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Last active January 4, 2019 20:12
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Modified Start-UDHotReloader from Adam Driscoll that includes an app pool restart when a file in the Endpoints subdirectory is modified so the changes are applied nearly instantly. This was intended to works with IIS.
#Remove Import if not found and not using IIS
Import-Module WebAdministration
Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum DashboardAction
Undefined = 0,
Update = 1,
Restart = 2
function Start-UDHotReloader {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[int]$UpdateDelay = 750,
[String]$EndpointsPath = '*\Endpoints\*'
Process {
$fileInfo = [System.IO.FileInfo]::new($Root)
$fileSystemWatcher = [System.IO.FileSystemWatcher]::new($fileInfo.DirectoryName, "*.ps1")
$fileSystemWatcher.NotifyFilter = [IO.NotifyFilters]::LastWrite
$fileSystemWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = $true
$fileSystemWatcher.IncludeSubdirectories = $true
$Global:DashboardAction = [DashboardAction]::Undefined
$Global:DashboardActionDelay = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Timers.Timer'
$Global:DashboardActionDelay.AutoReset = $true
$Global:DashboardActionDelay.Interval = $UpdateDelay
Register-ObjectEvent $Global:DashboardActionDelay elapsed -SourceIdentifier 'ActionDelay' -Action {
try {
$Operation = ""
$Token = $event.MessageData.UpdateToken
$Url = $event.MessageData.Url
switch ($Global:DashboardAction) {
{$_ -band [DashboardAction]::Restart } {
$Operation = 'Apppool recycled'
Restart-WebAppPool -Name $event.MessageData.AppPool
{$_ -band [DashboardAction]::Update} {
$Operation = 'Dashboard updated'
Update-UDDashboard -Url $Url -UpdateToken $Token -FilePath $event.MessageData.Root
if ($Global:DashboardAction -ne [DashboardAction]::Undefined) {
Write-Host "$Operation - $Url " -ForegroundColor Cyan
catch {
Write-Host $_.Exception -ForegroundColor Red
Finally {
$Global:DashboardAction = [DashboardAction]::Undefined
} -MessageData @{
Url = $Url
UpdateToken = $UpdateToken
Root = $Root
AppPool = $AppPool
Register-ObjectEvent $fileSystemWatcher Changed -SourceIdentifier FileChanged -Action {
try {
$EndpointsPath = $event.MessageData.EndpointsPath
$AppPool = $event.MessageData.AppPool
$PerformRestart = $event.SourceEventArgs.FullPath -like $EndpointsPath -and -not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($event.MessageData.AppPool)
if ($PerformRestart) {
$Global:DashboardAction = $Global:DashboardAction -bor [DashboardAction]::Restart
} else {
$Global:DashboardAction = $Global:DashboardAction -bor [DashboardAction]::Update
catch {
Write-Host $_.Exception -ForegroundColor Red
} -MessageData @{
EndpointsPath = $EndpointsPath
AppPool = $AppPool
$UDHotParams = @{
Root = 'C:\Users\m\PoshUD-IIS\rest\src\root.ps1'
UpdateToken = 'test'
Url = ''
AppPool = 'PoshUD-IIS' # If omitted (because not using IIS), it will simply update dashboard
UpdateDelay = 500 # Default is 750 ms
EndpointsPath = '*\Endpoints\*'
Start-UDHotReloader @UDHotParams
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