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Created April 18, 2021 11:03
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using Pkg
using CmdStan, Random, Distributions, MCMCChains
model = "
data {
// total number of data points in y
int<lower=1> N;
// number of groups
int<lower=1> G;
// number of predictors
int<lower=1> P;
// group index
int<lower=1> group[N];
vector[N] y;
matrix[N,P] X;
parameters {
real<lower=0> sigma;
real<lower=0> s;
real mu_beta0;
vector[G] beta0;
vector[P] betas;
model {
real sigma_beta0;
sigma ~ lognormal(0,1);
mu_beta0 ~ normal(0, 1);
s ~ inv_gamma(3, 2);
sigma_beta0 = sqrt(s);
beta0 ~ normal(0, sigma_beta0);
for(i in 1:N){
y[i] ~ normal(mu_beta0 + beta0[group[i]] + X[i,:]*betas, sigma);
proj_dir = @__DIR__
# add your path here if not set up on machine's path
seed = 1051
# Generate data.
# number of observations per group
N = 10
# number of groups
G = 100
# number of coefficients
P = 3
X = randn(N*G, P)
z = repeat(1:G, inner=N)
beta = [-2, 0, 2]
intercept = 1
random_intercepts = rand(Normal(0,1), G)
sigma = .1
y = intercept .+ X * beta + random_intercepts[z] + randn(N*G) * sigma
stan_data = Dict("N"=>N*G, "P"=>P, "G"=>G, "X"=>X, "group"=>z, "y"=>y)
config = Sample(; num_samples=1000, num_warmup=1000, adapt=CmdStan.Adapt(;delta=.65))
stanmodel = Stanmodel(config, name="model", model=model, printsummary=false,
output_format=:mcmcchains, random = CmdStan.Random(seed));
config.algorithm.engine.max_depth = 10
@time rc, samples, cnames = stan(stanmodel, stan_data, proj_dir);
using Turing, ReverseDiff, Zygote
using Distributions
import Random
# Turing.setadbackend(:zygote)
@model multilevel_with_random_intercept(y, X, z) = begin
# number of unique groups
num_random_intercepts = length(unique(z))
# number of predictors
num_predictors = size(X, 2)
### NOTE: Carefully chosen priors should be used for a particular application. ###
# Prior for standard deviation for errors.
sigma ~ LogNormal()
# Prior for coefficients for predictors.
beta ~ filldist(Normal(), num_predictors)
# Prior for intercept.
intercept ~ Normal()
# Prior for variance of random intercepts. Usually requires thoughtful specification.
s2 ~ InverseGamma(3, 2)
s = sqrt(s2)
# Prior for random intercepts.
random_intercepts ~ filldist(Normal(0, s), num_random_intercepts)
# likelihood.
y .~ Normal.(intercept .+ X * beta + random_intercepts[z], sigma)
N = 10
G = 200
P = 3
X = randn(N*G, P)
z = repeat(1:G, inner=N)
beta = [-2, 0, 2]
intercept = 1
random_intercepts = rand(Normal(0,1), G)
sigma = .1
y = intercept .+ X * beta + random_intercepts[z] + randn(N * G) * sigma
# Sample via NUTS.
@time chain = sample(multilevel_with_random_intercept(y, X, z), NUTS(1000,.65), 1000, progress=true)
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