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Powershell script mongodb replica set
Stands up a mongo replica set that consists of 1 primary, 1 secondary, 1 hidden secondary and 1 arbiter.
.PARAMETER mongoPath
Path to mongo /bin dir.
Path to dir where mongo database and logs will be stored.
.PARAMETER replSetName
Replica set name.
PS C:\> .\StartReplicaSet-2nod-1arb.ps1 -mongodPath "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin"
-dbRoot "C:\mongodb"
-replSetName "rs0" -initReplicaSet
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $mongoPath,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $dbRoot,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $replSetName,
[switch] $initReplicaSet
function Get-NodCfg($path, [string[]]$nodes){
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$pathList = @()
$port = 27018
$portIndex = 0
foreach($node in $nodes){
$nodePort = $port + $portIndex
Write-Debug "Checking path for $path`\$node" | Out-Null
$nodeRoot = Join-Path -Path $path -ChildPath $node
$nodeDataPath = Join-Path -Path $nodeRoot -ChildPath "data"
$nodeLogPath = Join-Path -Path $nodeRoot -ChildPath "log"
if(!(Test-Path -PathType Container -Path $nodeDataPath)){
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $nodeDataPath -Force | Out-Null
Write-Output "Created dir path: $nodeDataPath" | Out-Null
if(!(Test-Path -PathType Container -Path $nodeLogPath)){
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $nodeLogPath -Force | Out-Null
Write-Output "Created dir path: $nodeLogPath" | Out-Null
$pathList.Add(@{Name="$node";DataDir="$nodeDataPath";LogPath="$nodeLogPath\mongod.log";Port=$nodePort}) | Out-Null
$portIndex = $portIndex + 1
# use Out-Null to suppress output from other commands
return $pathList
# ensure directory path for replica set nodes
$NODE_NAMES = @("1","2","3","arb")
$nodePaths = Get-NodCfg $(Join-Path $dbRoot $replSetName) $NODE_NAMES
# fire up mongod instance for node1
$replSetMemebersCfg = "{_id:0,host:'localhost:$($nodePaths[0].Port)'}"
Start-Process "cmd.exe" "/c `"`"$mongoPath\\mongod.exe`" --port $($nodePaths[0].Port) --dbpath `"$($nodePaths[0].DataDir)`" --logpath `"$($nodePaths[0].LogPath)`" --replSet $replSetName`""
# fire up mongod instance for node2
$replSetMemebersCfg = $replSetMemebersCfg + ",{_id:1,host:'localhost:$($nodePaths[1].Port)'}"
Start-Process "cmd.exe" "/c `"`"$mongoPath\\mongod.exe`" --port $($nodePaths[1].Port) --dbpath `"$($nodePaths[1].DataDir)`" --logpath `"$($nodePaths[1].LogPath)`" --replSet $replSetName`""
# fire up mongod instance for hidden node
$replSetMemebersCfg = $replSetMemebersCfg + ",{_id:2,host:'localhost:$($nodePaths[2].Port)',hidden:true,priority:0}"
Start-Process "cmd.exe" "/c `"`"$mongoPath\\mongod.exe`" --port $($nodePaths[2].Port) --dbpath `"$($nodePaths[2].DataDir)`" --logpath `"$($nodePaths[2].LogPath)`" --replSet $replSetName`""
# fire up mongod instance for arbiter
$replSetMemebersCfg = $replSetMemebersCfg + ",{_id:3,host:'localhost:$($nodePaths[3].Port)',arbiterOnly:true}"
Start-Process "cmd.exe" "/c `"`"$mongoPath\\mongod.exe`" --port $($nodePaths[3].Port) --dbpath `"$($nodePaths[3].DataDir)`" --logpath `"$($nodePaths[3].LogPath)`" --replSet $replSetName`""
if ($initReplicaSet) {
$mongoExe = "$mongoPath\\mongo.exe"
$primaryNode = "localhost:$($nodePaths[0].Port)"
$replSetInitCmd = "db.adminCommand({'replSetInitiate':{_id:'$replSetName',members:[$replSetMemebersCfg]}})"
$rsConfCmd = "rs.conf()"
$statsCmd = "db.adminCommand({'replSetGetStatus':1})"
Write-Debug "$replSetInitCmd"
# use /k param to persist open cmd window
Start-Process "cmd.exe" "/c `"`"$mongoExe`" $primaryNode --eval $replSetInitCmd & timeout /T 2 & `"$mongoExe`" $primaryNode --eval $rsConfCmd & timeout /T 10 & `"$mongoExe`" $primaryNode --eval $statsCmd & PAUSE`""
Stands up a mongo replica set that consists of 1 primary, 1 secondary and 1 arbiter.
