1 -Tags 'Get','ADSnapshot','Missing' | Select-Object *
$MessageData = "Saving ADSnapshot"
$this.ActionHistory += Write-Information -MessageData $MessageData 6>&1 -Tags 'Save','ADSnapshot' | Select-Object *
$exportDate = Get-Date -Format ddMMyyyy
$this | Export-Clixml "$($this.exportFolder)\ADSnapshot-$($exportDate).xml" -Encoding UTF8
#Something with Tags
$MessageData = "Validating AD Configuration against saved snapshot from $($this.SnapShotDate)"
$this.ActionHistory += Write-Information -MessageData $MessageData 6>&1 -Tags 'Validation','ADSnapshot','CurrentConfig','AD' | Select-Object *
$sbValidation = {
Describe 'AD Forest configuration operational readiness' -Tags Forest {
Context 'Verifying Forest Configuration'{
it "Forest Name $($Source.Forest.Name)" {
$Source.Forest.Name |
Should be $Target.Forest.Name
it "Forest Mode $($Source.Forest.ForestMode)" {
$Source.Forest.ForestMode |
Should be $Target.Forest.ForestMode
it "$($Source.Forest.DomainNamingMaster) is DomainNamingMaster" {
Should be $Target.Forest.DomainNamingMaster
it "$($Source.Forest.DomainNamingMaster) is SchemaMaster"{
$Source.Forest.SchemaMaster |
Should be $Target.Forest.SchemaMaster
Describe 'AD GlobalCatalog configuration operational readiness' -Tags GlobalCatalog {
Context 'Verifying GlobalCatalogs'{
$Source.Forest.GlobalCatalogs |
it "Server $($_) is a GlobalCatalog"{
$Target.Forest.GlobalCatalogs.Contains($_) |
Should be $true
Describe 'AD Domain configuration operational readiness' -Tags Domain{
Context 'Verifying Domain Configuration'{
it "Domain DN is $($Source.Domain.DistinguishedName)" {
$Source.Domain.DistinguishedName |
Should be $Target.Domain.DistinguishedName
it "$($Source.Domain.InfrastructureMaster) is InfrastructureMaster"{
$Source.Domain.InfrastructureMaster |
Should be $Target.Domain.InfrastructureMaster
it "$($Source.Domain.PDCEmulator) is PDCEmulator"{
$Source.Domain.PDCEmulator |
Should be $Target.Domain.PDCEmulator
it "$($Source.Domain.RIDMaster) is RIDMaster"{
$Source.Domain.RIDMaster |
Should be $Target.Domain.RIDMaster
Describe 'AD DomainControllers configuration operational readiness' -Tags DomainControllers {
$lookupDC = $Target.DomainControllers | Group-Object -AsHashTable -AsString -Property Name
ForEach($dc in $Source.DomainControllers){
Context "Verifying DC $($dc.Name) Configuration"{
it "Is enabled " {
$dc.Enabled | Should be $lookupDC.$($dc.Name).Enabled
it "Is GC " {
$dc.IsGlobalCatalog | Should be $lookupDC.$($dc.Name).IsGlobalCatalog
it "ReadOnly is $($dc.IsReadOnly) " {
$dc.IsReadOnly| Should be $lookupDC.$($dc.Name).IsReadOnly
it "IPv4Address is $($dc.IPv4Address)" {
$dc.IPv4Address | Should be $lookupDC.$($dc.Name).IPv4Address
Describe 'AD Sites operational readiness' -Tags Sites {
Context 'Verifying Sites'{
$Source.Sites |
it "Site $($_.Name)"{
$Target.Sites.Name.Contains($_.Name) |
Should be $true
Describe 'AD Subnets operational readiness' -Tags Subnets{
$lookupSubnets = $Target.SubNets | Group-Object -AsHashTable -AsString -Property Name
ForEach($subnet in $Source.Subnets){
Context "Verifying Subnet $($subnet.Name)"{
it "Subnet name is $($subnet.Name)"{
$subnet.Name | Should be $lookupSubnets.$($subnet.Name).Name
it "Subnet location is $($subnet.Location)"{
$subnet.Location | Should be $lookupSubnets.$($subnet.Name).Location
it "Subnet associated site is $($subnet.Site)"{
$subnet.Site | Should be $lookupSubnets.$($subnet.Name).Site
Describe 'AD Sitelinks operational readiness' -Tags SiteLinks {
$lookupSiteLinks = $Target.Sitelinks | Group-Object -AsHashTable -AsString -Property Name
ForEach($sitelink in $Source.Sitelinks){
Context "Verifying Sitelink $($sitelink.Name)"{
it "Sitelink name is $($sitelink.Name)"{
$sitelink.Name | Should be $lookupSiteLinks.$($sitelink.Name).Name
it "Sitelink cost is $($sitelink.Cost)"{
$sitelink.Cost | Should be $lookupSiteLinks.$($sitelink.Name).Cost
it "Sitelink replication frequency (min) is $($sitelink.ReplicationFrequencyInMinutes)"{
$sitelink.ReplicationFrequencyInMinutes| Should be $lookupSiteLinks.$($sitelink.Name).ReplicationFrequencyInMinutes
$pesterFile = "$($this.exportFolder)\ADInfra.tests.ps1"
$sbValidation.ToString() | out-file -FilePath $pesterFile -Force
$testADInfra = @(
Path = $pesterFile
Parameters = @{
Source = $src
Target = $tgt
$this.ValidationResults += [PSCustomObject]@{
ValidationDate = $(Get-Date)
Results = Invoke-Pester -Path $testADInfra -PassThru -Tag $tag
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