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print ('hello')
issayevruslan /
Created January 31, 2022 09:13 — forked from bogdan-kulynych/
Install CUDA 10 on Ubuntu 18.04
# WARNING: These steps seem to not work anymore!
# Purge existign CUDA first
sudo apt --purge remove "cublas*" "cuda*"
sudo apt --purge remove "nvidia*"
# Install CUDA Toolkit 10
issayevruslan /
Created May 25, 2022 18:43 — forked from eelsivart/
Heartbleed (CVE-2014-0160) Test & Exploit Python Script
# Modified by Travis Lee
# Last Updated: 4/21/14
# Version 1.16
# -changed output to display text only instead of hexdump and made it easier to read
# -added option to specify number of times to connect to server (to get more data)
# -added option to send STARTTLS command for use with SMTP/POP/IMAP/FTP/etc...
# -added option to specify an input file of multiple hosts, line delimited, with or without a port specified (host:port)