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Created July 3, 2021 13:56
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Save isidentical/8743aca3f7815cd19ee71579ca5ba974 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
disk/pypi/PyScaffold-3.3/src/pyscaffold/contrib/ (loop start: 725)'option', 'vi', 'value')
disk/pypi/cma-3.0.3/cma/ (loop start: 2375)
utils.print_warning('rejection sampling will not work in parallel mode unless the parallel_objective makes a distinction\nbetween called with a numpy array vs a list (of numpy arrays) as first argument.', 'ask_and_eval', 'CMAEvolutionStrategy')
disk/pypi/dnspython-2.0.0/dns/ (loop start: 765)
self.use_edns(0, 0, 0)
disk/pypi/opencv-contrib-python- (loop start: 215)
context.set_source_rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
disk/pypi/opencv-contrib-python- (loop start: 215)
context.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
disk/pypi/opencv-contrib-python- (loop start: 416)
context.set_source_rgba(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0)
disk/pypi/opencv-contrib-python- (loop start: 416)
context.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
disk/pypi/opencv-contrib-python- (loop start: 729)
context.set_source_rgba(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0)
disk/pypi/opencv-contrib-python- (loop start: 729)
context.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
disk/pypi/opencv-contrib-python- (loop start: 932)
context.set_source_rgba(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0)
disk/pypi/opencv-contrib-python- (loop start: 932)
context.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
disk/pypi/opencv-contrib-python- (loop start: 25)
out.transpose(1, 2, 0)
disk/pypi/opencv-contrib-python- (loop start: 148)
text.tag_add('header1', 'end-2l', 'end-1l')
disk/pypi/opencv-contrib-python- (loop start: 148)
text.tag_add('header2', 'end-2l', 'end-1l')
disk/pypi/opencv-contrib-python- (loop start: 215)
sheet.write(0, 0, 'Properties:')
disk/pypi/scapy-2.4.4/scapy/layers/ (loop start: 1352)
vpython.vec(0.75, 0.75, 0.75)
disk/pypi/scapy-2.4.4/scapy/layers/ (loop start: 1368)
vpython.vec(0, 0, 0)
disk/pypi/htmlmin-0.1.12/htmlmin/python3html/ (loop start: 329), 2, 3)
disk/pypi/matplotlib-3.3.3/lib/matplotlib/backends/ (loop start: 274)
ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0)
disk/pypi/matplotlib-3.3.3/examples/color/ (loop start: 21)
np.arange(0, 10, 2)
disk/pypi/matplotlib-3.3.3/examples/color/ (loop start: 36)
np.arange(0, 10, 2)
disk/pypi/os-brick-4.1.0/os_brick/local_dev/ (loop start: 213), 2, 3)
disk/pypi/Bottleneck-1.3.2/bottleneck/tests/ (loop start: 189)
np.arange(24).reshape(2, 3, 4)
disk/pypi/python-openstackclient-5.4.0/openstackclient/ (loop start: 73)
mod.API_VERSION_OPTION.replace('os_', '', 1)
disk/pypi/spyder-4.2.1/spyder/widgets/ (loop start: 334)
clayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
disk/pypi/spyder-4.2.1/spyder/preferences/ (loop start: 458)
widget.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
disk/pypi/kedro-0.17.0/ (loop start: 74)
name.replace('kedro/', '', 1)
disk/pypi/isort-5.6.4/isort/ (loop start: 76)
extra_space.replace('\n', '', 1)
disk/pypi/platformio-5.0.3/platformio/builder/tools/ (loop start: 191)
value.replace('.', '', 1)
disk/pypi/biopython-1.78/Bio/Graphics/GenomeDiagram/ (loop start: 611)
colors.Color(0.96, 0.96, 0.96)
disk/pypi/tensorboardX-2.1/tensorboardX/ (loop start: 191)
torch.from_numpy(vid_tensor[i, :, :, :, :]).permute(1, 2, 3, 0)
disk/pypi/tensorboardX-2.1/tensorboardX/ (loop start: 191)
vid_tensor[i, :, :, :, :].permute(1, 2, 3, 0)
disk/pypi/conan_package_tools-0.35.0/cpt/ (loop start: 127)
line.replace('*', '', 1)
disk/pypi/cssselect-1.1.0/cssselect/ (loop start: 437)
peek.is_delim('+', '>', '~')
disk/pypi/cssselect-1.1.0/cssselect/ (loop start: 479)
peek.is_delim(',', '+', '>', '~')
disk/pypi/ipython-7.19.0/IPython/terminal/ (loop start: 543)
self.ask_yes_no('Do you really want to exit ([y]/n)?', 'y', 'n')
disk/pypi/pyghmi-1.5.19/pyghmi/ipmi/oem/lenovo/ (loop start: 730)
self.wc.request('POST', '/data', 'get=fwProgress,fwUpdate')
disk/pypi/gsutil-4.57/gslib/ (loop start: 454)
boto.config.get('Boto', 'proxy', None)
disk/pypi/gsutil-4.57/gslib/ (loop start: 454)
boto.config.get('Boto', 'proxy', None)
disk/pypi/gsutil-4.57/gslib/ (loop start: 454)
boto.config.get('Boto', 'proxy_user', None)
disk/pypi/gsutil-4.57/gslib/ (loop start: 454)
boto.config.get('Boto', 'proxy_user', None)
disk/pypi/gsutil-4.57/gslib/ (loop start: 454)
boto.config.get('Boto', 'proxy_pass', None)
disk/pypi/gsutil-4.57/gslib/ (loop start: 2064)
boto.config.get('GSUtil', 'task_estimation_force', None)
disk/pypi/gsutil-4.57/gslib/vendored/boto/boto/ (loop start: 924)
boto.config.get('Boto', 'max_retry_delay', 60)
disk/pypi/gsutil-4.57/gslib/vendored/boto/boto/ (loop start: 215)
boto.config.get('Boto', 'max_retry_delay', 60)
disk/pypi/gsutil-4.57/gslib/vendored/boto/boto/ (loop start: 289)
boto.config.get('Boto', 'max_retry_delay', 60)
disk/pypi/pygame-2.0.1/ (loop start: 621)
os.path.join('buildconfig', 'obj', 'win64', 'scale_mmx.obj')
disk/pypi/pygame-2.0.1/ (loop start: 621)
os.path.join('buildconfig', 'obj', 'win32', 'scale_mmx.obj')
disk/pypi/pygame-2.0.1/examples/ (loop start: 550)
GL.glRotatef(1, 0, 1, 0)
disk/pypi/pygame-2.0.1/examples/ (loop start: 84)
pg.Rect(64, 128, 64, 64)
disk/pypi/pygame-2.0.1/examples/ (loop start: 84)
pg.Rect(0, 64, 64, 64)
disk/pypi/pygame-2.0.1/examples/ (loop start: 84)
pg.Rect(0, 128, 64, 64)
disk/pypi/SQLAlchemy-1.3.22/lib/sqlalchemy/testing/ (loop start: 707)
ctx.__exit__(None, None, None)
disk/pypi/SQLAlchemy-1.3.22/examples/elementtree/ (loop start: 243), 2, 3)
disk/pypi/SQLAlchemy-1.3.22/examples/elementtree/ (loop start: 252), 2, 3)
disk/pypi/pycallgraph-1.0.1/pycallgraph/ (loop start: 331)
template.format('Line #', 'Mem usage', 'Increment', 'Line Contents')
disk/pypi/neutron-lib-2.7.0/tools/ (loop start: 1104)
inspect.ArgSpec(None, None, None, None)
disk/pypi/youtube_dl-2020.12.26/youtube_dl/extractor/ (loop start: 82)
path.replace('dat/', '', 1)
disk/pypi/CherryPy-18.6.0/cherrypy/lib/ (loop start: 69)
exit(None, None, None)
disk/pypi/jax-0.2.7/jax/_src/numpy/ (loop start: 28)
line.replace(' ', '', 1)
disk/pypi/aioxmpp-0.11.0/aioxmpp/e2etest/ (loop start: 546)
cm.__aexit__(None, None, None)
disk/pypi/HTMLParser-0.0.2/ (loop start: 294), 2, 3)
disk/pypi/conan-1.32.1/conans/client/ (loop start: 2215)
item_fn('host', '', '')
disk/pypi/conan-1.32.1/conans/client/ (loop start: 2215)
item_fn('build', ':b', ':build')
disk/pypi/conan-1.32.1/conans/client/ (loop start: 2215)
item_fn('host', ':h', ':host')
disk/pypi/jmespath-0.10.0/jmespath/ (loop start: 28)
self._match_or_else('|', 'or', 'pipe')
disk/pypi/jmespath-0.10.0/jmespath/ (loop start: 28)
self._match_or_else('&', 'and', 'expref')disk/pypi/PyQt5-5.15.2/examples/animation/easing/ (loop start: 165)
QColor(0, 0, 255, 64)
disk/pypi/PyQt5-5.15.2/examples/animation/easing/ (loop start: 165)
QColor(32, 32, 32)
disk/pypi/PyQt5-5.15.2/examples/threads/ (loop start: 133)
qRgb(0, 0, 0)
disk/pypi/PyQt5-5.15.2/examples/designer/plugins/widgets/ (loop start: 115)
painter.drawLine(88, 0, 96, 0)
disk/pypi/PyQt5-5.15.2/examples/designer/plugins/widgets/ (loop start: 129)
painter.drawLine(92, 0, 96, 0)
disk/pypi/PyQt5-5.15.2/examples/effects/ (loop start: 101)
QGraphicsEllipseItem(0, 0, 50, 50)
