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Created June 14, 2019 15:16
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SCRIPT /usr/local/Cellar/vim/8.1.1500/share/vim/vim81/scripts.vim
Sourced 1 time
Total time: 0.001107
Self time: 0.001107
count total (s) self (s)
" Vim support file to detect file types in scripts
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
" Last change: 2018 Feb 03
" This file is called by an autocommand for every file that has just been
" loaded into a buffer. It checks if the type of file can be recognized by
" the file contents. The autocommand is in $VIMRUNTIME/filetype.vim.
" Note that the pattern matches are done with =~# to avoid the value of the
" 'ignorecase' option making a difference. Where case is to be ignored use
" =~? instead. Do not use =~ anywhere.
" Only do the rest when the FileType autocommand has not been triggered yet.
1 0.000004 if did_filetype()
1 0.000001 endif
" Load the user defined scripts file first
" Only do this when the FileType autocommand has not been triggered yet
1 0.000004 if exists("myscriptsfile") && filereadable(expand(myscriptsfile))
execute "source " . myscriptsfile
if did_filetype()
1 0.000001 endif
" Line continuation is used here, remove 'C' from 'cpoptions'
1 0.000009 let s:cpo_save = &cpo
1 0.000009 set cpo&vim
1 0.000004 let s:line1 = getline(1)
1 0.000006 if s:line1 =~# "^#!"
" A script that starts with "#!".
" Check for a line like "#!/usr/bin/env VAR=val bash". Turn it into
" "#!/usr/bin/bash" to make matching easier.
if s:line1 =~# '^#!\s*\S*\<env\s'
let s:line1 = substitute(s:line1, '\S\+=\S\+', '', 'g')
let s:line1 = substitute(s:line1, '\<env\s\+', '', '')
" Get the program name.
" Only accept spaces in PC style paths: "#!c:/program files/perl [args]".
" If the word env is used, use the first word after the space:
" "#!/usr/bin/env perl [path/args]"
" If there is no path use the first word: "#!perl [path/args]".
" Otherwise get the last word after a slash: "#!/usr/bin/perl [path/args]".
if s:line1 =~# '^#!\s*\a:[/\\]'
let s:name = substitute(s:line1, '^#!.*[/\\]\(\i\+\).*', '\1', '')
elseif s:line1 =~# '^#!.*\<env\>'
let s:name = substitute(s:line1, '^#!.*\<env\>\s\+\(\i\+\).*', '\1', '')
elseif s:line1 =~# '^#!\s*[^/\\ ]*\>\([^/\\]\|$\)'
let s:name = substitute(s:line1, '^#!\s*\([^/\\ ]*\>\).*', '\1', '')
let s:name = substitute(s:line1, '^#!\s*\S*[/\\]\(\i\+\).*', '\1', '')
" tcl scripts may have #!/bin/sh in the first line and "exec wish" in the
" third line. Suggested by Steven Atkinson.
if getline(3) =~# '^exec wish'
let s:name = 'wish'
" Bourne-like shell scripts: bash bash2 ksh ksh93 sh
if s:name =~# '^\(bash\d*\|\|ksh\d*\|sh\)\>'
call dist#ft#SetFileTypeSH(s:line1) " defined in filetype.vim
" csh scripts
elseif s:name =~# '^csh\>'
if exists("g:filetype_csh")
call dist#ft#SetFileTypeShell(g:filetype_csh)
call dist#ft#SetFileTypeShell("csh")
" tcsh scripts
elseif s:name =~# '^tcsh\>'
call dist#ft#SetFileTypeShell("tcsh")
" Z shell scripts
elseif s:name =~# '^zsh\>'
set ft=zsh
" TCL scripts
elseif s:name =~# '^\(tclsh\|wish\|expectk\|itclsh\|itkwish\)\>'
set ft=tcl
" Expect scripts
elseif s:name =~# '^expect\>'
set ft=expect
" Gnuplot scripts
elseif s:name =~# '^gnuplot\>'
set ft=gnuplot
" Makefiles
elseif s:name =~# 'make\>'
set ft=make
" Pike
elseif s:name =~# '^pike\%(\>\|[0-9]\)'
set ft=pike
" Lua
elseif s:name =~# 'lua'
set ft=lua
" Perl 6
elseif s:name =~# 'perl6'
set ft=perl6
" Perl
elseif s:name =~# 'perl'
set ft=perl
elseif s:name =~# 'php'
set ft=php
" Python
elseif s:name =~# 'python'
set ft=python
" Groovy
elseif s:name =~# '^groovy\>'
set ft=groovy
" Ruby
elseif s:name =~# 'ruby'
set ft=ruby
" JavaScript
elseif s:name =~# 'node\(js\)\=\>\|js\>' || s:name =~# 'rhino\>'
set ft=javascript
" BC calculator
elseif s:name =~# '^bc\>'
set ft=bc
" sed
elseif s:name =~# 'sed\>'
set ft=sed
" OCaml-scripts
elseif s:name =~# 'ocaml'
set ft=ocaml
" Awk scripts
elseif s:name =~# 'awk\>'
set ft=awk
" Website MetaLanguage
elseif s:name =~# 'wml'
set ft=wml
" Scheme scripts
elseif s:name =~# 'scheme'
set ft=scheme
" CFEngine scripts
elseif s:name =~# 'cfengine'
set ft=cfengine
" Erlang scripts
elseif s:name =~# 'escript'
set ft=erlang
" Haskell
elseif s:name =~# 'haskell'
set ft=haskell
" Scala
elseif s:name =~# 'scala\>'
set ft=scala
" Clojure
elseif s:name =~# 'clojure'
set ft=clojure
unlet s:name
1 0.000001 else
" File does not start with "#!".
1 0.000003 let s:line2 = getline(2)
1 0.000002 let s:line3 = getline(3)
1 0.000002 let s:line4 = getline(4)
1 0.000002 let s:line5 = getline(5)
" Bourne-like shell scripts: sh ksh bash bash2
1 0.000004 if s:line1 =~# '^:$'
call dist#ft#SetFileTypeSH(s:line1) " defined in filetype.vim
" Z shell scripts
1 0.000037 elseif s:line1 =~# '^#compdef\>' || s:line1 =~# '^#autoload\>' ||
\ "\n".s:line1."\n".s:line2."\n".s:line3."\n".s:line4."\n".s:line5 =~# '\n\s*emulate\s\+\%(-[LR]\s\+\)\=[ckz]\=sh\>'
set ft=zsh
" ELM Mail files
1 0.000009 elseif s:line1 =~# '^From \([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9\.=-]*\(@[^ ]*\)\=\|-\) .* \(19\|20\)\d\d$'
set ft=mail
" Mason
1 0.000004 elseif s:line1 =~# '^<[%&].*>'
set ft=mason
" Vim scripts (must have '" vim' as the first line to trigger this)
1 0.000003 elseif s:line1 =~# '^" *[vV]im$'
set ft=vim
1 0.000007 elseif s:line1 =~# '^\*\* LambdaMOO Database, Format Version \%([1-3]\>\)\@!\d\+ \*\*$'
set ft=moo
" Diff file:
" - "diff" in first line (context diff)
" - "Only in " in first line
" - "--- " in first line and "+++ " in second line (unified diff).
" - "*** " in first line and "--- " in second line (context diff).
" - "# It was generated by makepatch " in the second line (makepatch diff).
" - "Index: <filename>" in the first line (CVS file)
" - "=== ", line of "=", "---", "+++ " (SVK diff)
" - "=== ", "--- ", "+++ " (bzr diff, common case)
" - "=== (removed|added|renamed|modified)" (bzr diff, alternative)
" - "# HG changeset patch" in first line (Mercurial export format)
1 0.000051 elseif s:line1 =~# '^\(diff\>\|Only in \|\d\+\(,\d\+\)\=[cda]\d\+\>\|# It was generated by makepatch \|Index:\s\+\f\+\r\=$\|===== \f\+ \d\+\.\d\+ vs edited\|==== //\f\+#\d\+\|# HG changeset patch\)'
\ || (s:line1 =~# '^--- ' && s:line2 =~# '^+++ ')
\ || (s:line1 =~# '^\* looking for ' && s:line2 =~# '^\* comparing to ')
\ || (s:line1 =~# '^\*\*\* ' && s:line2 =~# '^--- ')
\ || (s:line1 =~# '^=== ' && ((s:line2 =~# '^=\{66\}' && s:line3 =~# '^--- ' && s:line4 =~# '^+++') || (s:line2 =~# '^--- ' && s:line3 =~# '^+++ ')))
\ || (s:line1 =~# '^=== \(removed\|added\|renamed\|modified\)')
set ft=diff
" PostScript Files (must have %!PS as the first line, like a2ps output)
1 0.000004 elseif s:line1 =~# '^%![ \t]*PS'
set ft=postscr
" M4 scripts: Guess there is a line that starts with "dnl".
1 0.000018 elseif s:line1 =~# '^\s*dnl\>'
\ || s:line2 =~# '^\s*dnl\>'
\ || s:line3 =~# '^\s*dnl\>'
\ || s:line4 =~# '^\s*dnl\>'
\ || s:line5 =~# '^\s*dnl\>'
set ft=m4
" AmigaDos scripts
1 0.000003 elseif $TERM == "amiga"
\ && (s:line1 =~# "^;" || s:line1 =~? '^\.bra')
set ft=amiga
" SiCAD scripts (must have procn or procd as the first line to trigger this)
1 0.000004 elseif s:line1 =~? '^ *proc[nd] *$'
set ft=sicad
" Purify log files start with "**** Purify"
1 0.000003 elseif s:line1 =~# '^\*\*\*\* Purify'
set ft=purifylog
1 0.000004 elseif s:line1 =~# '<?\s*xml.*?>'
set ft=xml
" XHTML (e.g.: PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN")
1 0.000005 elseif s:line1 =~# '\<DTD\s\+XHTML\s'
set ft=xhtml
" HTML (e.g.: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN")
" Avoid "doctype html", used by slim.
1 0.000004 elseif s:line1 =~? '<!DOCTYPE\s\+html\>'
set ft=html
1 0.000003 elseif s:line1 =~# '^%PDF-'
set ft=pdf
" XXD output
1 0.000010 elseif s:line1 =~# '^\x\{7}: \x\{2} \=\x\{2} \=\x\{2} \=\x\{2} '
set ft=xxd
" RCS/CVS log output
1 0.000006 elseif s:line1 =~# '^RCS file:' || s:line2 =~# '^RCS file:'
set ft=rcslog
" CVS commit
1 0.000008 elseif s:line2 =~# '^CVS:' || getline("$") =~# '^CVS: '
set ft=cvs
" Prescribe
1 0.000003 elseif s:line1 =~# '^!R!'
