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eta reduction repro
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
module Main where
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Void
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
class Unparse a where
unparse :: a -> String
instance Unparse a => Unparse [a] where
unparse = concatMap unparse
instance (Unparse a, Unparse b) => Unparse (Either a b) where
unparse = either unparse unparse
data Lexeme
= Alphanum String
| Symbol String
| Open String
| Close String
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance Unparse Lexeme where
unparse (Alphanum s) = s
unparse (Symbol s) = s
unparse (Open s) = s
unparse (Close s) = s
data Whitespace
= Newline
| Blank String
| Comment String
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance Unparse Whitespace where
unparse Newline = "\n"
unparse (Blank s) = s
unparse (Comment s) = "//" ++ s
type LexemeW = LexemeVW' Void ()
type Source = [LexemeW]
type Pattern = [LexemeVW]
lwLexes :: Source -> [Lexeme]
lwLexes = mapMaybe lwLexemeOf
lwLexemeOf (LLex l) = Just l
lwLexemeOf _ = Nothing
parseLexemeW :: String -> Source
parseLexemeW [] = []
parseLexemeW (c:cs) | isAlphaNum c = case parseLexemeW cs of
LLex (Alphanum s) : ls -> LLex (Alphanum (c:s)) : ls
ls -> LLex (Alphanum [c] ) : ls
parseLexemeW ('\n':cs) = LWhite Newline : parseLexemeW cs
parseLexemeW (c:cs) | isSpace c = case parseLexemeW cs of
LWhite (Blank s) : ls -> LWhite (Blank (c:s)) : ls
ls -> LWhite (Blank [c] ) : ls
parseLexemeW ('/':'/':cs) = LWhite (Comment comment) : parseLexemeW cs'
(comment, cs') = break (== '\n') cs
parseLexemeW ('{':cs) = LLex (Open "{") : parseLexemeW cs
parseLexemeW ('[':cs) = LLex (Open "[") : parseLexemeW cs
parseLexemeW ('(':cs) = LLex (Open "(") : parseLexemeW cs
parseLexemeW (')':cs) = LLex (Close ")") : parseLexemeW cs
parseLexemeW (']':cs) = LLex (Close "]") : parseLexemeW cs
parseLexemeW ('}':cs) = LLex (Close "}") : parseLexemeW cs
parseLexemeW (c:cs) = case parseLexemeW cs of
LLex (Symbol s) : ls -> LLex (Symbol (c:s)) : ls
ls -> LLex (Symbol [c] ) : ls
matchingParen :: String -> String
matchingParen "{" = "}"
matchingParen "[" = "]"
matchingParen "(" = ")"
matchingParen s = error $ "unrecognized paren '%s'"
newtype Var = Var String
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance Unparse Var where
unparse (Var s) = s
isVar :: Lexeme -> Maybe Var
isVar (Symbol "...") = Just (Var "...")
isVar (Alphanum s) | all isUpper s = Just (Var s)
isVar _ = Nothing
type LexemeV = LexemeVW' () Void
parseLexemeV :: String -> [LexemeV]
parseLexemeV = fmap go . lwLexes . parseLexemeW
go :: Lexeme -> LexemeV
go x = case isVar x of
Just v -> LVar v
Nothing -> LLex x
data LexemeVW' var white
= LVar' !var Var
| LWhite' !white Whitespace
| LLex Lexeme
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Generic)
type LexemeVW = LexemeVW' () ()
pattern LVar :: Var -> LexemeVW' () white
pattern LVar v <- LVar' () v
LVar v = LVar' () v
pattern LWhite :: Whitespace -> LexemeVW' var ()
pattern LWhite v <- LWhite' () v
LWhite v = LWhite' () v
{-# COMPLETE LLex, LVar, LWhite #-}
{-# COMPLETE LLex, LVar #-}
