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Last active August 19, 2019 02:28
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Learning functional maze
Funcitonal Maze
Run: runhaskell <SOURCE> <WIDTH::Int> <HEIGHT::Int> <RANDOM_SEED::Int>
- [W] [A] [S] [D]: move up, left, down, right
- [Q] [E|SPACE]: rotate counter-clockwise, clockwise
- [ESC]: quit
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import System.Random
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import System.Environment
import System.IO
import Data.Maybe
data Dir = North | South | West | East deriving(Show, Eq, Ord)
data TurnDir = CW | CCW deriving(Show, Eq)
newtype Cell = Cell (Point, [Dir]) deriving(Show, Eq)
type Point = (Int, Int)
type Board = [Cell]
-- size reserved stack final
generate :: Point -> [Point] -> Board -> State StdGen Board
generate _ _ [] = return []
generate size reserved (Cell (x, xdirs):xs) = do
randGen <- get
let (nextDirs, randGen') = runState (potentialNext size x reserved) randGen
let nextPoints = pointOfDir x <$> nextDirs
let nextCells = cellOfDir x <$> nextDirs
let (rest, randGen'') = runState (generate size (reserved ++ nextPoints) (xs ++ nextCells)) randGen'
put randGen''
return (Cell(x, xdirs ++ nextDirs) : rest)
potentialNext :: Point -> Point -> [Point] -> State StdGen [Dir]
potentialNext size (x, y) avail = do
randGen0 <- get
let canPointBeAdded point = (point `notElem` avail) && validPont size point
let (randR, randGen1) = randomR (1, 5) randGen0 :: (Int, StdGen)
let (randT, randGen2) = randomR (1, 5) randGen1 :: (Int, StdGen)
let (randB, randGen3) = randomR (1, 5) randGen2 :: (Int, StdGen)
let (randL, randGen4) = randomR (1, 5) randGen3 :: (Int, StdGen)
let r = [East | randR <= 3 && canPointBeAdded (x + 1, y)]
let t = [North | randT <= 3 && canPointBeAdded (x, y - 1)]
let b = [South | randB <= 3 && canPointBeAdded (x, y + 1)]
let l = [West | randL <= 3 && canPointBeAdded (x - 1, y)]
let (potentials, randGen5) = runState (shuffle $ concat [l, r, t, b]) randGen4
put randGen5
return potentials
validPont :: Point -> Point -> Bool
validPont (w, h) (x, y)
| x < 0 = False
| y < 0 = False
| x >= w = False
| y >= h = False
| otherwise = True
shuffle :: [a] -> State StdGen [a]
shuffle [] = return []
shuffle (x:xs) = do
randGen <- get
let (randNum, randGen') = randomR (1, 2) randGen :: (Int, StdGen)
let (rest, randGen'') = runState (shuffle xs) randGen'
put randGen''
return (if randNum == 1 then x : rest else rest ++ [x])
revDir :: Dir -> Dir
revDir North = South
revDir South = North
revDir East = West
revDir West = East
pointOfDir :: Point -> Dir -> Point
pointOfDir (x, y) West = (x - 1, y)
pointOfDir (x, y) East = (x + 1, y)
pointOfDir (x, y) North = (x, y - 1)
pointOfDir (x, y) South = (x, y + 1)
cellOfDir :: Point -> Dir -> Cell
cellOfDir (x, y) West = Cell ((x - 1, y), [East])
cellOfDir (x, y) East = Cell ((x + 1, y), [West])
cellOfDir (x, y) North = Cell ((x, y - 1), [South])
cellOfDir (x, y) South = Cell ((x, y + 1), [North])
dirsToChar :: [Dir] -> Char
dirsToChar [] = ' '
dirsToChar [North] = '╨'
dirsToChar [South] = '╥'
dirsToChar [West] = '╡'
dirsToChar [East] = '╞'
dirsToChar [North, South] = '║'
dirsToChar [North, East] = '╚'
dirsToChar [North, West] = '╝'
dirsToChar [West, East] = '═'
dirsToChar [South, East] = '╔'
dirsToChar [South, West] = '╗'
dirsToChar [North, West, East] = '╩'
dirsToChar [North, South, East] = '╠'
dirsToChar [North, South, West] = '╣'
dirsToChar [South, West, East] = '╦'
dirsToChar [North, South, West, East] = '╬'
dirsToChar _ = '?'
