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Ivan Lanin ivanlanin

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ivanlanin /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56 — forked from mbostock/.block
Wrapping long text with bar transition

This example, using satirical data from The Onion, demonstrates how to wrap long axis labels to fit on multiple lines.

Forked from Mike's Gist as a personal journey to study various aspects of D3. Some additional features added:

It turns out that some features (tooltip, alert) can only be used by using open in new window in bl.ocks.

ivanlanin /
Created February 16, 2014 12:48 — forked from vprtwn/

Drag from an existing node to add a new node or link. Click to select/deselect nodes/links. Hit the DELETE key to remove the selected node or link. Drag to pan. Scroll to zoom.

Built with D3.js.

This example pulls together various examples of work with trees in D3.js.

The panning functionality can certainly be improved in my opinion and I would be thrilled to see better solutions contributed.

One can do all manner of housekeeping or server related calls on the drop event to manage a remote tree dataset for example.

Dragging can be performed on any node other than root (flare). Dropping can be done on any node.

Panning can either be done by dragging an empty part of the SVG around or dragging a node towards an edge.

ivanlanin / pun-yang-ditulis-serangkai
Last active October 2, 2016 09:28
Daftar dua belas "pun" yang berfungsi sebagai kata sambung dan ditulis serangkai. Di luar daftar ini, semua "pun" ditulis terpisah, misalnya "apa pun" dan "siapa pun". Entri bertanda asterisk (*) dapat ditulis terpisah (misalnya "ada pun") dengan arti berbeda. Keterangan selengkapnya dapat dibaca di…
ivanlanin / bentuk-terikat
Last active October 2, 2018 03:25
Daftar bentuk terikat yang ditulis serangkai dengan kata yang mengikutinya: Entri dengan tanda asterisk (*) belum dimasukkan sebagai bentuk terikat di dalam KBBI IV. Awalan dan klitik tidak dimasukkan di dalam daftar ini.
a-: asusila
ab-: abnormal
adi-: adibusana
aero-*: aerodinamika
alo-*: alofon
antar-: antarkota
ante-: antemeridiem
anti-: antibiotik
apo-: apoenzim
asta-: astakona
ivanlanin / gabungan-kata-yang-ditulis-serangkai
Last active December 10, 2018 07:17
Daftar gabungan kata bahasa Indonesia yang ditulis serangkai
ivanlanin /
Last active August 1, 2021 06:35 — forked from rkirsling/LICENSE
Directed graph editor

Click in the open space to add a node, drag from one node to another to add an edge.
Ctrl-drag a node to move the graph layout.
Click a node or an edge to select it.

When a node is selected: R toggles reflexivity, Delete removes the node.
When an edge is selected: L(eft), R(ight), B(oth) change direction, Delete removes the edge.

To see this example as part of a larger project, check out Modal Logic Playground!

ivanlanin / kata.dat
Last active May 17, 2023 13:57
Daftar kata yang sering salah dieja dengan tiap baris terdiri atas ejaan yang benar lebih dahulu dan diikuti variannya
Benar Salah
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Alquran Al-Qur'an
Alquran Al-Quran
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