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Last active July 12, 2022 00:53
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First, let's set up the 'enviroment'.

  • Clone this repo

git clone

  • Go to the created folder or the one you especified

cd docker-phpqa

  • Create a folder for you to build and test some PHPT

mkdir phpt/username

PHPT have some conventions for file name

  • {function-name}_basic.phpt

  • {function-name}_error.phpt

  • {function-name}_variation.phpt

  • {ext-name}{number}.phpt

  • bug{bug-id}.phpt

  • Create a new file to build you first PHPT and check in_array usage

vim phpt/username/in_array_basic.phpt

Content of the .phpt file

Testing correct usage of in_array
Your Name <user [at] domain [dot] com>
$os = array('Mac', 'Windows', 'Linux');

if (in_array('Mac', $os)) {
    echo 'Mac Found';

Mac Found


TEST block is use to add a description of waht is this PHPT testing


CREDITS block is your credentials and maybe the testfest you participated :D


FILE block is where you add php code to test what you need, plain and simple PHP


EXPECT or EXPECTF block is the output message that php should return

EXPECT for the correct usage

EXPECTF for the error usage

Now, let's roll!

./phpqa phpt/username

Console Output

Running selected tests.
PASS Testing correct usage of in_array [/usr/src/phpt/ivan/in_array_basic.phpt] 
Number of tests :    1                 1
Tests skipped   :    0 (  0.0%) --------
Tests warned    :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
Tests failed    :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
Expected fail   :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
Tests passed    :    1 (100.0%) (100.0%)
Time taken      :    0 seconds

All good! Now let's test for an error.

First, we need to change the --EXPECT-- tag to --EXPECTF-- this is the correct block name to validate an error and the --TEST-- block description

  • Create a file to build a in_array error PHPT

vim phpt/username/in_array_error.phpt

Change something that will generate an error output, in this example, change $os var to something that is not an array

Content of the .phpt file

Testing wrong usage of in_array
Ivan Rosolen <ivanrosolen [at] gmail [dot] com>
$os = '';

if (in_array('Mac', $os)) {
    echo 'Mac Found';

Mac Found
  • Run the test to see the output

./phpqa phpt/ivan

You should get an console output like this

Running selected tests.
PASS Testing correct usage of in_array [/usr/src/phpt/ivan/in_array_basic.phpt] 
FAIL Testing correct usage of in_array [/usr/src/phpt/ivan/in_array_error.phpt] 
Number of tests :    2                 2
Tests skipped   :    0 (  0.0%) --------
Tests warned    :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
Tests failed    :    1 ( 50.0%) ( 50.0%)
Expected fail   :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
Tests passed    :    1 ( 50.0%) ( 50.0%)
Time taken      :    0 seconds

Testing wrong usage of in_array [/usr/src/phpt/ivan/in_array_error.phpt]

Now let's see the log files


Result of the --EXPECT-- or --EXPECTF-- block of the phpt file

less phpt/ivan/in_array_error.exp

Mac Found


PHP output message

less phpt/ivan/in_array_error.out

Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, string given in /usr/src/phpt/ivan/in_array_error.phpt on line 4


--FILE-- Block code

less phpt/ivan/in_array_error.phpt

$os = '';

if (in_array('Mac', $os)) {
    echo 'Mac Found';



Command used to run the test

less phpt/ivan/


/usr/src/php/sapi/cli/php  -n -c '/usr/src/php/tmp-php.ini'  -d "output_handler=" -d "open_basedir=" -d "disable_functions=" -d "output_buffering=Off" -d "error_reporting=32767" -d "display_errors=1" -d "display_startup_errors=1" -d "log_errors=0" -d "html_errors=0" -d "track_errors=1" -d "report_memleaks=1" -d "report_zend_debug=0" -d "docref_root=" -d "docref_ext=.html" -d "error_prepend_string=" -d "error_append_string=" -d "auto_prepend_file=" -d "auto_append_file=" -d "ignore_repeated_errors=0" -d "precision=14" -d "memory_limit=128M" -d "log_errors_max_len=0" -d "opcache.fast_shutdown=0" -d "opcache.file_update_protection=0" -d "extension_dir=/usr/src/php/modules/" -d "zend_extension=/usr/src/php/modules/" -d "session.auto_start=0" -d "zlib.output_compression=Off" -d "mbstring.func_overload=0" -f "/usr/src/phpt/ivan/in_array_error.phpt"  2>&1

Useful logs

Those files can help you to see the exact output and what you need to change on your script

less phpt/ivan/in_array_error.log

001+ Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, string given in /usr/src/phpt/ivan/in_array_error.phpt on line 4
001- Mac Found

less phpt/ivan/in_array_error.diff

Mac Found
Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, string given in /usr/src/phpt/ivan/in_array_error.phpt on line 4

Fixing .phpt file

In this example, you need to change your --EXPECTF-- block to

Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, string given in /usr/src/phpt/ivan/in_array_error.phpt on line 4

But, in order to this test be able to run smoothly in any version and the changes easier, let's get rid of the static things like numbers and types.

Change 'string' to the wildcard '%s', this way the test will be good to validate no only string but the wrong parameter type.

Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, %s given in /usr/src/phpt/ivan/in_array_error.phpt on line 4

Let's change the script name and line just to make the output cleaner and changes easier

Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, %s given in %s on line %d

The wilscards are:

  • %s - string
  • %d - number
  • %c - single char
  • %w - whitespace
  • %i - integer
  • %f - float
  • %x - hexadecimal
  • %e - directory separator

Run again

./phpqa phpt/username

If all works good, the log files will be deleted and you will get something like this

Running selected tests.
PASS Testing correct usage of in_array [/usr/src/phpt/ivan/in_array_basic.phpt] 
PASS Testing correct usage of in_array [/usr/src/phpt/ivan/in_array_error.phpt] 
Number of tests :    2                 2
Tests skipped   :    0 (  0.0%) --------
Tests warned    :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
Tests failed    :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
Expected fail   :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
Tests passed    :    2 (100.0%) (100.0%)
Time taken      :    0 seconds
Copy link

Use instead, phpqa is deprecated

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