disk/pypi/PyQt5-5.15.2/examples/effects/ (loop start: 101)
QGraphicsRectItem(0, 0, 50, 50)
disk/pypi/PyQt5-5.15.2/examples/widgets/ (loop start: 95)
painter.drawLine(88, 0, 96, 0)
disk/pypi/PyQt5-5.15.2/examples/widgets/ (loop start: 109)
painter.drawLine(92, 0, 96, 0)
disk/pypi/PyQt5-5.15.2/examples/widgets/ (loop start: 112)
painter.drawLine(88, 0, 96, 0)
disk/pypi/PyQt5-5.15.2/examples/widgets/ (loop start: 126)
painter.drawLine(92, 0, 96, 0)
disk/pypi/PyQt5-5.15.2/examples/qtdemo/ (loop start: 132)
QRectF(0, 0, 800, 600)
disk/pypi/PyQt5-5.15.2/examples/qtdemo/ (loop start: 169)
QMessageBox.warning(None, 'Arguments', 'Usage: [-verbose] [-no-adapt] [-fullscreen] [-ticker[0|1]] [-animations[0|1]] [-no-blending] [-no-sync] [-use-timer-update[0|1]] [-pause[0|1]] [-use-window-mask] [-no-rescale] [-use-pixmaps] [-show-fps] [-show-br] [-8bit[0|1]] [-menu<int>] [-use-loop] [-use-balls] [-animation-speed<float>] [-fps<int>] [-low] [-ticker-letters<int>] [-ticker-speed<float>] [-no-ticker-morph] [-ticker-morph-speed<float>] [-ticker-text<string>]')
disk/pypi/plotly-4.14.1/_plotly_utils/colors/ (loop start: 142)
range(0, 360, 5)
disk/pypi/plotly-4.14.1/_plotly_utils/colors/ (loop start: 142)
range(0, 360, 5)
disk/pypi/arviz-0.10.0/arviz/plots/backends/bokeh/ (loop start: 77)
variable.replace(' ', '\n', 1)
disk/pypi/arviz-0.10.0/arviz/plots/backends/bokeh/ (loop start: 100)
variable.replace(' ', '\n', 1)
disk/pypi/arviz-0.10.0/arviz/plots/backends/matplotlib/ (loop start: 86)
variable.replace(' ', '\n', 1)
disk/pypi/opencv-python- (loop start: 25)
out.transpose(1, 2, 0)
disk/pypi/opencv-python- (loop start: 148)
text.tag_add('header1', 'end-2l', 'end-1l')
disk/pypi/opencv-python- (loop start: 148)
text.tag_add('header2', 'end-2l', 'end-1l')
disk/pypi/opencv-python- (loop start: 215)
sheet.write(0, 0, 'Properties:')
disk/pypi/transformers-4.1.1/src/transformers/models/roberta/ (loop start: 416)
tensor.reshape((config.hidden_size, config.num_attention_heads, -1)).transpose(1, 2, 0)
disk/pypi/transformers-4.1.1/src/transformers/models/bert/ (loop start: 456)
tensor.reshape((config.hidden_size, config.num_attention_heads, -1)).transpose(1, 2, 0)
disk/pypi/transformers-4.1.1/src/transformers/models/squeezebert/ (loop start: 334)
hidden_states.permute(0, 2, 1)
disk/pypi/transformers-4.1.1/src/transformers/models/squeezebert/ (loop start: 334)
hidden_states.permute(0, 2, 1)
disk/pypi/hypothesis-5.43.4/src/hypothesis/ (loop start: 318)
fragments_reported[0].replace('Falsifying example', 'Falsifying explicit example', 1)
disk/pypi/hypothesis-5.43.4/src/hypothesis/ (loop start: 318)
fragments_reported[0].replace('Falsifying', 'Trying', 1)
disk/pypi/Markdown-3.3.3/markdown/ (loop start: 251), 2, 3)
disk/pypi/PyOpenGL-3.1.5/tests/ (loop start: 142)
glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)
disk/pypi/FlexGet-3.1.92/flexget/utils/parsers/ (loop start: 545)
datetime(1970, 1, 1)
disk/pypi/FlexGet-3.1.92/flexget/components/thetvdb/ (loop start: 479)
datetime(1970, 1, 1)
disk/pypi/FlexGet-3.1.92/flexget/components/thetvdb/ (loop start: 479)
datetime(1970, 1, 1)
disk/pypi/mysql-connector-python-8.0.22/lib/mysql/connector/ (loop start: 231)'option', 'vi', 'value')
disk/pypi/luigi-3.0.2/examples/ (loop start: 116), 3, 23)
disk/pypi/sgmllib3k-1.0.0/ (loop start: 272), 2, 3)
disk/pypi/tables-3.6.1/bench/ (loop start: 63)
slice(None, None, None)
disk/pypi/mahotas-1.4.11/mahotas/ (loop start: 239)
slice(None, None, None)
disk/pypi/flake8-isort-4.0.0/ (loop start: 111)
line.startswith(' ', 0, 2)
disk/pypi/flake8-isort-4.0.0/ (loop start: 111)
line.startswith('- ', 0, 2)
disk/pypi/flake8-isort-4.0.0/ (loop start: 243)
line.startswith('@@', 0, 2)
disk/pypi/flake8-isort-4.0.0/ (loop start: 243)
line.startswith(' ', 0, 1)
disk/pypi/flake8-isort-4.0.0/ (loop start: 243)
line.startswith('-', 0, 1)
disk/pypi/flake8-isort-4.0.0/ (loop start: 243)
line.startswith('+', 0, 1)
disk/pypi/fpdf-1.7.2/fpdf/ (loop start: 117)
pdf.set_font('Arial', 'B', 16)
disk/pypi/python-stdnum-1.14/update/ (loop start: 48)
text.rindex(',', 20, 73)
disk/pypi/kaggle-1.5.10/kaggle/api/ (loop start: 187)
key.replace('KAGGLE_', '', 1)
disk/pypi/debugpy-1.2.1/src/debugpy/_vendored/pydevd/_pydevd_frame_eval/vendored/bytecode/ (loop start: 293)
struct.pack('Bb', 0, 126)
disk/pypi/wagtail-2.11.3/wagtail/core/ (loop start: 35)
cls.objects.filter(path__startswith=parent_path, depth=depth).values('pk', 'path', 'depth', 'numchild')
disk/pypi/Flask-RESTful-0.3.8/flask_restful/ (loop start: 192)
operator.replace('=', '', 1)
disk/pypi/jupyter_console-6.2.0/jupyter_console/ (loop start: 637)
ask_yes_no('Do you really want to exit ([y]/n)?', 'y', 'n')
disk/pypi/lifelines-0.25.7/lifelines/fitters/ (loop start: 952)
plt.figure().add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
disk/pypi/django-guardian-2.3.0/guardian/ (loop start: 271)
qs.select_related('permission__codename').values_list('content_type_id', 'object_pk', 'permission__codename')
disk/pypi/pyqtgraph-0.11.1/pyqtgraph/parametertree/ (loop start: 393)
QtGui.QColor(100, 100, 100)
disk/pypi/pyqtgraph-0.11.1/pyqtgraph/parametertree/ (loop start: 393)
QtGui.QColor(220, 220, 255)
disk/pypi/pyqtgraph-0.11.1/pyqtgraph/parametertree/ (loop start: 402)
QtGui.QColor(220, 220, 220)
disk/pypi/pyqtgraph-0.11.1/pyqtgraph/parametertree/ (loop start: 402)
QtGui.QColor(50, 50, 50)
disk/pypi/pyqtgraph-0.11.1/pyqtgraph/pixmaps/ (loop start: 8)
np.asarray(ptr).reshape(img.height(), img.width(), 4).transpose(1, 0, 2)
disk/pypi/pyqtgraph-0.11.1/pyqtgraph/imageview/ (loop start: 659)
slice(None, None, 2)
disk/pypi/pyqtgraph-0.11.1/pyqtgraph/opengl/ (loop start: 530)
np.fromstring(data, dtype=np.ubyte).reshape(texwidth, texwidth, 4).transpose(1, 0, 2)
disk/pypi/pyqtgraph-0.11.1/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/ (loop start: 458)
QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 100, 15)
disk/pypi/pyqtgraph-0.11.1/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/ (loop start: 458)
label.setContentsMargins(1, 1, 1, 1)
disk/pypi/pyqtgraph-0.11.1/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/ (loop start: 1052)
QtCore.QRectF(0, 0, 100, 100)
disk/pypi/pyqtgraph-0.11.1/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/ (loop start: 339)
slice(None, None, 2)
disk/pypi/pyqtgraph-0.11.1/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/ (loop start: 56)
QtCore.QRectF(0, 0, 0, 0)
disk/pypi/jmespath-0.10.0/jmespath/ (loop start: 28)
self._match_or_else('=', 'lte', 'lt')
disk/pypi/jmespath-0.10.0/jmespath/ (loop start: 28)
self._match_or_else('=', 'gte', 'gt')
disk/pypi/jmespath-0.10.0/jmespath/ (loop start: 28)
self._match_or_else('=', 'ne', 'not')
disk/pypi/sphinx-markdown-tables-0.0.15/sphinx_markdown_tables/ (loop start: 29)
html.replace('<table>', '<table border="1" class="docutils">', 1)
disk/pypi/opencv-contrib-python-headless- (loop start: 215)
context.set_source_rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
disk/pypi/opencv-contrib-python-headless- (loop start: 215)
context.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
disk/pypi/opencv-contrib-python-headless- (loop start: 416)
context.set_source_rgba(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0)
disk/pypi/opencv-contrib-python-headless- (loop start: 416)
context.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
disk/pypi/opencv-contrib-python-headless- (loop start: 729)