set ft=prescribe
" Send-pr
1 0.000004 elseif s:line1 =~# '^SEND-PR:'
set ft=sendpr
" SNNS files
1 0.000005 elseif s:line1 =~# '^SNNS network definition file'
set ft=snnsnet
1 0.000004 elseif s:line1 =~# '^SNNS pattern definition file'
set ft=snnspat
1 0.000004 elseif s:line1 =~# '^SNNS result file'
set ft=snnsres
" Virata
1 0.000023 elseif s:line1 =~# '^%.\{-}[Vv]irata'
\ || s:line2 =~# '^%.\{-}[Vv]irata'
\ || s:line3 =~# '^%.\{-}[Vv]irata'
\ || s:line4 =~# '^%.\{-}[Vv]irata'
\ || s:line5 =~# '^%.\{-}[Vv]irata'
set ft=virata
" Strace
1 0.000080 elseif s:line1 =~# '[0-9:.]* *execve(' || s:line1 =~# '^__libc_start_main'
set ft=strace
1 0.000007 elseif s:line1 =~# '^\* $$ JOB\>' || s:line1 =~# '^// *JOB\>'
set ft=vsejcl
1 0.000009 elseif s:line4 =~# 'K & K Associates' || s:line2 =~# 'TAK 2000'
set ft=takout
1 0.000006 elseif s:line3 =~# 'S Y S T E M S I M P R O V E D '
set ft=sindaout
1 0.000006 elseif getline(6) =~# 'Run Date: '
set ft=takcmp
1 0.000006 elseif getline(9) =~# 'Node File 1'
set ft=sindacmp
" DNS zone files
1 0.000313 elseif s:line1.s:line2.s:line3.s:line4 =~# '^; <<>> DiG [0-9.]\+.* <<>>\|$ORIGIN\|$TTL\|IN\s\+SOA'
set ft=bindzone
1 0.000014 elseif s:line1 =~# '|\*\{1,80}' && s:line2 =~# 'VRC '
\ || s:line2 =~# '|\*\{1,80}' && s:line3 =~# 'VRC '
set ft=baan
" Valgrind
1 0.000008 elseif s:line1 =~# '^==\d\+== valgrind' || s:line3 =~# '^==\d\+== Using valgrind'
set ft=valgrind
" Go docs
1 0.000004 elseif s:line1 =~# '^PACKAGE DOCUMENTATION$'
set ft=godoc
" Renderman Interface Bytestream
1 0.000004 elseif s:line1 =~# '^##RenderMan'
set ft=rib
" Scheme scripts
1 0.000020 elseif s:line1 =~# 'exec\s\+\S*scheme' || s:line2 =~# 'exec\s\+\S*scheme'
set ft=scheme
" Git output
1 0.000012 elseif s:line1 =~# '^\(commit\|tree\|object\) \x\{40\}\>\|^tag \S\+$'
set ft=git
" Gprof (gnu profiler)
1 0.000007 elseif s:line1 == 'Flat profile:'
\ && s:line2 == ''
\ && s:line3 =~# '^Each sample counts as .* seconds.$'
set ft=gprof
" Erlang terms
" (See also:
1 0.000004 elseif s:line1 =~? '-\*-.*erlang.*-\*-'
set ft=erlang
" CVS diff
1 0.000001 else
1 0.000002 let s:lnum = 1
1 0.000006 while getline(s:lnum) =~# "^? " && s:lnum < line("$")
let s:lnum += 1
1 0.000001 endwhile
1 0.000005 if getline(s:lnum) =~# '^Index:\s\+\f\+$'
set ft=diff
" locale input files: Formal Definitions of Cultural Conventions
" filename must be like en_US, fr_FR@euro or en_US.UTF-8
1 0.000035 elseif expand("%") =~# '\a\a_\a\a\($\|[.@]\)\|i18n$\|POSIX$\|translit_'
let s:lnum = 1
while s:lnum < 100 && s:lnum < line("$")
setf fdcc
let s:lnum += 1
1 0.000000 endif
1 0.000002 unlet s:lnum
1 0.000001 endif
1 0.000002 unlet s:line2 s:line3 s:line4 s:line5
1 0.000000 endif
" Restore 'cpoptions'
1 0.000008 let &cpo = s:cpo_save
1 0.000004 unlet s:cpo_save s:line1
SCRIPT /usr/local/Cellar/vim/8.1.1500/share/vim/vim81/ftplugin/text.vim
Sourced 1 time
Total time: 0.000043
Self time: 0.000043
count total (s) self (s)
" Vim filetype plugin
" Language: Text
" Maintainer: David Barnett <>
" Last Change: 2019 Jan 10
1 0.000005 if exists('b:did_ftplugin')
1 0.000005 endif
1 0.000002 let b:did_ftplugin = 1
1 0.000002 let b:undo_ftplugin = 'setlocal comments< commentstring<'
" We intentionally don't set formatoptions-=t since text should wrap as text.
" Pseudo comment leaders to indent bulleted lists with '-' and '*'. And allow
" for Mail quoted text with '>'.
1 0.000007 setlocal comments=fb:-,fb:*,n:>
1 0.000005 setlocal commentstring=
FUNCTION highlighturl#set_url_match()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/highlighturl/autoload/highlighturl.vim line 63
Called 2 times
Total time: 0.000452
Self time: 0.000292
count total (s) self (s)
2 0.000142 0.000046 call highlighturl#delete_url_match()
2 0.000048 0.000032 if s:get('enable', get(s:, 'enable', 1))
2 0.000010 if !hlexists('HighlightUrl')
call highlighturl#set_highlight()
2 0.000001 endif
2 0.000095 0.000062 let pattern = s:get('pattern', highlighturl#default_pattern())
2 0.000136 0.000121 call matchadd('HighlightUrl', pattern, s:get('url_priority', 15))
2 0.000004 if s:urlcursor
call highlighturl#set_urlcursor_match()
2 0.000002 endif
2 0.000001 endif
FUNCTION traces#cmdl_leave()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/traces/autoload/traces.vim line 779
Called 2 times
Total time: 0.000678
Self time: 0.000598
count total (s) self (s)
2 0.000022 let s:nr = bufnr('%')
2 0.000018 if !exists('s:buf[s:nr]')
2 0.000002 endif
2 0.000140 0.000060 call s:restore_undo_history()
" highlights
2 0.000016 if exists('s:win[win_getid()]')
if &scrolloff !=# 0
let scrolloff = &scrolloff
noautocmd let &scrolloff = 0
let cur_win = win_getid()
let alt_win = win_getid(winnr('#'))
let windows = filter(win_findbuf(s:nr), {_, val -> win_id2win(val)})
for id in windows
let wininfo = getwininfo(id)[0]
if wininfo.height is 0 || wininfo.width is 0
" skip minimized windows
noautocmd call win_gotoid(id)
if exists('s:win[id]')
if exists('s:win[id].hlight')
for group in keys(s:win[id].hlight)
if s:win[id].hlight[group].index !=# - 1
silent! call matchdelete(s:win[id].hlight[group].index)
if exists('s:win[id].options')
for option in keys(s:win[id].options)
execute 'noautocmd let &' . option . '="' . s:win[id].options[option] . '"'
unlet s:win[id]
if bufname('%') !=# '[Command Line]'
noautocmd call win_gotoid(s:buf[s:nr].alt_win)
noautocmd call win_gotoid(cur_win)
if exists('scrolloff')
noautocmd let &scrolloff = scrolloff
2 0.000002 endif
2 0.000009 if &hlsearch !=# s:buf[s:nr].hlsearch
noautocmd let &hlsearch = s:buf[s:nr].hlsearch
2 0.000002 endif
2 0.000008 if &cmdheight !=# s:buf[s:nr].cmdheight
noautocmd let &cmdheight = s:buf[s:nr].cmdheight
2 0.000003 endif
2 0.000008 if &winwidth isnot s:buf[s:nr].winwidth
noautocmd let &winwidth = s:buf[s:nr].winwidth
2 0.000002 endif
2 0.000007 if &winheight isnot s:buf[s:nr].winheight
noautocmd let &winheight = s:buf[s:nr].winheight
2 0.000003 endif
2 0.000015 if winrestcmd() isnot s:buf[s:nr].winrestcmd
noautocmd execute s:buf[s:nr].winrestcmd
2 0.000002 endif
2 0.000022 if winsaveview() !=# s:buf[s:nr].view
call winrestview(s:buf[s:nr].view)
2 0.000002 endif
2 0.000034 unlet s:buf[s:nr]
FUNCTION gitbranch#name()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/gitbranch/autoload/gitbranch.vim line 11
Called 6 times
Total time: 0.003701
Self time: 0.001223
count total (s) self (s)
6 0.000745 if get(b:, 'gitbranch_pwd', '') !=# expand('%:p:h') || !has_key(b:, 'gitbranch_path')
6 0.002804 0.000326 call gitbranch#detect(expand('%:p:h'))
6 0.000006 endif
6 0.000027 if has_key(b:, 'gitbranch_path') && filereadable(b:gitbranch_path)
let branch = get(readfile(b:gitbranch_path), 0, '')
if branch =~# '^ref: '
return substitute(branch, '^ref: \%(refs/\%(heads/\|remotes/\|tags/\)\=\)\=', '', '')
elseif branch =~# '^\x\{20\}'
return branch[:6]
6 0.000004 endif
6 0.000009 return ''
FUNCTION <SNR>105_parse_range()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/traces/autoload/traces.vim line 29
Called 25 times
Total time: 0.006608
Self time: 0.005092
count total (s) self (s)
25 0.000063 let specifier = {}
25 0.000057 let specifier.addresses = []
25 0.000041 let while_limit = 0
25 0.000046 while 1
" address part
25 0.000870 0.000373 call s:trim(a:cmdl)
25 0.000049 let entry = {}
" regexp for pattern specifier
25 0.000050 let pattern = '/%(\\.|/@!&.)*/=|\?%(\\.|\?@!&.)*\?='
25 0.000079 if !len(specifier.addresses)
" \& is not supported
25 0.000583 let address = matchstrpos(a:cmdl[0], '\v^%(\d+|\.|\$|\%|\*|''.|'. pattern . '|\\\/|\\\?)')
let address = matchstrpos(a:cmdl[0], '\v^%(' . pattern . ')' )
25 0.000025 endif
25 0.000062 if address[2] != -1
call s:trim(a:cmdl, address[2])
let entry.str = address[0]
25 0.000017 endif
" offset
25 0.000786 0.000321 call s:trim(a:cmdl)
25 0.000317 let offset = matchstrpos(a:cmdl[0], '\m^\%(\d\|\s\|+\|-\)\+')
25 0.000083 if offset[2] != -1
call s:trim(a:cmdl, offset[2])
let entry.offset = offset[0]
25 0.000021 endif
" add first address
25 0.000074 if address[2] != -1 || offset[2] != -1
" if offset is present but specifier is missing add '.' specifier
if !has_key(entry, 'str')
let entry.str = '.'