.PARAMETER mongoPath
Path to mongo /bin dir.
Path to dir where mongo database and logs will be stored.
.PARAMETER replSetName
Replica set name.
PS C:\> .\StartReplicaSet-2nod-1arb.ps1 -mongodPath "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin"
-dbRoot "C:\mongodb"
-replSetName "rs0" -initReplicaSet
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $mongoPath,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $dbRoot,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $replSetName,
[switch] $initReplicaSet
function Get-NodCfg($path, [string[]]$nodes){
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$pathList = @()
$port = 27018
$portIndex = 0
foreach($node in $nodes){
$nodePort = $port + $portIndex
Write-Debug "Checking path for $path`\$node" | Out-Null
$nodeRoot = Join-Path -Path $path -ChildPath $node
$nodeDataPath = Join-Path -Path $nodeRoot -ChildPath "data"
$nodeLogPath = Join-Path -Path $nodeRoot -ChildPath "log"
if(!(Test-Path -PathType Container -Path $nodeDataPath)){
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $nodeDataPath -Force | Out-Null
Write-Output "Created dir path: $nodeDataPath" | Out-Null
if(!(Test-Path -PathType Container -Path $nodeLogPath)){
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $nodeLogPath -Force | Out-Null
Write-Output "Created dir path: $nodeLogPath" | Out-Null
$pathList.Add(@{Name="$node";DataDir="$nodeDataPath";LogPath="$nodeLogPath\mongod.log";Port=$nodePort}) | Out-Null
$portIndex = $portIndex + 1
# use Out-Null to suppress output from other commands
return $pathList
# ensure directory path for replica set nodes
$NODE_NAMES = @("1","2","arb")
$nodePaths = Get-NodCfg $(Join-Path $dbRoot $replSetName) $NODE_NAMES
# fire up mongod instance for node1
$replSetMemebersCfg = "{_id:0,host:'localhost:$($nodePaths[0].Port)'}"
Start-Process "cmd.exe" "/c `"`"$mongoPath\\mongod.exe`" --port $($nodePaths[0].Port) --dbpath `"$($nodePaths[0].DataDir)`" --logpath `"$($nodePaths[0].LogPath)`" --replSet $replSetName`""
# fire up mongod instance for node2
$replSetMemebersCfg = $replSetMemebersCfg + ",{_id:1,host:'localhost:$($nodePaths[1].Port)'}"
Start-Process "cmd.exe" "/c `"`"$mongoPath\\mongod.exe`" --port $($nodePaths[1].Port) --dbpath `"$($nodePaths[1].DataDir)`" --logpath `"$($nodePaths[1].LogPath)`" --replSet $replSetName`""
# fire up mongod instance for arbiter
$replSetMemebersCfg = $replSetMemebersCfg + ",{_id:2,host:'localhost:$($nodePaths[2].Port)',arbiterOnly:true}"
Start-Process "cmd.exe" "/c `"`"$mongoPath\\mongod.exe`" --port $($nodePaths[2].Port) --dbpath `"$($nodePaths[2].DataDir)`" --logpath `"$($nodePaths[2].LogPath)`" --replSet $replSetName`""
if ($initReplicaSet) {
$mongoExe = "$mongoPath\\mongo.exe"
$primaryNode = "localhost:$($nodePaths[0].Port)"
$replSetInitCmd = "db.adminCommand({'replSetInitiate':{_id:'$replSetName',members:[$replSetMemebersCfg]}})"
$rsConfCmd = "rs.conf()"
$statsCmd = "db.adminCommand({'replSetGetStatus':1})"
Write-Debug "$replSetInitCmd"
# use /k param to persist open cmd window
Start-Process "cmd.exe" "/c `"`"$mongoExe`" $primaryNode --eval $replSetInitCmd & timeout /T 2 & `"$mongoExe`" $primaryNode --eval $rsConfCmd & timeout /T 10 & `"$mongoExe`" $primaryNode --eval $statsCmd & PAUSE`""
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