context.set_source_rgba(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0)
disk/pypi/opencv-contrib-python-headless- (loop start: 729)
context.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
disk/pypi/opencv-contrib-python-headless- (loop start: 932)
context.set_source_rgba(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0)
disk/pypi/opencv-contrib-python-headless- (loop start: 932)
context.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
disk/pypi/opencv-contrib-python-headless- (loop start: 25)
out.transpose(1, 2, 0)
disk/pypi/opencv-contrib-python-headless- (loop start: 148)
text.tag_add('header1', 'end-2l', 'end-1l')
disk/pypi/opencv-contrib-python-headless- (loop start: 148)
text.tag_add('header2', 'end-2l', 'end-1l')
disk/pypi/opencv-contrib-python-headless- (loop start: 215)
sheet.write(0, 0, 'Properties:')
disk/pypi/gxformat2-0.15.0/gxformat2/ (loop start: 239)
output.get('source').replace('#', '/', 1)
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('kivy', 'keyboard_repeat_delay', '300')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('kivy', 'keyboard_repeat_rate', '30')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('kivy', 'log_dir', 'logs')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('kivy', 'log_enable', '1')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('kivy', 'log_level', 'info')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('kivy', 'log_name', 'kivy_%y-%m-%d_%_.txt')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('kivy', 'window_icon', '')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('graphics', 'display', '-1')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('graphics', 'fullscreen', 'no')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('graphics', 'height', '600')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('graphics', 'left', '0')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('graphics', 'maxfps', '0')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('graphics', 'multisamples', '2')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('graphics', 'position', 'auto')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('graphics', 'rotation', '0')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('graphics', 'show_cursor', '1')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('graphics', 'top', '0')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('graphics', 'vsync', '1')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('graphics', 'width', '800')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('input', 'mouse', 'mouse')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('input', 'wm_touch', 'wm_touch')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('input', 'wm_pen', 'wm_pen')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('postproc', 'double_tap_distance', '20')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('postproc', 'double_tap_time', '250')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('postproc', 'ignore', '[]')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('postproc', 'jitter_distance', '0')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('postproc', 'jitter_ignore_devices', 'mouse,mactouch,')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('postproc', 'retain_distance', '50')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('postproc', 'retain_time', '0')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('widgets', 'keyboard_layout', 'qwerty')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('widgets', 'keyboard_type', '')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('widgets', 'list_friction', '10')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('widgets', 'list_friction_bound', '20')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('widgets', 'list_trigger_distance', '5')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.set('graphics', 'maxfps', '60')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('widgets', 'scroll_timeout', '55')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('widgets', 'scroll_distance', '20')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('widgets', 'scroll_friction', '1.')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('kivy', 'keyboard_mode', '')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('kivy', 'keyboard_layout', 'qwerty')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('graphics', 'resizable', '1')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('widgets', 'scroll_stoptime', '300')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('widgets', 'scroll_moves', '5')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('postproc', 'triple_tap_distance', '20')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('postproc', 'triple_tap_time', '375')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.set('widgets', 'scroll_timeout', '250')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('kivy', 'exit_on_escape', '1')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.set('graphics', 'fullscreen', '0')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('graphics', 'borderless', '0')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('kivy', 'pause_on_minimize', '0')disk/pypi/cbapi-1.7.2/examples/defense/ (loop start: 53)
'{0:^25}{1:^25}{2:^32}{3}'.format('Event Time', 'Event ID', 'Create Time', 'Event Type')
disk/pypi/mysql-connector-2.2.9/lib/mysql/connector/ (loop start: 242)'option', 'vi', 'value')
disk/pypi/reportlab-3.5.57/tools/docco/ (loop start: 795)
canvas.setFillColorRGB(0.5, 1.0, 1.0)
disk/pypi/reportlab-3.5.57/tools/docco/ (loop start: 795)
canvas.setFillColorRGB(0, 0, 0)
disk/pypi/reportlab-3.5.57/tools/docco/ (loop start: 807)
canvas.setFillColorRGB(1.0, 0.5, 1.0)
disk/pypi/reportlab-3.5.57/tools/docco/ (loop start: 807)
canvas.setFillColorRGB(0, 0, 0)
disk/pypi/reportlab-3.5.57/tools/pythonpoint/demos/ (loop start: 696)
canvas.setFillColorRGB(0.5, 1.0, 1.0)
disk/pypi/reportlab-3.5.57/tools/pythonpoint/demos/ (loop start: 696)
canvas.setFillColorRGB(0, 0, 0)
disk/pypi/reportlab-3.5.57/tools/pythonpoint/demos/ (loop start: 708)
canvas.setFillColorRGB(1.0, 0.5, 1.0)
disk/pypi/reportlab-3.5.57/tools/pythonpoint/demos/ (loop start: 708)
canvas.setFillColorRGB(0, 0, 0)
disk/pypi/reportlab-3.5.57/src/reportlab/graphics/barcode/ (loop start: 130)
colors.Color(1, 1, 1)
disk/pypi/reportlab-3.5.57/src/reportlab/graphics/barcode/ (loop start: 130)
canvas.setFillColorRGB(1, 1, 1)
disk/pypi/reportlab-3.5.57/src/reportlab/graphics/barcode/ (loop start: 130)
canvas.setFillColorRGB(0, 0, 0)
disk/pypi/textract-1.6.3/textract/parsers/ (loop start: 97)
ext.replace('.', '', 1)
disk/pypi/imbalanced-learn-0.7.0/examples/applications/ (loop start: 79)
np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
disk/pypi/chainer-7.7.0/examples/modelzoo/ (loop start: 113)
np.asarray(, 0, 1)
disk/pypi/chainer-7.7.0/examples/pix2pix/ (loop start: 16)
np.asarray(img).astype('f').transpose(2, 0, 1)
disk/pypi/pystan- (loop start: 53)
np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
disk/pypi/moto-1.3.16/moto/ecr/ (loop start: 129)
datetime(2015, 1, 1)
disk/pypi/neptune-client-0.4.130/neptune/internal/storage/ (loop start: 70)
FileChunk(b'', 0, 0)
disk/pypi/pydevd-pycharm-203.6682.86/build_tools/ (loop start: 26)
line.replace('# ', '', 1)
disk/pypi/agate-excel-0.2.3/agateexcel/ (loop start: 74), 1, 1)