call add(specifier.addresses, entry)
25 0.000014 else
" stop trying if previous attempt was unsuccessful
25 0.000031 break
let while_limit += 1 | if while_limit == 1000 | echoerr 'infinite loop' | break | endif
25 0.000146 endwhile
" delimiter
25 0.000969 0.000415 call s:trim(a:cmdl)
25 0.000274 let delimiter = matchstrpos(a:cmdl[0], '\m^\%(,\|;\)')
25 0.000054 if delimiter[2] != -1
call s:trim(a:cmdl, delimiter[2])
let specifier.delimiter = delimiter[0]
25 0.000018 endif
" add when addresses or delimiter are found or when one specifier is
" already known
25 0.000181 if !empty(specifier.addresses) || delimiter[2] != -1 || !empty(a:range)
" specifiers are not given but delimiter is present
if empty(specifier.addresses)
call add(specifier.addresses, { 'str': '.' })
call add(a:range, specifier)
25 0.000019 endif
25 0.000044 if delimiter[2] != -1
return s:parse_range(a:range, a:cmdl)
catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E132/
return []
25 0.000022 else
25 0.000031 return a:range
FUNCTION <SNR>89_convert()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/lightline/autoload/lightline.vim line 340
Called 18 times
Total time: 0.000313
Self time: 0.000313
count total (s) self (s)
18 0.000056 if has_key(s:lightline.component_expand, a:name)
let type = get(s:lightline.component_type, a:name, a:index)
let is_raw = get(s:lightline.component_raw, a:name) || type ==# 'raw'
return filter(s:map(s:evaluate_expand(s:lightline.component_expand[a:name]), '[v:val, 1 + ' . is_raw . ', v:key == 1 && ' . (type !=# 'raw') . ' ? "' . type . '" : "' . a:index . '", "' . a:index . '"]'), 'v:val[0] != []')
18 0.000013 else
18 0.000052 return [[[a:name], 0, a:index, a:index]]
FUNCTION <SNR>99_on_cursor_moved()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/lsp/autoload/lsp.vim line 199
Called 40 times
Total time: 0.002193
Self time: 0.001999
count total (s) self (s)
40 0.000206 let l:buf = bufnr('%')
40 0.000276 if getbufvar(l:buf, '&buftype') ==# 'terminal' | return | endif
40 0.001662 0.001468 call lsp#ui#vim#diagnostics#echo#cursor_moved()
FUNCTION <SNR>89_flatten_twice()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/lightline/autoload/lightline.vim line 351
Called 4 times
Total time: 0.000120
Self time: 0.000120
count total (s) self (s)
4 0.000006 let ys = []
14 0.000015 for xs in a:xss
28 0.000019 for x in xs
18 0.000021 let ys += x
28 0.000020 endfor
14 0.000009 endfor
4 0.000004 return ys
FUNCTION <SNR>105_save_marks()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/traces/autoload/traces.vim line 867
Called 2 times
Total time: 0.000095
Self time: 0.000095
count total (s) self (s)
2 0.000014 if !exists('s:buf[s:nr].marks')
2 0.000007 let types = ['[', ']']
2 0.000008 let s:buf[s:nr].marks = {}
6 0.000011 for mark in types
4 0.000033 let s:buf[s:nr].marks[mark] = getpos("'" . mark)
6 0.000008 endfor
2 0.000003 endif
FUNCTION <SNR>105_evaluate_cmdl()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/traces/autoload/traces.vim line 850
Called 25 times
Total time: 0.016399
Self time: 0.003576
count total (s) self (s)
25 0.000073 let cmdl = {}
25 0.000069 let cmdl.string = a:string
25 0.010077 0.001029 let r = s:evaluate_range(s:parse_range([], cmdl.string))
25 0.000062 let cmdl.range = {}
25 0.000056 let cmdl.range.abs = r.range
25 0.000049 let cmdl.range.end = r.end
25 0.000957 0.000721 let cmdl.range.pattern = s:get_selection_regexp(r.range)
25 0.001143 0.000842 let cmdl.range.specifier = s:add_hl_guard(s:add_opt(r.pattern, cmdl), r.end, 'r')
25 0.000045 let cmdl.cmd = {}
25 0.000045 let cmdl.cmd.args = {}
25 0.003698 0.000460 call s:parse_command(cmdl)
25 0.000030 return cmdl
FUNCTION winfix#state()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/winfix/autoload/winfix.vim line 38
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000049
Self time: 0.000049
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000003 if !has_key(t:, 'winfix_tabid')
let t:winfix_tabid = winfix#id()
1 0.000001 endif
1 0.000044 return { 'bufnrs': join(map(range(1, winnr('$')), 'winbufnr(v:val)'), '_'), 'width': join(map(range(1, winnr('$')), 'winwidth(v:val)'), '_'), 'height': join(map(range(1, winnr('$')), 'winheight(v:val)'), '_'), 'lines': &lines, 'columns': &columns, 'cmdheight': &cmdheight, 'showtabline': &showtabline, 'tabline': &showtabline > 1 || (&showtabline > 0 && tabpagenr('$') > 1), 'winnr': winnr(), 'wincnt': winnr('$'), 'winrestcmd': winrestcmd(), 'tabid': t:winfix_tabid, 'tabcnt': tabpagenr('$') }
FUNCTION <SNR>105_evaluate_range()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/traces/autoload/traces.vim line 275
Called 25 times
Total time: 0.002440
Self time: 0.002440
count total (s) self (s)
25 0.000183 let result = { 'range': [], 'pattern': '', 'end': ''}
25 0.000051 let s:range_valid = 1
25 0.000096 let pos = s:buf[s:nr].cur_init_pos[0]
25 0.000065 for specifier in a:range_structure
let tmp_pos = pos
let specifier_result = []
for address in specifier.addresses
" skip empty unclosed pattern specifier when range is empty otherwise
" substitute it with current position
if address.str =~# '^[?/]$'
let s:buf[s:nr].show_range = 1
if empty(result.range)
let address.str = '.'
let query = s:address_to_num(address, tmp_pos)
" % specifier doesn't accept additional addresses
if !query.valid || len(query.range) == 2 && len(specifier.addresses) > 1
let s:range_valid = 0
let tmp_pos = query.range[-1]
let specifier_result = deepcopy(query.range)
let result.pattern = query.regex
if !s:range_valid
call extend(result.range, specifier_result)
if exists('specifier.delimiter')
let s:specifier_delimiter = 1
if get(specifier, 'delimiter') is# ';'
let pos = result.range[-1]
25 0.000114 endfor
25 0.000067 if !empty(result.range)
let result.end = result.range[-1]
if len(result.range) == 1
call extend(result.range, result.range)
let result.range = result.range[-2:-1]
if result.range[-1] < result.range[-2]
let temp = result.range[-2]
let result.range[-2] = result.range[-1]
let result.range[-1] = temp
25 0.000017 endif
25 0.000079 return s:range_valid ? result : { 'range': [], 'pattern': '', 'end': '' }
FUNCTION highlighturl#default_pattern()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/highlighturl/autoload/highlighturl.vim line 17
Called 2 times
Total time: 0.000017
Self time: 0.000017
count total (s) self (s)
2 0.000015 return '\v\c%(%(h?ttps?|ftp|file|ssh|git)://|[a-z]+[@][a-z]+[.][a-z]+:)%('.'[&:#*@~%_\-=?!+;/.0-9A-Za-z]+%([.,;/?][&:#*@~%_\-=?!+/0-9A-Za-z]+|:\d+)*|'.'\([&:#*@~%_\-=?!+;/.0-9A-Za-z]*\)|\[[&:#*@~%_\-=?!+;/.0-9A-Za-z]*\]|'.'\{%([&:#*@~%_\-=?!+;/.0-9A-Za-z]*|\{[&:#*@~%_\-=?!+;/.0-9A-Za-z]*\})\})+'
FUNCTION winfix#push()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/winfix/autoload/winfix.vim line 54
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000080
Self time: 0.000031
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000059 0.000010 let s:state = winfix#state()
1 0.000004 if len(s:stack) > 0 && get(s:, 'move')
call remove(s:stack, -1)
1 0.000000 endif
1 0.000005 if len(s:stack) ==# 0 || s:stack[-1] !=# s:state
call add(s:stack, s:state)
1 0.000000 endif
1 0.000003 if !has_key(s:stack_bufnrs, s:state.bufnrs)
let s:stack_bufnrs[s:state.bufnrs] = []
1 0.000001 endif
1 0.000003 call add(s:stack_bufnrs[s:state.bufnrs], s:state)
FUNCTION <SNR>105_get_command()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/traces/autoload/traces.vim line 347
Called 25 times
Total time: 0.001782
Self time: 0.001179
count total (s) self (s)
25 0.000933 0.000330 call s:trim(a:cmdl)
25 0.000036 if !s:range_valid
return ''
25 0.000014 endif
25 0.000520 let result = matchstrpos(a:cmdl[0], s:cmd_pattern)
25 0.000058 if result[2] != -1
call s:trim(a:cmdl, result[2])
return result[0]
25 0.000018 endif
25 0.000024 return ''
FUNCTION <SNR>105_trim()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/traces/autoload/traces.vim line 21
Called 100 times
Total time: 0.002119
Self time: 0.002119
count total (s) self (s)
100 0.000184 if a:0 == 2
let a:1[0] = strpart(a:1[0], a:2)
100 0.000099 else
100 0.001250 let a:1[0] = substitute(a:1[0], '^\s\+', '', '')
100 0.000106 endif
FUNCTION <SNR>68_on_event()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/asyncomplete-buffer/autoload/asyncomplete/sources/buffer.vim line 40
Called 5 times
Total time: 56.026468
Self time: 0.008281
count total (s) self (s)
5 0.000014 if a:event == 'TextChangedI'
call s:refresh_keyword_incr(a:ctx['typed'])
5 0.000005 else
5 0.000018 if s:last_ctx == a:ctx
3 0.000004 return
2 0.000002 endif
2 0.000013 let s:last_ctx = a:ctx
2 56.026363 0.008176 call s:refresh_keywords()
2 0.000015 endif
FUNCTION lightline#mode()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/lightline/autoload/lightline.vim line 216
Called 30 times
Total time: 0.000243
Self time: 0.000243
count total (s) self (s)
30 0.000212 return get(s:lightline.mode_map, mode(), '')
FUNCTION <SNR>36_LoadIndent()
Defined: /usr/local/Cellar/vim/8.1.1500/share/vim/vim81/indent.vim line 13
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000232
Self time: 0.000232
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000004 if exists("b:undo_indent")
exe b:undo_indent
unlet! b:undo_indent b:did_indent
1 0.000001 endif
1 0.000003 let s = expand("<amatch>")
1 0.000002 if s != ""
1 0.000002 if exists("b:did_indent")
unlet b:did_indent
1 0.000001 endif
" When there is a dot it is used to separate filetype names. Thus for
" "aaa.bbb" load "indent/aaa.vim" and then "indent/bbb.vim".
2 0.000008 for name in split(s, '\.')
1 0.000203 exe 'runtime! indent/' . name . '.vim'
2 0.000002 endfor
1 0.000000 endif
FUNCTION winfix#resize()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/winfix/autoload/winfix.vim line 68
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000016
Self time: 0.000016
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000012 if winnr('$') < 2 || len(s:stack) < 2 || s:stack[-2].tabid !=# s:state.tabid || s:stack[-2].wincnt <= s:state.wincnt
1 0.000003 return
let stack = s:stack_bufnrs[s:state.bufnrs] " for performance
let i = len(stack) - 2
while i >= 0
if stack[i].bufnrs ==# s:state.bufnrs && (stack[i].width ==# s:state.width || stack[i].height ==# s:state.height)
if stack[i].winrestcmd !=# s:state.winrestcmd
silent! noautocmd execute stack[i].winrestcmd
if stack[i].lines ==# s:state.lines && (stack[i].tabline !=# s:state.tabline || stack[i].cmdheight !=# s:state.cmdheight)
let &lines = s:state.lines
let &cmdheight = s:state.cmdheight
let &showtabline = s:state.showtabline
let i -= 1
FUNCTION gitbranch#dir()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/gitbranch/autoload/gitbranch.vim line 26
Called 8 times
Total time: 0.002753
Self time: 0.002753
count total (s) self (s)
8 0.000024 let path = a:path
8 0.000011 let prev = ''
58 0.000124 while path !=# prev
50 0.000118 let dir = path . '/.git'
50 0.000301 let type = getftype(dir)
50 0.000280 if type ==# 'dir' && isdirectory(dir.'/objects') && isdirectory(dir.'/refs') && getfsize(dir.'/HEAD') > 10
return dir
50 0.000483 elseif type ==# 'file'
let reldir = get(readfile(dir), 0, '')
if reldir =~# '^gitdir: '
return simplify(path . '/' . reldir[8:])
50 0.000049 endif
50 0.000089 let prev = path
50 0.000222 let path = fnamemodify(path, ':h')
58 0.000238 endwhile
8 0.000013 return ''
FUNCTION lightline#update_once()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/lightline/autoload/lightline.vim line 30
Called 42 times
Total time: 0.000675
Self time: 0.000675
count total (s) self (s)
42 0.000293 if !exists('w:lightline') || w:lightline
call lightline#update()
42 0.000207 endif
FUNCTION lightline#link()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/lightline/autoload/lightline.vim line 221
Called 30 times
Total time: 0.000997
Self time: 0.000997
count total (s) self (s)
30 0.000517 let mode = get(s:lightline._mode_, a:0 ? a:1 : mode(), 'normal')
30 0.000182 if s:mode == mode
30 0.000218 return ''
let s:mode = mode
if !has_key(s:highlight, mode)
call lightline#highlight(mode)
let types = map(s:uniq(sort(filter(values(s:lightline.component_type), 'v:val !=# "raw"'))), '[v:val, 1]')
for [p, l] in [['Left', len(], ['Right', len(]]
for [i, t] in map(range(0, l), '[v:val, 0]') + types
if i != l
exec printf('hi link Lightline%s_active_%s Lightline%s_%s_%s', p, i, p, mode, i)
for [j, s] in map(range(0, l), '[v:val, 0]') + types
if i + 1 == j || t || s && i != l
exec printf('hi link Lightline%s_active_%s_%s Lightline%s_%s_%s_%s', p, i, j, p, mode, i, j)
exec printf('hi link LightlineMiddle_active LightlineMiddle_%s', mode)
return ''
FUNCTION <SNR>45_Autodate()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/autodate/plugin/autodate.vim line 235
Called 2 times
Total time: 0.000036
Self time: 0.000036
count total (s) self (s)
" Check enable
2 0.000025 if (exists('b:autodate_disable') && b:autodate_disable != 0) || &modified == 0
2 0.000006 return
" Verify {firstline}
if a:0 > 0 && a:1 > 0
let firstline = a:1
let firstline = s:GetAutodateStartLine()
" Verify {lastline}
if a:0 > 1 && a:2 <= line('$')
let lastline = a:2
let lastline = firstline + s:GetAutodateLines() - 1
" Range check
if lastline > line('$')
let lastline = line('$')
if firstline <= lastline
call s:AutodateStub(firstline, lastline)
FUNCTION <SNR>105_cmdl_enter()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/traces/autoload/traces.vim line 754
Called 2 times
Total time: 0.000429
Self time: 0.000334
count total (s) self (s)
2 0.000014 let s:buf[s:nr] = {}
2 0.000008 let s:buf[s:nr].cache = {}
2 0.000015 let s:buf[s:nr].view = winsaveview()
2 0.000006 let s:buf[s:nr].show_range = 0
2 0.000007 let s:buf[s:nr].duration = 0
2 0.000008 let s:buf[s:nr].hlsearch = &hlsearch
2 0.000030 let s:buf[s:nr].cword = expand('<cword>')
2 0.000015 let s:buf[s:nr].cWORD = expand('<cWORD>')
2 0.000016 let s:buf[s:nr].cfile = expand('<cfile>')
2 0.000019 let s:buf[s:nr].cur_init_pos = [line('.'), col('.')]
