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Created November 3, 2024 06:42
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Automate Migration and Caching Route, Views and Config on Git Pull with Git Hooks
echo "Running optimized post-merge hook..."
# Check for new migration files
if git diff --name-only HEAD@{1} HEAD | grep -qE '^database/migrations/.*\.php'; then
echo "New migrations found. Running database migrations..."
php artisan migrate --force
echo "No new migrations found. Skipping migration step."
# Check for changes in config files
if git diff --name-only HEAD@{1} HEAD | grep -qE '^config/.*\.php'; then
echo "Config changes detected. Recaching config..."
php artisan config:cache
echo "No config changes detected. Skipping config cache."
# Check for changes in view files
if git diff --name-only HEAD@{1} HEAD | grep -qE '^resources/views/.*\.(php|blade\.php)'; then
echo "View changes detected. Recaching views..."
php artisan view:cache
echo "No view changes detected. Skipping view cache."
# Check for changes in route files
if git diff --name-only HEAD@{1} HEAD | grep -qE '^routes/.*\.php'; then
echo "Route changes detected. Recaching routes..."
php artisan route:cache
echo "No route changes detected. Skipping route cache."
echo "Optimized post-merge tasks completed!"
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