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Last active September 15, 2020 14:56
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Register delayed subscription
(ns foo
(:require [re-frame.core :as rf]
[reagent.ratom :as ra :refer [reaction]])
(:import goog.async.Debouncer))
(defn reg-sub-delayed
"Similar to reg-sub, except the computation is debounced.
It can be called like this:
(fn [q-vec]
[(subs/subscribe [:a-sub])
(subs/subscribe [:b-sub])])
(fn [[a b] [_]]
(comment \"... compute something expensive with a and b\"))
:interval 500)
Results get wrapped in a map, like this:
{:result <result of handler function called with input signals>
:dirty <boolean - is there a pending update?> }"
[query-id input-signals f & {:keys [interval]
:or {interval 20}}]
(let [update-state (fn [args e]
(let [result (f args e)]
(swap! re-frame.db/app-db
[::computation-id->data e]
{:dirty false :result result})))
debounced-update-state (goog.functions/debounce update-state interval)
trigger-f (fn [args e]
(swap! re-frame.db/app-db
[::computation-id->data e :dirty]
(debounced-update-state args e))]
;; Actual subscription
(fn [app-db e]
;; Register helper subscription
[::computation-id->sub query-id]
(fn [app-db _]
(let [read-cursor (ra/cursor app-db [::computation-id->data e])
sigs (input-signals e)
last-args (atom ::nil)]
(fn []
(let [args (mapv deref sigs)]
;; Stop the cycle. Avoidable?
(when (not= args @last-args)
(reset! last-args args)
(trigger-f args e)))
;; React to listening to subscription we just created
(fn []
@(rf/subscribe [[::computation-id->sub query-id] e]))
(fn []
;; Clear the helper subscription we created.
(rf/clear-sub [::computation-id->sub query-id])))))))
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