2 0.000021 let s:buf[s:nr].seq_last = undotree().seq_last
2 0.000022 let s:buf[s:nr].empty_undotree = empty(undotree().entries)
2 0.000009 let s:buf[s:nr].changed = 0
2 0.000010 let s:buf[s:nr].cmdheight = &cmdheight
2 0.000008 let s:buf[s:nr].redraw = 1
2 0.000016 let s:buf[s:nr].s_mark = (&encoding == 'utf-8' ? "\uf8b4" : '' )
2 0.000013 let s:buf[s:nr].winrestcmd = winrestcmd()
2 0.000014 let s:buf[s:nr].alt_win = win_getid(winnr('#'))
2 0.000008 let s:buf[s:nr].winwidth = &winwidth
2 0.000007 let s:buf[s:nr].winheight = &winheight
2 0.000008 let s:buf[s:nr].pre_cmdl_view = a:view
2 0.000146 0.000051 call s:save_marks()
FUNCTION cmdline_ranges#range()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/cmdline-ranges/autoload/cmdline_ranges.vim line 355
Called 3 times
Total time: 0.000636
Self time: 0.000160
count total (s) self (s)
3 0.000032 if mode() ==# 'c' && getcmdtype() ==# ':'
3 0.000021 let endcu = "\<End>\<C-u>"
3 0.000549 0.000073 let range = s:parserange(getcmdline(), a:prev)
3 0.000006 if len(range)
return endcu . s:strrange(cmdline_ranges#{char2nr(a:motion)}(range, a:prev))
3 0.000001 else
3 0.000004 return a:motion
return a:motion
FUNCTION lightline_powerful#filename()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/lightline-powerful/autoload/lightline_powerful.vim line 36
Called 30 times
Total time: 0.001120
Self time: 0.001120
count total (s) self (s)
30 0.000239 let f = expand('%:t')
30 0.000724 if has_key(b:, 'lightline_filename') && get(b:, 'lightline_filename_', '') ==# f . &mod . &ma && index(s:f, &ft) < 0 && index(s:f, f) < 0
29 0.000072 return b:lightline_filename
1 0.000001 endif
1 0.000007 let b:lightline_filename_ = f . &mod . &ma
1 0.000016 let default = join(filter([&ro ? s:ro : '', f, &mod ? '+' : &ma ? '' : '-'], 'len(v:val)'), ' ')
1 0.000011 let b:lightline_filename = f =~# '^\[preview' ? 'Preview' : eval(get(s:e, &ft, get(s:e, f, 'default')))
1 0.000001 return b:lightline_filename
FUNCTION <SNR>105_restore_undo_history()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/traces/autoload/traces.vim line 903
Called 2 times
Total time: 0.000080
Self time: 0.000080
count total (s) self (s)
2 0.000011 if s:buf[s:nr].changed
noautocmd keepjumps silent undo
call s:restore_marks()
2 0.000003 endif
2 0.000018 if type(get(s:buf[s:nr], 'undo_file')) isnot v:t_string
2 0.000003 return
if has('nvim')
" can't use try/catch on Neovim inside CmdlineLeave
silent! execute 'noautocmd rundo ' . s:buf[s:nr].undo_file
if undotree().seq_last !=# s:buf[s:nr].seq_last
echohl WarningMsg
echom 'traces.vim - undo history could not be restored'
echohl None
silent execute 'noautocmd rundo ' . s:buf[s:nr].undo_file
echohl WarningMsg
echom 'traces.vim - ' . v:exception
echohl None
call delete(s:buf[s:nr].undo_file)
FUNCTION asyncomplete#enable_for_buffer()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/asyncomplete/autoload/asyncomplete.vim line 60
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000113
Self time: 0.000030
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000108 0.000025 call s:setup_if_required()
1 0.000003 let b:asyncomplete_enable = 1
FUNCTION <SNR>65_cmdline_changed()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/traces/plugin/traces.vim line 24
Called 25 times
Total time: 0.000750
Self time: 0.000750
count total (s) self (s)
25 0.000246 if exists('s:start_init_timer')
23 0.000102 call timer_stop(s:start_init_timer)
25 0.000038 endif
25 0.000299 let s:start_init_timer = timer_start(1, {_-> traces#init(getcmdline(), s:view)})
FUNCTION <SNR>108_parserange()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/cmdline-ranges/autoload/cmdline_ranges.vim line 112
Called 3 times
Total time: 0.000476
Self time: 0.000403
count total (s) self (s)
3 0.000008 let string = a:string
3 0.000163 0.000090 let [str, string] = s:getmatchstr(string, '^[: \t]\+')
3 0.000006 let range = []
3 0.000010 for i in [0, 1]
3 0.000005 let num = 0
3 0.000004 let flg = 0
3 0.000009 if string ==# a:prev && i == 0
return [s:cursor(), s:cursor()]
3 0.000033 elseif string =~# '^\s*%\s*' . a:prev . '$' && i == 0
return [s:absolute(1), s:last()]
3 0.000015 elseif string =~# '^\d\+\s*'
let str = matchstr(string, '^\d\+\s*')
let num = str + 0
let flg = 1
3 0.000010 elseif string =~# '^\.\s*'
let str = matchstr(string, '^\.\s*')
call add(range, s:cursor())
3 0.000011 elseif string =~# '^\$'
let str = matchstr(string, '^\$\s*')
call add(range, s:last())
3 0.000016 elseif string =~# '^''[a-zA-Z()<>{}"''.[\]\^]'
let str = matchstr(string, '^''[a-zA-Z()<>{}"''.[\]\^]')
call add(range, s:mark(str))
3 0.000061 elseif string =~# '^\(/\([^/]\|\\/\)\+/\s*\|?\([^?]\|\\?\)\+?\s*\)\+'
let str = matchstr(string, '^\(/\([^/]\|\\/\)\+/\s*\|?\([^?]\|\\?\)\+?\s*\)\+')
call add(range, s:pattern(str))
3 0.000003 else
3 0.000005 return []
let string = string[len(str):]
while string =~# '^[+-]\s*\d\+\s*'
let [str, string] = s:getmatchstr(string, '^[+-]\s*\d\+\s*')
if flg
let num += s:parsenumber(str)
elseif (range[-1].string ==# '.' || range[-1].string ==# '$') && str =~# '^[+-]\s*0'
let range[-1].string .= substitute(str, '\s\+', '', 'g')
let range[-1] = s:add(range[-1], s:parsenumber(str))
if i == 0
if string =~# '^\s*[,;]\s*'
let [str, string] = s:getmatchstr(string, '^\s*[,;]\s*')
let s:semicolon = str =~# ';'
if flg
call add(range, s:absolute(num))
elseif flg && string ==# a:prev
return [s:cursor(), s:cursor(), num]
elseif string ==# a:prev
return range
return []
if string ==# a:prev
if flg
call add(range, s:absolute(num))
return len(range) == 2 ? range : []
return []
return []
FUNCTION <SNR>65_t_stop()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/traces/plugin/traces.vim line 52
Called 2 times
Total time: 0.000597
Self time: 0.000597
count total (s) self (s)
2 0.000023 if exists('s:previous_cmdl')
unlet s:previous_cmdl
2 0.000003 endif
2 0.000009 if exists('s:track_cmdl_timer')
2 0.000010 call timer_stop(s:track_cmdl_timer)
2 0.000007 unlet s:track_cmdl_timer
2 0.000002 endif
2 0.000009 if exists('s:start_init_timer')
2 0.000006 call timer_stop(s:start_init_timer)
2 0.000005 unlet s:start_init_timer
2 0.000002 endif
2 0.000013 augroup traces_augroup_cmdline_changed
2 0.000484 autocmd!
