I hereby claim:
- I am itsamenathan on github.
- I am nathan (https://keybase.io/nathan) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is B256 11F7 868D 408F 451D 21CA 882A C17B 7EA7 3818
To claim this, I am signing this object:
variable "supported_workspaces" { | |
default = ["dev", "beta", "prod"] | |
} | |
resource "null_resource" "is_workspace_supported" { | |
count = "${contains(var.supported_workspaces, terraform.workspace) ? 0 : 1}" | |
"\n\n!!!! ERROR !!!!\nYou are getting this error because you are trying to use an unsupported workspace. \nSupported workspaces are: [${join(", ", var.supported_workspaces)}]. You are currently using the \"${terraform.workspace}\" workspace. \nPlease see the README file for information on how to configure a workspace." = true | |
} | |
#!/bin/bash | |
set -x | |
set -e | |
case "$1" in | |
start) | |
echo "start" | |
USER="$2" | |
IP="$3" |
date -s "$(curl -s --head http://google.com | awk '/^Date/ {$1=""; print $0}')" |
# Colors | |
ESC_SEQ="\x1b[" | |
COL_RESET=$ESC_SEQ"39;49;00m" | |
COL_RED=$ESC_SEQ"31;01m" | |
COL_GREEN=$ESC_SEQ"32;01m" | |
COL_YELLOW=$ESC_SEQ"33;01m" | |
COL_BLUE=$ESC_SEQ"34;01m" | |
COL_MAGENTA=$ESC_SEQ"35;01m" | |
COL_CYAN=$ESC_SEQ"36;01m" |
#!/bin/bash | |
if [ -z "$1" ]; then | |
echo "Didn't pass in option for date -d" | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
newdate=$(date -d "$1") | |
export GIT_AUTHOR_DATE=$newdate | |
export GIT_COMMITTER_DATE=$newdate | |
git commit |
word=Linux | |
letter_sequence=inu | |
if echo "$word" | grep -q "$letter_sequence" | |
# The "-q" option to grep suppresses output. | |
then | |
echo "$letter_sequence found in $word" | |
else | |
echo "$letter_sequence not found in $word" | |
fi |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
if hash foo 2>/dev/null; then | |
echo "foo" | |
else | |
echo "no foo" | |
fi |