goto :: Point -> IO ()
goto (x, y) = putStr ("\ESC[" ++ show (y + 2) ++ ";" ++ show (x + 2) ++ "H")
-- original connected
printCell :: Board -> [Point] -> Cell -> IO ()
printCell b conns c@(Cell (p, dirs)) = do
goto p
if p `elem` conns then putStr "\ESC[93m" else putStr "\ESC[39m"
putStr [dirsToChar $ sort dirs]
getIntFromArg :: Int -> IO Int
getIntFromArg pos = read . (!!pos) <$> getArgs
clearScreen :: IO ()
clearScreen = putStrLn "\ESC[2J"
applyN :: Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
applyN 0 _ a = a
applyN n f a = applyN (n - 1) f $ f a
turnCell :: TurnDir -> [Dir] -> [Dir]
turnCell CCW dirs = applyN 3 (turnCell CW) dirs
turnCell CW dirs = concat [n, s, w, e]
n = [East | North `elem` dirs]
s = [West | South `elem` dirs]
w = [North | West `elem` dirs]
e = [South | East `elem` dirs]
turnBoard :: Point -> TurnDir -> Board -> Board
turnBoard _ _ [] = []
turnBoard p@(px, py) dir (c@(Cell ((cx, cy), dirs)):cs)
| px == cx && py == cy = Cell ((px, py), turnCell dir dirs) : cs
| otherwise = c : turnBoard p dir cs
getCell :: Point -> Board -> Maybe Cell
getCell _ [] = Nothing
getCell p@(px, py) (c@(Cell ((cx, cy), _)):cs)
| px == cx && py == cy = Just c
| otherwise = getCell p cs
hasConnection :: Cell -> Dir -> Bool
hasConnection (Cell (_, dirs)) dir = dir `elem` dirs
connectionFor :: Board -> Point -> Dir -> Maybe Cell
connectionFor board p dir = do
newCell <- getCell (pointOfDir p dir) board
if hasConnection newCell (revDir dir) then return newCell else Nothing
-- stack visited original
reach :: Board -> [Point] -> Board -> [Point]
reach [] _ _ = []
reach (c@(Cell (p, dirs)):cs) visited b = p : reach (cs ++ newReach) (p : visited) b
newReach = filter (\(Cell (p, _)) -> p `notElem` visited) $ map fromJust $ filter (/=Nothing) $ map (connectionFor b p) dirs
shuffleBoard :: Board -> State StdGen Board
shuffleBoard [] = return []
shuffleBoard (c:cs) = do
randGen <- get
let (spin, randGen') = randomR (0, 3) randGen :: (Int, StdGen)
let (Cell (p, dirs)) = c
let newDirs = applyN spin (turnCell CW) dirs
let (rest, randGen'') = runState (shuffleBoard cs) randGen'
put randGen''
return (Cell (p, newDirs):rest)
play :: Point -> Point -> Board -> IO ()
play size@(w, h) (x, y) board = do
let connected = reach [head board] [] board
if length connected == length board then return () else playTurn size (x, y) board connected
playTurn :: Point -> Point -> Board -> [Point] -> IO ()
playTurn size@(w, h) (x, y) board connected = do
mapM_ (printCell board connected) board
goto (x, y)
keyStroke <- getChar
case keyStroke of
'w' -> play size (x, y - 1) board
's' -> play size (x, y + 1) board
'a' -> play size (x - 1, y) board
'd' -> play size (x + 1, y) board
'q' -> play size (x, y) (turnBoard (x, y) CCW board)
'e' -> play size (x, y) (turnBoard (x, y) CW board)
' ' -> play size (x, y) (turnBoard (x, y) CW board)
'\ESC' -> return ()
_ -> play size (x, y) board
main = do
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
width <- getIntFromArg 0
height <- getIntFromArg 1
randGen <- getIntFromArg 2
let (board, randGen') = runState (generate (width, height) [(0, 0)] [Cell((0, 0), [North])]) (mkStdGen randGen)
play (width, height) (0, 0) $ evalState (shuffleBoard board) randGen'
goto (0, height)
putStr "\n"
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