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Last active January 4, 2018 23:49
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Functional JSON encoder / decoder.
-- Custom data types
data Value = ValueString String | ValueInt Int | ValueJson Json deriving (Show)
data KeyValuePair = KeyValuePair String Value deriving (Show)
data Json = JsonObject [KeyValuePair] | JsonArray [Value] deriving (Show)
-- Decoder
decode :: String -> Value
decode raw = v
where (_, v) = decodeValue (tokenize raw)
decodeObject :: [String] -> [KeyValuePair] -> ([String], Json)
decodeObject ("}":ts_in) kvps = (ts_in, JsonObject kvps)
decodeObject (",":ts_in) kvps = decodeObject ts_in kvps
decodeObject (t_key:":":ts_in) kvps = decodeObject ts_rest (kvps ++ [KeyValuePair t_key val])
where (ts_rest, val) = decodeValue ts_in
decodeArray :: [String] -> [Value] -> ([String], Json)
decodeArray ("]":ts_in) varr = (ts_in, JsonArray varr)
decodeArray (",":ts_in) varr = decodeArray ts_in varr
decodeArray ts_in varr = decodeArray ts_rest (varr ++ [val])
where (ts_rest, val) = decodeValue ts_in
decodeValue :: [String] -> ([String], Value)
decodeValue ("{":ts) = (ts_rest, ValueJson json_val)
where (ts_rest, json_val) = decodeObject ts []
decodeValue ("[":ts) = (ts_rest, ValueJson arr)
where (ts_rest, arr) = decodeArray ts []
decodeValue (val:ts_rest)
| isInt val = (ts_rest, ValueInt (read val :: Int))
| otherwise = (ts_rest, ValueString val)
-- Encoder
encode :: Value -> String
encode (ValueString x) = x
encode (ValueInt x) = show x
encode (ValueJson (JsonObject kvps)) = encodeObject kvps
encode (ValueJson (JsonArray arr)) = encodeArray arr
encodeArray :: [Value] -> String
encodeArray x = "[" ++ concatWith (encodeArray' x []) ',' ++ "]"
encodeArray' :: [Value] -> [String] -> [String]
encodeArray' xs w = foldl (\a b -> a ++ [encode b]) w xs
encodeObject :: [KeyValuePair] -> String
encodeObject x = "{" ++ concatWith (encodeObject' x []) ',' ++ "}"
encodeObject' :: [KeyValuePair] -> [String] -> [String]
encodeObject' [] w = w
encodeObject' (KeyValuePair k v :xs) w = encodeObject' xs (w ++ [k ++ ":" ++ encode v])
-- Utility
tokenize :: String -> [String]
tokenize w = tokenize' w [] False
tokenize' :: String -> [String] -> Bool -> [String]
tokenize' [] ts _ = reverse ts
tokenize' (' ':ws) ts a = tokenize' ws ts a
tokenize' (c:ws) ts a
| c `elem` "[,]{:}" = tokenize' ws ([c]:ts) False
tokenize' (a:ws) ts False = tokenize' ws ([a] : ts) True
tokenize' (a:ws) (t:ts) True = tokenize' ws ((t ++ [a]) : ts) True
concatWith :: [String] -> Char -> String
concatWith [] _ = ""
concatWith [w] _ = w
concatWith (w1:w2:xs) c = w1 ++ [c] ++ concatWith (w2:xs) c
isDigit c = c `elem` "01234567890"
isInt :: String -> Bool
isInt = all isDigit
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