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Created April 24, 2017 06:10
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This Go Program Convert a colored image to a grayscaled version of that image using various algorithims.
package main
import (
var wg sync.WaitGroup
var filenames = []string{
func main() {
fmt.Printf("Enter File Path/Name: ")
srcPath := ""
fmt.Scanf("%s", &srcPath)
img, err := os.Open(srcPath)
defer img.Close()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("%s", err)
var pngimg image.Image
fileExtension := path.Ext(srcPath)
switch fileExtension {
case ".png":
pngimg, err = png.Decode(img)
case ".jpg":
pngimg, err = jpeg.Decode(img)
case ".jpeg":
pngimg, err = jpeg.Decode(img)
w, h := pngimg.Bounds().Max.X, pngimg.Bounds().Max.Y
fmt.Printf("Image Resolution is %dx%d\n", w, h)
for index, name := range filenames {
//if index != 2 && index != 3 {
go CreateGrayImage(pngimg, name, path.Base(srcPath), fileExtension, w, h, index)
func CreateGrayImage(pngimg image.Image, name, srcFilename, fileExtension string, w, h int, index int) {
grayImage := image.NewGray16(image.Rectangle{image.Point{0, 0}, image.Point{w, h}})
for x := 0; x <= w; x++ {
for y := 0; y <= h; y++ {
point := pngimg.At(x, y)
r, g, b, _ := point.RGBA()
var avg float64
switch index {
case 0:
avg = HumanEyesImprovedGrayscaling(r, g, b)
case 1:
avg = SimpleGrayScaling(r, g, b)
case 2:
avg = Desaturation(r, g, b)
case 3:
avg = float64(Max(Max(r, g), b))
case 4:
avg = float64(Min(Min(r, g), b))
case 5:
avg = float64(r)
case 6:
avg = float64(g)
case 7:
avg = float64(b)
grayColor := color.Gray16{uint16(math.Ceil(avg))}
grayImage.Set(x, y, grayColor)
srcFilename = strings.Replace(srcFilename, fileExtension, "", -1)
os.Mkdir("grayscaled", 0777)
os.Mkdir("grayscaled/"+srcFilename, 0777)
outfile, err := os.Create("./grayscaled/" + srcFilename + "/" + name + ".png")
if err != nil {
defer outfile.Close()
png.Encode(outfile, grayImage)
func SimpleGrayScaling(r, g, b uint32) float64 {
return float64((r + g + b) / 3)
func HumanEyesImprovedGrayscaling(r, g, b uint32) float64 {
return float64(0.3)*float64(r) + float64(0.59)*float64(g) + float64(0.11)*float64(b)
func Desaturation(r, g, b uint32) float64 {
return float64(MaxOfThree(r, g, b)+MinOfThree(r, g, b)) / 2
func MaxOfThree(r, g, b uint32) uint32 {
return Max(Max(r, g), b)
func MinOfThree(r, g, b uint32) uint32 {
return Min(Min(r, g), b)
func Max(a, b uint32) uint32 {
if a > b {
return a
return b
func Min(a, b uint32) uint32 {
if a < b {
return a
return b
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