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Created September 27, 2017 12:27
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Verifies a safety condition on all paths
open Core_kernel.Std
open Bap.Std
open Graphlib.Std
open Format
include Self()
module CG = Graphs.Callgraph
module CFG = Graphs.Tid
module DAG = Graphlib.Make(Tid)(Unit)
type pcfg = {
scc : tid partition;
cfg : CFG.t;
type callsite = {
caller : tid;
callee : tid;
type t = {
srcs : Tid.Set.t;
dsts : Tid.Set.t;
cg : CG.t;
type no_src_or_dst = [`No_src | `No_dst]
type must_not = [`Not_present | no_src_or_dst]
type may_not = [`Maybe_not]
type must = [`Calls]
type may = [`Equiv of tid group | `Pdom of (tid * tid)]
type decision = [must_not | may_not | may | must]
let remove_loops nodes cfg =
let groups = Partition.groups nodes in
Seq.cartesian_product groups groups |>
Seq.filter ~f:(fun (g1,g2) ->
Seq.exists (Group.enum g1) ~f:(fun n1 ->
Seq.exists (Group.enum g2) ~f:(fun n2 ->
CFG.Node.has_edge n1 n2 cfg))) |>
Seq.fold ~init:DAG.empty ~f:(fun g (g1,g2) ->
let n1 = g1 and n2 = g2 in
let edge = DAG.Edge.create n1 n2 () in
DAG.Edge.insert edge g)
let insert_exit_node cfg =
let exit = Tid.create () in
exit, DAG.nodes cfg |> Seq.fold ~init:cfg ~f:(fun cfg n ->
if ~dir:`Out n cfg = 0
let edge = DAG.Edge.create n exit () in
DAG.Edge.insert edge cfg
else cfg)
let compute_pdom {scc; cfg} =
let cfg = remove_loops scc cfg in
let exit,cfg = insert_exit_node cfg in
Graphlib.dominators (module DAG) ~rev:true cfg exit
let find_by_name prog name =
Term.enum sub_t prog |>
Seq.find_map ~f:(fun s ->
Option.some_if ( s = name) (Term.tid s))
let calls_of_blk blk =
Term.enum jmp_t blk |> Seq.filter_map ~f:(fun j ->
match Jmp.kind j with
| Goto _ | Ret _ | Int (_,_) -> None
| Call dst -> match dst with
| Direct tid -> Some {caller = Term.tid blk; callee=tid}
| Indirect _ -> None)
let calls_of_program prog =
Term.enum sub_t prog |>
Seq.concat_map ~f:(fun sub ->
Term.enum blk_t sub |>
Seq.concat_map ~f:calls_of_blk)
let reaches cg target {callee} =
Graphlib.is_reachable (module CG) cg callee target
let reaching cg callsites target =
Seq.filter callsites ~f:(reaches cg target) |>
Seq.fold ~init:Tid.Set.empty ~f:(fun cs {caller} ->
Set.add cs caller)
let cfg_of_sub sub =
let cfg = Sub.to_graph sub in
{ cfg; scc = Graphlib.strong_components (module CFG) cfg}
let partition prog =
Term.enum sub_t prog |> ~f:cfg_of_sub
let cross_product {srcs; dsts} =
(Set.to_sequence srcs)
(Set.to_sequence dsts)
let has_equiv p cfgs =
cross_product p |> Seq.find_map ~f:(fun (src,dst) ->
if Tid.equal src dst then None
else Seq.find_map cfgs ~f:(fun {scc} ->
if Partition.equiv scc src dst
then scc src
else None))
let has_pdom p pdoms =
cross_product p |> Seq.find ~f:(fun (src,dst) ->
Seq.exists pdoms ~f:(fun pdom ->
Tree.is_ancestor_of pdom ~child:src dst))
let verify_graph prog p =
let cfgs = Seq.memoize (partition prog) in
match has_equiv p cfgs with
| Some x -> `Equiv x
| None ->
let pdoms = cfgs ~f:compute_pdom |> Seq.memoize in
match has_pdom p pdoms with
| None -> `Maybe_not
| Some x -> `Pdom x
let verify prog src dst : decision =
match find_by_name prog src, find_by_name prog dst with
| None,None -> `Not_present
| None, Some _ -> `No_src
| Some _, None -> `No_dst
| Some src, Some dst ->
let cg = Program.to_graph prog in
if Graphlib.is_reachable (module CG) cg src dst
then `Calls
let calls = calls_of_program prog in
verify_graph prog {
srcs = reaching cg calls src;
dsts = reaching cg calls dst;
let pp_decision src dst (d : decision) =
let sol = match d with
| #must_not -> "can't be called"
| #may -> "may be called"
| #must -> "is called"
| #may_not -> "is unlikely to be called" in
let desc = match d with
| `Maybe_not -> "there is no such path, unless there is an indirect call"
| `Calls -> sprintf "%s directly calls %s" src dst
| `Not_present -> "both functions are not present in the binary"
| `Equiv g ->
asprintf "there are callsites to these functions that belong \
to the same loop, e.g., %a" (Group.pp Tid.pp) g
| `Pdom (cs,cd) ->
"there is a callsite to %s that is postdominated by %s \
e.g., %a and %a" src dst Tid.pp cs Tid.pp cd
| #no_src_or_dst as t ->
sprintf "%s is not present in the binary" @@ match t with
| `No_src -> src
| `No_dst -> dst in
printf "%s %s before %s because %s@\n" src sol dst desc
let main src dst proj =
let prog = Project.program proj in
pp_decision src dst (verify prog src dst)
module Cmdline = struct
open Config
let src = param string "src" ~doc:"Name of the source function"
let dst = param string "dst" ~doc:"Name of the sink function"
when_ready (fun {get=(!!)} ->
Project.register_pass' (main !!src !!dst))
manpage [
"Checks whether there is an execution path that contains a call
to the $(v,src) function before a call to the $(v,dst)
parameter. Outputs a possible (shortest) chain of calls that can
lead to the policy violation."
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