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Created August 12, 2016 05:17
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Json type generator
open Newtonsoft.Json
open Newtonsoft.Json.Linq
open System.Collections.Generic
open System
open System.IO
open System.Text
type TypeNodeMut =
{ fieldname: string
children : Dictionary<string, TypeNodeMut>
typeDescs: HashSet<TypeDesc> }
static member Empty() =
{ fieldname = ""
children = Dictionary<string, TypeNodeMut>()
typeDescs = HashSet<TypeDesc>() }
and TypeNode =
{ fieldname: string
children : Map<string, TypeNode>
typeDescs: string list
revPath: string list }
and TypeDesc =
| Plain of Type
| StringDateTime
let shortTypeName (typ:Type) =
if typ.Namespace = "System" then
match typ.Name with
| "Int64" -> "int64"
| "String" -> "string"
| "Boolean" -> "bool"
| s -> s
else typ.FullName
let immTypeNodeOfMut (node:TypeNodeMut) : TypeNode =
let rec impl (node:TypeNodeMut) (revPath:string list) =
let children =
seq {
for (KeyValue(k, v)) in node.children do
yield k, impl v (k::revPath)
} |> Map.ofSeq
let typeDescs =
|> (function
| TypeDesc.Plain(typ) ->
shortTypeName typ
| TypeDesc.StringDateTime ->
|> List.ofSeq
{ TypeNode.fieldname = node.fieldname
TypeNode.children = children
TypeNode.typeDescs = typeDescs
TypeNode.revPath = revPath }
impl node [(node.fieldname)]
type IDictionary<'k,'v> with
member this.GetOrCreate(k:'k, ctor: unit -> 'v) =
let ok, n = this.TryGetValue(k)
if ok then n
let n = ctor()
this.[k] <- n
let dateTimeParsable (s:string) =
fst <| DateTime.TryParse(s)
let (|DateTimeParsableM|_|) (o:obj) =
match o with
| :? JValue as jv ->
match jv.Value with
| :? string as s when dateTimeParsable(s) ->
Some <| DateTimeParsableM
| _ -> None
| _ -> None
let (|JValueM|_|) (o:obj) =
match o with
| :? JValue as jv ->
Some <| JValueM((jv.Value))
| _ -> None
let rec addTypes (node:TypeNodeMut) (k:string) (v:obj) =
let cnode =
(fun () -> { TypeNodeMut.Empty() with fieldname = k }))
match v with
| :? JObject as o ->
for (KeyValue(childK, childV)) in o do
addTypes cnode childK childV |> ignore
| :? JArray as xs ->
for x in xs do
addTypes cnode "[0]" x |> ignore
| DateTimeParsableM ->
cnode.typeDescs.Add(TypeDesc.StringDateTime) |> ignore
| JValueM(x) ->
ignore <| cnode.typeDescs.Add((TypeDesc.Plain(x.GetType())))
| x ->
ignore <| cnode.typeDescs.Add((TypeDesc.Plain(x.GetType())))
let walkTypeTree (node:TypeNode) =
let rec loop (node:TypeNode) =
seq {
if not node.children.IsEmpty then
yield node
for (KeyValue(k,v)) in node.children do
yield! loop v
let nodes = loop node
let collMembers, baseTypes =
|> Array.ofSeq
|> Array.partition (fun ps -> ps.revPath.Head = "[0]")
seq {
yield! baseTypes
yield! collMembers
type TypeRenderCtx =
{ nameAssignments : Dictionary<string list, string>
namesTaken : HashSet<string>
nodeByPath : Dictionary<string list, TypeNode> }
static member Fresh() =
{ nameAssignments = Dictionary<_,_>(50)
namesTaken = HashSet<string>()
nodeByPath = Dictionary<_,_>(50) }
member this.Add (revPath: string list) (name: string) (node:TypeNode) =
this.nameAssignments.Add(revPath, name)
this.namesTaken.Add(name) |> ignore
this.nodeByPath.Add(revPath, node)
open System.Data.Entity.Design.PluralizationServices