disk/pypi/Cython-0.29.21/Cython/Compiler/ (loop start: 4641)
name.replace('short', '', 1)
disk/pypi/Cython-0.29.21/Cython/Compiler/ (loop start: 4644)
name.replace('long', '', 1)
disk/pypi/awswrangler-2.2.0/awswrangler/ (loop start: 226)
col['field'].replace('@', '', 1)
disk/pypi/freetype-py-2.2.0/examples/ (loop start: 77)
ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 1)
disk/pypi/freetype-py-2.2.0/examples/ (loop start: 77)
ctx.set_source_rgb(1, 0, 0)
disk/pypi/ansible-base-2.10.4/test/support/integration/plugins/modules/ (loop start: 412)
r.replace('NO', '', 1)
disk/pypi/ansible-base-2.10.4/test/support/integration/plugins/modules/ (loop start: 476)
r.replace('NO', '', 1)
disk/pypi/ansible-base-2.10.4/lib/ansible/plugins/ (loop start: 594)
name.replace('ansible.legacy.', '', 1)
disk/pypi/ansible-base-2.10.4/lib/ansible/cli/ (loop start: 143)
module.replace('_', '', 1)
disk/pypi/wxPython-4.1.1/wx/lib/masked/ (loop start: 528)
wx.DateTime.FromDMY(1, 0, 1970)
disk/pypi/wxPython-4.1.1/wx/lib/pdfviewer/ (loop start: 422)
wx.Colour(180, 180, 180)
disk/pypi/wxPython-4.1.1/demo/agw/ (loop start: 277)
wx.Rect(0, 0, 25, 14)
disk/pypi/astropy-4.2/astropy/tests/ (loop start: 110)
func(None, False, None)
disk/pypi/traitsui-7.1.1/traitsui/qt4/ (loop start: 286)
layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
disk/pypi/traitsui-7.1.1/traitsui/qt4/ (loop start: 644)
panel.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
disk/pypi/meson-0.56.0/mesonbuild/compilers/ (loop start: 225)
arg.replace('-Wl,', '', 1)
disk/pypi/meson-0.56.0/mesonbuild/compilers/mixins/ (loop start: 1264)'pre', 'str1', 'str2', 'post')
disk/pypi/meson-0.56.0/mesonbuild/modules/ (loop start: 385)
ldflag.replace('-l', '--extra-library=', 1)
disk/pypi/newrelic- (loop start: 325)
entry.__exit__(None, None, None)
disk/pypi/homeassistant-2020.12.1/homeassistant/components/icloud/ (loop start: 316)' ', '', 99)
disk/pypi/pwntools-4.3.1/pwnlib/data/syscalls/ (loop start: 186)
Argument('int', 0, 'vararg')
disk/pypi/Theano-1.0.5/theano/tensor/ (loop start: 596)
slice(None, None, None)
disk/pypi/Theano-1.0.5/theano/gpuarray/ (loop start: 3748)
n.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 1, 'x')
disk/pypi/Theano-1.0.5/theano/scan_module/ (loop start: 702)
outer_dot_inputs[0].dimshuffle(1, 0, 2)
disk/pypi/Theano-1.0.5/theano/scan_module/ (loop start: 2101)
_out_seq.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2)
disk/pypi/Theano-1.0.5/theano/scan_module/ (loop start: 2101)
_val.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2)
disk/pypi/cfn-lint-0.44.1/src/cfnlint/rules/resources/iam/ (loop start: 49)
date(2008, 10, 17)
disk/pypi/netCDF4- (loop start: 205)
slice(None, None, None)
disk/pypi/netCDF4- (loop start: 307)
slice(None, None, None)
disk/pypi/netCDF4- (loop start: 339)
slice(None, None, None)
disk/pypi/netCDF4- (loop start: 18)
np.random.randn(500, 500, 500)
disk/pypi/python-igraph-0.8.3/src/igraph/ (loop start: 450)
context.set_source_rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
disk/pypi/python-igraph-0.8.3/src/igraph/ (loop start: 450)
context.set_source_rgb(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
disk/pypi/python-igraph-0.8.3/src/igraph/ (loop start: 450)
context.set_source_rgb(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
disk/pypi/python-igraph-0.8.3/src/igraph/drawing/ (loop start: 324)
mark_point(0, 0, 1)
disk/pypi/python-igraph-0.8.3/src/igraph/drawing/ (loop start: 324)
mark_point(0, 0, 1)
disk/pypi/python-igraph-0.8.3/src/igraph/drawing/ (loop start: 324)
context.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0)
disk/pypi/python-igraph-0.8.3/src/igraph/drawing/ (loop start: 324)
mark_point(1, 0, 0)
disk/pypi/python-igraph-0.8.3/src/igraph/drawing/ (loop start: 342)
context.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0)
disk/pypi/python-igraph-0.8.3/src/igraph/drawing/ (loop start: 342)
mark_point(1, 0, 0)
disk/pypi/python-igraph-0.8.3/src/igraph/drawing/ (loop start: 357)
mark_point(0, 0, 1)
disk/pypi/python-igraph-0.8.3/src/igraph/drawing/ (loop start: 357)
context.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0)
disk/pypi/python-igraph-0.8.3/src/igraph/drawing/ (loop start: 357)
mark_point(1, 0, 0)
disk/pypi/androguard-3.3.5/androguard/gui/ (loop start: 272)
QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 0)
disk/pypi/androguard-3.3.5/androguard/gui/ (loop start: 182)
QtGui.QColor(0, 255, 0)
disk/pypi/androguard-3.3.5/androguard/gui/ (loop start: 358)
QtGui.QColor(0, 255, 0)
disk/pypi/django-mysql-3.10.0/src/django_mysql/management/commands/ (loop start: 81)
column_spec.replace('datetime', 'datetime(6)', 1)
disk/pypi/pytorch-lightning-1.1.2/pytorch_lightning/accelerators/ (loop start: 127)
np.random.uniform(1, 5, 1)
disk/pypi/EditorConfig-0.12.3/editorconfig/ (loop start: 125)'option', 'vi', 'value')
disk/pypi/SCons-4.0.1/SCons/Platform/ (loop start: 157)
arg.find('>', 0, 1)
disk/pypi/SCons-4.0.1/SCons/Platform/ (loop start: 157)
arg.find('1>', 0, 2)disk/pypi/shap-0.37.0/shap/benchmark/ (loop start: 115)
np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
disk/pypi/loguru-0.5.3/loguru/ (loop start: 313)'file', 'line', 'function')
disk/pypi/mongoengine-0.22.1/mongoengine/ (loop start: 97)
entity.replace('mongomock://', 'mongodb://', 1)
disk/pypi/flask-restx-0.2.0/flask_restx/ (loop start: 223)
operator.replace('=', '', 1)
disk/pypi/mercurial-5.6.1/mercurial/ (loop start: 338)
ui.setconfig(b'ui', b'nontty', b'true', b'commandserver')
disk/pypi/mercurial-5.6.1/mercurial/ (loop start: 1036)
ui_.setconfig(b'profiling', b'enabled', b'true', b'--profile')
disk/pypi/mercurial-5.6.1/mercurial/ (loop start: 1130)
ui_.setconfig(b'ui', b'traceback', b'on', b'--traceback')
disk/pypi/mercurial-5.6.1/mercurial/ (loop start: 1134)
ui_.setconfig(b'ui', b'interactive', b'off', b'-y')
disk/pypi/onnx-1.8.0/onnx/backend/test/case/node/ (loop start: 67)
np.random.randn(1, 3, 4, 5)
disk/pypi/black-20.8b1/src/blib2to3/pgen2/ (loop start: 171), 3, 4, 5)
disk/pypi/configparser-5.0.1/src/backports/configparser/ (loop start: 1097)'option', 'vi', 'value')
disk/pypi/python-openid-2.2.5/openid/consumer/ (loop start: 201)'attr_name', 'q_val', 'unq_val')
disk/pypi/salt-3002.2/salt/utils/ (loop start: 679)
dacl.add_ace('S-1-5-32-544', 'grant', 'full_control', 'this_folder_subfolders_files')
disk/pypi/salt-3002.2/salt/utils/ (loop start: 679)
dacl.add_ace('S-1-5-18', 'grant', 'full_control', 'this_folder_subfolders_files')
disk/pypi/salt-3002.2/salt/utils/ (loop start: 679)
dacl.add_ace('S-1-3-4', 'grant', 'full_control', 'this_folder_subfolders_files')
disk/pypi/salt-3002.2/salt/utils/ (loop start: 79)'option', 'vi', 'value')
disk/pypi/salt-3002.2/salt/utils/ (loop start: 921)
line.replace('-', '', 1)
disk/pypi/salt-3002.2/salt/utils/ (loop start: 1187)
package.replace('@', '', 1)
disk/pypi/salt-3002.2/salt/utils/ (loop start: 1438)
range(0, 8, 2)
disk/pypi/salt-3002.2/salt/modules/ (loop start: 2825)
key.replace('', '', 1)
disk/pypi/salt-3002.2/salt/modules/ (loop start: 81)
p_el_path.replace('.', '').replace('/', '', 1)
disk/pypi/salt-3002.2/salt/modules/ (loop start: 144)
comps[4].replace('.', '@', 1)
disk/pypi/salt-3002.2/salt/modules/ (loop start: 613)
line.replace('addr:', '', 1)
disk/pypi/salt-3002.2/salt/modules/ (loop start: 2732)
worktree_data['branch'].replace('refs/heads/', '', 1)
disk/pypi/salt-3002.2/salt/modules/ (loop start: 2842)
head_ref.replace('refs/heads/', '', 1)