2 0.000005 augroup END
FUNCTION <SNR>105_add_opt()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/traces/autoload/traces.vim line 360
Called 25 times
Total time: 0.000190
Self time: 0.000190
count total (s) self (s)
25 0.000139 if empty(a:pattern) || !s:range_valid || empty(substitute(a:pattern, '\\[cCvVmM]', '', 'g'))
25 0.000025 return ''
let option = ''
" magic
if has_key(a:cmdl, 'cmd') && =~# '\v^sm%[agic]$'
let option = '\m'
elseif has_key(a:cmdl, 'cmd') && =~# '\v^sno%[magic]$'
let option = '\M'
elseif &magic
let option = '\m'
let option = '\M'
" case
if &ignorecase
if &smartcase
if match(a:pattern, '\u') ==# -1
let option .= '\c'
let option .= '\C'
let option .= '\c'
return option . a:pattern
FUNCTION <SNR>101_get_prefix()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/lsp/autoload/lsp/utils.vim line 14
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000043
Self time: 0.000043
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000041 return matchstr(a:path, '\(^\w\+::\|^\w\+://\)')
FUNCTION spellbad_pattern#update()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/spellbad-pattern/autoload/spellbad_pattern.vim line 11
Called 4 times
Total time: 0.000134
Self time: 0.000134
count total (s) self (s)
4 0.000049 if !get(g:, 'spellbad_pattern_enable', 1) || get(b:, 'spellbad_pattern', -1) == &l:spell
3 0.000004 return
1 0.000001 endif
1 0.000002 if &l:spell
for s in get(g:, 'spellbad_pattern', [])
silent! call matchadd('SpellBad', s)
1 0.000001 else
5 0.000021 for m in getmatches()
4 0.000006 if ==# 'SpellBad'
silent! call matchdelete(
4 0.000002 endif
5 0.000005 endfor
1 0.000001 endif
1 0.000005 let b:spellbad_pattern = &l:spell
FUNCTION winfix#winfocus()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/winfix/autoload/winfix.vim line 96
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000009
Self time: 0.000009
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000006 if len(s:stack) < 2 || s:stack[-2].tabid !=# s:state.tabid || s:stack[-2].wincnt <= s:state.wincnt
1 0.000001 return
let i = len(s:stack) - 2
while i >= 0 && (s:stack[i].tabid !=# s:state.tabid || s:stack[i].wincnt > s:state.wincnt)
let i -= 1
if i >= 0 && s:stack[i].bufnrs ==# s:state.bufnrs
if winnr('$') > 1 && winnr() !=# s:stack[i].winnr
silent! noautocmd execute s:stack[i].winnr 'wincmd w'
let s:move = 1
call winfix#push()
FUNCTION <SNR>69_setup_if_required()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/asyncomplete/autoload/asyncomplete.vim line 30
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000083
Self time: 0.000083
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000002 if !s:already_setup
" register asyncomplete change manager
for l:change_manager in g:asyncomplete_change_manager
call asyncomplete#log('core', 'initializing asyncomplete change manager', l:change_manager)
if type(l:change_manager) == type('')
execute 'let s:on_change_manager = function("'. l:change_manager .'")()'
let s:on_change_manager = l:change_manager()
if has_key(s:on_change_manager, 'error')
call asyncomplete#log('core', 'initializing asyncomplete change manager failed', s:on_change_manager['name'], s:on_change_manager['error'])
call s:on_change_manager.register(function('s:on_change'))
call asyncomplete#log('core', 'initializing asyncomplete change manager complete', s:on_change_manager['name'])
augroup asyncomplete
autocmd InsertEnter * call s:on_insert_enter()
autocmd InsertLeave * call s:on_insert_leave()
augroup END
doautocmd User asyncomplete_setup
let s:already_setup = 1
1 0.000001 endif
FUNCTION <SNR>105_highlight()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/traces/autoload/traces.vim line 569
Called 50 times
Total time: 0.001157
Self time: 0.001157
count total (s) self (s)
50 0.000212 let cur_win = win_getid()
50 0.000354 if exists('s:win[cur_win].hlight[a:group].pattern') && s:win[cur_win].hlight[a:group].pattern ==# a:pattern
50 0.000030 endif
50 0.000350 if !exists('s:win[cur_win].hlight[a:group].pattern') && empty(a:pattern)
50 0.000049 return
if &hlsearch && !empty(a:pattern) && a:group ==# 'TracesSearch'
noautocmd let &hlsearch = 0
if &scrolloff !=# 0
let scrolloff = &scrolloff
noautocmd let &scrolloff = 0
if &winwidth isnot &winminwidth
noautocmd let &winwidth=&winminwidth
if &winheight isnot &winminheight
noautocmd let &winheight=&winminheight
let windows = filter(win_findbuf(s:nr), {_, val -> win_id2win(val)})
for id in windows
let wininfo = getwininfo(id)[0]
if wininfo.height is 0 || wininfo.width is 0
" skip minimized windows
noautocmd call win_gotoid(id)
let s:win[id] = get(s:win, id, {})
let s:win[id].hlight = get(s:win[id], 'hlight', {})
if !exists('s:win[id].hlight[a:group]')
let x = {}
let x.pattern = a:pattern
silent! let x.index = matchadd(a:group, a:pattern, a:priority)
let s:win[id].hlight[a:group] = x
let s:highlighted = 1
elseif s:win[id].hlight[a:group].pattern !=# a:pattern
if s:win[id].hlight[a:group].index !=# -1
silent! call matchdelete(s:win[id].hlight[a:group].index)
let s:win[id].hlight[a:group].pattern = a:pattern
silent! let s:win[id].hlight[a:group].index = matchadd(a:group, a:pattern, a:priority)
let s:highlighted = 1
if (&conceallevel !=# 2 || &concealcursor !=# 'c') && a:group ==# 'Conceal'
let s:win[id].options = get(s:win[id], 'options', {})
let s:win[id].options.conceallevel = &conceallevel
let s:win[id].options.concealcursor = &concealcursor
noautocmd set conceallevel=2
noautocmd set concealcursor=c
" highlighting doesn't work properly when cursorline or cursorcolumn is
" enabled
if &cursorcolumn || &cursorline
let s:win[id].options = get(s:win[id], 'options', {})
let s:win[id].options.cursorcolumn = &cursorcolumn
let s:win[id].options.cursorline = &cursorline
noautocmd set nocursorcolumn
noautocmd set nocursorline
if bufname('%') !=# '[Command Line]'
noautocmd call win_gotoid(cur_win)
if exists('scrolloff')
noautocmd let &scrolloff = scrolloff
FUNCTION <SNR>68_refresh_keywords()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/asyncomplete-buffer/autoload/asyncomplete/sources/buffer.vim line 52
Called 2 times
Total time: 56.018187
Self time: 56.018187
count total (s) self (s)
2 0.000005 if g:asyncomplete_buffer_clear_cache
2 0.353001 let s:words = {}
2 0.000005 endif
2 0.341289 let l:text = join(getline(1, '$'), "\n")
4939108 27.899419 for l:word in split(l:text, '\W\+')
4939106 9.609358 if len(l:word) > 1
4419746 8.732571 let s:words[l:word] = 1
4939106 3.194635 endif
4939108 3.814698 endfor
FUNCTION <SNR>89_line()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/lightline/autoload/lightline.vim line 405
Called 2 times
Total time: 0.004006
Self time: 0.001902
count total (s) self (s)
2 0.000005 let _ = a:tabline ? '' : '%{lightline#link()}'
2 0.000009 if s:lightline.palette == {}
call lightline#colorscheme()
2 0.000000 endif
2 0.000009 let [l, r] = a:tabline ? [s:lightline.tab_llen, s:lightline.tab_rlen] : [s:lightline.llen, s:lightline.rlen]
2 0.000009 let [p, s] = a:tabline ? [s:lightline.tabline_separator, s:lightline.tabline_subseparator] : [s:lightline.separator, s:lightline.subseparator]
2 0.000009 let [c, f, t, w] = [s:lightline.component, s:lightline.component_function, s:lightline.component_type, s:lightline.component_raw]
2 0.000004 let mode = a:tabline ? 'tabline' : a:inactive ? 'inactive' : 'active'
2 0.000009 let l_ = has_key(s:lightline, mode) ? s:lightline[mode].left :
2 0.000706 0.000040 let [lt, lc, ll] = s:expand(copy(l_))
2 0.000010 let r_ = has_key(s:lightline, mode) ? s:lightline[mode].right :
2 0.000916 0.000053 let [rt, rc, rl] = s:expand(copy(r_))
6 0.000014 for i in range(len(lt))
4 0.000022 let _ .= '%#LightlineLeft_' . mode . '_' . ll[i] . '#'
12 0.000121 for j in range(len(lt[i]))
8 0.000119 let x = lc[i][j] ? lt[i][j] : has_key(f, lt[i][j]) ? (exists('*' . f[lt[i][j]]) ? '%{' . f[lt[i][j]] . '()}' : '%{exists("*' . f[lt[i][j]] . '")?' . f[lt[i][j]] . '():""}') : get(c, lt[i][j], '')
8 0.000087 let _ .= has_key(t, lt[i][j]) && t[lt[i][j]] ==# 'raw' || get(w, lt[i][j]) || lc[i][j] ==# 2 || x ==# '' ? x : '%( ' . x . ' %)'
8 0.000033 if j < len(lt[i]) - 1 && s.left !=# ''
4 0.000436 0.000132 let _ .= s:subseparator(lt[i][(j):], s.left, lc[i][(j):])
8 0.000010 endif
12 0.000018 endfor
4 0.000032 let _ .= '%#LightlineLeft_' . mode . '_' . ll[i] . '_' . ll[i + 1] . '#'
4 0.000043 let _ .= i < l + len(lt) - len(l_) && ll[i] < l || ll[i] != ll[i + 1] ? p.left : len(lt[i]) ? s.left : ''
6 0.000009 endfor
2 0.000009 let _ .= '%#LightlineMiddle_' . mode . '#%='
8 0.000020 for i in reverse(range(len(rt)))
6 0.000049 let _ .= '%#LightlineRight_' . mode . '_' . rl[i] . '_' . rl[i + 1] . '#'
6 0.000057 let _ .= i < r + len(rt) - len(r_) && rl[i] < r || rl[i] != rl[i + 1] ? p.right : len(rt[i]) ? s.right : ''
6 0.000033 let _ .= '%#LightlineRight_' . mode . '_' . rl[i] . '#'
16 0.000037 for j in range(len(rt[i]))
10 0.000122 let x = rc[i][j] ? rt[i][j] : has_key(f, rt[i][j]) ? (exists('*' . f[rt[i][j]]) ? '%{' . f[rt[i][j]] . '()}' : '%{exists("*' . f[rt[i][j]] . '")?' . f[rt[i][j]] . '():""}') : get(c, rt[i][j], '')
10 0.000115 let _ .= has_key(t, rt[i][j]) && t[rt[i][j]] ==# 'raw' || get(w, rt[i][j]) || rc[i][j] ==# 2 || x ==# '' ? x : '%( ' . x . ' %)'
10 0.000045 if j < len(rt[i]) - 1 && s.right !=# ''
4 0.000385 0.000114 let _ .= s:subseparator(rt[i][(j):], s.right, rc[i][(j):])
10 0.000012 endif
16 0.000022 endfor
8 0.000012 endfor
2 0.000006 return _
FUNCTION <SNR>105_parse_command()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/traces/autoload/traces.vim line 472
Called 25 times
Total time: 0.003238
Self time: 0.001456
count total (s) self (s)
25 0.002360 0.000578 let = s:get_command(a:cmdl.string)
25 0.000251 if =~# '\v^%(g%[lobal]\!=|v%[global])$'
let a:cmdl.cmd.args = s:parse_global(a:cmdl)
25 0.000224 elseif =~# '\v^%(s%[ubstitute]|sm%[agic]|sno%[magic])$'
let a:cmdl.cmd.args = s:parse_substitute(a:cmdl)
25 0.000108 elseif =~# '\v^%(sor%[t]\!=)$'
let a:cmdl.cmd.args = s:parse_sort(a:cmdl)
25 0.000021 endif
FUNCTION <SNR>5_DetectCoffee()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/miv/ftdetect/coffee.vim line 11
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000018
Self time: 0.000018
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000014 if getline(1) =~ '^#!.*\<coffee\>'
set filetype=coffee
1 0.000001 endif
FUNCTION <SNR>24_DetectScala()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/miv/ftdetect/scala.vim line 1
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000110
Self time: 0.000110
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000104 if getline(1) =~# '^#!\(/usr\)\?/bin/env\s\+scalas\?'
set filetype=scala
1 0.000001 endif
FUNCTION lsp#ui#vim#references#highlight()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/lsp/autoload/lsp/ui/vim/references.vim line 135
Called 40 times
Total time: 0.016497
Self time: 0.002600
count total (s) self (s)
" No need to change the highlights if the cursor has not left
" the currently highlighted symbol.
40 0.000381 if !a:force_refresh && exists('w:lsp_reference_positions') && s:in_reference(w:lsp_reference_positions) != -1
40 0.000030 endif
" A request for this symbol has already been sent
40 0.000219 if has_key(s:pending, &filetype) && s:pending[&filetype]
40 0.000026 endif
" Check if any server provides document highlight
40 0.000126 let l:capability = 'lsp#capabilities#has_document_highlight_provider(v:val)'
40 0.015218 0.001321 let l:servers = filter(lsp#get_whitelisted_servers(), l:capability)
40 0.000109 if len(l:servers) == 0
40 0.000045 return
" Send a request
let s:pending[&filetype] = v:true
let s:last_req_id += 1
let l:ctx = { 'last_req_id': s:last_req_id, 'curpos': getcurpos(), 'bufnr': bufnr('%'), 'filetype': &filetype, }
call lsp#send_request(l:servers[0], { 'method': 'textDocument/documentHighlight', 'params': { 'textDocument': lsp#get_text_document_identifier(), 'position': lsp#get_position(), }, 'on_notification': function('s:handle_references', [l:ctx]), })
FUNCTION <SNR>89_subseparator()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/lightline/autoload/lightline.vim line 298
Called 8 times
Total time: 0.000575
Self time: 0.000575
count total (s) self (s)
8 0.000091 let [a, c, f, v, u] = [a:components, s:lightline.component, s:lightline.component_function, s:lightline.component_visible_condition, s:lightline.component_function_visible_condition]
8 0.000356 let xs = map(range(len(a:components)), 'a:expanded[v:val] ? "1" : has_key(f, a[v:val]) ? (has_key(u, a[v:val]) ? "(".u[a[v:val]].")" : (exists("*".f[a[v:val]]) ? "" : "exists(\"*".f[a[v:val]]."\")&&").f[a[v:val]]."()!=#\"\"") : has_key(v, a[v:val]) ? "(".v[a[v:val]].")" : has_key(c, a[v:val]) ? "1" : "0"')
8 0.000111 return '%{' . (xs[0] ==# '1' || xs[0] ==# '(1)' ? '' : xs[0] . '&&(') . join(xs[1:], '||') . (xs[0] ==# '1' || xs[0] ==# '(1)' ? '' : ')') . '?"' . a:subseparator . '":""}'
FUNCTION <SNR>65_create_cmdl_changed_au()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/traces/plugin/traces.vim line 31
Called 2 times
Total time: 0.000680
Self time: 0.000626
count total (s) self (s)
2 0.000029 augroup traces_augroup_cmdline_changed
2 0.000498 autocmd!