let singularize =
let culture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture
let plurService = PluralizationService.CreateService(culture)
let getName (ctx:TypeRenderCtx) node =
let revPath = node.revPath
if ctx.nameAssignments.ContainsKey(revPath) then
match revPath with
| "[0]"::ps ->
let baseName = ctx.nameAssignments.[ps]
let name = baseName + "[]"
ctx.Add revPath name node
| p::ps ->
let cand = singularize p
if not <| ctx.namesTaken.Contains(cand) then
ctx.Add revPath cand node
let rec findName ctx ps start =
match ps with
| [] ->
seq {
for i in 2..9999 do
let cand = start + "_" + i.ToString()
if not <| ctx.namesTaken.Contains(cand) then
ctx.Add revPath cand node
yield cand
} |> Seq.head
| p::ps ->
let cand = p + "_" + start
if ctx.namesTaken.Contains(cand) then
findName ctx ps cand
ctx.Add revPath cand node
let ps = List.filter (fun p -> p <> "[0]") ps
findName ctx ps cand
| _ -> failwith "logic error"
type FsRecord =
{ typeName: string; fields: FsRecordField list }
and FsRecordField =
{ name: string; typeName: string }
let mkRecords (ctx:TypeRenderCtx) (root:TypeNode) =
let q = Queue()
let recs = ResizeArray<_>()
let fields = ResizeArray<FsRecordField>()
while q.Count > 0 do
let node = q.Dequeue()
let name =
match node.revPath with
| "[0]"::ps ->
| ps ->
for (KeyValue(fieldName, cnode)) in node.children do
match cnode.children.Count with
| 0 ->
// Literal field
fields.Add({name = fieldName; typeName = cnode.typeDescs.Head})
| 1 when cnode.children.ContainsKey("[0]") ->
// Array field
let ok, name = ctx.nameAssignments.TryGetValue(("[0]" :: cnode.revPath))
if ok then
let n = ctx.nodeByPath.[("[0]" :: cnode.revPath)]
fields.Add({name = fieldName; typeName = name})
| _ ->
// Object
let name = ctx.nameAssignments.[(cnode.revPath)]
fields.Add({name = fieldName; typeName = name})
let r =
{ typeName = name
fields = fields |> List.ofSeq }
recs |> Array.ofSeq
let renderRecords (recDefs: FsRecord[]) =
let sb = new StringBuilder()
for i = 0 to recDefs.Length - 1 do
let defs = if i = 0 then "type" else "and"
let recDef = recDefs.[i]
match recDef.fields with
| [] -> failwith "logic error"
| [field] ->
sb.Append(sprintf "%s %s =\n { %s : %s }\n" defs recDef.typeName field.typeName) |> ignore
| field::fields ->
let _ = sb.Append(sprintf "%s %s =\n { " defs recDef.typeName)
let _ = sb.Append(sprintf "%s: %s" field.typeName)
let len = fields.Length
fields |> Seq.iteri (fun i field ->
let sfx = if i = len - 1 then " }\n" else ""
let s = sprintf "\n %s: %s%s" field.typeName sfx
sb.Append(s) |> ignore)
let outputTypesStr (o:Dictionary<string, obj>) =
let root =
{ TypeNodeMut.Empty() with fieldname = "MyRoot"}
let typeTree =
(fun acc (KeyValue(k,v)) ->
addTypes acc k v)
let typeTree = immTypeNodeOfMut typeTree
let ctx = TypeRenderCtx.Fresh()
for node in walkTypeTree typeTree do
let name = getName ctx node
let recs = mkRecords ctx typeTree
printf "%s" (renderRecords recs)
let main argv =
let jsonStr = File.ReadAllText(@"C:/Users/Isak/Desktop/resp.json")
let o = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, obj>>(jsonStr)
printfn "%s" (outputTypesStr o)
Console.ReadLine() |> ignore
0 // return an integer exit code
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