disk/pypi/salt-3002.2/salt/returners/ (loop start: 321)
ret_key.replace('ret:', 'load:', 1)
disk/pypi/scikit-image-0.18.1/doc/source/auto_examples/segmentation/ (loop start: 100)
ax[m, n].plot(0, 0, 'bo')
disk/pypi/scikit-image-0.18.1/doc/examples/segmentation/ (loop start: 50)
np.arange(0, 90, 2)
disk/pypi/scikit-image-0.18.1/doc/examples/segmentation/ (loop start: 98)
ax[m, n].plot(0, 0, 'bo')
disk/pypi/fastai-2.1.10/fastai/callback/ (loop start: 228)
s[0].permute(1, 2, 0)
disk/pypi/fastai-2.1.10/fastai/callback/ (loop start: 252)
s[0].permute(1, 2, 0)
disk/pypi/fissix-20.8.0/fissix/pgen2/ (loop start: 169), 3, 4, 5)
disk/pypi/PyGObject-3.38.0/examples/demo/demos/ (loop start: 116)
cairo_ctx.set_source_rgb(0.45777, 0, 0.45777)
disk/pypi/PyGObject-3.38.0/examples/demo/demos/ (loop start: 116)
cairo_ctx.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1)
disk/pypi/xmlschema-1.4.1/xmlschema/ (loop start: 97)
x.replace('//', '/', 1)
disk/pypi/xmlschema-1.4.1/xmlschema/ (loop start: 99)
x.replace('file:////', 'file:///', 1)
disk/pypi/opencv-python-headless- (loop start: 25)
out.transpose(1, 2, 0)
disk/pypi/opencv-python-headless- (loop start: 148)
text.tag_add('header1', 'end-2l', 'end-1l')
disk/pypi/opencv-python-headless- (loop start: 148)
text.tag_add('header2', 'end-2l', 'end-1l')
disk/pypi/opencv-python-headless- (loop start: 215)
sheet.write(0, 0, 'Properties:')
disk/pypi/Pyomo-5.7.2/pyomo/util/ (loop start: 155)
slice(None, None, None)
disk/pypi/Pyomo-5.7.2/pyomo/core/expr/ (loop start: 243)
ptr[2].__exit__(None, None, None)
disk/pypi/Pyomo-5.7.2/pyomo/core/expr/ (loop start: 353)
ptr[2].__exit__(None, None, None)
disk/pypi/future-0.18.2/src/future/backports/html/ (loop start: 339), 2, 3)
disk/pypi/dbnd-0.32.3/src/dbnd/_core/inplace_run/ (loop start: 87)
cm.__exit__(None, None, None)
disk/pypi/GitPython-3.1.11/git/ (loop start: 381)'option', 'vi', 'value')
disk/pypi/flask-restplus-0.13.0/flask_restplus/ (loop start: 207)
operator.replace('=', '', 1)
disk/pypi/impacket-0.9.22/impacket/ (loop start: 1090), 1, 1)
disk/pypi/impacket-0.9.22/impacket/ (loop start: 1090), 1, 1)
disk/pypi/impacket-0.9.22/impacket/ (loop start: 1090), 1, 1)
disk/pypi/Pyro4-4.80/examples/messagebus/ (loop start: 48)
'{:20} : {:5} {} {}'.format('topic', 'count', 'last_recv', 'last message data')
disk/pypi/pytest-6.2.1/src/_pytest/config/ (loop start: 503)
option.replace(' ', '=', 1)
disk/pypi/zope.tal-4.4/src/zope/tal/ (loop start: 278), 2, 3)
disk/pypi/acme-1.10.1/acme/ (loop start: 18)
mod.replace('josepy', 'jose', 1)
disk/pypi/trimesh-3.8.19/trimesh/exchange/ (loop start: 83)
input_list.addInput(0, 'VERTEX', '#verts-array')
disk/pypi/trimesh-3.8.19/trimesh/exchange/ (loop start: 83)
input_list.addInput(1, 'NORMAL', '#normals-array')
disk/pypi/trimesh-3.8.19/trimesh/exchange/ (loop start: 83)
input_list.addInput(2, 'TEXCOORD', '#texcoords-array')
disk/pypi/spyne-2.13.16/spyne/test/interop/server/ (loop start: 367)
datetime(2010, 12, 6)
disk/pypi/spyne-2.13.16/spyne/protocol/cloth/ (loop start: 355)
elt_ctx.__exit__(None, None, None)
disk/pypi/spyne-2.13.16/spyne/protocol/cloth/ (loop start: 470)
elt_ctx.__exit__(None, None, None)
disk/pypi/azure-cli-2.16.0/azure/cli/command_modules/vm/ (loop start: 104)
c.ignore('source_blob_uri', 'source_disk', 'source_snapshot')
disk/pypi/azure-cli-2.16.0/azure/cli/command_modules/vm/ (loop start: 104)
c.ignore('access_level', 'for_upload', 'hyper_v_generation')
disk/pypi/azure-cli-2.16.0/azure/cli/command_modules/storage/ (loop start: 812)
c.ignore('filter', 'maxpagesize', 'skip_token')
disk/pypi/azure-cli-2.16.0/azure/cli/command_modules/acs/ (loop start: 133)
os.path.join('~', '.ssh', 'id_rsa')
disk/pypi/azure-cli-2.16.0/azure/cli/command_modules/resource/ (loop start: 480)
c.ignore('resource_provider_namespace', 'parent_resource_path', 'resource_type', 'resource_name')
disk/pypi/pexpect-4.8.0/examples/ (loop start: 93)
self.term.get_region(14, 50, 14, 60)
disk/pypi/user_agent-0.1.9/test/ (loop start: 227)
datetime(2016, 9, 20, 0)
disk/pypi/user_agent-0.1.9/test/ (loop start: 227)
datetime(2016, 11, 15)
disk/pypi/os-ken-1.3.0/os_ken/lib/ovs/ (loop start: 1084)
VSCtlContext(None, None, None)
disk/pypi/dlib-19.21.1/python_examples/ (loop start: 49)
dlib.rectangle(74, 67, 112, 153)
disk/pypi/kfp-1.2.0/kfp/components/ (loop start: 276)
html_url.replace('', '').replace('/blob/', '/', 1)
disk/pypi/django-countries-7.0/django_countries/ (loop start: 42)
name.replace('-', '_', 1)
disk/pypi/awsebcli-3.19.2/ebcli/controllers/ (loop start: 139)
fileoperations.write_config_setting('global', 'no-verify-ssl', True)
disk/pypi/nltk-3.5/nltk/ (loop start: 1256)
self._simple_interactive_menu('s) Show Config', 'u) Set Server URL', 'd) Set Data Dir', 'm) Main Menu')
disk/pypi/nltk-3.5/nltk/app/ (loop start: 1018)
self.devsetbox.tag_add('trace', 'end -2c linestart', 'end -2c')
disk/pypi/nltk-3.5/nltk/app/ (loop start: 1018)
self.devsetbox.tag_add('trace', 'end -2c linestart', 'end -2c')
disk/pypi/nltk-3.5/nltk/app/ (loop start: 1018)
self.devsetbox.tag_add('wrapindent', 'end -2c linestart', 'end -2c')
disk/pypi/nltk-3.5/nltk/chunk/ (loop start: 299)
' {:15} {:15} {2}'.format('...', '...', '...')
disk/pypi/Twisted-20.3.0/src/twisted/test/ (loop start: 13)
Version('Twisted', 19, 7, 0)
disk/pypi/Twisted-20.3.0/src/twisted/web/ (loop start: 762)
Version('Twisted', 16, 7, 0)
disk/pypi/Twisted-20.3.0/src/twisted/web/ (loop start: 762)
Version('Twisted', 16, 7, 0)
disk/pypi/numpy-1.19.4/numpy/core/ (loop start: 191)
ary.reshape(1, 1, 1)
disk/pypi/pandas-1.2.0/doc/ (loop start: 247)
self._run_os('pdflatex', '-interaction=nonstopmode', 'pandas.tex')
disk/pypi/fs-2.4.11/fs/ (loop start: 61)
info.get('stat', 'st_mtime', None)
disk/pypi/sympy-1.7.1/sympy/printing/ (loop start: 545)
line.rfind(' ', 6, 72)
disk/pypi/sympy-1.7.1/sympy/printing/ (loop start: 555)
line.rfind(' ', 0, 66)
disk/pypi/pydevd-2.2.0/build_tools/ (loop start: 30)
strip.replace('# ', '', 1)
disk/pypi/pydevd-2.2.0/build_tools/ (loop start: 30)
line.replace('# ', '', 1)
disk/pypi/mysql-connector-python-rf-2.2.2/lib/mysql/connector/ (loop start: 242)'option', 'vi', 'value')
disk/pypi/gluoncv-0.9.0/gluoncv/utils/metrics/ (loop start: 183)
np.arange(0, 51, 1)
disk/pypi/gluoncv-0.9.0/gluoncv/utils/metrics/ (loop start: 221)
np.arange(0, 51, 1)
disk/pypi/scikit-learn-0.24.0/sklearn/inspection/_plot/ (loop start: 385)
np.arange(0.1, 1.0, 0.1)
disk/pypi/scikit-learn-0.24.0/examples/gaussian_process/ (loop start: 36)
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
disk/pypi/scikit-learn-0.24.0/examples/gaussian_process/ (loop start: 36)
np.linspace(0, 5, 100)
disk/pypi/scikit-learn-0.24.0/examples/gaussian_process/ (loop start: 36)
rng.uniform(0, 5, 10)
disk/pypi/scikit-learn-0.24.0/examples/gaussian_process/ (loop start: 36)
plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
disk/pypi/scikit-learn-0.24.0/examples/gaussian_process/ (loop start: 36)
np.linspace(0, 5, 100)
disk/pypi/scikit-learn-0.24.0/examples/model_selection/ (loop start: 45)
np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
disk/pypi/BTrees-4.7.2/BTrees/tests/ (loop start: 2386)
op(None, None, 42, 666)
disk/pypi/ryu-4.34/ryu/lib/ovs/ (loop start: 1086)
VSCtlContext(None, None, None)
disk/pypi/logzio-python-handler-3.0.0/tests/mockLogzioListener/ (loop start: 20)
self._set_response(500, 'Issue!!!!!!!', b'Not good, not good at all.')
