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Last active March 8, 2023 02:11
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Example to convert NASA/ESA PDS raw images into DNG format for reading by standard photo processing applications
# Examples for converting NASA/ESA PDS raw images into DNG format
# based on the actual production scripts used on
# Holger Isenberg 2023
# Dependencies:
# *
# *
# * for reading DNG
# Dependencies Installation:
# * macOS Homebrew brew install gdal exiftool
# * Debian/Ubuntu Linux: sudo apt install gdal-bin libimage-exiftool-perl
# Examples for useful output formats:
# * Byte: 8 bit data
# * UInt16: 11 to 16 bit data
# * Float32: floating point data
# Notes:
# * This example does not claim to produce standard conform DNG files.
# To produce standard conform DNG files please refer to the public DNG specification
# about the required and recommended tags.
# * For a complete PDS to image conversation, applying of the camera-specific
# inverted LUT and the transformation from camera to viewer color space is needed.
# Refer to PDFs on for concepts and results.
# convert 3 band RGB PDS to TIFF
gdal_translate -colorinterp red,green,blue -ot UInt16 -of GTiff pdsfile_rgb.img tmpfile_rgb.tif
# convert CFA "bayered" PDS to TIFF
gdal_translate -ot UInt16 -of GTiff pdsfile_cfa.img tmpfile_cfa.tif
# convert monochrome PDS to TIFF
gdal_translate -ot UInt16 -of GTiff pdsfile_gray.img tmpfile_gray.tif
# convert TIFF to DNG
exiftool \
-DNGVersion="" \
-DNGBackwardVersion="" \
-ColorSpace="Uncalibrated" \
-Gamma="1.0" \
-IFD0:WhiteLevel=65535 \
-IFD0:SamplesPerPixel=3 \
-IFD0:BitsPerSample=16 \
-IFD0:PhotometricInterpretation="RGB" \
-ComponentsConfiguration="R,G,B,0" \
tmpfile_rgb.tif \
&& mv tmpfile_rgb.tif tmpfile_rgb.dng
exiftool \
-DNGVersion="" \
-DNGBackwardVersion="" \
-ColorSpace="Uncalibrated" \
-Gamma="1.0" \
-IFD0:WhiteLevel=65535 \
-IFD0:SamplesPerPixel=1 \
-IFD0:BitsPerSample=16 \
-IFD0:PhotometricInterpretation="Color Filter Array" \
-IFD0:CFAPattern2="0 1 1 2" \
-IFD0:CFARepeatPatternDim="2 2" \
-ComponentsConfiguration="R,G,B,0" \
tmpfile_cfa.tif \
&& mv tmpfile_cfa.tif tmpfile_cfa.dng
exiftool \
-DNGVersion="" \
-DNGBackwardVersion="" \
-ColorSpace="Uncalibrated" \
-Gamma="1.0" \
-IFD0:WhiteLevel=65535 \
-IFD0:SamplesPerPixel=1 \
-IFD0:BitsPerSample=16 \
-IFD0:PhotometricInterpretation="Linear Raw" \
tmpfile_mono.tif \
&& mv tmpfile_mono.tif tmpfile_mono.dng
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