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Created February 17, 2019 18:54
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Some simple calculations of wort cooling with an internal coil
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
# LMTD case
def f(t,y,params):
p2, p3, Tin = params
Tout = (1. - 1./np.exp(p2))*y + 1./np.exp(p2)*Tin
return p3*(Tin - Tout)
# \infty-flow case
def ftin(t,y,params):
p1, Tin = params
return p1*(Tin - y[0])
# CSTR-case
def ftout(t,y,params):
p1, p2, Tin = params
return p1/(1.+p2)*(Tin - y[0])
# target event
def reaches_25(t,y):
return y[0] - (273 + 25)
def main():
phi = 0.01 # pretok [kg/s]
phi = 200./3600.
cpw = 4200. # specificna toplota vode [J/kg/K]
mb = 15. # masa piva [kg]
cpb = 3849. # specificna toplota piva
U = 400. # toplotna prehodnost stene [W/m^2/K]
A = 0.3 # povrsina spirale [m^2]
Tin = 273.15 + 13 # vstopna temperature [K]
tmax = 40
t = (0,tmax*60) # time interval
t_eval = np.linspace(t[0],t[1],100)
y0 = [273.15 + 100] # zacetna temperatura piva [K]
p1 = U*A/mb/cpb
p2 = U*A/phi/cpw
p3 = phi*cpw/mb/cpb
flow = np.linspace(50./3600.,900./3600,60)
t25 = []
for flw in flow:
p2flw = U*A/flw/cpw
p3flw = flw*cpw/mb/cpb
sol = solve_ivp(fun=lambda t, y: f(t,y,(p2flw,p3flw,Tin)),t_span=t,y0=y0,t_eval=t_eval,events=reaches_25)
plt.plot(flow*3600,t25,label="Time from 100 °C till 25 °C")
plt.xlabel("Flow rate [kg/h]")
plt.ylabel("Necessary time [min]")
sol = solve_ivp(fun=lambda t, y: f(t,y,(p2,p3,Tin)),t_span=t,y0=y0,t_eval=t_eval,events=reaches_25)
sol_tin = solve_ivp(fun=lambda t, y: ftin(t,y,(p1,Tin)),t_span=t,y0=y0,t_eval=t_eval)
sol_tout = solve_ivp(fun=lambda t, y: ftout(t,y,(p1,p2,Tin)),t_span=t,y0=y0,t_eval=t_eval)
print("t = ", sol.t)
print("t_eval = ", t_eval)
print("y = ", sol.y)
print(" reaches_25 ", sol.t_events[0][0]/60)
tmin = t_eval/60
plt.plot(tmin,sol_tin.y[0,:]-273,'-', color='C0', label=r"$\infty$-flow $T(t)$")
Tout = (1-np.exp(-p2))*sol.y[0,:] + np.exp(-p2)*Tin
plt.plot(tmin,sol.y[0,:]-273,'-',color='C1',label=r'LMTD $T(t)$')
plt.plot(tmin,Tout-273,'--',color='C1',label=r'LMTD $T_{{out}}(t)$')
Tout = (Tin + p2*sol_tout.y[0,:])/(1.+p2)
plt.plot(tmin,sol_tout.y[0,:]-273,'-',color='C2',label=r"CSTR $T$")
plt.plot(tmin,Tout-273,'--',color='C2',label=r'CSTR $T_{{out}}(t)$')
plt.ylabel("Wort temperatue [°C]")
plt.xlabel("Time [min]")
plt.title(r"Wort chilling, $\phi = {}$ kg/h".format(phi*3600))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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