disk/pypi/SCons-4.0.1/SCons/Platform/ (loop start: 157)
arg.find('2>', 0, 2)
disk/pypi/dask-2020.12.0/dask/array/ (loop start: 39)
slice(None, None, None)
disk/pypi/dask-2020.12.0/dask/array/ (loop start: 287)
slice(None, None, None)
disk/pypi/dask-2020.12.0/dask/array/ (loop start: 488)
slice(None, None, None)
disk/pypi/dask-2020.12.0/dask/array/ (loop start: 994)
slice(None, 1, None)
disk/pypi/python3-openid-3.2.0/openid/consumer/ (loop start: 226)'attr_name', 'q_val', 'unq_val')
disk/pypi/guppy3-3.1.0/guppy/gsl/ (loop start: 50)
ap('return False', '<NL>', '<DEDENT>')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('graphics', 'window_state', 'visible')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('graphics', 'minimum_width', '0')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('graphics', 'minimum_height', '0')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('graphics', 'min_state_time', '.035')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('kivy', 'kivy_clock', 'default')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('graphics', 'allow_screensaver', '1')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('kivy', 'log_maxfiles', '100')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('graphics', 'shaped', '0')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('kivy', 'window_shape', 'data/images/defaultshape.png')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 727)
Config.setdefault('network', 'useragent', 'curl')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 394)
Config.set('graphics', 'fullscreen', 'auto')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 394)
Config.set('graphics', 'fullscreen', 'fake')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 394)
Config.set('graphics', 'fullscreen', '1')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/ (loop start: 394)
Config.set('graphics', 'fullscreen', '0')
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/uix/ (loop start: 705)
ClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0)
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/kivy/uix/ (loop start: 705)
Color(1, 1, 1, 1)
disk/pypi/Kivy-2.0.0/examples/demo/ (loop start: 43)
Color(1, 1, 1)
disk/pypi/scipy-1.5.4/benchmarks/benchmarks/ (loop start: 359)
np.random.uniform(0, 10, 2)
disk/pypi/scipy-1.5.4/benchmarks/benchmarks/ (loop start: 368)
np.random.uniform(0, 10, 2)
disk/pypi/tensorflow-datasets-4.1.0/tensorflow_datasets/image_classification/ (loop start: 80)
mat['dat'][i][j].reshape(20, 16, 1)
disk/pypi/tensorflow-datasets-4.1.0/tensorflow_datasets/image_classification/ (loop start: 141)
np.reshape(image, (3, size, size)).transpose(1, 2, 0)
disk/pypi/gym-0.18.0/gym/envs/classic_control/ (loop start: 199)
link.set_color(0, 0.8, 0.8)
disk/pypi/gym-0.18.0/gym/envs/classic_control/ (loop start: 199)
circ.set_color(0.8, 0.8, 0)
disk/pypi/ansible-2.10.4/ansible_collections/community/network/plugins/module_utils/network/cloudengine/ (loop start: 111)
cmds[i].replace('~', '', 1)
disk/pypi/ansible-2.10.4/ansible_collections/community/general/plugins/modules/ (loop start: 352)
k.replace('_', '.', 1)
disk/pypi/ansible-2.10.4/ansible_collections/community/general/plugins/modules/ (loop start: 470)
r.replace('NO', '', 1)
disk/pypi/ansible-2.10.4/ansible_collections/community/general/plugins/modules/ (loop start: 534)
r.replace('NO', '', 1)
disk/pypi/ansible-2.10.4/ansible_collections/community/general/plugins/modules/database/postgresql/ (loop start: 470)
r.replace('NO', '', 1)
disk/pypi/ansible-2.10.4/ansible_collections/community/general/plugins/modules/database/postgresql/ (loop start: 534)
r.replace('NO', '', 1)
disk/pypi/ansible-2.10.4/ansible_collections/community/general/plugins/modules/packaging/os/ (loop start: 352)
k.replace('_', '.', 1)
disk/pypi/ansible-2.10.4/ansible_collections/community/postgresql/plugins/modules/ (loop start: 470)
r.replace('NO', '', 1)
disk/pypi/ansible-2.10.4/ansible_collections/community/postgresql/plugins/modules/ (loop start: 534)
r.replace('NO', '', 1)
disk/pypi/ansible-2.10.4/ansible_collections/containers/podman/plugins/modules/ (loop start: 557)
self._diff_update_and_compare('publish', '', '')
disk/pypi/ansible-2.10.4/ansible_collections/containers/podman/plugins/modules/ (loop start: 1662)
self._diff_update_and_compare('publish', '', '')
disk/pypi/stem-1.8.0/stem/response/ (loop start: 53)
line.is_next_mapping('COOKIEFILE', True, True)
disk/pypi/stem-1.8.0/stem/descriptor/ (loop start: 770)
val[:-1].replace('.', '', 1)
disk/pypi/exchangelib-3.3.2/exchangelib/ (loop start: 845)
datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1)
disk/pypi/circus-0.17.1/circus/ (loop start: 762)'option', 'vi', 'value')
disk/pypi/polyglot-16.7.4/polyglot/ (loop start: 1174)
self._simple_interactive_menu('s) Show Config', 'u) Set Server URL', 'd) Set Data Dir', 'm) Main Menu')
disk/pypi/tfds-nightly-4.1.0.dev202012280107/tensorflow_datasets/image_classification/ (loop start: 80)
mat['dat'][i][j].reshape(20, 16, 1)
disk/pypi/tfds-nightly-4.1.0.dev202012280107/tensorflow_datasets/image_classification/ (loop start: 144)
np.reshape(image, (3, size, size)).transpose(1, 2, 0)
disk/pypi/lmfit-1.0.1/examples/ (loop start: 111)
linspace(0, 1, 10)
disk/pypi/pyglet-1.5.13/contrib/model/model/ (loop start: 137)
glScalef(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
disk/pypi/bowler-0.9.0/bowler/ (loop start: 307)
prompt_user('Apply this hunk', 'ynqad', 'n')
disk/pypi/graphite-web-1.1.7/webapp/graphite/render/ (loop start: 407)
val.replace('.', '', 1)
disk/pypi/graphite-web-1.1.7/webapp/graphite/render/ (loop start: 407)
val[1:].replace('.', '', 1)
disk/pypi/sphinx-gallery-0.8.2/examples/ (loop start: 26)
rs.normal(0, 0.3, 30)
disk/pypi/thrift-0.13.0/src/server/ (loop start: 151)
Message(0, 4, True)
disk/pypi/boto-2.49.0/boto/ (loop start: 920)
boto.config.get('Boto', 'max_retry_delay', 60)
disk/pypi/boto-2.49.0/boto/ (loop start: 212)
boto.config.get('Boto', 'max_retry_delay', 60)
disk/pypi/boto-2.49.0/boto/ (loop start: 286)
boto.config.get('Boto', 'max_retry_delay', 60)
[goes on]
while 1:
e = self.get()
if e.type == 'KeyPress' and e.keycode not in key_modifiers:
log('console.getkeypress %s' % e)
if e.keyinfo.keyname == 'next':
elif e.keyinfo.keyname == 'prior':
return e
elif e.type == 'KeyRelease' and e.keyinfo == KeyPress('S', False, True, False, 'S'):
log('getKeypress:%s,%s,%s' % (e.keyinfo, e.keycode, e.type))
return e
for scope in ['vm create', 'vmss create']:
with self.argument_context(scope) as c:
c.argument('location', get_location_type(self.cli_ctx), help="Location in which to create VM and related resources. If default location is not configured, will default to the resource group's location")
c.argument('tags', tags_type)
c.argument('no_wait', help='Do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.')
c.argument('validate', options_list=['--validate'], help='Generate and validate the ARM template without creating any resources.', action='store_true')
c.argument('size', help='The VM size to be created. See for size info.')
c.argument('image', completer=get_urn_aliases_completion_list)
c.argument('custom_data', help='Custom init script file or text (cloud-init, cloud-config, etc..)', completer=FilesCompleter(), type=file_type)
c.argument('secrets', multi_ids_type, help='One or many Key Vault secrets as JSON strings or files via `@{path}` containing `[{ "sourceVault": { "id": "value" }, "vaultCertificates": [{ "certificateUrl": "value", "certificateStore": "cert store name (only on windows)"}] }]`', type=file_type, completer=FilesCompleter())
c.argument('assign_identity', nargs='*', arg_group='Managed Service Identity', help="accept system or user assigned identities separated by spaces. Use '[system]' to refer system assigned identity, or a resource id to refer user assigned identity. Check out help for more examples")
with self.argument_context(scope, arg_group='Authentication') as c:
c.argument('generate_ssh_keys', action='store_true', help='Generate SSH public and private key files if missing. The keys will be stored in the ~/.ssh directory')
c.argument('admin_username', help='Username for the VM. Default value is current username of OS. If the default value is system reserved, then default value will be set to azureuser. Please refer to to get a full list of reserved values.')
c.argument('admin_password', help="Password for the VM if authentication type is 'Password'.")
c.argument('ssh_key_value', options_list=['--ssh-key-values'], completer=FilesCompleter(), type=file_type, nargs='+')
c.argument('ssh_dest_key_path', help='Destination file path on the VM for the SSH key. If the file already exists, the specified key(s) are appended to the file. Destination path for SSH public keys is currently limited to its default value "/home/username/.ssh/authorized_keys" due to a known issue in Linux provisioning agent.')
c.argument('authentication_type', help='Type of authentication to use with the VM. Defaults to password for Windows and SSH public key for Linux. "all" enables both ssh and password authentication. ', arg_type=get_enum_type(['ssh', 'password', 'all']))
with self.argument_context(scope, arg_group='Storage') as c:
if DiskStorageAccountTypes:
allowed_values = ', '.join([sku.value for sku in DiskStorageAccountTypes])
allowed_values = ', '.join(['Premium_LRS', 'Standard_LRS'])
usage = 'Usage: [--storage-sku SKU | --storage-sku ID=SKU ID=SKU ID=SKU...], where each ID is "os" or a 0-indexed lun.'
allowed_values = 'Allowed values: {}.'.format(allowed_values)
storage_sku_help = 'The SKU of the storage account with which to persist VM. Use a singular sku that would be applied across all disks, or specify individual disks. {} {}'.format(usage, allowed_values)
c.argument('os_disk_name', help='The name of the new VM OS disk.')
c.argument('os_type', help='Type of OS installed on a custom VHD. Do not use when specifying an URN or URN alias.', arg_type=get_enum_type(['windows', 'linux']))
c.argument('storage_account', help='Only applicable when used with `--use-unmanaged-disk`. The name to use when creating a new storage account or referencing an existing one. If omitted, an appropriate storage account in the same resource group and location will be used, or a new one will be created.')
c.argument('storage_sku', nargs='+', help=storage_sku_help)
c.argument('storage_container_name', help='Only applicable when used with `--use-unmanaged-disk`. Name of the storage container for the VM OS disk. Default: vhds')
c.ignore('os_publisher', 'os_offer', 'os_sku', 'os_version', 'storage_profile')
c.argument('use_unmanaged_disk', action='store_true', help='Do not use managed disk to persist VM')
c.argument('os_disk_size_gb', type=int, help='OS disk size in GB to create.')
c.argument('data_disk_sizes_gb', nargs='+', type=int, help='space-separated empty managed data disk sizes in GB to create')
c.ignore('disk_info', 'storage_account_type', 'public_ip_address_type', 'nsg_type', 'nic_type', 'vnet_type', 'load_balancer_type', 'app_gateway_type')
c.argument('os_caching', options_list=[self.deprecate(target='--storage-caching', redirect='--os-disk-caching', hide=True), '--os-disk-caching'], help='Storage caching type for the VM OS disk. Default: ReadWrite', arg_type=get_enum_type(CachingTypes))
c.argument('data_caching', options_list=['--data-disk-caching'], nargs='+', help="storage caching type for data disk(s), including 'None', 'ReadOnly', 'ReadWrite', etc. Use a singular value to apply on all disks, or use `<lun>=<vaule1> <lun>=<value2>` to configure individual disk")
c.argument('ultra_ssd_enabled', ultra_ssd_enabled_type)
c.argument('ephemeral_os_disk', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), min_api='2018-06-01', help='Allows you to create an OS disk directly on the host node, providing local disk performance and faster VM/VMSS reimage time.', is_preview=True)
c.argument('os_disk_encryption_set', min_api='2019-07-01', help='Name or ID of disk encryption set for OS disk.')