{-# COMPLETE LLex, LWhite #-}
parseLexemeVW :: String -> [LexemeVW]
parseLexemeVW = fmap expandVars . parseLexemeW
expandVars :: LexemeW -> LexemeVW
expandVars (LWhite w) = LWhite w
expandVars (LLex x) =
case isVar x of
Just v -> LVar v
Nothing -> LLex x
expandVars (LVar' void _) = absurd void
data Subst1 = Subst1
{ substVar :: Var
, substReplacement :: Source
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Generic)
type Subst = [Subst1]
substitute11 :: Subst1 -> [LexemeVW] -> [LexemeVW]
substitute11 (Subst1 var replacement) = go
go :: [LexemeVW] -> [LexemeVW]
go [] = []
go (LVar v:xs) | v == var = fmap lwToLVW replacement ++ xs
go (x :xs) = x : go xs
substitute1 :: Subst1 -> [LexemeVW] -> [LexemeVW]
substitute1 subst = concatMap $ subst1 subst
subst1 :: Subst1 -> LexemeVW -> [LexemeVW]
subst1 (Subst1 var replacement) (LVar v) | v == var = fmap lwToLVW replacement
subst1 _ (x ) = [x]
lwToLVW :: LexemeVW' a b -> LexemeVW
lwToLVW (LVar' _ w) = LVar w
lwToLVW (LWhite' _ w) = LWhite w
lwToLVW (LLex w) = LLex w
substitute :: Subst -> [LexemeVW] -> Source
substitute replacements = fmap assertR
. substituteAll replacements
. substituteOnce replacements
compose :: [a -> a] -> (a -> a)
compose = foldr (>>>) id
substituteOnce :: Subst -> [LexemeVW] -> [LexemeVW]
substituteOnce = compose . fmap substitute11
substituteAll :: Subst -> [LexemeVW] -> [LexemeVW]
substituteAll = compose . fmap substitute1
assertR :: LexemeVW -> LexemeW
assertR (LVar (Var var)) = error $ "'%s' not in scope"
assertR (LWhite x) = LWhite x
assertR (LLex x) = LLex x
type Parser a = StateT Source [] a
runParser :: Parser a -> Source -> Maybe (a, Source)
runParser parser input = case runStateT parser input of
[] -> Nothing
(x:_) -> Just x
evalParser :: Parser a -> Source -> Maybe a
evalParser parser = fmap fst . runParser parser
pMaybeToken :: (LexemeW -> Maybe a) -> Parser a
pMaybeToken p = do
(x:xs) <- get
Just y <- return (p x)
put xs
return y
pExactToken :: LexemeW -> Parser ()
pExactToken x = pMaybeToken go
go :: LexemeW -> Maybe ()
go x' | x == x' = Just ()
go _ = Nothing
pWhitespace :: Parser Whitespace
pWhitespace = pMaybeToken go
go :: LexemeW -> Maybe Whitespace
go (LWhite w) = Just w
go _ = Nothing
pWhitespaces :: Parser [Whitespace]
pWhitespaces = ((:) <$> pWhitespace <*> pWhitespaces)
<|> return []
pLexeme :: Parser Lexeme
pLexeme = pMaybeToken go
go :: LexemeW -> Maybe Lexeme
go (LLex x) = Just x
go _ = Nothing
pLexemeW :: Parser LexemeW
pLexemeW = pMaybeToken Just
pOpen :: Parser String
pOpen = pMaybeToken go
go :: LexemeW -> Maybe String
go (LLex (Open s)) = Just s
go _ = Nothing
pClose :: Parser String
pClose = pMaybeToken go
go :: LexemeW -> Maybe String
go (LLex (Close s)) = Just s
go _ = Nothing
-- not an Open nor a Close
pFlatLexemeW :: Parser LexemeW
pFlatLexemeW = pMaybeToken go
go :: LexemeW -> Maybe LexemeW
go (LLex (Open _)) = Nothing
go (LLex (Close _)) = Nothing
go x = Just x
-- not an Open nor a Close
pFlatLexeme :: Parser Lexeme
pFlatLexeme = pMaybeToken go
go :: LexemeW -> Maybe Lexeme
go (LLex (Open _)) = Nothing
go (LLex (Close _)) = Nothing
go (LLex x) = Just x
go _ = Nothing
-- match as little as possible, possibly nothing.