2 0.000026 autocmd CmdlineChanged : call s:cmdline_changed()
2 0.000002 augroup END
" necessary when entering command line that has already been populated with
" text from mappings
2 0.000115 0.000061 call s:cmdline_changed()
FUNCTION gitbranch#detect()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/gitbranch/autoload/gitbranch.vim line 46
Called 8 times
Total time: 0.003414
Self time: 0.000661
count total (s) self (s)
8 0.000024 unlet! b:gitbranch_path
8 0.000377 let b:gitbranch_pwd = expand('%:p:h')
8 0.002933 0.000180 let dir = gitbranch#dir(a:path)
8 0.000018 if dir !=# ''
let path = dir . '/HEAD'
if filereadable(path)
let b:gitbranch_path = path
8 0.000006 endif
FUNCTION lsp#ui#vim#diagnostics#echo#cursor_moved()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/lsp/autoload/lsp/ui/vim/diagnostics/echo.vim line 1
Called 40 times
Total time: 0.000194
Self time: 0.000194
count total (s) self (s)
40 0.000092 if !g:lsp_diagnostics_echo_cursor
40 0.000049 return
if mode() isnot# 'n'
" dont' show echo only in normal mode
call s:stop_cursor_moved_timer()
let l:current_pos = getcurpos()[0:2]
" use timer to avoid recalculation
if !exists('s:last_pos') || l:current_pos != s:last_pos
let s:last_pos = l:current_pos
let s:cursor_moved_timer = timer_start(g:lsp_diagnostics_echo_delay, function('s:echo_diagnostics_under_cursor'))
FUNCTION <SNR>101_encode_uri()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/lsp/autoload/lsp/utils.vim line 18
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000989
Self time: 0.000946
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000077 0.000034 let l:prefix = s:get_prefix(a:path)
1 0.000008 let l:path = a:path[len(l:prefix):]
1 0.000003 if len(l:prefix) == 0
1 0.000003 let l:prefix = a:default_prefix
1 0.000001 endif
1 0.000005 let l:result = strpart(a:path, 0, a:start_pos_encode)
55 0.000057 for i in range(a:start_pos_encode, len(l:path) - 1)
" Don't encode '/' here, `path` is expected to be a valid path.
54 0.000381 if l:path[i] =~# '^[a-zA-Z0-9_.~/-]$'
54 0.000174 let l:result .= l:path[i]
let l:result .= s:urlencode_char(l:path[i])
54 0.000030 endif
55 0.000034 endfor
1 0.000003 return l:prefix . l:result
FUNCTION <SNR>105_skip_modifiers()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/traces/autoload/traces.vim line 947
Called 25 times
Total time: 0.003705
Self time: 0.003705
count total (s) self (s)
25 0.000076 let cmdl = a:cmdl
" skip leading colons
25 0.000439 let cmdl = substitute(cmdl, '\v^[[:space:]:]+', '', '')
" skip modifiers
25 0.000288 let pattern = '\v^%(%(' . 'sil%[ent]%(\!|\H@=)|' . 'verb%[ose]\H@=|' . 'noa%[utocmd]\H@=|' . 'loc%[kmarks]\H@=|' . 'keepp%[atterns]\H@=|' . 'keepa%[lt]\H@=|' . 'keepj%[umps]\H@=|' . 'kee%[pmarks]\H@=' . ')\s*)+'
25 0.001152 let cmdl = substitute(cmdl, pattern, '', '')
25 0.000054 if g:traces_skip_modifiers
" skip *do modifiers
25 0.000736 let cmdl = substitute(cmdl, '\v^%(%(%(\d+|\.|\$|\%)\s*[,;]=\s*)+)=\s*%(cdo|cfdo|ld%[o]|lfdo' . '|bufd%[o]|tabd%[o]\!@!|argdo|wind%[o]\!@!)%(\!|\H@=)\s*', '', '')
" skip modifiers again
25 0.000738 let cmdl = substitute(cmdl, pattern, '', '')
25 0.000027 endif
25 0.000048 return cmdl
FUNCTION asyncomplete#context()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/asyncomplete/autoload/asyncomplete.vim line 120
Called 5 times
Total time: 0.000909
Self time: 0.000909
count total (s) self (s)
5 0.000072 let l:ret = {'bufnr':bufnr('%'), 'curpos':getcurpos(), 'changedtick':b:changedtick}
5 0.000034 let l:ret['lnum'] = l:ret['curpos'][1]
5 0.000021 let l:ret['col'] = l:ret['curpos'][2]
5 0.000018 let l:ret['filetype'] = &filetype
5 0.000670 let l:ret['filepath'] = expand('%:p')
5 0.000068 let l:ret['typed'] = strpart(getline(l:ret['lnum']),0,l:ret['col']-1)
5 0.000013 return l:ret
FUNCTION <SNR>89_expand()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/lightline/autoload/lightline.vim line 373
Called 4 times
Total time: 0.001529
Self time: 0.001096
count total (s) self (s)
4 0.000009 let components = []
4 0.000005 let expanded = []
4 0.000005 let indices = []
4 0.000006 let prevtype = ''
4 0.000005 let previndex = -1
4 0.000781 0.000348 let xs = s:flatten_twice(s:map(deepcopy(a:components), 'map(v:val, "s:convert(v:val, ''" . v:key . "'')")'))
22 0.000040 for [component, expand, type, index] in xs
18 0.000026 if prevtype !=# type
10 0.000052 for i in range(previndex + 1, max([previndex, index - 1]))
call add(indices, string(i))
call add(components, [])
call add(expanded, [])
10 0.000004 endfor
10 0.000022 call add(indices, type)
10 0.000017 call add(components, [])
10 0.000016 call add(expanded, [])
18 0.000014 endif
18 0.000046 call extend(components[-1], component)
18 0.000084 call extend(expanded[-1], repeat([expand], len(component)))
18 0.000022 let prevtype = type
18 0.000022 let previndex = index
22 0.000017 endfor
4 0.000025 for i in range(previndex + 1, max([previndex, len(a:components) - 1]))
call add(indices, string(i))
call add(components, [])
call add(expanded, [])
4 0.000004 endfor
4 0.000020 call add(indices, string(len(a:components)))
4 0.000008 return [components, expanded, indices]
FUNCTION lsp#utils#get_buffer_uri()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/lsp/autoload/lsp/utils.vim line 83
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.001226
Self time: 0.000202
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.001225 0.000201 return lsp#utils#path_to_uri(expand((a:0 > 0 ? '#' . a:1 : '%') . ':p'))
FUNCTION lightline#update()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/lightline/autoload/lightline.vim line 13
Called 2 times
Total time: 0.004274
Self time: 0.000193
count total (s) self (s)
2 0.000003 if s:_
if s:_ == 2 | return | endif
call lightline#init()
call lightline#colorscheme()
2 0.000001 endif
2 0.000004 if !s:lightline.enable.statusline
2 0.000002 endif
2 0.000005 let w = winnr()
2 0.004123 0.000042 let s = winnr('$') == 1 ? [lightline#statusline(0)] : [lightline#statusline(0), lightline#statusline(1)]
4 0.000019 for n in range(1, winnr('$'))
2 0.000073 call setwinvar(n, '&statusline', s[n!=w])
2 0.000011 call setwinvar(n, 'lightline', n!=w)
4 0.000004 endfor
FUNCTION lsp#utils#path_to_uri()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/lsp/autoload/lsp/utils.vim line 56
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.001024
Self time: 0.000035
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000006 if empty(a:path)
return a:path
1 0.000001 else
1 0.001013 0.000024 return s:encode_uri(a:path, 0, 'file://')
FUNCTION winfix#enter()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/winfix/autoload/winfix.vim line 11
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000222
Self time: 0.000111
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000002 if get(g:, 'winfix_enable', 1)
1 0.000089 0.000009 call winfix#push()
1 0.000002 if !get(s:, 'move')
1 0.000003 if get(g:, 'winfix_tabfocus', 1)
1 0.000014 0.000008 call winfix#tabfocus()
1 0.000000 endif
1 0.000002 if get(g:, 'winfix_resize', 1)
1 0.000059 0.000043 call winfix#resize()
1 0.000001 endif
1 0.000004 if get(g:, 'winfix_winfocus', 1)
1 0.000031 0.000022 call winfix#winfocus()
1 0.000001 endif
1 0.000003 if get(s:, 'move')
doautocmd WinEnter
1 0.000001 endif
1 0.000003 let s:move = 0
1 0.000001 endif
1 0.000001 endif
FUNCTION parenmatch#setup()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/parenmatch/autoload/parenmatch.vim line 32
Called 2 times
Total time: 0.000015
Self time: 0.000015
count total (s) self (s)
2 0.000009 if s:matchpairs ==# &l:matchpairs
2 0.000002 return
let s:matchpairs = &l:matchpairs
let s:paren = {}
for [open, closed] in map(split(&l:matchpairs, ','), 'split(v:val, ":")')
let s:paren[open] = [ escape(open, '[]'), escape(closed, '[]'), 'nW', 'w$' ]
let s:paren[closed] = [ escape(open, '[]'), escape(closed, '[]'), 'bnW', 'w0' ]
FUNCTION parenmatch#update()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/parenmatch/autoload/parenmatch.vim line 17
Called 40 times
Total time: 0.001644
Self time: 0.001644
count total (s) self (s)
40 0.000298 if !get(b:, 'parenmatch', get(g:, 'parenmatch', 1)) | return | endif
40 0.000227 let i = a:0 ? a:1 : mode() ==# 'i' || mode() ==# 'R'
40 0.000273 let c = getline('.')[col('.') - i - 1]
40 0.000602 silent! call matchdelete(w:parenmatch)
40 0.000189 if !has_key(s:paren, c) | return | endif
let [open, closed, flags, stop] = s:paren[c]
let q = [line('.'), col('.') - i]
if i | let p = getcurpos() | call cursor(q) | endif
let r = searchpairpos(open, '', closed, flags, '', line(stop), 10)
if i | call setpos('.', p) | endif
if r[0] > 0 | let w:parenmatch = matchaddpos('ParenMatch', [q, r]) | endif
FUNCTION <SNR>99_on_text_document_did_open()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/lsp/autoload/lsp.vim line 174
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.001514
Self time: 0.000085
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000009 let l:buf = bufnr('%')
1 0.000010 if getbufvar(l:buf, '&buftype') ==# 'terminal' | return | endif
1 0.001274 0.000038 call lsp#log('s:on_text_document_did_open()', l:buf, &filetype, getcwd(), lsp#utils#get_buffer_uri(l:buf))
1 0.000213 0.000020 for l:server_name in lsp#get_whitelisted_servers(l:buf)
call s:ensure_flush(l:buf, l:server_name, function('s:Noop'))
1 0.000001 endfor
FUNCTION <SNR>96_get()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/highlighturl/autoload/highlighturl.vim line 13
Called 6 times
Total time: 0.000047
Self time: 0.000047
count total (s) self (s)
6 0.000043 return get(b:, 'highlighturl_' . a:name, get(g:, 'highlighturl_' . a:name, a:default))
FUNCTION lsp#log()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/lsp/autoload/lsp.vim line 36
Called 2 times
Total time: 0.000031
Self time: 0.000031
count total (s) self (s)
2 0.000013 if !empty(g:lsp_log_file)
call writefile([strftime('%c') . ':' . json_encode(a:000)], g:lsp_log_file, 'a')
2 0.000003 endif
FUNCTION lsp#get_whitelisted_servers()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/lsp/autoload/lsp.vim line 655
Called 41 times
Total time: 0.014090
Self time: 0.014090
count total (s) self (s)
41 0.000085 if a:0 == 0
40 0.000102 let l:buffer_filetype = &filetype
1 0.000000 else
1 0.000003 if type(a:1) == type('')
let l:buffer_filetype = a:1
1 0.000000 else
1 0.000006 let l:buffer_filetype = getbufvar(a:1, '&filetype')
1 0.000001 endif
41 0.000036 endif
" TODO: cache active servers per buffer
41 0.000080 let l:active_servers = []
205 0.001354 for l:server_name in keys(s:servers)
164 0.002220 let l:server_info = s:servers[l:server_name]['server_info']
164 0.000536 let l:blacklisted = 0
164 0.000555 if has_key(l:server_info, 'blacklist')
for l:filetype in l:server_info['blacklist']
if l:filetype ==? l:buffer_filetype || l:filetype ==# '*'
let l:blacklisted = 1
164 0.000373 endif
164 0.000220 if l:blacklisted
164 0.000108 endif
164 0.000515 if has_key(l:server_info, 'whitelist')
410 0.000792 for l:filetype in l:server_info['whitelist']
246 0.000855 if l:filetype ==? l:buffer_filetype || l:filetype ==# '*'
let l:active_servers += [l:server_name]
246 0.000157 endif
410 0.000469 endfor
164 0.000124 endif
205 0.000281 endfor
41 0.000082 return l:active_servers
FUNCTION <SNR>65_t_start()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/traces/plugin/traces.vim line 41
Called 2 times
Total time: 0.000101
Self time: 0.000101
count total (s) self (s)
2 0.000031 if !g:traces_enabled || mode(1) =~# '^c.'