c.argument('data_disk_encryption_sets', nargs='+', min_api='2019-07-01', help='Names or IDs (space delimited) of disk encryption sets for data disks.')
c.argument('data_disk_iops', min_api='2019-07-01', nargs='+', type=int, help='Specify the Read-Write IOPS (space delimited) for the managed disk. Should be used only when StorageAccountType is UltraSSD_LRS. If not specified, a default value would be assigned based on diskSizeGB.')
c.argument('data_disk_mbps', min_api='2019-07-01', nargs='+', type=int, help='Specify the bandwidth in MB per second (space delimited) for the managed disk. Should be used only when StorageAccountType is UltraSSD_LRS. If not specified, a default value would be assigned based on diskSizeGB.')
c.argument('specialized', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Indicate whether the source image is specialized.')
c.argument('encryption_at_host', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Enable Host Encryption for the VM or VMSS. This will enable the encryption for all the disks including Resource/Temp disk at host itself.')
with self.argument_context(scope, arg_group='Network') as c:
c.argument('vnet_name', help='Name of the virtual network when creating a new one or referencing an existing one.')
c.argument('vnet_address_prefix', help='The IP address prefix to use when creating a new VNet in CIDR format.')
c.argument('subnet', help='The name of the subnet when creating a new VNet or referencing an existing one. Can also reference an existing subnet by ID. If both vnet-name and subnet are omitted, an appropriate VNet and subnet will be selected automatically, or a new one will be created.')
c.argument('subnet_address_prefix', help='The subnet IP address prefix to use when creating a new VNet in CIDR format.')
c.argument('nics', nargs='+', help='Names or IDs of existing NICs to attach to the VM. The first NIC will be designated as primary. If omitted, a new NIC will be created. If an existing NIC is specified, do not specify subnet, VNet, public IP or NSG.')
c.argument('private_ip_address', help='Static private IP address (e.g.')
c.argument('public_ip_address', help='Name of the public IP address when creating one (default) or referencing an existing one. Can also reference an existing public IP by ID or specify "" for None (\'""\' in Azure CLI using PowerShell or --% operator).')
c.argument('public_ip_address_allocation', help=None, default=None, arg_type=get_enum_type(['dynamic', 'static']))
c.argument('public_ip_address_dns_name', help='Globally unique DNS name for a newly created public IP.')
if self.supported_api_version(min_api='2017-08-01', resource_type=ResourceType.MGMT_NETWORK):
PublicIPAddressSkuName = self.get_models('PublicIPAddressSkuName', resource_type=ResourceType.MGMT_NETWORK)
c.argument('public_ip_sku', help='Public IP SKU. It is set to Basic by default.', default=None, arg_type=get_enum_type(PublicIPAddressSkuName))
with self.argument_context(scope, arg_group='Marketplace Image Plan') as c:
c.argument('plan_name', help='plan name')
c.argument('plan_product', help='plan product')
c.argument('plan_publisher', help='plan publisher')
c.argument('plan_promotion_code', help='plan promotion code')
for scope in ['vm create', 'vmss create']:
with self.argument_context(scope) as c:
c.argument('location', get_location_type(self.cli_ctx), help="Location in which to create VM and related resources. If default location is not configured, will default to the resource group's location")
c.argument('tags', tags_type)
c.argument('no_wait', help='Do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.')
c.argument('validate', options_list=['--validate'], help='Generate and validate the ARM template without creating any resources.', action='store_true')
c.argument('size', help='The VM size to be created. See for size info.')
c.argument('image', completer=get_urn_aliases_completion_list)
c.argument('custom_data', help='Custom init script file or text (cloud-init, cloud-config, etc..)', completer=FilesCompleter(), type=file_type)
c.argument('secrets', multi_ids_type, help='One or many Key Vault secrets as JSON strings or files via `@{path}` containing `[{ "sourceVault": { "id": "value" }, "vaultCertificates": [{ "certificateUrl": "value", "certificateStore": "cert store name (only on windows)"}] }]`', type=file_type, completer=FilesCompleter())
c.argument('assign_identity', nargs='*', arg_group='Managed Service Identity', help="accept system or user assigned identities separated by spaces. Use '[system]' to refer system assigned identity, or a resource id to refer user assigned identity. Check out help for more examples")
with self.argument_context(scope, arg_group='Authentication') as c:
c.argument('generate_ssh_keys', action='store_true', help='Generate SSH public and private key files if missing. The keys will be stored in the ~/.ssh directory')
c.argument('admin_username', help='Username for the VM. Default value is current username of OS. If the default value is system reserved, then default value will be set to azureuser. Please refer to to get a full list of reserved values.')
c.argument('admin_password', help="Password for the VM if authentication type is 'Password'.")
c.argument('ssh_key_value', options_list=['--ssh-key-values'], completer=FilesCompleter(), type=file_type, nargs='+')
c.argument('ssh_dest_key_path', help='Destination file path on the VM for the SSH key. If the file already exists, the specified key(s) are appended to the file. Destination path for SSH public keys is currently limited to its default value "/home/username/.ssh/authorized_keys" due to a known issue in Linux provisioning agent.')
c.argument('authentication_type', help='Type of authentication to use with the VM. Defaults to password for Windows and SSH public key for Linux. "all" enables both ssh and password authentication. ', arg_type=get_enum_type(['ssh', 'password', 'all']))
with self.argument_context(scope, arg_group='Storage') as c:
if DiskStorageAccountTypes:
allowed_values = ', '.join([sku.value for sku in DiskStorageAccountTypes])
allowed_values = ', '.join(['Premium_LRS', 'Standard_LRS'])
usage = 'Usage: [--storage-sku SKU | --storage-sku ID=SKU ID=SKU ID=SKU...], where each ID is "os" or a 0-indexed lun.'
allowed_values = 'Allowed values: {}.'.format(allowed_values)
storage_sku_help = 'The SKU of the storage account with which to persist VM. Use a singular sku that would be applied across all disks, or specify individual disks. {} {}'.format(usage, allowed_values)
c.argument('os_disk_name', help='The name of the new VM OS disk.')
c.argument('os_type', help='Type of OS installed on a custom VHD. Do not use when specifying an URN or URN alias.', arg_type=get_enum_type(['windows', 'linux']))
c.argument('storage_account', help='Only applicable when used with `--use-unmanaged-disk`. The name to use when creating a new storage account or referencing an existing one. If omitted, an appropriate storage account in the same resource group and location will be used, or a new one will be created.')
c.argument('storage_sku', nargs='+', help=storage_sku_help)
c.argument('storage_container_name', help='Only applicable when used with `--use-unmanaged-disk`. Name of the storage container for the VM OS disk. Default: vhds')
c.ignore('os_publisher', 'os_offer', 'os_sku', 'os_version', 'storage_profile')
c.argument('use_unmanaged_disk', action='store_true', help='Do not use managed disk to persist VM')
c.argument('os_disk_size_gb', type=int, help='OS disk size in GB to create.')
c.argument('data_disk_sizes_gb', nargs='+', type=int, help='space-separated empty managed data disk sizes in GB to create')
c.ignore('disk_info', 'storage_account_type', 'public_ip_address_type', 'nsg_type', 'nic_type', 'vnet_type', 'load_balancer_type', 'app_gateway_type')
c.argument('os_caching', options_list=[self.deprecate(target='--storage-caching', redirect='--os-disk-caching', hide=True), '--os-disk-caching'], help='Storage caching type for the VM OS disk. Default: ReadWrite', arg_type=get_enum_type(CachingTypes))
c.argument('data_caching', options_list=['--data-disk-caching'], nargs='+', help="storage caching type for data disk(s), including 'None', 'ReadOnly', 'ReadWrite', etc. Use a singular value to apply on all disks, or use `<lun>=<vaule1> <lun>=<value2>` to configure individual disk")
c.argument('ultra_ssd_enabled', ultra_ssd_enabled_type)
c.argument('ephemeral_os_disk', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), min_api='2018-06-01', help='Allows you to create an OS disk directly on the host node, providing local disk performance and faster VM/VMSS reimage time.', is_preview=True)
c.argument('os_disk_encryption_set', min_api='2019-07-01', help='Name or ID of disk encryption set for OS disk.')
c.argument('data_disk_encryption_sets', nargs='+', min_api='2019-07-01', help='Names or IDs (space delimited) of disk encryption sets for data disks.')
c.argument('data_disk_iops', min_api='2019-07-01', nargs='+', type=int, help='Specify the Read-Write IOPS (space delimited) for the managed disk. Should be used only when StorageAccountType is UltraSSD_LRS. If not specified, a default value would be assigned based on diskSizeGB.')
c.argument('data_disk_mbps', min_api='2019-07-01', nargs='+', type=int, help='Specify the bandwidth in MB per second (space delimited) for the managed disk. Should be used only when StorageAccountType is UltraSSD_LRS. If not specified, a default value would be assigned based on diskSizeGB.')
c.argument('specialized', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Indicate whether the source image is specialized.')
c.argument('encryption_at_host', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Enable Host Encryption for the VM or VMSS. This will enable the encryption for all the disks including Resource/Temp disk at host itself.')
with self.argument_context(scope, arg_group='Network') as c:
c.argument('vnet_name', help='Name of the virtual network when creating a new one or referencing an existing one.')