pWildcard0 :: Parser Source
pWildcard0 = return []
<|> ((++) <$> pNesting <*> pWildcard0)
<|> ((:) <$> pFlatLexemeW <*> pWildcard0)
pWildcard :: Parser Source
pWildcard = ((++) <$> pNesting <*> pWildcard0)
<|> ((:) <$> (LLex <$> pFlatLexeme) <*> pWildcard0)
<|> ((:) <$> (LWhite <$> pWhitespace) <*> pWildcard )
pWildcardW :: Parser Source
pWildcardW = (++) <$> pWildcard <*> (fmap LWhite <$> pWhitespaces)
pNesting :: Parser Source
pNesting = do
sOpen <- pOpen
xs <- pWildcard0
sClose <- pClose
if matchingParen sOpen == sClose
then return $ [LLex (Open sOpen)]
++ xs
++ [LLex (Close sClose)]
else error $ "mismatched parens: '%s' and '%s'"
pMatchVar :: Var -> Parser Subst1
pMatchVar v = Subst1 <$> pure v <*> (clean <$> pWildcardW)
-- remove blanks at the beginning and end
clean :: Source -> Source
clean = reverse
. dropWhile isBlank
. reverse
. dropWhile isBlank
isBlank :: LexemeW -> Bool
isBlank (LWhite (Blank _)) = True
isBlank _ = False
pMatchPattern :: [LexemeV] -> Parser Subst
pMatchPattern [] = return []
pMatchPattern (LLex x:xs) = pWhitespaces
>> pExactToken (LLex x)
>> pMatchPattern xs
pMatchPattern (LVar v:xs) = (:) <$> pMatchVar v <*> pMatchPattern xs
pMatchPattern (LWhite' void _:_) = absurd void
transliterate :: [LexemeV] -> [LexemeVW]
-> Source -> Source
transliterate patternFrom patternTo = go
parser :: Parser Subst
parser = pMatchPattern patternFrom
go :: Source -> Source
go [] = []
go (x:xs) = case runParser parser (x:xs) of
Just (subst, xs') -> substitute subst patternTo
++ go xs'
Nothing -> x : go xs
var :: Var -> LexemeVW' () a
var = LVar
lex :: Lexeme -> LexemeVW' a b
lex = LLex
white :: Whitespace -> LexemeVW' a ()
white = LWhite
mkSubst :: Var -> Source -> Subst1
mkSubst = Subst1
both :: Source -> Source -> Source
both = (++)
bothP :: Pattern -> Pattern -> Pattern
bothP = (++)
emptyP :: Pattern
emptyP = []
loosen :: LexemeW -> LexemeVW
loosen (LLex x) = LLex x
loosen (LWhite w) = LWhite w
main :: IO ()
main = pure ()
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Spec where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Data.Proxy
import Test.QuickCheck
import QuickSpec
import Main hiding (main)
import Prelude hiding (lex)
main :: IO ()
main = quickSpec
[ withMaxTermSize 8
, withMaxTests 1000
-- , defaultTo $ Proxy @LexemeVW
, background
[ -- con "pure" $ pure @[] @A
-- , lists
-- con "map" $ map @A @B
con ">=>" $ (>=>) @[] @A @B @C
, con "subst1" subst1
-- , con "substitute1" substitute1
-- , con "var" $ var @A
-- , con "lex" $ lex @A @B
-- , con "white" $ white @A
-- , con "mkSubst" mkSubst
-- , con "inj" loosen
, monoTypeWithVars ["s"] $ Proxy @Subst1
, monoTypeWithVars ["lv"] $ Proxy @LexemeV
, monoTypeWithVars ["lw"] $ Proxy @LexemeW
, monoTypeWithVars ["lvw"] $ Proxy @LexemeVW
, monoTypeWithVars ["l"] $ Proxy @Lexeme
, monoTypeWithVars ["v"] $ Proxy @Var
, monoTypeWithVars ["w"] $ Proxy @Whitespace
, monoTypeWithVars ["src"] $ Proxy @Source
, monoTypeWithVars ["pat"] $ Proxy @Pattern
-- , monoTypeObserve $ Proxy @Void
instance Arbitrary Var where
arbitrary = fmap (Var . mappend "VAR" . pure) $ elements ['1' .. '9']
shrink = genericShrink
instance Arbitrary Subst1 where
arbitrary = Subst1 <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
shrink = genericShrink
instance Arbitrary LexemeVW where
arbitrary = oneof
[ LVar <$> arbitrary
, LWhite <$> arbitrary
, LLex <$> arbitrary
shrink = genericShrink
instance Arbitrary LexemeV where
arbitrary = oneof
[ LVar <$> arbitrary
, LLex <$> arbitrary
-- shrink = genericShrink
instance Arbitrary LexemeW where
arbitrary = oneof
[ LWhite <$> arbitrary
, LLex <$> arbitrary
-- shrink = genericShrink
instance Arbitrary Lexeme where
arbitrary = oneof
[ fmap Alphanum $ listOf $ elements $ ['0'..'9'] ++ ['A'..'Z']
, fmap Symbol $ listOf $ arbitrary `suchThat` isSymbol
, fmap (Open . pure) $ elements ['(', '{', '[']
, fmap (Close . pure) $ elements [')', '}', ']']
shrink = genericShrink
instance Arbitrary Whitespace where
arbitrary = oneof
[ pure Newline
, fmap Blank $ listOf $ pure ' '
, fmap (Comment . getPrintableString) arbitrary
shrink = genericShrink
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