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Created October 27, 2020 15:12
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Rundeck script to patch GitLab
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# shellcheck disable=2059,2154,2034,2155,2046,2086
# vim: softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab fenc=utf-8 spelllang=en ft=sh
# DESCRIPTION: Apply security and bug fixes to GitLab.
set -e # Exit immediately on error
set -u # Treat unset variables as an error
set -o pipefail # Prevent errors in a pipeline from being masked
IFS=$'\n\t' # Set the internal field separator to a tab and newline
# Variables #
#export DEBUG=true
declare -A timings
# Functions #
function echoinfo() {
local GC="\033[1;32m"
local EC="\033[0m"
printf "${GC} ☆ INFO${EC}: %s${GC}\n" "$@";
function echodebug() {
local BC="\033[1;34m"
local EC="\033[0m"
local GC="\033[1;32m"
if [[ -n ${DEBUG+x} ]]; then
printf "${BC} ★ DEBUG${EC}: %s${GC}\n" "$@";
function echoerror() {
local RC="\033[1;31m"
local EC="\033[0m"
printf "${RC} ✖ ERROR${EC}: %s\n" "$@" 1>&2;
function display_timings_summary() {
local divider='=============================='
local header="\n %-28s %s\n"
local format=" %-28s %s\n"
local width=40
local total_duration=0
for duration in "${timings[@]}"; do
total_duration=$((duration + total_duration))
printf "$header" "TASK" "DURATION"
printf "%$width.${width}s\n" "$divider"
for key in "${!timings[@]}"; do
local converted_timing=$(date -u -d @${timings[$key]} +"%T")
printf "$format" "$key" "${converted_timing}"
printf "%$width.${width}s\n" "$divider"
printf "$format" "TOTAL TIME:" $(date -u -d @${total_duration} +"%T")
printf "\n"
function backup_gitlab() {
local begin=$(date +%s)
echoinfo "Backing up GitLab database"
sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:create STRATEGY=copy
local end=$(date +%s)
local tottime="$((end - begin))"
function update_gitlab() {
local begin=$(date +%s)
echoinfo "Applying GitLab updates"
sudo yum install -y gitlab-ee
local end=$(date +%s)
local tottime="$((end - begin))"
# Main #
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