2 0.000002 endif
2 0.000011 if exists('##CmdlineChanged')
2 0.000032 let s:track_cmdl_timer = timer_start(30,function('s:create_cmdl_changed_au'))
let s:track_cmdl_timer = timer_start(30,function('s:track_cmdl'),{'repeat':-1})
2 0.000002 endif
FUNCTION <SNR>11_SelectJavascript()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/miv/ftdetect/javascript.vim line 1
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000014
Self time: 0.000014
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000011 if getline(1) =~# '^#!.*/bin/\%(env\s\+\)\?node\>'
set ft=javascript
1 0.000001 endif
Defined: /usr/local/Cellar/vim/8.1.1500/share/vim/vim81/syntax/synload.vim line 33
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000557
Self time: 0.000557
count total (s) self (s)
" clear syntax for :set syntax=OFF and any syntax name that doesn't exist
1 0.000003 syn clear
1 0.000002 if exists("b:current_syntax")
unlet b:current_syntax
1 0.000001 endif
1 0.000002 let s = expand("<amatch>")
1 0.000002 if s == "ON"
" :set syntax=ON
if &filetype == ""
echohl ErrorMsg
echo "filetype unknown"
echohl None
let s = &filetype
1 0.000001 elseif s == "OFF"
let s = ""
1 0.000001 endif
1 0.000001 if s != ""
" Load the syntax file(s). When there are several, separated by dots,
" load each in sequence.
2 0.000006 for name in split(s, '\.')
1 0.000522 exe "runtime! syntax/" . name . ".vim syntax/" . name . "/*.vim"
2 0.000002 endfor
1 0.000000 endif
FUNCTION <SNR>47_newmatch()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/landscape/colors/landscape.vim line 103
Called 3 times
Total time: 0.000303
Self time: 0.000303
count total (s) self (s)
3 0.000023 if !get(g:, 'landscape_highlight_todo', 0) && !get(g:, 'landscape_highlight_full_space', 0)
3 0.000003 endif
9 0.000101 for m in getmatches()
6 0.000022 if ==# 'Todo' || ==# 'FullSpace'
3 0.000019 silent! call matchdelete(
6 0.000007 endif
9 0.000008 endfor
3 0.000011 if get(g:, 'landscape_highlight_todo', 0)
3 0.000042 call matchadd('Todo', '\c\<todo\>', 10)
3 0.000003 endif
3 0.000011 if get(g:, 'landscape_highlight_full_space', 0)
call matchadd('FullSpace', "\u3000", 10)
3 0.000002 endif
FUNCTION lightline_powerful#gitbranch()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/lightline-powerful/autoload/lightline_powerful.vim line 48
Called 60 times
Total time: 0.005970
Self time: 0.002269
count total (s) self (s)
60 0.001330 if has_key(b:, 'lightline_gitbranch') && reltimestr(reltime(b:lightline_gitbranch_)) =~# '^\s*0\.[0-3]'
54 0.000215 return b:lightline_gitbranch
6 0.000006 endif
6 0.000027 if exists('*gitbranch#name')
6 0.003794 0.000093 let branch = gitbranch#name()
return ''
6 0.000006 endif
6 0.000425 let b:lightline_gitbranch = branch !=# '' ? s:fu.branch : ''
6 0.000047 let b:lightline_gitbranch_ = reltime()
6 0.000014 return b:lightline_gitbranch
FUNCTION <SNR>69_notify_event_to_source()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/asyncomplete/autoload/asyncomplete.vim line 477
Called 5 times
Total time: 56.026677
Self time: 0.000209
count total (s) self (s)
5 0.000010 try
5 0.000023 if has_key(s:sources, a:name)
5 56.026575 0.000107 call s:sources[a:name].on_event(s:sources[a:name], a:ctx, a:event)
5 0.000006 endif
call asyncomplete#log('core', 's:notify_event_to_source', 'error', v:exception)
5 0.000008 endtry
FUNCTION lsp#ui#vim#references#clean_references()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/lsp/autoload/lsp/ui/vim/references.vim line 177
Called 2 times
Total time: 0.000095
Self time: 0.000095
count total (s) self (s)
2 0.000021 let s:pending[&filetype] = v:false
2 0.000012 if exists('w:lsp_reference_matches')
for l:match in w:lsp_reference_matches
silent! call matchdelete(l:match)
unlet w:lsp_reference_matches
unlet w:lsp_reference_positions
2 0.000002 endif
FUNCTION <SNR>6_DetectElixir()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/miv/ftdetect/elixir.vim line 5
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000018
Self time: 0.000018
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000015 if (!did_filetype() || &filetype !=# 'elixir') && getline(1) =~# '^#!.*\<elixir\>'
set filetype=elixir
1 0.000000 endif
FUNCTION <SNR>108_getmatchstr()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/cmdline-ranges/autoload/cmdline_ranges.vim line 181
Called 3 times
Total time: 0.000073
Self time: 0.000073
count total (s) self (s)
3 0.000049 let str = matchstr(a:str, a:pat)
3 0.000022 return [str, a:str[len(str):]]
FUNCTION <SNR>99_on_buf_wipeout()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/lsp/autoload/lsp.vim line 264
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000018
Self time: 0.000018
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000011 if has_key(s:file_content, a:buf)
call remove(s:file_content, a:buf)
1 0.000001 endif
FUNCTION histexclude#update()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/histexclude/autoload/histexclude.vim line 11
Called 2 times
Total time: 0.000128
Self time: 0.000128
count total (s) self (s)
2 0.000102 if has_key(g:histexclude, a:history) && histget(a:history, -1) =~# get(g:histexclude, a:history, '')
call histdel(a:history, -1)
2 0.000004 endif
2 0.000005 return a:history
FUNCTION <SNR>105_get_selection_regexp()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/traces/autoload/traces.vim line 334
Called 25 times
Total time: 0.000236
Self time: 0.000236
count total (s) self (s)
25 0.000184 if empty(a:range)
25 0.000032 return ''
let pattern = '\%>' . (a:range[-2] - 1) . 'l\%<' . (a:range[-1] + 1) . 'l'
if &listchars =~# 'eol:.'
let pattern .= '\_.'
let pattern .= '\(.\|^\)'
return pattern
FUNCTION cursorword#matchadd()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/cursorword/autoload/cursorword.vim line 23
Called 41 times
Total time: 0.005936
Self time: 0.005936
count total (s) self (s)
41 0.000511 let enable = get(b:, 'cursorword', get(g:, 'cursorword', 1)) && !has('vim_starting')
41 0.000211 if !enable && !get(w:, 'cursorword_match') | return | endif
41 0.000306 let i = (a:0 ? a:1 : mode() ==# 'i' || mode() ==# 'R') && col('.') > 1
41 0.000156 let line = getline('.')
41 0.000120 let linenr = line('.')
41 0.001544 let word = matchstr(line[:(col('.')-i-1)], '\k*$') . matchstr(line[(col('.')-i-1):], '^\k*')[1:]
41 0.000369 if get(w:, 'cursorword_state', []) ==# [ linenr, word, enable ] | return | endif
41 0.000190 let w:cursorword_state = [ linenr, word, enable ]
41 0.000242 silent! call matchdelete(w:cursorword_id0)
41 0.000159 silent! call matchdelete(w:cursorword_id1)
41 0.000088 let w:cursorword_match = 0
41 0.000400 if !enable || word ==# '' || len(word) !=# strchars(word) && word !~# s:alphabets || len(word) > 1000 | return | endif
41 0.000260 let pattern = '\<' . escape(word, '~"\.^$[]*') . '\>'
41 0.000416 let w:cursorword_id0 = matchadd('CursorWord0', pattern, -1)
41 0.000624 let w:cursorword_id1 = matchadd('CursorWord' . &l:cursorline, '\%' . linenr . 'l' . pattern, -1)
41 0.000084 let w:cursorword_match = 1
FUNCTION <SNR>35_LoadFTPlugin()
Defined: /usr/local/Cellar/vim/8.1.1500/share/vim/vim81/ftplugin.vim line 14
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.001677
Self time: 0.001580
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000007 if exists("b:undo_ftplugin")
exe b:undo_ftplugin
unlet! b:undo_ftplugin b:did_ftplugin
1 0.000001 endif
1 0.000006 let s = expand("<amatch>")
1 0.000002 if s != ""
1 0.000014 if &cpo =~# "S" && exists("b:did_ftplugin")
" In compatible mode options are reset to the global values, need to
" set the local values also when a plugin was already used.
unlet b:did_ftplugin
1 0.000001 endif
" When there is a dot it is used to separate filetype names. Thus for
" "aaa.bbb" load "aaa" and then "bbb".
2 0.000009 for name in split(s, '\.')
1 0.001619 0.001522 exe 'runtime! ftplugin/' . name . '.vim ftplugin/' . name . '_*.vim ftplugin/' . name . '/*.vim'
2 0.000006 endfor
1 0.000000 endif
FUNCTION <SNR>82_LocalBrowse()
Defined: /usr/local/Cellar/vim/8.1.1500/share/vim/vim81/plugin/netrwPlugin.vim line 102
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000082
Self time: 0.000082
count total (s) self (s)
" Unfortunate interaction -- only DechoMsg debugging calls can be safely used here.
" Otherwise, the BufEnter event gets triggered when attempts to write to
" the DBG buffer are made.
1 0.000005 if !exists("s:vimentered")
" If s:vimentered doesn't exist, then the VimEnter event hasn't fired. It will,
" and so s:VimEnter() will then be calling this routine, but this time with s:vimentered defined.
" call Dfunc("s:LocalBrowse(dirname<".a:dirname.">) (s:vimentered doesn't exist)")
" call Dret("s:LocalBrowse")
1 0.000001 endif
" call Dfunc("s:LocalBrowse(dirname<".a:dirname.">) (s:vimentered=".s:vimentered.")")
1 0.000006 if has("amiga")
" The check against '' is made for the Amiga, where the empty
" string is the current directory and not checking would break
" things such as the help command.
" call Decho("(LocalBrowse) dirname<".a:dirname."> (isdirectory, amiga)")
if a:dirname != '' && isdirectory(a:dirname)
sil! call netrw#LocalBrowseCheck(a:dirname)
if exists("w:netrw_bannercnt") && line('.') < w:netrw_bannercnt
exe w:netrw_bannercnt
1 0.000024 elseif isdirectory(a:dirname)
" call Decho("(LocalBrowse) dirname<".a:dirname."> ft=".&ft." (isdirectory, not amiga)")
" call Dredir("LocalBrowse ft last set: ","verbose set ft")
" call Decho("(s:LocalBrowse) COMBAK#23: buf#".bufnr("%")." file<".expand("%")."> line#".line(".")." col#".col("."))
sil! call netrw#LocalBrowseCheck(a:dirname)
" call Decho("(s:LocalBrowse) COMBAK#24: buf#".bufnr("%")." file<".expand("%")."> line#".line(".")." col#".col("."))
if exists("w:netrw_bannercnt") && line('.') < w:netrw_bannercnt
exe w:netrw_bannercnt
" call Decho("(s:LocalBrowse) COMBAK#25: buf#".bufnr("%")." file<".expand("%")."> line#".line(".")." col#".col("."))