c.argument('vnet_address_prefix', help='The IP address prefix to use when creating a new VNet in CIDR format.')
c.argument('subnet', help='The name of the subnet when creating a new VNet or referencing an existing one. Can also reference an existing subnet by ID. If both vnet-name and subnet are omitted, an appropriate VNet and subnet will be selected automatically, or a new one will be created.')
c.argument('subnet_address_prefix', help='The subnet IP address prefix to use when creating a new VNet in CIDR format.')
c.argument('nics', nargs='+', help='Names or IDs of existing NICs to attach to the VM. The first NIC will be designated as primary. If omitted, a new NIC will be created. If an existing NIC is specified, do not specify subnet, VNet, public IP or NSG.')
c.argument('private_ip_address', help='Static private IP address (e.g.')
c.argument('public_ip_address', help='Name of the public IP address when creating one (default) or referencing an existing one. Can also reference an existing public IP by ID or specify "" for None (\'""\' in Azure CLI using PowerShell or --% operator).')
c.argument('public_ip_address_allocation', help=None, default=None, arg_type=get_enum_type(['dynamic', 'static']))
c.argument('public_ip_address_dns_name', help='Globally unique DNS name for a newly created public IP.')
if self.supported_api_version(min_api='2017-08-01', resource_type=ResourceType.MGMT_NETWORK):
PublicIPAddressSkuName = self.get_models('PublicIPAddressSkuName', resource_type=ResourceType.MGMT_NETWORK)
c.argument('public_ip_sku', help='Public IP SKU. It is set to Basic by default.', default=None, arg_type=get_enum_type(PublicIPAddressSkuName))
with self.argument_context(scope, arg_group='Marketplace Image Plan') as c:
c.argument('plan_name', help='plan name')
c.argument('plan_product', help='plan product')
c.argument('plan_publisher', help='plan publisher')
c.argument('plan_promotion_code', help='plan promotion code')disk/pypi/memory_profiler-0.58.0/
for (filename, lines) in prof.code_map.items():
header = template.format('Line #', 'Mem usage', 'Increment', 'Occurences', 'Line Contents')
stream.write(u'Filename: ' + filename + '\n\n')
stream.write(header + u'\n')
stream.write(u'=' * len(header) + '\n')
all_lines = linecache.getlines(filename)
float_format = u'{0}.{1}f'.format(precision + 4, precision)
template_mem = u'{0:' + float_format + '} MiB'
for (lineno, mem) in lines:
if mem:
inc = mem[0]
total_mem = mem[1]
total_mem = template_mem.format(total_mem)
occurences = mem[2]
inc = template_mem.format(inc)
total_mem = u''
inc = u''
occurences = u''
tmp = template.format(lineno, total_mem, inc, occurences, all_lines[lineno - 1])
for i in iterrange(num_props):
property_id = 0
property_id = i32(s, 8 + i * 8)
offset = i32(s, 12 + i * 8)
property_type = i32(s, offset)
log.debug('property id=%d: type=%d offset=%X' % (property_id, property_type, offset))
if property_type == VT_I2:
value = i16(s, offset + 4)
if value >= 32768:
value = value - 65536
elif property_type == VT_UI2:
value = i16(s, offset + 4)
elif property_type in (VT_I4, VT_INT, VT_ERROR):
value = i32(s, offset + 4)
elif property_type in (VT_UI4, VT_UINT):
value = i32(s, offset + 4)
elif property_type in (VT_BSTR, VT_LPSTR):
count = i32(s, offset + 4)
value = s[offset + 8:offset + 8 + count - 1]
value = value.replace(b'\x00', b'')
elif property_type == VT_BLOB:
count = i32(s, offset + 4)
value = s[offset + 8:offset + 8 + count]
elif property_type == VT_LPWSTR:
count = i32(s, offset + 4)
value = self._decode_utf16_str(s[offset + 8:offset + 8 + count * 2])
elif property_type == VT_FILETIME:
value = long(i32(s, offset + 4)) + (long(i32(s, offset + 8)) << 32)
if convert_time and property_id not in no_conversion:
log.debug('Converting property #%d to python datetime, value=%d=%fs' % (property_id, value, float(value) / 10000000))
_FILETIME_null_date = datetime.datetime(1601, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
log.debug('timedelta days=%d' % (value // (10 * 1000000 * 3600 * 24)))
value = _FILETIME_null_date + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=value // 10)
value = value // 10000000
elif property_type == VT_UI1:
value = i8(s[offset + 4])
elif property_type == VT_CLSID:
value = _clsid(s[offset + 4:offset + 20])
elif property_type == VT_CF:
count = i32(s, offset + 4)
value = s[offset + 8:offset + 8 + count]
elif property_type == VT_BOOL:
value = bool(i16(s, offset + 4))
value = None
log.debug('property id=%d: type=%d not implemented in parser yet' % (property_id, property_type))
data[property_id] = value
except BaseException as exc:
msg = 'Error while parsing property id %d in stream %s: %s' % (property_id, repr(streampath), exc)
self._raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, msg, type(exc))
while True:
self._simple_interactive_menu('d) Download', 'l) List', ' u) Update', 'c) Config', 'h) Help', 'q) Quit')
user_input = unicode(input('Downloader> ').strip())
if not user_input:
command = user_input.lower().split()[0]
args = user_input.split()[1:]
if command == 'l':
self._ds.list(self._ds.download_dir, header=False, more_prompt=True)
elif command == 'h':
elif command == 'c':
elif command in ('q', 'x'):
elif command == 'd':
elif command == 'u':
print('Command %r unrecognized' % user_input)
except HTTPError as e:
print('Error reading from server: %s' % e)
except URLError as e:
print('Error connecting to server: %s' % e.reason)
for match in re.finditer(FK_PATTERN, table_data, re.I):
(constraint_name, constrained_columns, referred_quoted_name, referred_name, referred_columns, onupdatedelete) =, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
constrained_columns = list(self._find_cols_in_sig(constrained_columns))
if not referred_columns:
referred_columns = constrained_columns
referred_columns = list(self._find_cols_in_sig(referred_columns))
referred_name = referred_quoted_name or referred_name
options = {}
for token in re.split(' *\\bON\\b *', onupdatedelete.upper()):
if token.startswith('DELETE'):
options['ondelete'] = token[6:].strip()
elif token.startswith('UPDATE'):
options['onupdate'] = token[6:].strip()
yield (constraint_name, constrained_columns, referred_name, referred_columns, options)
for fd in events:
if fd in broadcasts:
sock = broadcasts[fd]
bufsize = sock.getsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF) // 2
with lock:
error = None
data = None
data = sock.recv(bufsize)
except Exception as e:
error = e
error.tb = traceback.format_exc()
trnsp_out.send({'stage': 'broadcast', 'data': data, 'error': error})
elif fd == trnsp_in.fileno():
cmd = trnsp_in.recv_cmd()
if cmd['stage'] == 'shutdown':
data = struct.pack('IHHQIQQ', 28, 2, 0, 0, 104, 0, 0)
trnsp_out.send({'stage': 'broadcast', 'data': data, 'error': None})
elif cmd['stage'] == 'reconstruct':
error = None
msg = cmd['argv'][0]()
ipr.sendto_gate(msg, cmd['argv'][2])
except Exception as e:
error = e
error.tb = traceback.format_exc()
trnsp_out.send({'stage': 'reconstruct', 'error': error, 'return': None, 'cookie': cmd['cookie']})
elif cmd['stage'] == 'command':
error = None
ret = getattr(ipr, cmd['name'])(*cmd['argv'], **cmd['kwarg'])
if cmd['name'] == 'bind' and ipr._brd_socket is not None:
broadcasts[ipr._brd_socket.fileno()] = ipr._brd_socket
except Exception as e:
ret = None
error = e
error.tb = traceback.format_exc()
trnsp_out.send({'stage': 'command', 'error': error, 'return': ret, 'cookie': cmd['cookie']})
while True:
self._simple_interactive_menu('d) Download', 'l) List', ' u) Update', 'c) Config', 'h) Help', 'q) Quit')
user_input = input('Downloader> ').strip()
if not user_input:
command = user_input.lower().split()[0]
args = user_input.split()[1:]
if command == 'l':
self._ds.list(self._ds.download_dir, header=False, more_prompt=True)
elif command == 'h':
elif command == 'c':
elif command in ('q', 'x'):
elif command == 'd':
elif command == 'u':
print('Command %r unrecognized' % user_input)
except HTTPError as e:
print('Error reading from server: %s' % e)
except URLError as e:
print('Error connecting to server: %s' % e.reason)
for (k, block) in res.items():
if[2] > 1:[s]._modules[str(k)], dim=2).repeat(1, 1, 3, 1, 1))
else:[s]._modules[str(k)], dim=2))[s]._modules[str(k)], dim=2))[s]._modules[str(k)], dim=2))[s]._modules[str(k)][s]._modules[str(k)][s]._modules[str(k)][s]._modules[str(k)][s]._modules[str(k)][s]._modules[str(k)][s]._modules[str(k)][s]._modules[str(k)][s]._modules[str(k)][s]._modules[str(k)][s]._modules[str(k)][s]._modules[str(k)]
if block.downsample is not None:
down_conv = block.downsample._modules['0']
down_bn = block.downsample._modules['1'][s]._modules[str(k)].downsample._modules['0'], dim=2))[s]._modules[str(k)].downsample._modules['1'][s]._modules[str(k)].downsample._modules['1'][s]._modules[str(k)].downsample._modules['1'][s]._modules[str(k)].downsample._modules['1']
count += 1
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