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Last active August 11, 2022 21:15
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// Change this to your profile folder for nuget packages
#I @"C:\Users\Isaac\.nuget\packages\"
#r @"XPlot.GoogleCharts\2.0.0\lib\netstandard2.0\XPlot.GoogleCharts.dll"
#r @"Newtonsoft.Json\12.0.3\lib\netstandard2.0\Newtonsoft.Json.dll"
#r @"Google.DataTable.Net.Wrapper\4.0.0\lib\netstandard2.0\Google.DataTable.Net.Wrapper.dll"
open System
open XPlot.GoogleCharts
/// Executes an asynchronous workflow and provides some simple statistics on the results.
let exec (values:Async<int array>) =
async {
let sw = Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
let! values = values
{| Runtime = sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds |> int
WorkerTime = Seq.sum values
Max = Seq.max values |}
|> Async.RunSynchronously
module Async =
/// A simplistic Async throttling implementation which batches workflows
/// into groups, executing each batch in sequence.
let Batch size workflow = async {
let! batchResults =
|> Seq.chunkBySize size
|> Async.Parallel
|> Async.Sequential
return Array.concat batchResults }
/// A wrapper around the throttling overload of Parallel to allow easier
/// pipelining.
let ParallelThrottle throttle workflows =
Async.Parallel(workflows, throttle)
type Simulator() =
let sleepTimes =
let r = Random()
let createSleepTime() =
(float (r.Next(1, 5))
+ r.NextDouble())
* 1000.
|> int
[ for _ in 1 .. 10 -> createSleepTime() ]
/// Generates a collection of 10 Async workflows, each that sleep for between
/// 1 and 5 seconds. Then, executes them all using a provided "fork join" function
/// such as Async.Parallel and returns some statistics on them
member __.Run forkJoiner =
let events = ResizeArray()
let normaliseTime =
let baseline = float DateTime.UtcNow.Second
fun (date:DateTime) -> date.AddSeconds(-baseline)
let results =
|> List.mapi(fun n sleepTime ->
async {
printfn "Starting %d (%dms)" n sleepTime
let stopwatch = Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
do! Async.Sleep sleepTime
printfn "Done %d" n
events.Add {| Index = n; Stopped = normaliseTime DateTime.UtcNow; Duration = stopwatch.Elapsed |}
return sleepTime
|> forkJoiner
|> exec
{| results with Events = events.ToArray() |}
// Try out the different versions here
let simulator = Simulator()
let workSeq = simulator.Run Async.Sequential
let workParFull = simulator.Run Async.Parallel
let workParX = simulator.Run (Async.ParallelThrottle 3)
let workBatch = simulator.Run (Async.Batch 3)
// Visualise them here
|> Seq.sortBy(fun a -> a.Index)
|> a ->
let start = a.Stopped - a.Duration
sprintf "Worker %d" a.Index, sprintf "%.2fs" a.Duration.TotalSeconds,start, a.Stopped)
|> Seq.toArray
|> Chart.Timeline
|> Chart.WithHeight 1200
|> Chart.WithWidth 600
|> Chart.WithXTitle "Time in Seconds"
|> Chart.WithLabels [ "Start"; "End" ]
|> Chart.Show
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