1 0.000001 else
" not a directory, ignore it
" call Decho("(LocalBrowse) dirname<".a:dirname."> not a directory, ignoring...")
1 0.000001 endif
" call Decho("(s:LocalBrowse) COMBAK#26: buf#".bufnr("%")." file<".expand("%")."> line#".line(".")." col#".col("."))
" call Dret("s:LocalBrowse")
FUNCTION highlighturl#delete_url_match()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/highlighturl/autoload/highlighturl.vim line 55
Called 2 times
Total time: 0.000096
Self time: 0.000096
count total (s) self (s)
8 0.000038 for m in getmatches()
6 0.000018 if ==# 'HighlightUrl' || ==# 'HighlightUrlCursor'
2 0.000010 call matchdelete(
6 0.000006 endif
8 0.000005 endfor
FUNCTION <SNR>105_add_hl_guard()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/traces/autoload/traces.vim line 395
Called 25 times
Total time: 0.000111
Self time: 0.000111
count total (s) self (s)
25 0.000067 if empty(a:pattern)
25 0.000025 return ''
if a:type is 's'
if empty(a:range)
let start = s:buf[s:nr].cur_init_pos[0] - 1
let end = s:buf[s:nr].cur_init_pos[0] + 1
let start = a:range[-2] - 1
let end = a:range[-1] + 1
elseif a:type is 'g'
if empty(a:range)
return a:pattern
let start = a:range[-2] - 1
let end = a:range[-1] + 1
elseif a:type is 'r'
let start = a:range - 1
let end = a:range + 1
let range = '\m\%>'. start .'l' . '\%<' . end . 'l'
" group is necessary to contain pattern inside range when using branches (\|)
let group_start = '\%('
let group_end = '\m\)'
" add backslash to the end of pattern if it ends with odd number of
" backslashes, this is required to properly close group
if len(matchstr(a:pattern, '\\\+$')) % 2
let group_end = '\' . group_end
return range . group_start . a:pattern . group_end
FUNCTION traces#init()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/traces/autoload/traces.vim line 976
Called 25 times
Total time: 0.029670
Self time: 0.007980
count total (s) self (s)
25 0.000326 if &buftype ==# 'terminal' || (has('nvim') && !empty(&inccommand))
if exists('s:track_cmdl_timer')
call timer_stop(s:track_cmdl_timer)
25 0.000036 endif
25 0.000185 let s:nr = bufnr('%')
25 0.000210 if !exists('s:buf[s:nr]')
2 0.000472 0.000043 call s:cmdl_enter(a:view)
25 0.000028 endif
25 0.000075 let s:highlighted = 0
25 0.000048 let s:moved = 0
25 0.000091 let s:last_pattern = @/
25 0.000076 let s:specifier_delimiter = 0
25 0.000041 let s:wundo_time = 0
25 0.000123 if s:buf[s:nr].duration < s:timeout
25 0.000130 let start_time = reltime()
25 0.000028 endif
25 0.000080 if s:buf[s:nr].changed
let view = winsaveview()
noautocmd keepjumps silent undo
let s:buf[s:nr].changed = 0
let s:highlighted = 1
call s:restore_marks()
call winrestview(view)
25 0.000022 endif
25 0.000100 if s:buf[s:nr].duration < s:timeout
25 0.021177 0.001073 let cmdl = s:evaluate_cmdl([s:skip_modifiers(a:cmdl)])
" range preview
25 0.000230 if (!empty( && !empty(cmdl.cmd.args) || s:buf[s:nr].show_range || s:specifier_delimiter && g:traces_num_range_preview) && !get(s:, 'entire_file')
call s:highlight('Visual', cmdl.range.pattern, 100)
if empty(
call s:highlight('TracesSearch', cmdl.range.specifier, 101)
call s:pos_range(cmdl.range.end, cmdl.range.specifier)
25 0.000018 else
" clear unnecessary range hl
25 0.001025 0.000453 call s:highlight('Visual', '', 100)
25 0.000016 endif
" cmd preview
25 0.000467 if =~# '\v^%(s%[ubstitute]|sm%[agic]|sno%[magic])$'
call s:preview_substitute(cmdl)
25 0.000235 elseif =~# '\v^%(g%[lobal]\!=|v%[global])$'
call s:preview_global(cmdl)
25 0.000111 elseif =~# '\v^%(sor%[t]\!=)$'
call s:preview_sort(cmdl)
25 0.000012 endif
25 0.000148 if empty( && empty(cmdl.range.specifier) || !empty( && empty(cmdl.cmd.args)
25 0.001041 0.000456 call s:highlight('TracesSearch', '', 101)
25 0.000023 endif
25 0.000017 endif
" move to starting position if necessary
25 0.000247 if !s:moved && winsaveview() != s:buf[s:nr].view && !wildmenumode()
call winrestview(s:buf[s:nr].view)
25 0.000021 endif
" update screen if necessary
25 0.000030 if s:highlighted
call s:adjust_cmdheight()
if has('nvim')
" if Vim is missing CmdlineChanged, use explicit redraw only at the
" start of preview or else it is going to be slow
if exists('##CmdlineChanged') || s:buf[s:nr].redraw
let s:buf[s:nr].redraw = 0
call winline()
" after patch 8.0.1449, necessary for linux cui, otherwise highlighting
" is not drawn properly, fixed by 8.0.1476
if has('unix') && !has('gui_running') && has("patch-8.0.1449") && !has("patch-8.0.1476")
silent! call feedkeys(getcmdpos() is 1 ? "\<right>\<left>" : "\<left>\<right>", 'tn')
25 0.000014 endif
25 0.000062 if exists('start_time')
25 0.000218 let s:buf[s:nr].duration = reltimefloat(reltime(start_time)) * 1000 - s:wundo_time
25 0.000018 endif
FUNCTION autoft#set()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/autoft/autoload/autoft.vim line 11
Called 2 times
Total time: 0.000304
Self time: 0.000304
count total (s) self (s)
2 0.000034 if &l:filetype !=# '' || &l:buftype !=# '' && &l:buftype !=# 'nofile' || !get(b:, 'autoft_enable', get(g:, 'autoft_enable', 1))
2 0.000003 endif
2 0.000004 try
2 0.000018 let save_cpo = &cpo
2 0.000026 set cpo&vim
2 0.000028 let maxline = min([max([get(g:, 'autoft_maxline', 10), 1]), line('$')])
2 0.000020 let maxcol = max([get(g:, 'autoft_maxcol', 80), 10]) - 1
2 0.000027 let lines = map(range(1, maxline), 'getline(v:val)[:(maxcol)]')
2 0.000013 if len(lines) == 1 && lines[0] ==# ''
2 0.000004 return
let ftpat = {}
for ftpat in get(g:, 'autoft_config', [])
for line in lines
if line =~# ftpat.pattern && ftpat.filetype !=# ''
let &l:filetype = ftpat.filetype
call autoft#error(v:exception, ftpat)
2 0.000003 finally
2 0.000018 let &cpo = save_cpo
2 0.000004 endtry
FUNCTION winfix#tabfocus()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/winfix/autoload/winfix.vim line 115
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000006
Self time: 0.000006
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000004 if len(s:stack) < 2 || s:stack[-2].tabcnt <= s:state.tabcnt || s:stack[-2].tabid ==# s:state.tabid
1 0.000000 return
let tabnrs = {}
for i in range(1, tabpagenr('$'))
if gettabvar(i, 'winfix_tabid') !=# ''
let tabnrs[gettabvar(i, 'winfix_tabid')] = i
let i = len(s:stack) - 2
while i >= 0 && !has_key(tabnrs, s:stack[i].tabid)
let i -= 1
if i >= 0
if tabpagenr('$') > 1 && has_key(tabnrs, s:stack[i].tabid)
silent! noautocmd execute 'tabnext' tabnrs[s:stack[i].tabid]
let s:move = 1
FUNCTION lightline_powerful#mode()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/lightline-powerful/autoload/lightline_powerful.vim line 64
Called 30 times
Total time: 0.002386
Self time: 0.002143
count total (s) self (s)
30 0.000442 if &ft ==# 'calendar'
call lightline#link("nvV\<C-v>"[b:calendar.visual_mode()])
30 0.000147 elseif &ft ==# 'thumbnail'
if !empty(b:thumbnail.view.visual_mode)
call lightline#link(b:thumbnail.view.visual_mode)
30 0.000198 elseif expand('%:t') ==# 'ControlP'
call lightline#link('iR'[get(g:lightline, 'ctrlp_regex', 0)])
30 0.000033 endif
30 0.000986 0.000743 return get(s:m, expand('%:t'), get(s:p, &ft, lightline#mode()))
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/miv/ftdetect/jq.vim line 1
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000007
Self time: 0.000007
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000005 if did_filetype() && &filetype !=# 'conf'
1 0.000002 return
if getline(1) =~# '^#!.*\<jq\>'
set filetype=jq
FUNCTION <SNR>99_on_text_document_did_close()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/lsp/autoload/lsp.vim line 243
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.001140
Self time: 0.001119
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000014 let l:buf = bufnr('%')
1 0.000857 if getbufvar(l:buf, '&buftype') ==# 'terminal' | return | endif
1 0.000266 0.000245 call lsp#log('s:on_text_document_did_close()', l:buf)
FUNCTION lightline#statusline()
Defined: ~/.vim/miv/lightline/autoload/lightline.vim line 311
Called 2 times
Total time: 0.004081
Self time: 0.000075
count total (s) self (s)
2 0.000005 if a:inactive && !has_key(s:highlight, 'inactive')
call lightline#highlight('inactive')
2 0.000001 endif
2 0.004070 0.000064 return s:line(0, a:inactive)
count total (s) self (s) function
5 56.026677 0.000209 <SNR>69_notify_event_to_source()
5 56.026468 0.008281 <SNR>68_on_event()
2 56.018187 <SNR>68_refresh_keywords()
25 0.029670 0.007980 traces#init()
40 0.016497 0.002600 lsp#ui#vim#references#highlight()
25 0.016399 0.003576 <SNR>105_evaluate_cmdl()
41 0.014090 lsp#get_whitelisted_servers()
25 0.006608 0.005092 <SNR>105_parse_range()
60 0.005970 0.002269 lightline_powerful#gitbranch()
41 0.005936 cursorword#matchadd()
2 0.004274 0.000193 lightline#update()
2 0.004081 0.000075 lightline#statusline()
2 0.004006 0.001902 <SNR>89_line()
25 0.003705 <SNR>105_skip_modifiers()
6 0.003701 0.001223 gitbranch#name()
8 0.003414 0.000661 gitbranch#detect()
25 0.003238 0.001456 <SNR>105_parse_command()
8 0.002753 gitbranch#dir()
25 0.002440 <SNR>105_evaluate_range()
30 0.002386 0.002143 lightline_powerful#mode()
count total (s) self (s) function
2 56.018187 <SNR>68_refresh_keywords()
41 0.014090 lsp#get_whitelisted_servers()
5 56.026468 0.008281 <SNR>68_on_event()
25 0.029670 0.007980 traces#init()
41 0.005936 cursorword#matchadd()
25 0.006608 0.005092 <SNR>105_parse_range()
25 0.003705 <SNR>105_skip_modifiers()
25 0.016399 0.003576 <SNR>105_evaluate_cmdl()
8 0.002753 gitbranch#dir()
40 0.016497 0.002600 lsp#ui#vim#references#highlight()
25 0.002440 <SNR>105_evaluate_range()
60 0.005970 0.002269 lightline_powerful#gitbranch()
30 0.002386 0.002143 lightline_powerful#mode()
100 0.002119 <SNR>105_trim()
40 0.002193 0.001999 <SNR>99_on_cursor_moved()
2 0.004006 0.001902 <SNR>89_line()
40 0.001644 parenmatch#update()
1 0.001677 0.001580 <SNR>35_LoadFTPlugin()
25 0.003238 0.001456 <SNR>105_parse_command()
6 0.003701 0.001223 gitbranch#name()
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